blob: 6cfdd4c6abd5dbe8ab3f88d0dfa182385530061d [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
SCRIPT=$(basename -- "${0}")
export LC_ALL=C
if [[ ! -e /etc/cros_chroot_version ]]; then
echo "This script must be run inside the chroot."
exit 1
if [[ "$#" -lt 3 ]]; then
echo "Usage: ${SCRIPT} base_name reference_name variant_name [bug_number]"
echo "e.g. ${SCRIPT} hatch hatch kohaku b:140261109"
echo "e.g. ${SCRIPT} zork trembyle frobozz b:148161697"
echo "Adds a new coreboot configuation for the variant by copying the"
echo "baseboard config file and replaces the names in the config file."
exit 1
# This is the name of the base board.
# ${var,,} converts to all lowercase.
# This is the name of the reference board that we're using to make the variant.
# ${var,,} converts to all lowercase.
# This is the name of the variant that is being cloned.
# We need all uppercase version, too, so ${var^^}
# Assign BUG= text, or "None" if that parameter wasn't specified.
# Work in third_party/chromiumos-overlay/sys-boot/coreboot/files/configs
# unless CB_CONFIG_DIR is set, in which case work in that dir
cd "${HOME}/trunk/src/${CB_CONFIG_DIR:-${DEFAULT_CB_CONFIG_DIR}}" || exit 1
# Make sure the variant doesn't already exist.
if [[ -e "config.${VARIANT}" ]]; then
echo "config.${VARIANT} already exists."
echo "Have you already created this variant?"
exit 1
# Start a branch. Use YMD timestamp to avoid collisions.
DATE=$(date +%Y%m%d)
repo start "create_${VARIANT}_${DATE}" . || exit 1
# There are multiple usages of the reference board name that we want to change,
# using the Hatch reference board and the Kohaku variant in this example.
# ---
# That one is easy; replace all-uppercase of the reference board with
# all-uppercase of the variant.
# Some baseboards have additional usages, such as
# CONFIG_IFD_BIN_PATH="3rdparty/blobs/baseboard/hatch/descriptor-hatch.bin"
# ---
# CONFIG_IFD_BIN_PATH="3rdparty/blobs/baseboard/hatch/descriptor-kohaku.bin"
# The "hatch" name occurs twice in the original path, and we only want to
# change the last occurrence, so we get 'descriptor-kohaku.bin'.
# Another possibility for the IFD is that the baseboard doesn't use a
# hyphenated name, so we also need to search for descriptor.bin, e.g.
# CONFIG_IFD_BIN_PATH="3rdparty/blobs/baseboard-octopus/descriptor.bin"
# We also need to update the me.bin name, so that each board has its own binary
# CONFIG_ME_BIN_PATH="3rdparty/blobs/baseboard/hatch/me-hatch.bin"
# ---
# CONFIG_ME_BIN_PATH="3rdparty/blobs/baseboard/hatch/me-kohaku.bin"
-e "s/descriptor-${BASE}\.bin/descriptor-${VARIANT}.bin/" \
-e "s/descriptor-${REFERENCE}\.bin/descriptor-${VARIANT}.bin/" \
-e "s/descriptor\.bin/descriptor-${VARIANT}.bin/" \
-e "s/me-${BASE}\.bin/me-${VARIANT}.bin/" \
-e "s/me-${REFERENCE}\.bin/me-${VARIANT}.bin/" \
"config.${REFERENCE}" > "config.${VARIANT}"
git add "config.${VARIANT}"
# Now commit the files.
git commit -m "${BASE}: Add ${VARIANT} coreboot configuration
Create a new coreboot configuration for the ${VARIANT} variant
of the ${REFERENCE} reference board. The new configuration file is
a copy of the reference board, but the name of the baseboard is
replaced by the name of the variant where applicable.
(Auto-Generated by ${SCRIPT} version ${VERSION}).
TEST=FW_NAME=${VARIANT} emerge-${BASE} coreboot chromeos-bootimage
Ensure that image-${VARIANT}.*.bin are created"