Rework the devserver help to make it much easier to use.

After debugging and working with others to debug their issues with the
devserver, it has become clear that the devserver help is awful. This CL
does a much needed touch up on the devserver help message. Now you get
a full doc with options grouped based on who should use them. For the most part
most people should only ever need data_dir, port, and -t. Please take a look
over both the main docstring and which group I put each option in and let
me know if you disagree.

I also started the work in deprecating for_vm and replacing it with

TEST=--help and also ran with every combination of --for_vm and

Change-Id: Ic8d2c8519e7c9d4737a8e24ae44cbfe5f9ee1c84
Tested-by: Chris Sosa <>
Reviewed-by: Gilad Arnold <>
Reviewed-by: Chris Masone <>
Commit-Queue: Chris Sosa <>
diff --git a/ b/
index 1f71ef4..0e0b49c 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@
     src_image:       if specified, creates a delta payload from this image.
     proxy_port:      port of local proxy to tell client to connect to you
-    vm:              set for VM images (doesn't patch kernel)
+    patch_kernel:    Patch the kernel when generating updates
     board:           board for the image. Needed for pre-generating of updates.
     copy_to_static_root:  copies images generated from the cache to ~/static.
     private_key:          path to private key in PEM format.
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@
   def __init__(self, serve_only=None, test_image=False, urlbase=None,
                forced_image=None, payload_path=None,
-               proxy_port=None, src_image='', vm=False, board=None,
+               proxy_port=None, src_image='', patch_kernel=True, board=None,
                copy_to_static_root=True, private_key=None,
                critical_update=False, remote_payload=False, max_updates= -1,
                host_log=False, *args, **kwargs):
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@
     self.payload_path = payload_path
     self.src_image = src_image
     self.proxy_port = proxy_port
-    self.vm = vm
+    self.patch_kernel = patch_kernel
     self.board = board
     self.copy_to_static_root = copy_to_static_root
     self.private_key = private_key
@@ -310,7 +310,7 @@
     if src_image:
       update_command.extend(['--src_image', src_image])
-    if not self.vm:
+    if self.patch_kernel:
     if self.private_key:
@@ -360,7 +360,7 @@
     if self.private_key:
       update_dir += '+' + common_util.GetFileMd5(self.private_key)
-    if not self.vm:
+    if self.patch_kernel:
       update_dir += '+patched_kernel'
     return os.path.join(CACHE_DIR, update_dir)
diff --git a/ b/
index b45a235..1badcde 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -4,7 +4,42 @@
 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
 # found in the LICENSE file.
-"""A CherryPy-based webserver to host images and build packages."""
+"""Chromium OS development server that can be used for all forms of update.
+This devserver can be used to perform system-wide autoupdate and update
+of specific portage packages on devices running Chromium OS derived operating
+systems. It mainly operates in two modes:
+1) archive mode: In this mode, the devserver is configured to stage and
+serve artifacts from Google Storage using the credentials provided to it before
+it is run. The easiest way to understand this is that the devserver is
+functioning as a local cache for artifacts produced and uploaded by build
+servers. Users of this form of devserver can either download the artifacts
+from the devservers static directory OR use the update RPC to perform a
+system-wide autoupdate. Archive mode is always active.
+2) artifact-generation mode: in this mode, the devserver will attempt to
+generate update payloads and build artifacts when requested. This mode only
+works in the Chromium OS chroot as it uses build tools only present in the
+chroot (emerge, cros_generate_update_payload, etc.). By default, when a device
+requests an update from this form of devserver, the devserver will attempt to
+discover if a more recent build of the board has been built by the developer
+and generate a payload that the requested system can autoupdate to. In addition,
+it accepts gmerge requests from devices that will stage the newest version of
+a particular package from a developer's chroot onto a requesting device. Note
+if archive_dir is specified, this mode is disabled.
+For example:
+gmerge gmerge -d <devserver_url>
+devserver will see if a newer package of gmerge is available. If gmerge is
+cros_work'd on, it will re-build gmerge. After this, gmerge will install that
+version of gmerge that the devserver just created/found.
+For autoupdates, there are many more advanced options that can help specify
+how to update and which payload to give to a requester.
 import cherrypy
 import json
@@ -693,77 +728,137 @@
+def _AddTestingOptions(parser):
+  group = optparse.OptionGroup(
+      parser, 'Advanced Testing Options', 'These are used by test scripts and '
+      'developers writing integration tests utilizing the devserver. They are '
+      'not intended to be really used outside the scope of someone '
+      'knowledgable about the test.')
+  group.add_option('--exit',
+                   action='store_true',
+                   help='do not start the server (yet pregenerate/clear cache)')
+  group.add_option('--host_log',
+                   action='store_true', default=False,
+                   help='record history of host update events (/api/hostlog)')
+  group.add_option('--max_updates',
+                   metavar='NUM', default= -1, type='int',
+                   help='maximum number of update checks handled positively '
+                        '(default: unlimited)')
+  group.add_option('--private_key',
+                   metavar='PATH', default=None,
+                   help='path to the private key in pem format. If this is set '
+                   'the devserver will generate update payloads that are '
+                   'signed with this key.')
+  group.add_option('--proxy_port',
+                   metavar='PORT', default=None, type='int',
+                   help='port to have the client connect to -- basically the '
+                   'devserver lies to the update to tell it to get the payload '
+                   'from a different port that will proxy the request back to '
+                   'the devserver. The proxy must be managed outside the '
+                   'devserver.')
+  group.add_option('--remote_payload',
+                   action='store_true', default=False,
+                   help='Payload is being served from a remote machine')
+  group.add_option('-u', '--urlbase',
+                   metavar='URL',
+                     help='base URL for update images, other than the '
+                     'devserver. Use in conjunction with remote_payload.')
+  parser.add_option_group(group)
+def _AddUpdateOptions(parser):
+  group = optparse.OptionGroup(
+      parser, 'Autoupdate Options', 'These options can be used to change '
+      'how the devserver either generates or serve update payloads. Please '
+      'note that all of these option affect how a payload is generated and so '
+      'do not work in archive-only mode.')
+  group.add_option('--board',
+                   help='By default the devserver will create an update '
+                   'payload from the latest image built for the board '
+                   'a device that is requesting an update has. When we '
+                   'pre-generate an update (see below) and we do not specify '
+                   'another update_type option like image or payload, the '
+                   'devserver needs to know the board to generate the latest '
+                   'image for. This is that board.')
+  group.add_option('--critical_update',
+                   action='store_true', default=False,
+                   help='Present update payload as critical')
+  group.add_option('--for_vm',
+                   dest='vm', action='store_true',
+                   help='DEPRECATED: see no_patch_kernel.')
+  group.add_option('--image',
+                   metavar='FILE',
+                   help='Generate and serve an update using this image to any '
+                   'device that requests an update.')
+  group.add_option('--no_patch_kernel',
+                   dest='patch_kernel', action='store_false', default=True,
+                   help='When generating an update payload, do not patch the '
+                   'kernel with kernel verification blob from the stateful '
+                   'partition.')
+  group.add_option('--payload',
+                   metavar='PATH',
+                   help='use the update payload from specified directory '
+                   '(update.gz).')
+  group.add_option('-p', '--pregenerate_update',
+                   action='store_true', default=False,
+                   help='pre-generate the update payload before accepting '
+                   'update requests. Useful to help debug payload generation '
+                   'issues quickly. Also if an update payload will take a '
+                   'long time to generate, a client may timeout if you do not'
+                   'pregenerate the update.')
+  group.add_option('--src_image',
+                   metavar='PATH', default='',
+                   help='If specified, delta updates will be generated using '
+                   'this image as the source image. Delta updates are when '
+                   'you are updating from a "source image" to a another '
+                   'image.')
+  parser.add_option_group(group)
+def _AddProductionOptions(parser):
+  group = optparse.OptionGroup(
+      parser, 'Advanced Server Options', 'These options can be used to changed '
+      'for advanced server behavior.')
+  # TODO(sosa): Clean up the fact we have archive_dir and data_dir. It's ugly.
+  # Should be --archive_mode + optional data_dir.
+  group.add_option('--archive_dir',
+                   metavar='PATH',
+                   help='Enables archive-only mode. This disables any '
+                   'update or package generation related functionality. This '
+                   'mode also works without a Chromium OS chroot.')
+  group.add_option('--clear_cache',
+                   action='store_true', default=False,
+                   help='At startup, removes all cached entries from the'
+                   'devserver\'s cache.')
+  group.add_option('--logfile',
+                   metavar='PATH',
+                   help='log output to this file instead of stdout')
+  group.add_option('--production',
+                   action='store_true', default=False,
+                   help='have the devserver use production values when '
+                   'starting up. This includes using more threads and '
+                   'performing less logging.')
+  parser.add_option_group(group)
 def main():
-  usage = 'usage: %prog [options]'
+  usage = '\n\n'.join(['usage: %prog [options]', __doc__])
   parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage)
-  parser.add_option('--archive_dir',
-                    metavar='PATH',
-                    help='Enables serve-only mode. Serves archived builds only')
-  parser.add_option('--board',
-                    help='when pre-generating update, board for latest image')
-  parser.add_option('--clear_cache',
-                    action='store_true', default=False,
-                    help='clear out all cached updates and exit')
-  parser.add_option('--critical_update',
-                    action='store_true', default=False,
-                    help='present update payload as critical')
                     help='writable directory where static lives')
-  parser.add_option('--exit',
-                    action='store_true',
-                    help='do not start server (yet pregenerate/clear cache)')
-  parser.add_option('--for_vm',
-                    dest='vm', action='store_true',
-                    help='update is for a vm image')
-  parser.add_option('--host_log',
-                    action='store_true', default=False,
-                    help='record history of host update events (/api/hostlog)')
-  parser.add_option('--image',
-                    metavar='FILE',
-                    help='Force update using this image. Can only be used when '
-                    'not in serve-only mode as it is used to generate a '
-                    'payload.')
-  parser.add_option('--logfile',
-                    metavar='PATH',
-                    help='log output to this file instead of stdout')
-  parser.add_option('--max_updates',
-                    metavar='NUM', default= -1, type='int',
-                    help='maximum number of update checks handled positively '
-                         '(default: unlimited)')
-  parser.add_option('-p', '--pregenerate_update',
-                    action='store_true', default=False,
-                    help='pre-generate update payload. Can only be used when '
-                    'not in serve-only mode as it is used to generate a '
-                    'payload.')
-  parser.add_option('--payload',
-                    metavar='PATH',
-                    help='use update payload from specified directory')
                     default=8080, type='int',
                     help='port for the dev server to use (default: 8080)')
-  parser.add_option('--private_key',
-                    metavar='PATH', default=None,
-                    help='path to the private key in pem format')
-  parser.add_option('--production',
-                    action='store_true', default=False,
-                    help='have the devserver use production values')
-  parser.add_option('--proxy_port',
-                    metavar='PORT', default=None, type='int',
-                    help='port to have the client connect to (testing support)')
-  parser.add_option('--remote_payload',
-                    action='store_true', default=False,
-                    help='Payload is being served from a remote machine')
-  parser.add_option('--src_image',
-                    metavar='PATH', default='',
-                    help='source image for generating delta updates from')
   parser.add_option('-t', '--test_image',
-                    help='whether or not to use test images')
-  parser.add_option('-u', '--urlbase',
-                    metavar='URL',
-                    help='base URL for update images, other than the devserver')
+                    help='If set, look for the chromiumos_test_image.bin file '
+                    'when generating update payloads rather than the '
+                    'chromiumos_image.bin which is the default.')
+  _AddProductionOptions(parser)
+  _AddUpdateOptions(parser)
+  _AddTestingOptions(parser)
   (options, _) = parser.parse_args()
   devserver_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]))
@@ -773,6 +868,10 @@
   static_dir = os.path.realpath('%s/static' % options.data_dir)
   os.system('mkdir -p %s' % static_dir)
+  # TODO(sosa): Remove after depcrecation.
+  if options.vm:
+    options.patch_kernel = False
   if options.archive_dir:
   # TODO(zbehan) Remove legacy support:
   #  archive_dir is the directory where static/archive will point.
@@ -821,7 +920,7 @@
-      vm=options.vm,
+      patch_kernel=options.patch_kernel,
       copy_to_static_root=not options.exit,