devserver: fix failing unit tests

This fixes gsutil_util unit tests, which have been failing since the
module's max retry attempts were decreased (currently only one attempt
is being made at gsutil runs).

TEST=Tests pass.

Change-Id: I732d73ff787cd23772827cf6f3723d0ac2873be6
Tested-by: Gilad Arnold <>
Reviewed-by: Dan Shi <>
diff --git a/ b/
index 907901e..6ac85cd 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -26,8 +26,19 @@
     self._bad_mock_process = self.mox.CreateMock(subprocess.Popen)
     self._bad_mock_process.returncode = 1
+    self._gs_run_setup = False
   def _CallRunGS(self, str_should_contain, attempts=1):
     """Helper that wraps a RunGS for tests."""
+    # Setup necessary stubs for gsutil invocation (just once).
+    if not self._gs_run_setup:
+      self._gs_run_setup = True
+      self.mox.StubOutWithMock(subprocess, 'Popen', use_mock_anything=True)
+      # Sleep only occurs if we expect to have multiple retry attempts.
+      if min(attempts, gsutil_util.GSUTIL_ATTEMPTS) > 1:
+        self.mox.StubOutWithMock(time, 'sleep')
+        time.sleep(mox.IgnoreArg()).MultipleTimes()
     for attempt in range(attempts):
       if attempt == gsutil_util.GSUTIL_ATTEMPTS:
         # We can't mock more than we can attempt.
@@ -46,23 +57,16 @@
   def testDownloadFromGS(self):
     """Tests that we can run download build from gs with one error."""
-    self.mox.StubOutWithMock(time, 'sleep')
-    time.sleep(mox.IgnoreArg()).MultipleTimes()
-    self.mox.StubOutWithMock(subprocess, 'Popen', use_mock_anything=True)
-    # Make sure we our retry works.
-    self._CallRunGS('from to', attempts=2)
+    # Make sure our retry works (but only if actually configured).
+    self._CallRunGS('from to',
+                    attempts=min(2, gsutil_util.GSUTIL_ATTEMPTS))
     gsutil_util.DownloadFromGS('from', 'to')
   def testDownloadFromGSButGSDown(self):
     """Tests that we fail correctly if we can't reach GS."""
-    self.mox.StubOutWithMock(time, 'sleep')
-    time.sleep(mox.IgnoreArg()).MultipleTimes()
-    self.mox.StubOutWithMock(subprocess, 'Popen', use_mock_anything=True)
     self._CallRunGS('from to', attempts=gsutil_util.GSUTIL_ATTEMPTS + 1)