| (cr) ((9ec0ecd...)) pfagerburg@pfagerburg2 ~/trunk/src/platform/dev/contrib/variant $ ./new_variant.py --continue |
| INFO:root:Running step push_coreboot |
| INFO:requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTPS connection (1): review.coreboot.org |
| Found (coreboot, 42551), saving to yaml |
| INFO:root:Running step upload_CLs |
| INFO:requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTPS connection (1): review.coreboot.org |
| [COMMIT 1/1 646dc060f1fe] puff: Add wyvern coreboot configuration |
| [PASSED] repohooks passed in 0:00:00.085175 |
| Upload project src/third_party/chromiumos-overlay/ to remote branch refs/heads/master: |
| branch create_wyvern_20200618 ( 1 commit, Thu Jun 18 21:06:18 2020 -0600): |
| 646dc060 puff: Add wyvern coreboot configuration |
| to https://chromium-review.googlesource.com (y/N)? <--yes> |
| remote: Processing changes: refs: 1, new: 1, done |
| remote: |
| remote: SUCCESS |
| remote: |
| remote: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/chromiumos/overlays/chromiumos-overlay/+/2252826 puff: Add wyvern coreboot configuration [WIP] [NEW] |
| remote: |
| To https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/chromiumos/overlays/chromiumos-overlay |
| * [new branch] create_wyvern_20200618 -> refs/for/master%wip |
| |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| [OK ] src/third_party/chromiumos-overlay/ create_wyvern_20200618 |
| Found (chromium, 2252826), saving to yaml |
| INFO:requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTPS connection (1): review.coreboot.org |
| [COMMIT 1/1 f84f27faf371] puff: Add fitimage for wyvern |
| [PASSED] repohooks passed in 0:00:00.067894 |
| Upload project src/private-overlays/baseboard-puff-private/ to remote branch refs/heads/master: |
| branch create_wyvern_20200618 ( 1 commit, Thu Jun 18 21:11:09 2020 -0600): |
| f84f27fa puff: Add fitimage for wyvern |
| to https://chrome-internal-review.googlesource.com (y/N)? <--yes> |
| remote: Processing changes: refs: 1, new: 1, done |
| remote: |
| remote: SUCCESS |
| remote: |
| remote: https://chrome-internal-review.googlesource.com/c/chromeos/overlays/baseboard-puff-private/+/3122979 puff: Add fitimage for wyvern [WIP] [NEW] |
| remote: |
| To https://chrome-internal-review.googlesource.com/chromeos/overlays/baseboard-puff-private |
| * [new branch] create_wyvern_20200618 -> refs/for/master%wip |
| |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| [OK ] src/private-overlays/baseboard-puff-private/ create_wyvern_20200618 |
| Found (chrome-internal, 3122979), saving to yaml |
| INFO:requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTPS connection (1): review.coreboot.org |
| [COMMIT 1/1 46d455a21ce4] wyvern: enable default firmware build |
| [PASSED] repohooks passed in 0:00:07.158037 |
| Upload project src/project/puff/wyvern/ to remote branch refs/heads/master: |
| branch create_wyvern_20200618 ( 1 commit, Thu Jun 18 21:06:17 2020 -0600): |
| 46d455a2 wyvern: enable default firmware build |
| to https://chrome-internal-review.googlesource.com (y/N)? <--yes> |
| remote: Processing changes: refs: 1, new: 1, done |
| remote: |
| remote: SUCCESS |
| remote: |
| remote: https://chrome-internal-review.googlesource.com/c/chromeos/project/puff/wyvern/+/3122980 wyvern: enable default firmware build [WIP] [NEW] |
| remote: |
| To https://chrome-internal-review.googlesource.com/chromeos/project/puff/wyvern |
| * [new branch] create_wyvern_20200618 -> refs/for/master%wip |
| |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| [OK ] src/project/puff/wyvern/ create_wyvern_20200618 |
| INFO:root:Running step find_coreboot_upstream |
| ERROR:root:Program cannot continue until coreboot CL is upstreamed. |
| ERROR:root:(coreboot:42551, change-id Id7a090058d2926707495387f7e90b3b8ed83dac7) |
| ERROR:root:Please wait for the CL to be upstreamed, then run this program again with --continue |
| (cr) ((9ec0ecd...)) pfagerburg@pfagerburg2 ~/trunk/src/platform/dev/contrib/variant $ |