blob: 87e31deca69ce5b8396fccb54d50688004b1e7fc [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
from xml.dom import minidom
import datetime
import json
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import time
import urllib2
import urlparse
import cherrypy
from build_util import BuildObject
import common_util
import log_util
# Module-local log function.
def _Log(message, *args, **kwargs):
return log_util.LogWithTag('UPDATE', message, *args, **kwargs)
UPDATE_FILE = 'update.gz'
STATEFUL_FILE = 'stateful.tgz'
CACHE_DIR = 'cache'
class AutoupdateError(Exception):
"""Exception classes used by this module."""
def _ChangeUrlPort(url, new_port):
"""Return the URL passed in with a different port"""
scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment = urlparse.urlsplit(url)
host_port = netloc.split(':')
if len(host_port) == 1:
host_port[1] = new_port
print host_port
netloc = "%s:%s" % tuple(host_port)
return urlparse.urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment))
class HostInfo:
"""Records information about an individual host.
attrs: Static attributes (legacy)
log: Complete log of recorded client entries
def __init__(self):
# A dictionary of current attributes pertaining to the host.
self.attrs = {}
# A list of pairs consisting of a timestamp and a dictionary of recorded
# attributes.
self.log = []
def __repr__(self):
return 'attrs=%s, log=%s' % (self.attrs, self.log)
def AddLogEntry(self, entry):
"""Append a new log entry."""
# Append a timestamp.
assert not 'timestamp' in entry, 'Oops, timestamp field already in use'
entry['timestamp'] = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
# Add entry to hosts' message log.
def SetAttr(self, attr, value):
"""Set an attribute value."""
self.attrs[attr] = value
def GetAttr(self, attr):
"""Returns the value of an attribute."""
if attr in self.attrs:
return self.attrs[attr]
def PopAttr(self, attr, default):
"""Returns and deletes a particular attribute."""
return self.attrs.pop(attr, default)
class HostInfoTable:
"""Records information about a set of hosts who engage in update activity.
table: Table of information on hosts.
def __init__(self):
# A dictionary of host information. Keys are normally IP addresses.
self.table = {}
def __repr__(self):
return '%s' % self.table
def GetInitHostInfo(self, host_id):
"""Return a host's info object, or create a new one if none exists."""
return self.table.setdefault(host_id, HostInfo())
def GetHostInfo(self, host_id):
"""Return an info object for given host, if such exists."""
if host_id in self.table:
return self.table[host_id]
class Autoupdate(BuildObject):
"""Class that contains functionality that handles Chrome OS update pings.
serve_only: serve only pre-built updates. static_dir must contain
update.gz and stateful.tgz.
factory_config: path to the factory config file if handling factory
use_test_image: use chromiumos_test_image.bin rather than the standard.
urlbase: base URL, other than devserver, for update images.
forced_image: path to an image to use for all updates.
payload_path: path to pre-generated payload to serve.
src_image: if specified, creates a delta payload from this image.
proxy_port: port of local proxy to tell client to connect to you
vm: set for VM images (doesn't patch kernel)
board: board for the image. Needed for pre-generating of updates.
copy_to_static_root: copies images generated from the cache to ~/static.
private_key: path to private key in PEM format.
critical_update: whether provisioned payload is critical.
remote_payload: whether provisioned payload is remotely staged.
_PAYLOAD_URL_PREFIX = '/static/'
_FILEINFO_URL_PREFIX = '/api/fileinfo/'
def __init__(self, serve_only=None, test_image=False, urlbase=None,
forced_image=None, payload_path=None,
proxy_port=None, src_image='', vm=False, board=None,
copy_to_static_root=True, private_key=None,
critical_update=False, remote_payload=False,
*args, **kwargs):
super(Autoupdate, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.serve_only = serve_only
self.factory_config = factory_config_path
self.use_test_image = test_image
if urlbase:
self.urlbase = urlbase
self.urlbase = None
self.forced_image = forced_image
self.payload_path = payload_path
self.src_image = src_image
self.proxy_port = proxy_port
self.vm = vm
self.board = board
self.copy_to_static_root = copy_to_static_root
self.private_key = private_key
self.critical_update = critical_update
self.remote_payload = remote_payload
# Path to pre-generated file.
self.pregenerated_path = None
# Initialize empty host info cache. Used to keep track of various bits of
# information about a given host. A host is identified by its IP address.
# The info stored for each host includes a complete log of events for this
# host, as well as a dictionary of current attributes derived from events.
self.host_infos = HostInfoTable()
def _GetSecondsSinceMidnight(self):
"""Returns the seconds since midnight as a decimal value."""
now = time.localtime()
return now[3] * 3600 + now[4] * 60 + now[5]
def _GetDefaultBoardID(self):
"""Returns the default board id stored in .default_board."""
board_file = '%s/.default_board' % (self.scripts_dir)
return open(board_file).read()
except IOError:
return 'x86-generic'
def _GetLatestImageDir(self, board_id):
"""Returns the latest image dir based on shell script."""
cmd = '%s/ --board %s' % (self.scripts_dir, board_id)
return os.popen(cmd).read().strip()
def _GetVersionFromDir(self, image_dir):
"""Returns the version of the image based on the name of the directory."""
latest_version = os.path.basename(image_dir)
parts = latest_version.split('-')
if len(parts) == 2:
# Old-style, e.g. "0.15.938.2011_08_23_0941-a1".
# TODO(derat): Remove the code for old-style versions after 20120101.
return parts[0]
# New-style, e.g. "R16-1102.0.2011_09_30_0806-a1".
return parts[1]
def _CanUpdate(self, client_version, latest_version):
"""Returns true if the latest_version is greater than the client_version.
_Log('client version %s latest version %s'
% (client_version, latest_version))
client_tokens = client_version.replace('_', '').split('.')
# If the client has an old four-token version like "0.16.892.0", drop the
# first two tokens -- we use versions like "892.0.0" now.
# TODO(derat): Remove the code for old-style versions after 20120101.
if len(client_tokens) == 4:
client_tokens = client_tokens[2:]
latest_tokens = latest_version.replace('_', '').split('.')
if len(latest_tokens) == 4:
latest_tokens = latest_tokens[2:]
for i in range(min(len(client_tokens), len(latest_tokens))):
if int(latest_tokens[i]) == int(client_tokens[i]):
return int(latest_tokens[i]) > int(client_tokens[i])
# Favor four-token new-style versions on the server over old-style versions
# on the client if everything else matches.
return len(latest_tokens) > len(client_tokens)
def _UnpackZip(self, image_dir):
"""Unpacks an into a given directory."""
image = os.path.join(image_dir, self._GetImageName())
if os.path.exists(image):
return True
# -n, never clobber an existing file, in case we get invoked
# simultaneously by multiple request handlers. This means that
# we're assuming each file lives in a versioned
# directory (a la Buildbot).
return os.system('cd %s && unzip -n' % image_dir) == 0
def _GetImageName(self):
"""Returns the name of the image that should be used."""
if self.use_test_image:
image_name = 'chromiumos_test_image.bin'
image_name = 'chromiumos_image.bin'
return image_name
def _IsDeltaFormatFile(self, filename):
file_handle = open(filename, 'r')
delta_magic = 'CrAU'
magic =
return magic == delta_magic
except Exception:
return False
def GetUpdatePayload(self, sha1, sha256, size, url, is_delta_format):
"""Returns a payload to the client corresponding to a new update.
sha1: SHA1 hash of update blob
sha256: SHA256 hash of update blob
size: size of update blob
url: where to find update blob
Xml string to be passed back to client.
delta = 'false'
if is_delta_format:
delta = 'true'
payload = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<gupdate xmlns="" protocol="2.0">
<daystart elapsed_seconds="%s"/>
<app appid="{%s}" status="ok">
<ping status="ok"/>
extra_attributes = []
if self.critical_update:
# The date string looks like '20111115' (2011-11-15). As of writing,
# there's no particular format for the deadline value that the
# client expects -- it's just empty vs. non-empty.
date_str ='%Y%m%d')
extra_attributes.append('deadline="%s"' % date_str)
xml = payload % (self._GetSecondsSinceMidnight(),
self.app_id, url, sha1, sha256, size, delta,
' '.join(extra_attributes))
_Log('Generated update payload: %s' % xml)
return xml
def GetNoUpdatePayload(self):
"""Returns a payload to the client corresponding to no update."""
payload = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<gupdate xmlns="" protocol="2.0">
<daystart elapsed_seconds="%s"/>
<app appid="{%s}" status="ok">
<ping status="ok"/>
<updatecheck status="noupdate"/>
return payload % (self._GetSecondsSinceMidnight(), self.app_id)
def GenerateUpdateFile(self, src_image, image_path, output_dir):
"""Generates an update gz given a full path to an image.
image_path: Full path to image.
Path to created update_payload or None on error.
update_path = os.path.join(output_dir, UPDATE_FILE)
_Log('Generating update image %s' % update_path)
update_command = [
'--image="%s"' % image_path,
'--output="%s"' % update_path,
if src_image: update_command.append('--src_image="%s"' % src_image)
if not self.vm: update_command.append('--patch_kernel')
if self.private_key: update_command.append('--private_key="%s"' %
update_string = ' '.join(update_command)
_Log('Running ' + update_string)
if os.system(update_string) != 0:
_Log('Failed to create update payload')
return None
def GenerateStatefulFile(self, image_path, output_dir):
"""Generates a stateful update payload given a full path to an image.
image_path: Full path to image.
Path to created stateful update_payload or None on error.
A subprocess exception if the update generator fails to generate a
stateful payload.
output_gz = os.path.join(output_dir, STATEFUL_FILE)
'--image=%s' % image_path,
'--output_dir=%s' % output_dir,
def FindCachedUpdateImageSubDir(self, src_image, dest_image):
"""Find directory to store a cached update.
Given one, or two images for an update, this finds which cache directory
should hold the update files, even if they don't exist yet.
A directory path for storing a cached update, of the following form:
Non-delta updates:
Delta updates:
Signed updates (self.private_key):
update_dir = ''
if src_image:
update_dir += common_util.GetFileMd5(src_image) + '_'
update_dir += common_util.GetFileMd5(dest_image)
if self.private_key:
update_dir += '+' + common_util.GetFileMd5(self.private_key)
if not self.vm:
update_dir += '+patched_kernel'
return os.path.join(CACHE_DIR, update_dir)
def GenerateUpdateImage(self, image_path, output_dir):
"""Force generates an update payload based on the given image_path.
src_image: image we are updating from (Null/empty for non-delta)
image_path: full path to the image.
output_dir: the directory to write the update payloads in
update payload name relative to output_dir
update_file = None
stateful_update_file = None
# Actually do the generation
_Log('Generating update for image %s' % image_path)
update_file = self.GenerateUpdateFile(self.src_image,
if update_file:
stateful_update_file = self.GenerateStatefulFile(image_path,
if update_file and stateful_update_file:
return update_file
_Log('Failed to generate update.')
return None
def GenerateUpdateImageWithCache(self, image_path, static_image_dir):
"""Force generates an update payload based on the given image_path.
image_path: full path to the image.
static_image_dir: the directory to move images to after generating.
update filename (not directory) relative to static_image_dir on success,
or None.
_Log('Generating update for src %s image %s' % (self.src_image, image_path))
# If it was pregenerated_path, don't regenerate
if self.pregenerated_path:
return self.pregenerated_path
# Which sub_dir of static_image_dir should hold our cached update image
cache_sub_dir = self.FindCachedUpdateImageSubDir(self.src_image, image_path)
_Log('Caching in sub_dir "%s"' % cache_sub_dir)
update_path = os.path.join(cache_sub_dir, UPDATE_FILE)
# The cached payloads exist in a cache dir
cache_update_payload = os.path.join(static_image_dir,
cache_stateful_payload = os.path.join(static_image_dir,
# Check to see if this cache directory is valid.
if not os.path.exists(cache_update_payload) or not os.path.exists(
full_cache_dir = os.path.join(static_image_dir, cache_sub_dir)
# Clean up stale state.
os.system('rm -rf "%s"' % full_cache_dir)
return_path = self.GenerateUpdateImage(image_path,
# Clean up cache dir since it's not valid.
if not return_path:
os.system('rm -rf "%s"' % full_cache_dir)
return None
self.pregenerated_path = update_path
# Generation complete, copy if requested.
if self.copy_to_static_root:
# The final results exist directly in static
update_payload = os.path.join(static_image_dir,
stateful_payload = os.path.join(static_image_dir,
common_util.CopyFile(cache_update_payload, update_payload)
common_util.CopyFile(cache_stateful_payload, stateful_payload)
return self.pregenerated_path
def GenerateLatestUpdateImage(self, board_id, client_version,
"""Generates an update using the latest image that has been built.
This will only generate an update if the newest update is newer than that
on the client or client_version is 'ForcedUpdate'.
board_id: Name of the board.
client_version: Current version of the client or 'ForcedUpdate'
static_image_dir: the directory to move images to after generating.
Name of the update image relative to static_image_dir or None
latest_image_dir = self._GetLatestImageDir(board_id)
latest_version = self._GetVersionFromDir(latest_image_dir)
latest_image_path = os.path.join(latest_image_dir, self._GetImageName())
_Log('Preparing to generate update from latest built image %s.' %
# Check to see whether or not we should update.
if client_version != 'ForcedUpdate' and not self._CanUpdate(
client_version, latest_version):
_Log('no update')
return None
return self.GenerateUpdateImageWithCache(latest_image_path,
def ImportFactoryConfigFile(self, filename, validate_checksums=False):
"""Imports a factory-floor server configuration file. The file should
be in this format:
config = [
'qual_ids': set([1, 2, 3, "x86-generic"]),
'factory_image': 'generic-factory.gz',
'factory_checksum': 'AtiI8B64agHVN+yeBAyiNMX3+HM=',
'release_image': 'generic-release.gz',
'release_checksum': 'AtiI8B64agHVN+yeBAyiNMX3+HM=',
'oempartitionimg_image': 'generic-oem.gz',
'oempartitionimg_checksum': 'AtiI8B64agHVN+yeBAyiNMX3+HM=',
'efipartitionimg_image': 'generic-efi.gz',
'efipartitionimg_checksum': 'AtiI8B64agHVN+yeBAyiNMX3+HM=',
'stateimg_image': 'generic-state.gz',
'stateimg_checksum': 'AtiI8B64agHVN+yeBAyiNMX3+HM=',
'firmware_image': 'generic-firmware.gz',
'firmware_checksum': 'AtiI8B64agHVN+yeBAyiNMX3+HM=',
'qual_ids': set([6]),
'factory_image': '6-factory.gz',
'factory_checksum': 'AtiI8B64agHVN+yeBAyiNMX3+HM=',
'release_image': '6-release.gz',
'release_checksum': 'AtiI8B64agHVN+yeBAyiNMX3+HM=',
'oempartitionimg_image': '6-oem.gz',
'oempartitionimg_checksum': 'AtiI8B64agHVN+yeBAyiNMX3+HM=',
'efipartitionimg_image': '6-efi.gz',
'efipartitionimg_checksum': 'AtiI8B64agHVN+yeBAyiNMX3+HM=',
'stateimg_image': '6-state.gz',
'stateimg_checksum': 'AtiI8B64agHVN+yeBAyiNMX3+HM=',
'firmware_image': '6-firmware.gz',
'firmware_checksum': 'AtiI8B64agHVN+yeBAyiNMX3+HM=',
The server will look for the files by name in the static files
If validate_checksums is True, validates checksums and exits. If
a checksum mismatch is found, it's printed to the screen.
f = open(filename, 'r')
output = {}
exec(, output)
self.factory_config = output['config']
success = True
for stanza in self.factory_config:
for key in stanza.copy().iterkeys():
suffix = '_image'
if key.endswith(suffix):
kind = key[:-len(suffix)]
stanza[kind + '_size'] = common_util.GetFileSize(os.path.join(
self.static_dir, stanza[kind + '_image']))
if validate_checksums:
factory_checksum = common_util.GetFileSha1(
os.path.join(self.static_dir, stanza[kind + '_image']))
if factory_checksum != stanza[kind + '_checksum']:
print ('Error: checksum mismatch for %s. Expected "%s" but file '
'has checksum "%s".' % (stanza[kind + '_image'],
stanza[kind + '_checksum'],
success = False
if validate_checksums:
if success is False:
raise AutoupdateError('Checksum mismatch in conf file.')
print 'Config file looks good.'
def GetFactoryImage(self, board_id, channel):
kind = channel.rsplit('-', 1)[0]
for stanza in self.factory_config:
if board_id not in stanza['qual_ids']:
if kind + '_image' not in stanza:
return (stanza[kind + '_image'],
stanza[kind + '_checksum'],
stanza[kind + '_size'])
return None, None, None
def HandleFactoryRequest(self, board_id, channel):
(filename, checksum, size) = self.GetFactoryImage(board_id, channel)
if filename is None:
_Log('unable to find image for board %s' % board_id)
return self.GetNoUpdatePayload()
url = '%s/static/%s' % (self.hostname, filename)
is_delta_format = self._IsDeltaFormatFile(filename)
_Log('returning update payload ' + url)
# Factory install is using memento updater which is using the sha-1 hash so
# setting sha-256 to an empty string.
return self.GetUpdatePayload(checksum, '', size, url, is_delta_format)
def GenerateUpdatePayloadForNonFactory(self, board_id, client_version,
"""Generates an update for non-factory image.
file name relative to static_image_dir on success.
dest_path = os.path.join(static_image_dir, UPDATE_FILE)
dest_stateful = os.path.join(static_image_dir, STATEFUL_FILE)
if self.payload_path:
# If the forced payload is not already in our static_image_dir,
# copy it there.
src_path = os.path.abspath(self.payload_path)
src_stateful = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(src_path),
# Only copy the files if the source directory is different from dest.
if os.path.dirname(src_path) != os.path.abspath(static_image_dir):
common_util.CopyFile(src_path, dest_path)
# The stateful payload is optional.
if os.path.exists(src_stateful):
common_util.CopyFile(src_stateful, dest_stateful)
_Log('WARN: %s not found. Expected for dev and test builds.' %
if os.path.exists(dest_stateful):
elif self.forced_image:
return self.GenerateUpdateImageWithCache(
elif self.serve_only:
# Warn if update or stateful files can't be found.
if not os.path.exists(dest_path):
_Log('WARN: %s not found. Expected for dev and test builds.' %
if not os.path.exists(dest_stateful):
_Log('WARN: %s not found. Expected for dev and test builds.' %
if board_id:
return self.GenerateLatestUpdateImage(board_id,
_Log('Failed to genereate update. '
'You must set --board when pre-generating latest update.')
return None
def PreGenerateUpdate(self):
"""Pre-generates an update and prints out the relative path it.
Returns relative path of the update on success.
# Does not work with factory config.
assert(not self.factory_config)
_Log('Pre-generating the update payload.')
# Does not work with labels so just use static dir.
pregenerated_update = self.GenerateUpdatePayloadForNonFactory(
self.board, '', self.static_dir)
if pregenerated_update:
print 'PREGENERATED_UPDATE=%s' % pregenerated_update
return pregenerated_update
def _GetRemotePayloadAttrs(self, url):
"""Returns hashes, size and delta flag of a remote update payload.
Obtain attributes of a payload file available on a remote devserver. This
is based on the assumption that the payload URL uses the /static prefix. We
need to make sure that both clients (requests) and remote devserver
(provisioning) preserve this invariant.
url: URL of statically staged remote file (http://host:port/static/...)
A tuple containing the SHA1, SHA256, file size and whether or not it's a
delta payload (Boolean).
if self._PAYLOAD_URL_PREFIX not in url:
raise AutoupdateError(
'Payload URL does not have the expected prefix (%s)' %
fileinfo_url = url.replace(self._PAYLOAD_URL_PREFIX,
_Log('retrieving file info for remote payload via %s' % fileinfo_url)
conn = urllib2.urlopen(fileinfo_url)
file_attr_dict = json.loads(
sha1 = file_attr_dict['sha1']
sha256 = file_attr_dict['sha256']
size = file_attr_dict['size']
except Exception, e:
_Log('failed to obtain remote payload info: %s' % str(e))
is_delta_format = ('_mton' in url) or ('_nton' in url)
return sha1, sha256, size, is_delta_format
def _GetLocalPayloadAttrs(self, static_image_dir, payload_path):
"""Returns hashes, size and delta flag of a local update payload.
static_image_dir: directory where static files are being staged
payload_path: path to the payload file inside the static directory
A tuple containing the SHA1, SHA256, file size and whether or not it's a
delta payload (Boolean).
filename = os.path.join(static_image_dir, payload_path)
sha1 = common_util.GetFileSha1(filename)
sha256 = common_util.GetFileSha256(filename)
size = common_util.GetFileSize(filename)
is_delta_format = self._IsDeltaFormatFile(filename)
return sha1, sha256, size, is_delta_format
def HandleUpdatePing(self, data, label=None):
"""Handles an update ping from an update client.
data: xml blob from client.
label: optional label for the update.
Update payload message for client.
# Set hostname as the hostname that the client is calling to and set up
# the url base. If behind apache mod_proxy | mod_rewrite, the hostname will
# be in X-Forwarded-Host.
x_forwarded_host = cherrypy.request.headers.get('X-Forwarded-Host')
if x_forwarded_host:
self.hostname = 'http://' + x_forwarded_host
self.hostname = cherrypy.request.base
if self.urlbase:
static_urlbase = self.urlbase
elif self.serve_only:
static_urlbase = '%s/static/archive' % self.hostname
static_urlbase = '%s/static' % self.hostname
# If we have a proxy port, adjust the URL we instruct the client to
# use to go through the proxy.
if self.proxy_port:
static_urlbase = _ChangeUrlPort(static_urlbase, self.proxy_port)
_Log('Using static url base %s' % static_urlbase)
_Log('Handling update ping as %s: %s' % (self.hostname, data))
update_dom = minidom.parseString(data)
root = update_dom.firstChild
# Determine request IP, strip any IPv6 data for simplicity.
client_ip = cherrypy.request.remote.ip.split(':')[-1]
# Obtain (or init) info object for this client.
curr_host_info = self.host_infos.GetInitHostInfo(client_ip)
# Initialize an empty dictionary for event attributes.
log_message = {}
# Store event details in the host info dictionary for API usage.
event = root.getElementsByTagName('o:event')
if event:
event_result = int(event[0].getAttribute('eventresult'))
event_type = int(event[0].getAttribute('eventtype'))
client_previous_version = (event[0].getAttribute('previousversion')
if event[0].hasAttribute('previousversion')
else None)
# Store attributes to legacy host info structure
curr_host_info.attrs['last_event_status'] = event_result
curr_host_info.attrs['last_event_type'] = event_type
# Add attributes to log message
log_message['event_result'] = event_result
log_message['event_type'] = event_type
if client_previous_version is not None:
log_message['previous_version'] = client_previous_version
# Get information about the requester.
query = root.getElementsByTagName('o:app')[0]
if query:
client_version = query.getAttribute('version')
channel = query.getAttribute('track')
board_id = (query.hasAttribute('board') and query.getAttribute('board')
or self._GetDefaultBoardID())
# Add attributes to log message
log_message['version'] = client_version
log_message['track'] = channel
log_message['board'] = board_id
# Log client's message
# We only generate update payloads for updatecheck requests.
update_check = root.getElementsByTagName('o:updatecheck')
if not update_check:
_Log('Non-update check received. Returning blank payload.')
# TODO(sosa): Generate correct non-updatecheck payload to better test
# update clients.
return self.GetNoUpdatePayload()
# Store version for this host in the cache.
curr_host_info.attrs['last_known_version'] = client_version
# Check if an update has been forced for this client.
forced_update = curr_host_info.PopAttr('forced_update_label', None)
if forced_update:
label = forced_update
# Separate logic as Factory requests have static url's that override
# other options.
if self.factory_config:
return self.HandleFactoryRequest(board_id, channel)
url = ''
# Are we provisioning a remote or local payload?
if self.remote_payload:
# If no explicit label was provided, use the value of --payload.
if not label and self.payload_path:
label = self.payload_path
# Form the URL of the update payload. This assumes that the payload
# file name is a devserver constant (which currently is the case).
url = '/'.join(filter(None, [static_urlbase, label, UPDATE_FILE]))
# Get remote payload attributes.
sha1, sha256, file_size, is_delta_format = \
# Generate payload.
static_image_dir = os.path.join(*filter(None, [self.static_dir, label]))
payload_path = self.GenerateUpdatePayloadForNonFactory(
board_id, client_version, static_image_dir)
# If properly generated, obtain the payload URL and attributes.
if payload_path:
url = '/'.join(filter(None, [static_urlbase, label, payload_path]))
sha1, sha256, file_size, is_delta_format = \
self._GetLocalPayloadAttrs(static_image_dir, payload_path)
# If we end up with an actual payload path, generate a response.
if url:
_Log('Responding to client to use url %s to get image.' % url)
return self.GetUpdatePayload(
sha1, sha256, file_size, url, is_delta_format)
return self.GetNoUpdatePayload()
def HandleHostInfoPing(self, ip):
"""Returns host info dictionary for the given IP in JSON format."""
assert ip, 'No ip provided.'
if ip in self.host_infos.table:
return json.dumps(self.host_infos.GetHostInfo(ip).attrs)
def HandleHostLogPing(self, ip):
"""Returns a complete log of events for host in JSON format."""
if ip == 'all':
return json.dumps(
dict([(key, self.host_infos.table[key].log)
for key in self.host_infos.table]))
if ip in self.host_infos.table:
return json.dumps(self.host_infos.GetHostInfo(ip).log)
def HandleSetUpdatePing(self, ip, label):
"""Sets forced_update_label for a given host."""
assert ip, 'No ip provided.'
assert label, 'No label provided.'
self.host_infos.GetInitHostInfo(ip).attrs['forced_update_label'] = label