blob: 71e07bfa274a0a04994cc436029941db198a6d8a [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Library for setting up remote access and running remote commands.
DEFINE_string remote "" "remote hostname/IP of running Chromium OS instance"
DEFINE_string private_key "$DEFAULT_PRIVATE_KEY" \
"Private key of root account on remote host"
DEFINE_integer ssh_port 22 \
"SSH port of the remote machine running Chromium OS instance"
DEFINE_integer ssh_connect_timeout 30 \
"SSH connect timeout in seconds"
DEFINE_integer ssh_connection_attempts 4 \
"SSH connection attempts"
ssh_connect_settings() {
if [[ -n "$SSH_CONNECT_SETTINGS" ]]; then
# If connection settings were fixed in an environment variable, just return
# those values.
# Otherwise, return the default (or user overridden) settings.
local settings=(
printf -- '-o %s ' "${settings[@]}"
# Copies $1 to $2 on remote host
remote_cp_to() {
REMOTE_OUT=$(scp -P ${FLAGS_ssh_port} $(ssh_connect_settings) \
-o UserKnownHostsFile=$TMP_KNOWN_HOSTS -i $TMP_PRIVATE_KEY $1 \
return ${PIPESTATUS[0]}
# Copies a list of remote files specified in file $1 to local location
# $2. Directory paths in $1 are collapsed into $2.
remote_rsync_from() {
rsync -e "ssh -p ${FLAGS_ssh_port} $(ssh_connect_settings) \
-o UserKnownHostsFile=$TMP_KNOWN_HOSTS -i $TMP_PRIVATE_KEY" \
--no-R --files-from=$1 root@${FLAGS_remote}:/ $2
_remote_sh() {
REMOTE_OUT=$(ssh -p ${FLAGS_ssh_port} $(ssh_connect_settings) \
-o UserKnownHostsFile=$TMP_KNOWN_HOSTS -i $TMP_PRIVATE_KEY \
root@$FLAGS_remote "$@")
return ${PIPESTATUS[0]}
# Wrapper for ssh that runs the commmand given by the args on the remote host
# If an ssh error occurs, re-runs the ssh command.
remote_sh() {
local ssh_status=0
_remote_sh "$@" || ssh_status=$?
# 255 indicates an ssh error.
if [ ${ssh_status} -eq 255 ]; then
_remote_sh "$@"
return ${ssh_status}
remote_sh_raw() {
ssh -p ${FLAGS_ssh_port} $(ssh_connect_settings) \
-o UserKnownHostsFile=$TMP_KNOWN_HOSTS -i $TMP_PRIVATE_KEY \
$EXTRA_REMOTE_SH_ARGS root@$FLAGS_remote "$@"
return $?
remote_sh_allow_changed_host_key() {
remote_sh "$@"
set_up_remote_access() {
cp $FLAGS_private_key $TMP_PRIVATE_KEY
chmod 0400 $TMP_PRIVATE_KEY
# Verify the client is reachable before continuing
local output
local status=0
if output=$(remote_sh -n "true" 2>&1); then
echo "Could not initiate first contact with remote host"
echo "$output"
return $status
# Ask the target what board it is
learn_board() {
[ -n "${FLAGS_board}" ] && return
remote_sh -n grep CHROMEOS_RELEASE_BOARD /etc/lsb-release
FLAGS_board=$(echo "${REMOTE_OUT}" | cut -d '=' -f 2)
if [ -z "${FLAGS_board}" ]; then
error "Board required"
exit 1
info "Target reports board is ${FLAGS_board}"
learn_arch() {
[ -n "${FLAGS_arch}" ] && return
remote_sh uname -m
FLAGS_arch=$(echo "${REMOTE_OUT}" | sed -e s/armv7l/arm/ -e s/i686/x86/ )
if [ -z "${FLAGS_arch}" ]; then
error "Arch required"
exit 1
info "Target reports arch is ${FLAGS_arch}"
# Checks whether a remote device has rebooted successfully.
# This uses a rapidly-retried SSH connection, which will wait for at most
# about ten seconds. If the network returns an error (e.g. host unreachable)
# the actual delay may be shorter.
# Return values:
# 0: The device has rebooted successfully
# 1: The device has not yet rebooted
# 255: Unable to communicate with the device
_check_if_rebooted() {
# In my tests SSH seems to be waiting rather longer than would be expected
# from these parameters. These values produce a ~10 second wait.
# (in a subshell to avoid clobbering the global settings)
-e 's/\(ConnectTimeout\)=[0-9]*/\1=2/' \
-e 's/\(ConnectionAttempts\)=[0-9]*/\1=2/' \
remote_sh_allow_changed_host_key -q -- '[ ! -e /tmp/awaiting_reboot ]'
# Triggers a reboot on a remote device and waits for it to complete.
# This function will not return until the SSH server on the remote device
# is available after the reboot.
remote_reboot() {
info "Rebooting ${FLAGS_remote}..."
remote_sh "touch /tmp/awaiting_reboot; reboot"
local start_time=${SECONDS}
# Wait for five seconds before we start polling
sleep 5
# Add a hard timeout of 5 minutes before giving up.
local timeout=300
local timeout_expiry=$(( start_time + timeout ))
while [ ${SECONDS} -lt ${timeout_expiry} ]; do
# Used to throttle the loop -- see step_remaining_time at the bottom.
local step_start_time=${SECONDS}
local status=0
_check_if_rebooted || status=$?
local elapsed=$(( SECONDS - start_time ))
case ${status} in
0) printf ' %4ds: reboot complete\n' ${elapsed} >&2 ; return 0 ;;
1) printf ' %4ds: device has not yet shut down\n' ${elapsed} >&2 ;;
255) printf ' %4ds: can not connect to device\n' ${elapsed} >&2 ;;
*) die " internal error" ;;
# To keep the loop from spinning too fast, delay until it has taken at
# least five seconds. When we are actively trying SSH connections this
# should never happen.
local step_remaining_time=$(( step_start_time + 5 - SECONDS ))
if [ ${step_remaining_time} -gt 0 ]; then
sleep ${step_remaining_time}
die "Reboot has not completed after ${timeout} seconds; giving up."
# Called by clients before exiting.
# Part of the interface but now empty.
cleanup_remote_access() {
remote_access_init() {
if [ -z "$FLAGS_remote" ]; then
echo "Please specify --remote=<IP-or-hostname> of the Chromium OS instance"
exit 1