blob: 38b04ff1e5c2d8b8073f8454edddebe95eb30bf8 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Script which ensures that a given image has an up-to-date
# kernel partition, rootfs integrity hashes, and legacy bootloader configs.
# Load common CrOS utilities. Inside the chroot this file is installed in
# /usr/lib/crosutils. Outside the chroot we find it relative to the script's
# location.
find_common_sh() {
local common_paths=("$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")/.." /usr/lib/crosutils)
local path
for path in "${common_paths[@]}"; do
if [ -r "${path}/" ]; then
. "${SCRIPT_ROOT}/" || exit 1
# Need to be inside the chroot to load
# Load functions and constants for chromeos-install
. /usr/share/misc/ || exit 1
. "${BUILD_LIBRARY_DIR}/" || exit 1
. "${BUILD_LIBRARY_DIR}/" || exit 1
if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then
echo "Usage: ${0} /PATH/TO/IMAGE IMAGE.BIN [shflags overrides]"
exit 1
IMAGE_DIR="$(readlink -f "${1}")"
if [ ! -r "${BOOT_DESC_FILE}" ]; then
warn "${BOOT_DESC_FILE} cannot be read!"
warn "Falling back to command line parsing"
BOOT_DESC="$(cat ${BOOT_DESC_FILE} | tr -s '\n' ' ')"
info "Boot-time configuration for $(dirname "${IMAGE}"): "
cat ${BOOT_DESC_FILE} | while read line; do
info " ${line}"
if [ ! -r "${IMAGE}" ]; then
die "${IMAGE} cannot be read!"
set +e
# Now parse the build settings from ${OUTPUT_DIR}/boot.desc
DEFINE_string adjust_part "" \
"Adjustments to apply to the partition table"
DEFINE_string board "${DEFAULT_BOARD}" \
"Board we're building for."
DEFINE_string image_type "base" \
"Type of image we're building for (base/factory_install)."
DEFINE_string output_dir "/tmp" \
"Directory to place output in."
DEFINE_string image "chromiumos_base.img" \
"Full path to the chromiumos image to make bootable."
DEFINE_string arch "x86" \
"Architecture to make bootable for: arm, mips, x86, or amd64"
DEFINE_string usb_disk "/dev/sdb3" \
"Path syslinux should use to do a usb boot."
DEFINE_boolean cleanup_dirs ${FLAGS_TRUE} \
"Whether the mount dirs should be removed on completion."
DEFINE_string boot_args "noinitrd" \
"Additional boot arguments to pass to the commandline"
DEFINE_integer rootfs_size 720 \
"rootfs filesystem size in MBs."
# ceil(0.1 * rootfs_size) is a good minimum.
DEFINE_integer rootfs_hash_pad 8 \
"MBs reserved at the end of the rootfs image."
DEFINE_string rootfs_hash "/tmp/rootfs.hash" \
"Path where the rootfs hash should be stored."
# TODO(taysom): when we turn on boot cache, both verification and
# bootcache should have their default be FLAGS_TRUE.
DEFINE_boolean enable_rootfs_verification ${FLAGS_FALSE} \
"Default all bootloaders to NOT use kernel-based root fs integrity checking."
DEFINE_boolean enable_bootcache ${FLAGS_FALSE} \
"Default all bootloaders to NOT use bootcache."
DEFINE_integer verity_error_behavior 3 \
"Kernel verified boot error behavior (0: I/O errors, 1: reboot, 2: nothing)"
DEFINE_integer verity_max_ios -1 \
"Number of outstanding I/O operations dm-verity caps at."
DEFINE_string verity_algorithm "sha1" \
"Cryptographic hash algorithm used for kernel vboot."
DEFINE_string verity_salt "" \
"Salt for rootfs hash tree."
DEFINE_string keys_dir "/usr/share/vboot/devkeys" \
"Directory containing the signing keys."
DEFINE_string rootfs_mountpoint "/tmp/rootfs" \
"Path where the rootfs can be safely mounted"
DEFINE_string statefulfs_mountpoint "/tmp/statefulfs" \
"Path where the statefulfs can be safely mounted"
DEFINE_string espfs_mountpoint "/tmp/espfs" \
"Path where the espfs can be safely mounted"
DEFINE_boolean use_dev_keys ${FLAGS_FALSE} \
"Use developer keys for signing. (Default: false)"
DEFINE_boolean fsck_rootfs ${FLAGS_FALSE} \
"Check integrity of the rootfs on the modified image."
# TODO(pkumar): Remove once known that no images are using this flag
DEFINE_boolean crosbug12352_arm_kernel_signing ${FLAGS_FALSE} \
"This flag is deprecated but the bots still need parse old images."
# TODO(sosa): Remove once known images no longer use this in their config.
DEFINE_string arm_extra_bootargs "" "DEPRECATED FLAG. Do not use."
DEFINE_boolean force_developer_mode ${FLAGS_FALSE} \
"Add cros_debug to boot args."
DEFINE_boolean enable_squashfs ${FLAGS_FALSE} \
"Make the rootfs of the image squashfs."
DEFINE_string squash_sort_file "" \
"Specify the priority of files when squashing the rootfs."
DEFINE_string enable_serial "" \
"Enable serial port for printks. Example values: ttyS0"
# Parse the boot.desc and any overrides
eval set -- "${BOOT_DESC} ${FLAG_OVERRIDES}"
FLAGS "${@}" || exit 1
[ -z "${FLAGS_verity_salt}" ] && FLAGS_verity_salt=$(make_salt)
. "${BUILD_LIBRARY_DIR}/" || exit 1
# Only now can we die on error. shflags functions leak non-zero error codes,
# so will die prematurely if 'switch_to_strict_mode' is specified before now.
switch_to_strict_mode -u
# $1 - Directory where developer rootfs is mounted.
# $2 - Directory where developer stateful_partition is mounted.
# $3 - Directory where the ESP partition is mounted.
mount_gpt_cleanup() {
local rootfs="${1-$FLAGS_rootfs_mountpoint}"
local statefs="${2-$FLAGS_statefulfs_mountpoint}"
local espfs="${3-$FLAGS_espfs_mountpoint}"
-u -r "${rootfs}" -s "${statefs}" -e "${espfs}"
append_boot_flag() {
local file="$1"
local pattern="$2"
local base_pattern="$3"
[ -f "${file}" ] || return ${FLAGS_TRUE}
grep -wq "${pattern}" "${file}" && return ${FLAGS_TRUE}
sudo sed -i "s/\b${base_pattern}\b/& ${pattern}/g" "${file}"
check_kernel_size() {
local kernel_image_size="$1"
local kernel_part="$2"
local kernel_slot="$3"
local kernel_partition_size=$(get_partition_size ${FLAGS_image_type} \
local kernel_partition_size_90=$(( kernel_partition_size * 90 / 100 ))
info "Kernel partition ${kernel_slot} size is ${kernel_partition_size} bytes."
if [[ ${kernel_image_size} -gt ${kernel_partition_size} ]]; then
die "Kernel image won't fit in partition ${kernel_slot}!"
elif [[ ${kernel_image_size} -gt ${kernel_partition_size_90} ]]; then
warn "Kernel partition ${kernel_slot} is more than 90% full!"
make_image_bootable() {
local image="$1"
local use_dev_keys=
# Default to non-verified
local enable_rootfs_verification_flag=--noenable_rootfs_verification
if [[ ${FLAGS_enable_rootfs_verification} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]]; then
local enable_bootcache_flag=--noenable_bootcache
if [[ ${FLAGS_enable_bootcache} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]]; then
trap "mount_gpt_cleanup" EXIT
"${SCRIPTS_DIR}/" --from "$(dirname "${image}")" \
--image "$(basename ${image})" -r "${FLAGS_rootfs_mountpoint}" \
-s "${FLAGS_statefulfs_mountpoint}"
# Update legacy boot config templates (in rootfs) before rootfs is locked.
# This is required because postinst will copy new legacy boot configurations
# from rootfs partition instead of modifying existing entries in partition 12
# (EFI partition).
if [ ${FLAGS_force_developer_mode} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]; then
append_boot_flag "${FLAGS_rootfs_mountpoint}/boot/syslinux/root.A.cfg" \
"cros_debug" "cros_legacy"
append_boot_flag "${FLAGS_rootfs_mountpoint}/boot/syslinux/root.B.cfg" \
"cros_debug" "cros_legacy"
append_boot_flag "${FLAGS_rootfs_mountpoint}/boot/syslinux/usb.A.cfg" \
"cros_debug" "cros_legacy"
append_boot_flag "${FLAGS_rootfs_mountpoint}/boot/efi/boot/grub.cfg" \
"cros_debug" "cros_efi"
# The rootfs should never be mounted rw again after this point without
# re-calling make_image_bootable.
sudo mount -o remount,ro "${FLAGS_rootfs_mountpoint}"
# Newer `mount` will decode the filename backing the loop device,
# so we need to dig deeper and find the answer ourselves.
root_dev=$(awk -v mnt="${FLAGS_rootfs_mountpoint}" \
'$2 == mnt { print $1 }' /proc/mounts)
# Make the filesystem un-mountable as read-write.
# will undo this as needed.
# TODO(wad) make sure there is parity in the signing scripts.
if [ ${FLAGS_enable_rootfs_verification} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]; then
# TODO(wad) this would be a good place to reset any other ext2 metadata.
warn "Disabling r/w mount of the root filesystem"
disable_rw_mount "$root_dev"
if [ ${FLAGS_use_dev_keys} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]; then
if [ ${FLAGS_force_developer_mode} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]; then
FLAGS_boot_args="${FLAGS_boot_args} cros_debug"
local squash_sort_flag=
if [ -n "${FLAGS_squash_sort_file}" ]; then
squash_sort_flag="-sort ${FLAGS_squash_sort_file}"
if [ $FLAGS_enable_squashfs -eq $FLAGS_TRUE ]; then
local squashfs_img="${FLAGS_output_dir}/squashfs.image"
sudo mksquashfs "${FLAGS_rootfs_mountpoint}" ${squashfs_img} -comp lzo \
-noI -noF -ef ${SCRIPTS_DIR}/exclude-list -wildcards ${squash_sort_flag}
# Builds the kernel partition image. The temporary files are kept around
# so that we can perform a load_kernel_test later on the final image.
--board="${FLAGS_board}" \
--arch="${FLAGS_arch}" \
--to="${FLAGS_output_dir}/vmlinuz.image" \
--hd_vblock="${FLAGS_output_dir}/vmlinuz_hd.vblock" \
--vmlinuz="${FLAGS_rootfs_mountpoint}/boot/vmlinuz" \
--working_dir="${FLAGS_output_dir}" \
--boot_args="${FLAGS_boot_args}" \
--keep_work \
--rootfs_image=${root_dev} \
--rootfs_hash=${FLAGS_rootfs_hash} \
--verity_hash_alg=${FLAGS_verity_algorithm} \
--verity_max_ios=${FLAGS_verity_max_ios} \
--verity_error_behavior=${FLAGS_verity_error_behavior} \
--verity_salt=${FLAGS_verity_salt} \
--keys_dir="${FLAGS_keys_dir}" \
--enable_serial="${FLAGS_enable_serial}" \
${enable_rootfs_verification_flag} \
${enable_bootcache_flag} \
# Check the size of kernel image and issue warning when image size is
# near the limit.
local kernel_image_size=$(stat -c '%s' ${FLAGS_output_dir}/vmlinuz.image)
info "Kernel image size is ${kernel_image_size} bytes."
check_kernel_size ${kernel_image_size} 2 A
check_kernel_size ${kernel_image_size} 4 B
local rootfs_hash_size=$(stat -c '%s' ${FLAGS_rootfs_hash})
local rootfs_fs_size=$(get_filesystem_size ${FLAGS_image_type} 3)
local rootfs_partition_size=$(get_partition_size ${FLAGS_image_type} 3)
local rootfs_hash_pad=$(( rootfs_partition_size - rootfs_fs_size ))
info "Appending rootfs.hash (${rootfs_hash_size} bytes) to the root fs"
if [[ ${rootfs_hash_size} -gt ${rootfs_hash_pad} ]]
die "rootfs_partition_size - rootfs_fs_size is less than the needed " \
"rootfs_hash_size (${rootfs_hash_size}), update your disk layout " \
# Unfortunately, mount_gpt_image uses mount and not losetup to create the
# loop devices. This means that they are not the correct size. We have to
# write directly to the image to append the hash tree data.
local hash_offset="$(partoffset ${image} 3)"
if [ $FLAGS_enable_squashfs -eq $FLAGS_TRUE ]; then
rootfs_file_size=$(stat -c '%s' ${root_dev})
hash_offset=$((hash_offset + (${rootfs_file_size} / 512)))
hash_offset=$((hash_offset + (${rootfs_fs_size} / 512)))
sudo dd bs=512 \
seek=${hash_offset} \
if="${FLAGS_rootfs_hash}" \
of="${image}" \
conv=notrunc \
# Move the verification block needed for the hard disk install to the
# stateful partition. Mount stateful fs, copy file, and umount fs.
# In original CL:, this was done in
# create_base_image(). However, it could break the build if it is a clean
# build because vmlinuz_hd.vblock hasn't been created by
# In some builds that don't use vboot to verify the kernel, this file might
# not get created as part of the build, so only copy them if they were.
if [ -f "${FLAGS_output_dir}/vmlinuz_hd.vblock" ]; then
sudo cp "${FLAGS_output_dir}/vmlinuz_hd.vblock" \
# Install the kernel to both slots A and B so there will always be a regular
# kernel in slot B on recovery and non-recovery images.
local koffset="$(partoffset ${image} 2)"
sudo dd if="${FLAGS_output_dir}/vmlinuz.image" of="${image}" \
conv=notrunc bs=512 seek=${koffset} status=none
koffset="$(partoffset ${image} 4)"
sudo dd if="${FLAGS_output_dir}/vmlinuz.image" of="${image}" \
conv=notrunc bs=512 seek=${koffset} status=none
# Update the bootloaders. The EFI system partition will be updated.
local kernel_part=
local usb_disk="${FLAGS_usb_disk}"
# We should update the esp in place in the image.
local bootloader_to="${image}"
local esp_offset="$(partoffset ${image} 12)"
esp_offset=$((esp_offset * 512)) # sectors to bytes
local esp_size="$(partsize ${image} 12)"
esp_size=$((esp_size * 512)) # sectors to bytes
local bootloader_to_flags="--to_offset=${esp_offset} --to_size=${esp_size}"
if [[ "${FLAGS_arch}" = "x86" || "${FLAGS_arch}" = "amd64" ]]; then
# Use the kernel partition to acquire configuration flags.
# Install syslinux on the EFI System Partition.
kernel_part="${kernel_part} --install_syslinux"
elif [[ "${FLAGS_arch}" = "arm" || "${FLAGS_arch}" = "mips" ]]; then
# These flags are not used for ARM / MIPS
if [[ ${esp_size} -gt 0 ]]; then
# Update partition 12
--arch="${FLAGS_arch}" \
--to="${bootloader_to}" \
--from="${FLAGS_rootfs_mountpoint}"/boot \
--vmlinuz="${FLAGS_rootfs_mountpoint}"/boot/vmlinuz \
--usb_disk="${usb_disk}" \
${bootloader_to_flags} \
# We don't need to keep these files around anymore.
sudo rm -f "${FLAGS_rootfs_hash}" "${FLAGS_output_dir}/vmlinuz.image" \
trap - EXIT
${SCRIPTS_DIR}/ -u -r "${FLAGS_rootfs_mountpoint}" \
-s "${FLAGS_statefulfs_mountpoint}"
# I can only copy the squashfs image to the image only when it is umounted.
if [ $FLAGS_enable_squashfs -eq $FLAGS_TRUE ]; then
# copy the squashfs image to the partition
info "copy the squashfs to the partition"
local part_offset="$(partoffset ${image} 3)"
sudo dd bs=512 if="${squashfs_img}" of="${image}" \
seek=${part_offset} conv=notrunc status=none
sudo rm "${squashfs_img}"
verify_image_rootfs() {
local image=$1
local rootfs_offset="$(partoffset ${image} 3)"
local rootfs_tmp_file=$(mktemp)
trap "rm ${rootfs_tmp_file}" EXIT
sudo dd if="${image}" of="${rootfs_tmp_file}" bs=512 skip="${rootfs_offset}" \
# This flips the read-only compatibility flag, so that
# e2fsck does not complain about unknown file system capabilities.
enable_rw_mount "${rootfs_tmp_file}"
info "Running e2fsck to check root file system for errors"
sudo e2fsck -fn "${rootfs_tmp_file}" ||
die "Root file system has errors, please ensure boot.desc and/or \
command line parameters are correct"
# Store output and temporary files next to image.
# Create the directories if they don't exist.
mkdir -p ${FLAGS_rootfs_mountpoint}
mkdir -p ${FLAGS_statefulfs_mountpoint}
mkdir -p ${FLAGS_espfs_mountpoint}
make_image_bootable "${IMAGE}"
# We can't verify the image if squashfs is enabled because the kernel
# on the host does not support squashfs with LZO
if [ ${FLAGS_fsck_rootfs} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} \
-a ${FLAGS_enable_squashfs} -eq ${FLAGS_FALSE} ]; then
verify_image_rootfs "${IMAGE}"
if [ ${FLAGS_cleanup_dirs} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]; then
rmdir ${FLAGS_rootfs_mountpoint}
rmdir ${FLAGS_statefulfs_mountpoint}
rmdir ${FLAGS_espfs_mountpoint}