blob: 247428047c9a9a4d01c1f80343bffcb022898b46 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Helper script that mounts chromium os image from a device or directory
# and creates mount points for /var and /usr/local (if in dev_mode).
. "$(dirname "$0")/"
# For functions related to gpt images.
. "$(dirname "$0")/"
# Flags.
DEFINE_string board "$DEFAULT_BOARD" \
"The board for which the image was built." b
DEFINE_boolean unmount $FLAGS_FALSE \
"Unmount previously mounted dir." u
DEFINE_string from "/dev/sdc" \
"Directory containing image or device with image on it" f
DEFINE_string image "chromiumos_image.bin"\
"Name of the bin file if a directory is specified in the from flag" i
DEFINE_string "rootfs_mountpt" "/tmp/m" "Mount point for rootfs" "r"
DEFINE_string "stateful_mountpt" "/tmp/s" \
"Mount point for stateful partition" "s"
DEFINE_string "esp_mountpt" "" \
"Mount point for esp partition" "e"
DEFINE_boolean most_recent ${FLAGS_FALSE} "Use the most recent image dir" m
# Parse flags
FLAGS "$@" || exit 1
eval set -- "${FLAGS_ARGV}"
# Die on error
set -e
# Common unmounts for either a device or directory
function unmount_image() {
echo "Unmounting image from ${FLAGS_stateful_mountpt}" \
"and ${FLAGS_rootfs_mountpt}"
# Don't die on error to force cleanup
set +e
# Reset symlinks in /usr/local.
setup_symlinks_on_root "/usr/local" "/var" \
fix_broken_symlinks "${FLAGS_rootfs_mountpt}"
sudo umount "${FLAGS_rootfs_mountpt}/usr/local"
sudo umount "${FLAGS_rootfs_mountpt}/var"
if [[ -n "${FLAGS_esp_mountpt}" ]]; then
sudo umount -d "${FLAGS_esp_mountpt}"
sudo umount -d "${FLAGS_stateful_mountpt}"
sudo umount -d "${FLAGS_rootfs_mountpt}"
set -e
function get_usb_partitions() {
sudo mount "${FLAGS_from}3" "${FLAGS_rootfs_mountpt}"
sudo mount "${FLAGS_from}1" "${FLAGS_stateful_mountpt}"
if [[ -n "${FLAGS_esp_mountpt}" ]]; then
sudo mount "${FLAGS_from}12" "${FLAGS_esp_mountpt}"
function get_gpt_partitions() {
local filename="${FLAGS_image}"
# Mount the rootfs partition using a loopback device.
local offset=$(partoffset "${FLAGS_from}/${filename}" 3)
sudo mount -o loop,offset=$(( offset * 512 )) "${FLAGS_from}/${filename}" \
# Mount the stateful partition using a loopback device.
offset=$(partoffset "${FLAGS_from}/${filename}" 1)
sudo mount -o loop,offset=$(( offset * 512 )) "${FLAGS_from}/${filename}" \
# Mount the stateful partition using a loopback device.
if [[ -n "${FLAGS_esp_mountpt}" ]]; then
offset=$(partoffset "${FLAGS_from}/${filename}" 12)
sudo mount -o loop,offset=$(( offset * 512 )) "${FLAGS_from}/${filename}" \
# Mount a gpt based image.
function mount_image() {
mkdir -p "${FLAGS_rootfs_mountpt}"
mkdir -p "${FLAGS_stateful_mountpt}"
if [[ -n "${FLAGS_esp_mountpt}" ]]; then
mkdir -p "${FLAGS_esp_mountpt}"
# Get the partitions for the image / device.
if [ -b ${FLAGS_from} ] ; then
# Mount directories and setup symlinks.
sudo mount --bind "${FLAGS_stateful_mountpt}/var" \
sudo mount --bind "${FLAGS_stateful_mountpt}/dev_image" \
# Setup symlinks in /usr/local so you can emerge packages into /usr/local.
setup_symlinks_on_root "${FLAGS_stateful_mountpt}/dev_image" \
"${FLAGS_stateful_mountpt}/var" "${FLAGS_stateful_mountpt}"
echo "Image specified by ${FLAGS_from} mounted at"\
"${FLAGS_rootfs_mountpt} successfully."
# Find the last image built on the board.
if [ ${FLAGS_most_recent} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ] ; then
FLAGS_from="${IMAGES_DIR}/$(ls -t ${IMAGES_DIR} 2>&-| head -1)"
# Turn path into an absolute path.
FLAGS_from=`eval readlink -f ${FLAGS_from}`
# Perform desired operation.
if [ ${FLAGS_unmount} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ] ; then