| #!/bin/bash |
| |
| # Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. |
| # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| # found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| # Script to run client or server tests on a live remote image. |
| |
| # Load common constants. This should be the first executable line. |
| # The path to common.sh should be relative to your script's location. |
| |
| # Load common CrOS utilities. Inside the chroot this file is installed in |
| # /usr/lib/crosutils. Outside the chroot we find it relative to the script's |
| # location. |
| find_common_sh() { |
| local common_paths=(/usr/lib/crosutils $(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")) |
| local path |
| |
| for path in "${common_paths[@]}"; do |
| if [ -r "${path}/common.sh" ]; then |
| SCRIPT_ROOT=${path} |
| break |
| fi |
| done |
| } |
| |
| find_common_sh |
| . "${SCRIPT_ROOT}/common.sh" || (echo "Unable to load common.sh" && exit 1) |
| |
| . "${SCRIPT_ROOT}/remote_access.sh" || die "Unable to load remote_access.sh" |
| |
| DEFINE_string args "" \ |
| "Command line arguments for test. Quoted and space separated if multiple." a |
| DEFINE_string board "" \ |
| "The board for which you are building autotest" |
| DEFINE_boolean build ${FLAGS_FALSE} "Build tests while running" b |
| DEFINE_string chroot "${DEFAULT_CHROOT_DIR}" "alternate chroot location" c |
| DEFINE_boolean cleanup ${FLAGS_FALSE} "Clean up temp directory" |
| DEFINE_integer iterations 1 "Iterations to run every top level test" i |
| DEFINE_string results_dir_root "" "alternate root results directory" |
| DEFINE_boolean verbose ${FLAGS_FALSE} "Show verbose autoserv output" v |
| DEFINE_boolean use_emerged ${FLAGS_FALSE} \ |
| "Force use of emerged autotest packages" |
| |
| |
| function stop_ssh_agent() { |
| # Call this function from the exit trap of the main script. |
| # Iff we started ssh-agent, be nice and clean it up. |
| # Note, only works if called from the main script - no subshells. |
| if [[ 1 -eq ${OWN_SSH_AGENT} ]]; then |
| kill ${SSH_AGENT_PID} 2>/dev/null |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| function start_ssh_agent() { |
| local tmp_private_key=$TMP/autotest_key |
| if [ -z "$SSH_AGENT_PID" ]; then |
| eval $(ssh-agent) |
| else |
| fi |
| cp $FLAGS_private_key $tmp_private_key |
| chmod 0400 $tmp_private_key |
| ssh-add $tmp_private_key |
| } |
| |
| function cleanup() { |
| # Always remove the build path in case it was used. |
| [[ -n "${BUILD_DIR}" ]] && sudo rm -rf "${BUILD_DIR}" |
| if [[ $FLAGS_cleanup -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]] || \ |
| [[ ${RAN_ANY_TESTS} -eq ${FLAGS_FALSE} ]]; then |
| rm -rf "${TMP}" |
| else |
| ln -nsf "${TMP}" /tmp/run_remote_tests.latest |
| echo ">>> Details stored under ${TMP}" |
| fi |
| stop_ssh_agent |
| cleanup_remote_access |
| } |
| |
| # Determine if a control is for a client or server test. Echos |
| # either "server" or "client". |
| # Arguments: |
| # $1 - control file path |
| function read_test_type() { |
| local control_file=$1 |
| # Assume a line starts with TEST_TYPE = |
| local test_type=$(egrep -m1 \ |
| '^[[:space:]]*TEST_TYPE[[:space:]]*=' "${control_file}") |
| if [[ -z "${test_type}" ]]; then |
| die "Unable to find TEST_TYPE line in ${control_file}" |
| fi |
| test_type=$(python -c "${test_type}; print TEST_TYPE.lower()") |
| if [[ "${test_type}" != "client" ]] && [[ "${test_type}" != "server" ]]; then |
| die "Unknown type of test (${test_type}) in ${control_file}" |
| fi |
| echo ${test_type} |
| } |
| |
| function create_tmp() { |
| # Set global TMP for remote_access.sh's sake |
| # and if --results_dir_root is specified, |
| # set TMP and create dir appropriately |
| if [[ -n "${FLAGS_results_dir_root}" ]]; then |
| TMP=${FLAGS_results_dir_root} |
| mkdir -p -m 777 ${TMP} |
| else |
| TMP=$(mktemp -d /tmp/run_remote_tests.XXXX) |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| function prepare_build_env() { |
| info "Pilfering toolchain shell environment from Portage." |
| local ebuild_dir="${TMP}/chromeos-base/autotest-build" |
| mkdir -p "${ebuild_dir}" |
| local E_only="autotest-build-9999.ebuild" |
| cat > "${ebuild_dir}/${E_only}" <<EOF |
| inherit toolchain-funcs |
| SLOT="0" |
| EOF |
| local E="chromeos-base/autotest-build/${E_only}" |
| "ebuild-${FLAGS_board}" --skip-manifest "${ebuild_dir}/${E_only}" \ |
| clean unpack 2>&1 > /dev/null |
| local P_tmp="/build/${FLAGS_board}/tmp/portage/" |
| local E_dir="${E%%/*}/${E_only%.*}" |
| export BUILD_ENV="${P_tmp}/${E_dir}/temp/environment" |
| } |
| |
| function autodetect_build() { |
| if [ ${FLAGS_use_emerged} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]; then |
| AUTOTEST_DIR="/build/${FLAGS_board}/usr/local/autotest" |
| FLAGS_build=${FLAGS_FALSE} |
| if [ ! -d "${AUTOTEST_DIR}" ]; then |
| die \ |
| "Could not find pre-installed autotest, you need to emerge-${FLAGS_board} \ |
| autotest autotest-tests (or use --build)." |
| fi |
| info \ |
| "As requested, using emerged autotests already installed at ${AUTOTEST_DIR}." |
| return |
| fi |
| |
| if [ ${FLAGS_build} -eq ${FLAGS_FALSE} ] && |
| cros_workon --board=${FLAGS_board} list | |
| grep -q autotest; then |
| AUTOTEST_DIR="${SRC_ROOT}/third_party/autotest/files" |
| FLAGS_build=${FLAGS_TRUE} |
| if [ ! -d "${AUTOTEST_DIR}" ]; then |
| die \ |
| "Detected cros_workon autotest but ${AUTOTEST_DIR} does not exist. Run \ |
| repo sync autotest." |
| fi |
| info \ |
| "Detected cros_workon autotests. Building and running your autotests from \ |
| ${AUTOTEST_DIR}. To use emerged autotest, pass --use_emerged." |
| return |
| fi |
| |
| # flag use_emerged should be false once the code reaches here. |
| if [ ${FLAGS_build} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]; then |
| AUTOTEST_DIR="${SRC_ROOT}/third_party/autotest/files" |
| if [ ! -d "${AUTOTEST_DIR}" ]; then |
| die \ |
| "Build flag was turned on but ${AUTOTEST_DIR} is not found. Run cros_workon \ |
| start autotest and repo sync to continue." |
| fi |
| info "Build and run autotests from ${AUTOTEST_DIR}." |
| else |
| AUTOTEST_DIR="/build/${FLAGS_board}/usr/local/autotest" |
| if [ ! -d "${AUTOTEST_DIR}" ]; then |
| die \ |
| "Autotest was not emerged. Run emerge-${FLAGS_board} autotest \ |
| autotest-tests to continue." |
| fi |
| info "Using emerged autotests already installed at ${AUTOTEST_DIR}." |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| function main() { |
| cd "${SCRIPTS_DIR}" |
| |
| FLAGS "$@" || exit 1 |
| |
| if [[ -z "${FLAGS_ARGV}" ]]; then |
| echo "Usage: $0 --remote=[hostname] [regexp...]:" |
| echo "Each regexp pattern must uniquely match a control file. For example:" |
| echo " $0 --remote=MyMachine BootPerfServer" |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| |
| # Check the validity of the user-specified result directory |
| # It must be within the /tmp directory |
| if [[ -n "${FLAGS_results_dir_root}" ]]; then |
| SUBSTRING=${FLAGS_results_dir_root:0:5} |
| if [[ ${SUBSTRING} != "/tmp/" ]]; then |
| echo "User-specified result directory must be within the /tmp directory" |
| echo "ex: --results_dir_root=/tmp/<result_directory>" |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| fi |
| |
| set -e |
| |
| create_tmp |
| |
| trap cleanup EXIT |
| |
| remote_access_init |
| # autotest requires that an ssh-agent already be running |
| start_ssh_agent |
| |
| learn_board |
| autodetect_build |
| |
| local control_files_to_run="" |
| local chrome_autotests="${CHROME_ROOT}/src/chrome/test/chromeos/autotest/files" |
| # Now search for tests which unambiguously include the given identifier |
| local search_path=$(echo {client,server}/{tests,site_tests}) |
| # Include chrome autotest in the search path |
| if [ -n "${CHROME_ROOT}" ]; then |
| search_path="${search_path} ${chrome_autotests}/client/site_tests" |
| fi |
| |
| pushd ${AUTOTEST_DIR} > /dev/null |
| for test_request in $FLAGS_ARGV; do |
| test_request=$(remove_quotes "${test_request}") |
| ! finds=$(find ${search_path} -maxdepth 2 -type f \( -name control.\* -or \ |
| -name control \) | egrep -v "~$" | egrep "${test_request}") |
| if [[ -z "${finds}" ]]; then |
| die "Cannot find match for \"${test_request}\"" |
| fi |
| local matches=$(echo "${finds}" | wc -l) |
| if [[ ${matches} -gt 1 ]]; then |
| echo ">>> \"${test_request}\" is an ambiguous pattern. Disambiguate by" \ |
| "passing one of these patterns instead:" |
| for FIND in ${finds}; do |
| echo " ^${FIND}\$" |
| done |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| for i in $(seq 1 $FLAGS_iterations); do |
| control_files_to_run="${control_files_to_run} '${finds}'" |
| done |
| done |
| |
| echo "" |
| |
| if [[ -z "${control_files_to_run}" ]]; then |
| die "Found no control files" |
| fi |
| |
| [ ${FLAGS_build} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ] && prepare_build_env |
| |
| info "Running the following control files:" |
| for control_file in ${control_files_to_run}; do |
| info " * ${control_file}" |
| done |
| |
| for control_file in ${control_files_to_run}; do |
| # Assume a line starts with TEST_TYPE = |
| control_file=$(remove_quotes "${control_file}") |
| local test_type=$(read_test_type "${AUTOTEST_DIR}/${control_file}") |
| # Check if the control file is an absolute path (i.e. chrome autotests case) |
| if [[ ${control_file:0:1} == "/" ]]; then |
| test_type=$(read_test_type "${control_file}") |
| fi |
| local option |
| if [[ "${test_type}" == "client" ]]; then |
| option="-c" |
| else |
| option="-s" |
| fi |
| echo "" |
| info "Running ${test_type} test ${control_file}" |
| local control_file_name=$(basename "${control_file}") |
| local short_name=$(basename "$(dirname "${control_file}")") |
| |
| # testName/control --> testName |
| # testName/control.bvt --> testName.bvt |
| # testName/control.regression --> testName.regression |
| # testName/some_control --> testName.some_control |
| if [[ "${control_file_name}" != control ]]; then |
| if [[ "${control_file_name}" == control.* ]]; then |
| short_name=${short_name}.${control_file_name/control./} |
| else |
| short_name=${short_name}.${control_file_name} |
| fi |
| fi |
| |
| local results_dir_name="${short_name}" |
| local results_dir="${TMP}/${results_dir_name}" |
| rm -rf "${results_dir}" |
| local verbose="" |
| if [[ ${FLAGS_verbose} -eq $FLAGS_TRUE ]]; then |
| verbose="--verbose" |
| fi |
| |
| |
| # Remove chrome autotest location prefix from control_file if needed |
| if [[ ${control_file:0:${#chrome_autotests}} == \ |
| "${chrome_autotests}" ]]; then |
| control_file="${control_file:${#chrome_autotests}+1}" |
| info "Running chrome autotest ${control_file}" |
| fi |
| |
| local autoserv_args="-m ${FLAGS_remote} --ssh-port ${FLAGS_ssh_port} \ |
| ${option} ${control_file} -r ${results_dir} ${verbose}" |
| if [ -n "${FLAGS_args}" ]; then |
| autoserv_args="${autoserv_args} --args=${FLAGS_args}" |
| fi |
| |
| sudo chmod a+w ./server/{tests,site_tests} |
| echo ./server/autoserv ${autoserv_args} |
| |
| if [ ${FLAGS_build} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]; then |
| # run autoserv in subshell |
| (. ${BUILD_ENV} && tc-export CC CXX PKG_CONFIG && |
| ./server/autoserv ${autoserv_args}) |
| else |
| ./server/autoserv ${autoserv_args} |
| fi |
| done |
| popd > /dev/null |
| |
| echo "" |
| info "Test results:" |
| ./generate_test_report "${TMP}" --strip="${TMP}/" |
| |
| print_time_elapsed |
| } |
| |
| restart_in_chroot_if_needed "$@" |
| main "$@" |