blob: 3398ab778a8a90ee1de1eda60f032266acd468b9 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Helper script that generates the legacy/efi bootloader partitions.
# It does not populate the templates, but can update a loop device.
SCRIPT_ROOT=$(dirname $(readlink -f "$0"))
. "${SCRIPT_ROOT}/" || exit 1
# Need to be inside the chroot to load
# Load functions and constants for chromeos-install
. /usr/share/misc/ || exit 1
# Flags.
DEFINE_string arch "x86" \
"The boot architecture: arm or x86. (Default: x86)"
# TODO(wad) once extlinux is dead, we can remove this.
DEFINE_boolean install_syslinux ${FLAGS_FALSE} \
"Controls whether syslinux is run on 'to'. (Default: false)"
DEFINE_string from "/tmp/boot" \
"Path the legacy bootloader templates are copied from. (Default /tmp/boot)"
DEFINE_string to "/tmp/esp.img" \
"Path to esp image (Default: /tmp/esp.img)"
DEFINE_integer to_offset 0 \
"Offset in bytes into 'to' if it is a file (Default: 0)"
DEFINE_integer to_size -1 \
"Size in bytes of 'to' to use if it is a file. -1 is ignored. (Default: -1)"
DEFINE_string vmlinuz "/tmp/vmlinuz" \
"Path to the vmlinuz file to use (Default: /tmp/vmlinuz)"
# The kernel_partition and the kernel_cmdline each are used to supply
# verified boot configuration: dm="".
DEFINE_string kernel_partition "/tmp/vmlinuz.image" \
"Path to the signed kernel image. (Default: /tmp/vmlinuz.image)"
DEFINE_string kernel_cmdline "" \
"Kernel commandline if no kernel_partition given. (Default: '')"
DEFINE_string kernel_partition_offset "0" \
"Offset to the kernel partition [KERN-A] (Default: 0)"
DEFINE_string kernel_partition_sectors "0" \
"Kernel partition sectors (Default: 0)"
DEFINE_string usb_disk /dev/sdb3 \
"Path syslinux should use to do a usb boot. Default: /dev/sdb3"
# Parse flags
FLAGS "$@" || exit 1
eval set -- "${FLAGS_ARGV}"
part_index_to_uuid() {
local image="$1"
local index="$2"
cgpt show -i "$index" -u "$image"
# If not provided by, this will update all of the
# boot loader files (both A and B) with the data pulled
# from the kernel_partition. The default boot target should
# be set when the rootfs is stuffed.
if ! type -p update_x86_bootloaders; then
update_x86_bootloaders() {
local old_root="$1" # e.g., /dev/sd%D%P or %U+1
local kernel_cmdline="$2"
local esp_fs_dir="$3"
local template_dir="$4"
local to="$5"
# Pull out the dm="" values
if echo "$kernel_cmdline" | grep -q 'dm="'; then
dm_table=$(echo "$kernel_cmdline" | sed -s 's/.*dm="\([^"]*\)".*/\1/')
root_a_uuid="PARTUUID=$(part_index_to_uuid "$to" 3)"
root_b_uuid="PARTUUID=$(part_index_to_uuid "$to" 5)"
# Rewrite grub table
sed -e "s|DMTABLEA|${grub_dm_table_a}|g" \
-e "s|DMTABLEB|${grub_dm_table_b}|g" \
-e "s|/dev/\\\$linuxpartA|${root_a_uuid}|g" \
-e "s|/dev/\\\$linuxpartB|${root_b_uuid}|g" \
"${template_dir}"/efi/boot/grub.cfg |
sudo dd of="${esp_fs_dir}"/efi/boot/grub.cfg status=none
# Rewrite syslinux DM_TABLE for USB booting.
sed -e "s|DMTABLEA|${syslinux_dm_table_usb}|g" \
"${template_dir}"/syslinux/usb.A.cfg |
sudo dd of="${esp_fs_dir}"/syslinux/usb.A.cfg status=none
# Note DMTABLE for root.A and root.B does not need to be updated because
# postinst will discard all changes in EFI partition and copy from
# rootfs:boot/syslinux/root.?.cfg again after installation or AU, because
# new rootfs will be apparently different.
# Copy the vmlinuz's into place for syslinux
sudo cp -f "${template_dir}"/vmlinuz "${esp_fs_dir}"/syslinux/vmlinuz.A
sudo cp -f "${template_dir}"/vmlinuz "${esp_fs_dir}"/syslinux/vmlinuz.B
# The only work left for the installer is to pick the correct defaults
# and replace HDROOTA and HDROOTB with the correct /dev/sd%D%P/%U+1
if [[ ! -e "${FLAGS_to}" ]]; then
error "The ESP doesn't exist"
# This shouldn't happen.
info "Creating a new esp image at ${FLAGS_to}" anyway.
# Create EFI System Partition to boot stock EFI BIOS (but not ChromeOS EFI
# BIOS). ARM uses this space to determine which partition is bootable.
# NOTE: The size argument for mkfs.vfat is in 1024-byte blocks.
# We'll hard-code it to 16M for now.
/usr/sbin/mkfs.vfat -C "${FLAGS_to}" ${ESP_BLOCKS}
ESP_DEV=$(sudo losetup --show -f "${FLAGS_to}")
if [ -z "${ESP_DEV}" ]; then
die "No free loop devices."
if [[ -f "${FLAGS_to}" ]]; then
esp_offset="--offset ${FLAGS_to_offset}"
esp_size="--sizelimit ${FLAGS_to_size}"
if [ ${FLAGS_to_size} -lt 0 ]; then
ESP_DEV=$(sudo losetup --show -f ${esp_offset} ${esp_size} "${FLAGS_to}")
if [ -z "${ESP_DEV}" ]; then
die "No free loop devices."
# If it is a block device or something else, try to mount it anyway.
ESP_FS_DIR=$(mktemp -d /tmp/esp.XXXXXX)
cleanup() {
set +e
if ! safe_umount "${ESP_FS_DIR}"; then
# There is a race condition possible on some ubuntu setups
# with mounting and unmounting a device very quickly
# Doing a quick sleep/retry as a temporary workaround
warn "Initial unmount failed. Possibly Retrying"
sleep 5
safe_umount "${ESP_FS_DIR}"
if [[ -n "${ESP_DEV}" && -z "${ESP_DEV//\/dev\/loop*}" ]]; then
sudo losetup -d "${ESP_DEV}"
rm -rf "${ESP_FS_DIR}"
trap cleanup EXIT
sudo mount "${ESP_DEV}" "${ESP_FS_DIR}"
if [[ "${FLAGS_arch}" = "x86" || "${FLAGS_arch}" = "amd64" ]]; then
# Populate the EFI bootloader configuration
sudo mkdir -p "${ESP_FS_DIR}/efi/boot"
sudo cp -r "${FLAGS_from}"/efi/boot/. "${ESP_FS_DIR}"/efi/boot
# Prepopulate the syslinux directories too and update for verified boot values
# after the rootfs work is done.
sudo mkdir -p "${ESP_FS_DIR}"/syslinux
sudo cp -r "${FLAGS_from}"/syslinux/. "${ESP_FS_DIR}"/syslinux
# Stage both kernels with the only one we built.
sudo cp -f "${FLAGS_vmlinuz}" "${ESP_FS_DIR}"/syslinux/vmlinuz.A
sudo cp -f "${FLAGS_vmlinuz}" "${ESP_FS_DIR}"/syslinux/vmlinuz.B
# Extract kernel flags
if [[ -n "${FLAGS_kernel_cmdline}" ]]; then
info "Using supplied kernel_cmdline to update templates."
elif [[ -n "${FLAGS_kernel_partition}" ]]; then
info "Extracting the kernel command line from ${FLAGS_kernel_partition}"
kernel_cfg=$(dump_kernel_config "${FLAGS_kernel_partition}")
update_x86_bootloaders "${old_root}" \
"${kernel_cfg}" \
"${ESP_FS_DIR}" \
"${FLAGS_from}" \
# Install the syslinux loader on the ESP image (part 12) so it is ready when
# we cut over from rootfs booting (extlinux).
if [[ ${FLAGS_install_syslinux} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]]; then
safe_umount "${ESP_FS_DIR}"
sudo syslinux -d /syslinux "${ESP_DEV}"
# mount again for cleanup to free resource gracefully
sudo mount -o ro "${ESP_DEV}" "${ESP_FS_DIR}"
elif [[ "${FLAGS_arch}" = "arm" ]]; then
# Copy u-boot script to ESP partition
if [ -r "${FLAGS_from}/boot-A.scr.uimg" ]; then
sudo mkdir -p "${ESP_FS_DIR}/u-boot"
sudo cp "${FLAGS_from}/boot-A.scr.uimg" \
sudo cp -f "${FLAGS_from}"/vmlinuz "${ESP_FS_DIR}"/vmlinuz.uimg.A
if [ -r "${FLAGS_from}/zImage" ]; then
sudo cp -f "${FLAGS_from}"/zImage "${ESP_FS_DIR}"/vmlinuz.A
set +e