gconv_strip: Remove script and call it from chromite.

The script was moved to chromite in CL:212261.

TEST=`./build_image` still works.

Change-Id: I67cc860f429a64173bc52d5f25895a66143cffcf
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/212252
Tested-by: Alex Deymo <deymo@chromium.org>
Reviewed-by: Alex Deymo <deymo@chromium.org>
Commit-Queue: Alex Deymo <deymo@chromium.org>
diff --git a/build_library/base_image_util.sh b/build_library/base_image_util.sh
index 47903b9..19d2144 100755
--- a/build_library/base_image_util.sh
+++ b/build_library/base_image_util.sh
@@ -131,8 +131,7 @@
   # and we don't known which ones will be used until all the applications are
   # installed. This script looks for the charset names on all the binaries
   # installed on the the ${root_fs_dir} and removes the unreferenced ones.
-  sudo python "${SRC_ROOT}/scripts/build_library/gconv_strip.py" \
-    "${root_fs_dir}"
+  sudo "${GCLIENT_ROOT}/chromite/bin/gconv_strip" "${root_fs_dir}"
   # Run ldconfig to create /etc/ld.so.cache.
   run_ldconfig "${root_fs_dir}"
diff --git a/build_library/gconv_strip.py b/build_library/gconv_strip.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 07d9156..0000000
--- a/build_library/gconv_strip.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,306 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Script to remove unused gconv charset modules from a build."""
-import logging.handlers
-import ahocorasick
-import argparse
-import glob
-import operator
-import os
-import stat
-import subprocess
-import sys
-# Path pattern to search for the gconv-modules file.
-GCONV_MODULES_PATH = 'usr/*/gconv/gconv-modules'
-# Sticky modules. These charsets modules are always included even if they
-# aren't used. You can specify any charset name as supported by 'iconv_open',
-# for example, 'LATIN1' or 'ISO-8859-1'.
-# List of function names (symbols) known to use a charset as a parameter.
-    # glibc
-    'iconv_open',
-    'iconv',
-    # glib
-    'g_convert',
-    'g_convert_with_fallback',
-    'g_iconv',
-    'g_locale_to_utf8',
-    'g_get_charset',
-    )
-class GconvModules(object):
-  """Class to manipulate the gconv/gconv-modules file and referenced modules.
-  This class parses the contents of the gconv-modules file installed by glibc
-  which provides the definition of the charsets supported by iconv_open(3). It
-  allows to load the current gconv-modules file and rewrite it to include only
-  a subset of the supported modules, removing the other modules.
-  Each charset is involved on some transformation between that charset and an
-  internal representation. This transformation is defined on a .so file loaded
-  dynamically with dlopen(3) when the charset defined in this file is requested
-  to iconv_open(3).
-  See the comments on gconv-modules file for syntax details.
-  """
-  def __init__(self, gconv_modules_fn):
-    """Initialize the class.
-    Args:
-      gconv_modules_fn: Path to gconv/gconv-modules file.
-    """
-    self._fn = gconv_modules_fn
-    # An alias map of charsets. The key (fromcharset) is the alias name and
-    # the value (tocharset) is the real charset name. We also support a value
-    # that is an alias for another charset.
-    self._alias = {}
-    # The modules dict goes from charset to module names (the filenames without
-    # the .so extension). Since several transformations involving the same
-    # charset could be defined in different files, the values of this dict are
-    # a set of module names.
-    self._modules = {}
-  def Load(self):
-    """Load the charsets from gconv-modules."""
-    for l in open(self._fn):
-      l = l.rstrip('\n')
-      if not l or l[0] == '#':  # Comment
-        continue
-      lst = l.split()
-      if not lst:
-        continue
-      elif lst[0] == 'module':
-        _, fromset, toset, filename = lst[:4]
-        for charset in (fromset, toset):
-          charset = charset.rstrip('/')
-          mods = self._modules.get(charset, set())
-          mods.add(filename)
-          self._modules[charset] = mods
-      elif lst[0] == 'alias':
-        _, fromset, toset = lst
-        fromset = fromset.rstrip('/')
-        toset = toset.rstrip('/')
-        # Warn if the same charset is defined as two different aliases
-        if self._alias.get(fromset, toset) != toset:
-          logging.error('charset "%s" already defined as "%s".',
-                        fromset, self._alias[fromset])
-        self._alias[fromset] = toset
-      else:
-        logging.error('Unknown line: %s', l)
-    logging.debug('Found %d modules and %d alias on %s',
-                  len(self._modules), len(self._alias), self._fn)
-    charsets = sorted(self._alias.keys() + self._modules.keys())
-    # Remove the 'INTERNAL' charset from the list, since it is not a charset
-    # but an internal representation used to convert to and from other charsets.
-    if 'INTERNAL' in charsets:
-      charsets.remove('INTERNAL')
-    return charsets
-  def Rewrite(self, used_charsets, dry_run=False):
-    """Rewrite gconv-modules file with only the used charsets.
-    Args:
-      used_charsets: A list of used charsets. This should be a subset of the
-                     list returned by Load().
-      dry_run: Whether this function should not change any file.
-    """
-    # Compute the used modules.
-    used_modules = set()
-    for charset in used_charsets:
-      while charset in self._alias:
-        charset = self._alias[charset]
-      used_modules.update(self._modules[charset])
-    unused_modules = reduce(set.union, self._modules.values()) - used_modules
-    logging.debug('Used modules: %s', ', '.join(sorted(used_modules)))
-    modules_dir = os.path.dirname(self._fn)
-    unused_size = 0
-    for module in sorted(unused_modules):
-      module_path = os.path.join(modules_dir, '%s.so' % module)
-      unused_size += os.lstat(module_path).st_size
-      logging.debug('rm %s', module_path)
-      if not dry_run:
-        os.unlink(module_path)
-    logging.info('Done. Using %d gconv modules. Removed %d unused modules'
-                 ' (%.1f KiB)',
-                 len(used_modules), len(unused_modules), unused_size / 1024.)
-    # Recompute the gconv-modules file with only the included gconv modules.
-    result = []
-    for ln in open(self._fn):
-      l = ln.rstrip('\n')
-      lst = l.split()
-      if not l or l[0] == '#' or not lst:
-        result.append(ln)  # Keep comments and copyright headers.
-      elif lst[0] == 'module':
-        _, _, _, filename = lst[:4]
-        if filename in used_modules:
-          result.append(ln)  # Used module
-      elif lst[0] == 'alias':
-        _, charset, _ = lst
-        charset = charset.rstrip('/')
-        while charset in self._alias:
-          charset = self._alias[charset]
-        if used_modules.intersection(self._modules[charset]):
-          result.append(ln)  # Alias to an used module
-      else:
-        logging.error('Unknown line: %s', l)
-    if not dry_run:
-      with open(self._fn, 'w') as f:
-        f.write(''.join(result))
-def MultipleStringMatch(patterns, corpus):
-  """Search a list of strings in a corpus string.
-  Args:
-    patterns: A list of strings.
-    corpus: The text where to search for the strings.
-  Result:
-    A list of Booleans stating whether each pattern string was found on the
-    corpus or not.
-  """
-  tree = ahocorasick.KeywordTree()
-  for word in patterns:
-    tree.add(word)
-  tree.make()
-  result = [False] * len(patterns)
-  for i, j in tree.findall(corpus):
-    match = corpus[i:j]
-    result[patterns.index(match)] = True
-  return result
-def GconvStrip(args):
-  """Process gconv-modules and remove unused modules.
-  Args:
-    args: The command-line args passed to the script.
-  Returns:
-    The exit code number indicating whether the process succeeded.
-  """
-  root_st = os.lstat(args.root)
-  if not stat.S_ISDIR(root_st.st_mode):
-    raise Exception("root (%s) must be a directory.")
-  # Detect the possible locations of the gconv-modules file.
-  gconv_modules_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(args.root, GCONV_MODULES_PATH))
-  if not gconv_modules_files:
-    logging.error('gconv-modules file not found.')
-    return 1
-  # Only one gconv-modules files should be present, either on /usr/lib or
-  # /usr/lib64, but not both.
-  if len(gconv_modules_files) > 1:
-    logging.error('Found several gconv-modules files.')
-    return 1
-  gconv_modules_fn = gconv_modules_files[0]
-  logging.info('Searching for unused gconv files defined in %s',
-               gconv_modules_fn)
-  gmods = GconvModules(gconv_modules_fn)
-  charsets = gmods.Load()
-  # Use scanelf to search for all the binary files on the rootfs that require
-  # or define the symbol iconv_open. We also include the binaries that define
-  # it since there could be internal calls to it from other functions.
-  files = set()
-  for symbol in GCONV_SYMBOLS:
-    output = subprocess.check_output([
-        'scanelf', '--mount', '--quiet', '--recursive', '--format', '#s%F',
-        '--symbol', symbol, args.root])
-    symbol_files = output.splitlines()
-    logging.debug('Symbol %s found on %d files.', symbol, len(symbol_files))
-    files.update(symbol_files)
-  # The charsets are represented as null-terminated strings on the binary files,
-  # so we append the '\0' to each string. This prevents some false positives
-  # when the name of the charset is a substring of some other string. It doesn't
-  # prevent false positives when the charset name is the suffix of another
-  # string, for example a binary with the string "DON'T DO IT\0" will match the
-  # 'IT' charset. Empirical test on ChromeOS images suggests that only 4
-  # charsets could fall in category.
-  strings = [s + '\0' for s in charsets]
-  logging.info('Will search for %d strings in %d files',
-                len(strings), len(files))
-  # Charsets listed in STICKY_MOUDLES are initialized as used. Note that those
-  # strings should be listed in the gconv-modules file.
-  unknown_sticky_modules = set(STICKY_MODULES) - set(charsets)
-  if unknown_sticky_modules:
-    logging.warning('The following charsets were explicitly requested in '
-                    'STICKY_MODULES even though they don\'t exist: %s',
-                    ', '.join(unknown_sticky_modules))
-  global_used = [charset in STICKY_MODULES for charset in charsets]
-  for fn in files:
-    with open(fn, 'rb') as f:
-      used_fn = MultipleStringMatch(strings, f.read())
-    global_used = map(operator.or_, global_used, used_fn)
-    # Check the verbose flag to avoid running an useless loop.
-    if args.verbose and any(used_fn):
-      logging.debug('File %s:', fn)
-      for i in range(len(used_fn)):
-        if used_fn[i]:
-          logging.debug(' - %s:', strings[i])
-  used_charsets = [charsets[i] for i in range(len(charsets)) if global_used[i]]
-  gmods.Rewrite(used_charsets, args.dry_run)
-  return 0
-def main():
-  """Main function to start the script."""
-  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
-  parser.add_argument(
-      '-V', '--verbose', dest='verbose', action='store_true', default=False,
-      help='Verbose',)
-  parser.add_argument(
-      '--dry-run', dest='dry_run', action='store_true', default=False,
-      help='process but don\'t modify any file.',)
-  parser.add_argument(
-      'root', help='path to the directory where the rootfs is mounted.',)
-  logging_format = '%(asctime)s - %(filename)s - %(levelname)-8s: %(message)s'
-  date_format = '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S'
-  logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format=logging_format,
-                      datefmt=date_format)
-  args = parser.parse_args()
-  if args.verbose:
-    logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
-  logging.debug('Options are %s ', args)
-  return GconvStrip(args)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  sys.exit(main())