blob: 3783351ea88a10dc6583db170f85eafd2a4a0127 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Script to build a bootable keyfob-based chromeos system image from within
# a chromiumos setup. This assumes that all needed packages have been built into
# the given target's root with binary packages turned on. This script will
# build the Chrome OS image using only pre-built binary packages.
SCRIPT_ROOT=$(dirname "$0")
. "${SCRIPT_ROOT}/build_library/" || exit 1
DEFINE_string board "${DEFAULT_BOARD}" \
"The board to build an image for."
DEFINE_string build_root "/build" \
"The root location for board sysroots."
DEFINE_integer build_attempt 1 \
"The build attempt for this image build."
DEFINE_string output_root "${DEFAULT_BUILD_ROOT}/images" \
"Directory in which to place image result directories (named by version)"
DEFINE_boolean replace ${FLAGS_FALSE} \
"Overwrite existing output, if any."
DEFINE_boolean withdev ${FLAGS_TRUE} \
"Include useful developer friendly utilities in the image."
DEFINE_integer jobs -1 \
"How many packages to build in parallel at maximum."
DEFINE_boolean statefuldev ${FLAGS_TRUE} \
"Install development packages on stateful partition rather than the rootfs"
DEFINE_boolean test ${FLAGS_FALSE} \
"Modify the image for automated testing"
DEFINE_boolean factory ${FLAGS_FALSE} \
"Modify the image for manufacturing testing"
DEFINE_boolean factory_install ${FLAGS_FALSE} \
"Build a smaller image to overlay the factory install shim on; this argument \
is also required in image_to_usb."
DEFINE_integer rootfs_partition_size 1024 \
"rootfs partition size in MiBs."
DEFINE_integer rootfs_size 850 \
"rootfs filesystem size in MiBs."
# ceil(0.1 * rootfs_size) is a good minimum.
DEFINE_integer rootfs_hash_pad 8 \
"MiBs reserved at the end of the rootfs image."
DEFINE_integer statefulfs_size 1024 \
"stateful filesystem size in MiBs."
DEFINE_boolean fast ${DEFAULT_FAST} \
"Call many emerges in parallel"
DEFINE_string boot_args "noinitrd" \
"Additional boot arguments to pass to the commandline"
DEFINE_string usb_disk /dev/sdb3 \
"Path syslinux should use to do a usb boot. Default: /dev/sdb3"
DEFINE_boolean enable_rootfs_verification ${FLAGS_TRUE} \
"Default all bootloaders to use kernel-based root fs integrity checking."
DEFINE_integer verity_error_behavior 3 \
"Kernel verified boot error behavior (0: I/O errors, 1: panic, 2: nothing, \
3: cros) Default: 3"
DEFINE_integer verity_max_ios -1 \
"Number of outstanding I/O operations dm-verity caps at. Default: -1"
DEFINE_string verity_algorithm "sha1" \
"Cryptographic hash algorithm used for kernel vboot. Default : sha1"
DEFINE_string verity_salt "" \
"Root filesystem salt. Default: randomly generated."
DEFINE_boolean standard_backdoor ${FLAGS_TRUE} \
"Install standard backdoor credentials for testing"
DEFINE_string symlink "latest" \
"Symlink name to use for this image."
# TODO(clchiou): Remove this flag after buildbot is fixed
DEFINE_boolean crosbug12352_arm_kernel_signing ${FLAGS_TRUE} \
"A dummy this flag for preventing buildbot fail"
FLAGS_HELP="USAGE: build_image [flags] [list of images to build].
This script is used to build a Chromium OS image. Chromium OS comes in many
different forms. This scripts can be used to build the following:
base - Pristine Chromium OS image. As similar to Chrome OS as possible.
dev - Developer image. Like base but with additional developer packages.
test - Like dev, but with additional test specific packages and can be easily
used for automated testing using scripts like run_remote_tests, etc.
factory_test - Like test but with extra packages and modifications used to
test images in a factory setting. Cannot be built along with a test image.
factory_install - Install shim for bootstrapping the factory test process.
Cannot be built along with any other image.
build_image --board=<board> dev test - builds developer and test images.
build_image --board=<board> factory_install - builds a factory install shim.
# Parse command line.
FLAGS "$@" || exit 1
eval set -- "${FLAGS_ARGV}"
# Only now can we die on error. shflags functions leak non-zero error codes,
# so will die prematurely if 'set -e' is specified before now.
set -e
# Determine build version.
. "${OVERLAY_CHROMEOS_DIR}/config/" || exit 1
# N.B. Ordering matters for some of the libraries below, because
# some of the files contain initialization used by later files.
. "${BUILD_LIBRARY_DIR}/" || exit 1
. "${BUILD_LIBRARY_DIR}/" || exit 1
. "${BUILD_LIBRARY_DIR}/" || exit 1
. "${BUILD_LIBRARY_DIR}/" || exit 1
. "${BUILD_LIBRARY_DIR}/" || exit 1
. "${BUILD_LIBRARY_DIR}/" || exit 1
. "${BUILD_LIBRARY_DIR}/" || exit 1
. "${BUILD_LIBRARY_DIR}/" || exit 1
# Tweak flags, configure extra USE flags, and add packages for the factory
# install shim.
if [ ${FLAGS_factory_install} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]; then
# TODO: Build a separated ebuild for the install shim to reduce size.
# Reduce the size of factory install shim.
info "Fixing the rootfs size at 320 MiB for install shim"
info "Fixing the statefulfs size at 140 MiB for install shim"
# Add the cros_factory_install boot arg.
FLAGS_boot_args="${FLAGS_boot_args} cros_factory_install"
# Factory install needs to have the factory installer added.
EXTRA_PACKAGES="${EXTRA_PACKAGES} chromeos-base/chromeos-factoryinstall"
# On x86, we boot the factory install shim from an SD card using
# initramfs for our root. On ARM, we boot the factory install shim
# over the network, so we don't require initramfs, but we do require
# fbconsole to fix a display driver bug.
if [ "${ARCH}" = "x86" ] ; then
export USE="${USE} initramfs"
# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_RAM is disabled by default.
# But tftp install needs it to mount rootfs in ram
if [ "${ARCH}" = "arm" ] ; then
export USE="${USE} fbconsole blkdevram"
if [ $((FLAGS_rootfs_size + FLAGS_rootfs_hash_pad)) -gt \
${FLAGS_rootfs_partition_size} ] ; then
die "rootfs ($((FLAGS_rootfs_size + FLAGS_rootfs_hash_pad)) MiB) is" \
"bigger than partition (${FLAGS_rootfs_partition_size} MiB)."
# If we are creating a developer image, also create a pristine image with a
# different name.
if [ ${FLAGS_withdev} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]; then
# Rename pristine image for factory install shim.
elif [ ${FLAGS_factory_install} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]; then
# No withdev and no factory_install set meaning we must be building just the
# base image.
# Verify our assertion is true.
die "Should only reach this condition if only building the base image."
# ${DEV_IMAGE_ROOT} specifies the location of where developer packages will
# be installed on the stateful dir. On a Chromium OS system, this will
# translate to /usr/local.
eclean-$BOARD -d packages
# Check that the build root is sane.
"${BUILD_LIBRARY_DIR}/test_build_root" --root="${BOARD_ROOT}"
# Hack to fix bug where x86_64 CHOST line gets incorrectly added.
# ToDo(msb): remove this hack.
sudo sed -e "s/CHOST: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu//" -i "${PACKAGES_FILE}"
# Handle existing directory.
if [[ -e "${BUILD_DIR}" ]]; then
if [[ ${FLAGS_replace} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]]; then
sudo rm -rf "${BUILD_DIR}"
error "Directory ${BUILD_DIR} already exists."
error "Use --build_attempt option to specify an unused attempt."
die "Or use --replace if you want to overwrite this directory."
# Create the output directory and temporary mount points.
mkdir -p "${BUILD_DIR}"
mkdir -p "${ROOT_FS_DIR}" "${STATEFUL_FS_DIR}" "${ESP_FS_DIR}"
# Create the boot.desc file which stores the build-time configuration
# information needed for making the image bootable after creation with
# cros_make_image_bootable.
create_base_image ${PRISTINE_IMAGE_NAME}
if [ ${FLAGS_factory_install} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]; then
BOOT_FLAG="-b 1" # BOOT_FLAG_DEVELOPER value defined in load_kernel_fw.h
info "--factory_install set, pass BOOT_FLAG_DEVELOPER flag to" \
# Verify pristine image if we built it.
if should_build_image "${PRISTINE_IMAGE_NAME}"; then
load_kernel_test "${BUILD_DIR}/${PRISTINE_IMAGE_NAME}" \
"${DEVKEYSDIR}/recovery_key.vbpubk" ${BOOT_FLAG}
# Create a developer image based on the chromium os base image.
if [ ${FLAGS_withdev} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]; then
install_dev_packages ${CHROMEOS_DEVELOPER_IMAGE_NAME}
# Create a test or factory test image if desired.
if [ ${FLAGS_factory} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]; then
elif [ ${FLAGS_test} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]; then
mod_image_for_test ${CHROMEOS_TEST_IMAGE_NAME}
# Generating AU generator zip file to run outside chroot
generate_au_zip || echo "Failed generating AU zip file - ignoring Error..."
# Create a named symlink.
ln -sfT $(basename ${BUILD_DIR}) ${LINK_NAME}
echo "Done. Image created in ${BUILD_DIR}"
echo "Chromium OS image created as ${PRISTINE_IMAGE_NAME}"
if [ ${FLAGS_withdev} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]; then
echo "Developer image created as ${CHROMEOS_DEVELOPER_IMAGE_NAME}"
if [ ${FLAGS_factory} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]; then
echo "Factory test image created as ${CHROMEOS_FACTORY_TEST_IMAGE_NAME}"
elif [ ${FLAGS_test} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]; then
echo "Test image created as ${CHROMEOS_TEST_IMAGE_NAME}"
echo "To copy to USB keyfob, do something like:"
echo " ./ --from=${OUTSIDE_OUTPUT_DIR} --to=/dev/sdX"
echo "To convert to VMWare image, INSIDE the chroot, do something like:"
echo " ./ --from=${OUTSIDE_OUTPUT_DIR} --board=${BOARD}"
echo "from the scripts directory where you entered the chroot."