Add a script to automate firmware update process

A typical process to uprev firmware is:
(1) Download a specific firmware tarball from GE or CPFE
(2) Untar the tarball and then repack new tarballs for AP/EC firmware
    binaries respectively
(3) Upload the new tarballs to BCS
(4) Modify the firmware ebuild in device private overlay
(5) Build firmware updater and verify the firmware version is correct
(6) (Optional) Test the firmware updater on a real device
(7) Submit a CL and wait for approval

This script aims to automate 1-2 & 4-5.
(3) needs to be done by CPFE manually because of the limitation of access.
(7) needs more customization by the user.

TEST=uprev firmware for bob and gru

Change-Id: Ia3f111c79af03a45139aad2618e4724da5ed91ec
Commit-Ready: Philip Chen <>
Tested-by: Philip Chen <>
Reviewed-by: Julius Werner <>
Reviewed-by: Mike Frysinger <>
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c62c0c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+# Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+# Script to automate firmware update process for a board.
+# It works only when the private overlay and firmware ebuild
+# file for the board are already in place.
+# Loads script libraries.
+SCRIPT_ROOT=$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")
+. "${SCRIPT_ROOT}/" || exit 1
+# Script must be run inside the chroot.
+restart_in_chroot_if_needed "$@"
+# Flags.
+DEFINE_string board "" "Which board the firmware is for" b
+DEFINE_string fw_version "" "Firmware version of the new firmware" v
+DEFINE_string output_dir "" "Output directory" o
+DEFINE_boolean rw_only "${FLAGS_FALSE}" "Only update RW image"
+FLAGS_HELP="Update chromeos-firmware-${board} ebuild file and tarball in BCS for the new firmware.
+USAGE: $0 [flags] args
+For example:
+To uprev kevin ro/rw firmware to 8785.178.0, run:
+$ ./uprev_firmware -b kevin -v 8785.178.0
+To uprev chell rw firmware to 7820.288.0, run:
+$ ./uprev_firmware -b chell -v 7820.288.0 --rw_only
+# Parse command line.
+FLAGS "$@" || exit 1
+eval set -- "${FLAGS_ARGV}"
+# Sanity check the arguments and initialize global variables.
+init() {
+  TMP=$(mktemp -d --suffix=.uprev_firmware)
+  if [[ -z "${FLAGS_board}" ]]; then
+    die_notrace "Please specify a board using -b"
+  fi
+  if [[ -z "${FLAGS_fw_version}" ]]; then
+    die_notrace "Please specify a firmware version using -v"
+  fi
+  if [[ -z "${FLAGS_output_dir}" ]]; then
+    info "${TMP} is used as your default output directory\n"
+    FLAGS_output_dir=${TMP}
+  fi
+  if [[ ! -d "${FLAGS_output_dir}" ]]; then
+    die_notrace "The output directory does not exist\n"
+  fi
+  FLAGS_output_dir=$(realpath "${FLAGS_output_dir}")
+  if [[ ! -d "/build/${FLAGS_board}" ]]; then
+    die_notrace "Please setup board for ${FLAGS_board} first"
+  fi
+  OVERLAY_DIR="${GCLIENT_ROOT}/src/private-overlays/\
+  if [[ ! -d "${OVERLAY_DIR}" ]]; then
+    die_notrace "The private overlay is not found: ${OVERLAY_DIR}"
+  fi
+  EBUILD_DIR="${OVERLAY_DIR}/chromeos-base/chromeos-firmware-${FLAGS_board}"
+  if [[ ! -d "${EBUILD_DIR}" ]]; then
+    die_notrace "The directory doesn't exist: ${EBUILD_DIR}"
+  fi
+  EBUILD_FILE="${EBUILD_DIR}/chromeos-firmware-${FLAGS_board}-9999.ebuild"
+  if [[ ! -f "${EBUILD_FILE}" ]]; then
+    die_notrace "Please create the initial firmware ebuild manually:\n" \
+      "${EBUILD_FILE}"
+  fi
+  MAIN_FW_TAR_NAME="${FLAGS_board}_fw_${FLAGS_fw_version}.tbz2"
+  EC_FW_TAR_NAME="${FLAGS_board}_ec_${FLAGS_fw_version}.tbz2"
+# Clean up function when exit.
+cleanup() {
+  rm -rf "${TMP}"
+# Prepare new firmware tarballs to upload to BCS
+prepare_fw_tarball() {
+  local build_dir="gs://chromeos-releases/canary-channel/\
+  local build_fw_tar_path=$(gsutil ls "${build_dir}/ChromeOS-firmware-*")
+  local build_fw_tar_name=$(basename "${build_fw_tar_path}")
+  if [[ -z "${build_fw_tar_path}" ]]; then
+    die "Please ensure your gsutil works and the firmware version is correct"
+  fi
+  # Download the firmware tarball.
+  gsutil cp "${build_fw_tar_path}" "${TMP}/."
+  tar -xvf "${TMP}/${build_fw_tar_name}" -C "${TMP}"
+  # Make new tarballs for EC/AP FW binaries.
+  tar -jcvf "${TMP}/${MAIN_FW_TAR_NAME}" -C "${TMP}" image.bin
+  tar -jcvf "${TMP}/${EC_FW_TAR_NAME}" -C "${TMP}" ec.bin
+  if [[ "${TMP}" != "${FLAGS_output_dir}" ]]; then
+    mv "${TMP}/${MAIN_FW_TAR_NAME}" "${FLAGS_output_dir}"
+    mv "${TMP}/${EC_FW_TAR_NAME}" "${FLAGS_output_dir}"
+  fi
+  info "Your tarballs are ready at\n"\
+  "${FLAGS_output_dir}/${MAIN_FW_TAR_NAME}\n"\
+  "${FLAGS_output_dir}/${EC_FW_TAR_NAME}\n"\
+  "To continue, please upload them to BCS manually through CPFE:\n"\
+  "\n"
+# Update the firmware ebuild file in the device private overlay
+update_fw_ebuild() {
+  local keyword_main_fw="MAIN_IMAGE=\"bcs:\/\/${FLAGS_board}"
+  local keyword_main_rw_fw="MAIN_RW_IMAGE=\"bcs:\/\/${FLAGS_board}"
+  local keyword_ec_fw="EC_IMAGE=\"bcs:\/\/${FLAGS_board}"
+  local main_fw_line=$(grep -i "${keyword_main_fw}" "${EBUILD_FILE}")
+  local main_rw_fw_line=$(grep -i "${keyword_main_rw_fw}" "${EBUILD_FILE}")
+  local ec_fw_line=$(grep -i "${keyword_ec_fw}" "${EBUILD_FILE}")
+  local old_main_fw_tar_name="${main_fw_line#*bcs://}"
+  old_main_fw_tar_name="${old_main_fw_tar_name%'"'}"
+  local old_ec_fw_tar_name="${ec_fw_line#*bcs://}"
+  old_ec_fw_tar_name="${old_ec_fw_tar_name%'"'}"
+  # Check if the repo is clean.
+  local git_output="$(git --git-dir="${OVERLAY_DIR}/.git" \
+    --work-tree="${OVERLAY_DIR}" status --porcelain)"
+  if [[ -n ${git_output} ]]; then
+    die "Please clean your repo first: ${OVERLAY_DIR}"
+  fi
+  # Update the fw ebuild file.
+  if [[ -n "${main_rw_fw_line}" ]]; then
+    sed -i "/${keyword_main_rw_fw}/d" "${EBUILD_FILE}"
+  fi
+  if [[ "${FLAGS_rw_only}" -eq "${FLAGS_FALSE}" ]]; then
+    sed -i -e "s/${old_main_fw_tar_name}/${MAIN_FW_TAR_NAME}/" \
+      -e "s/${old_ec_fw_tar_name}/${EC_FW_TAR_NAME}/" "${EBUILD_FILE}"
+  else
+    # Create a new line for CROS_FIRMWARE_MAIN_RW_IMAGE
+    main_rw_fw_line="CROS_FIRMWARE_MAIN_RW_IMAGE=\"\
+    sed -i "/${old_main_fw_tar_name}/a ${main_rw_fw_line}" "${EBUILD_FILE}"
+  fi
+  # Update the manifest.
+  ebuild-"${FLAGS_board}" "${EBUILD_FILE}" manifest
+  info "Ebuild files and manifest are updated at:\n${EBUILD_DIR}\n"
+# Build the firmware updater and verify the firmware version
+verify_fw_updater() {
+  local fw_updater="/build/${FLAGS_board}/usr/sbin/chromeos-firmwareupdate"
+  local fw_updater_bios_version
+  cros_workon-"${FLAGS_board}" start "chromeos-firmware-${FLAGS_board}"
+  emerge-"${FLAGS_board}" "chromeos-firmware-${FLAGS_board}"
+  cros_workon-"${FLAGS_board}" stop "chromeos-firmware-${FLAGS_board}"
+  if [[ ! -f "${fw_updater}" ]]; then
+    die "Firmware updater is not found at ${fw_updater}"
+  fi
+  if [[ "${FLAGS_rw_only}" -eq "${FLAGS_TRUE}" ]]; then
+    fw_updater_bios_version=$(${fw_updater} -V | grep "BIOS (RW) version")
+  else
+    fw_updater_bios_version=$(${fw_updater} -V | grep "BIOS version")
+  fi
+  fw_updater_bios_version="${fw_updater_bios_version#*Google_}"
+  fw_updater_bios_version="${fw_updater_bios_version,,}"
+  if [[ "${FLAGS_board}.${FLAGS_fw_version}" != \
+    "${fw_updater_bios_version}" ]]; then
+    die "The firmware version in the updater is incorrect"
+  fi
+  info "The firmware version in the updater is verified:" \
+    "${FLAGS_fw_version}\nPlease commit your change.\n"
+main() {
+  TMP=""
+  trap cleanup EXIT
+  if [[ "$#" -ne 0 ]]; then
+    flags_help
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  init
+  prepare_fw_tarball
+  local sure
+  read -p "Please confirm that you've uploaded the tarballs to BCS [y/N]:" sure
+  if [[ "${sure}" != "y" ]]; then
+    die_notrace "Aborted..."
+  fi
+  update_fw_ebuild
+  verify_fw_updater
+main "$@"