blob: 08416943d142970245934b618a2878288f3078de [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# --board=[board]
# This script validates that the current latest image is an install shim,
# and generates a netboot image from it. This pulls the u-boot kernel
# image bundle (uimg), the legacy firmware for netbooting, and the install
# shim kernel image, bundled as a uboot gz/uimg, and places them in a
# "netboot" subfolder.
SCRIPT_ROOT=$(dirname $(readlink -f "$0"))
. "${SCRIPT_ROOT}/" || exit 1
# Script must be run inside the chroot.
restart_in_chroot_if_needed "$@"
DEFINE_string board "${DEFAULT_BOARD}" \
"The board to build an image for."
DEFINE_string image "" "Path to the image to use"
# Parse command line.
FLAGS "$@" || exit 1
eval set -- "${FLAGS_ARGV}"
. "${SCRIPT_ROOT}/build_library/" || exit 1
. "${BUILD_LIBRARY_DIR}/" || exit 1
# build_packages artifact output.
# build_image artifact output.
if [ -n "${FLAGS_image}" ]; then
cd $(dirname "${FLAGS_image}")
INSTALL_SHIM=$(basename "${FLAGS_image}")
cd ${IMAGES_DIR}/${FLAGS_board}/latest
# Canonical install shim name.
if [ ! -f "${INSTALL_SHIM}" ]; then
echo "Cannot locate ${INSTALL_SHIM}, nothing to netbootify!"
exit 1
# Generate staging dir for netboot files.
sudo rm -rf netboot
mkdir -p netboot
# Get netboot firmware.
# TODO(nsanders): Set default IP here when userspace
# env modification is available.
# TODO(nsanders): ARM generic doesn't build chromeos-u-boot package.
# When ARM generic goes away, delete the test.
if [ -r "${SYSROOT}/firmware/legacy_image.bin" ]; then
echo "Copying netboot firmware legacy_image.bin"
cp "${SYSROOT}/firmware/legacy_image.bin" "netboot"
cp "${GCLIENT_ROOT}/chroot/usr/bin/" "netboot"
echo "Skipping legacy fw: ${SYSROOT}/firmware/legacy_image.bin not present?"
# Prepare to mount rootfs.
umount_loop() {
safe_umount r || true
safe_umount s || true
echo "Unpack factory install shim partitions"
# Genrate clean mountpoints.
sudo rm -rf r s
mkdir -p r s
# Clean ROified filesystem headers, and mount.
trap "umount_loop" EXIT
enable_rw_mount part_3
sudo mount -o loop part_3 r
sudo mount -o loop part_1 s
echo "Mount install shim rootfs (partition 3)"
if [ "${ARCH}" = "arm" ]; then
export MKIMAGE_ARCH="arm"
export MKIMAGE_ARCH="x86" # including amd64
# Get netboot kernel.
echo "Building kernel"
# Create temporary emerge root
temp_build_path="$(mktemp -d bk_XXXXXXXX)"
if ! [ -d "${temp_build_path}" ]; then
echo "Failed to create temporary directory."
exit 1
# Emerge network boot kernel
# We don't want to build whole install shim everytime we run this script,
# and thus we only build kernel here. If this script is run against install
# shim with different kernel version, this might not work. But as we don't
# upgrade kernel so often, this is probably fine.
export USE='vfat blkdevram fbconsole'
export EMERGE_BOARD_CMD="emerge-${FLAGS_board}"
emerge_custom_kernel ${temp_build_path}
# Generate kernel uImage
echo "Generating netboot kernel vmlinux.uimg"
if [ "${ARCH}" = "arm" ]; then
cp "${temp_build_path}"/boot/vmlinux.uimg netboot/
# U-boot put kernel image at 0x100000. We load it at 0x3000000 because
# 0x3000000 is safe enough not to overlap with image at 0x100000.
mkimage -A "${MKIMAGE_ARCH}" -O linux -T kernel -n "Linux kernel" -C none \
-d "${temp_build_path}"/boot/vmlinuz \
-a 0x03000000 -e 0x03000000 netboot/vmlinux.uimg
# Clean up temporary emerge root
sudo rm -rf "${temp_build_path}"
echo "Add lsb-factory"
# Copy factory config file.
# TODO(nsanders): switch this to u-boot env var config.
sudo mkdir -p "r/${LSB_FACTORY_DIR}"
sudo cp "s/dev_image/etc/lsb-factory" "r/${LSB_FACTORY_DIR}"
# Clean up mounts.
trap - EXIT
safe_umount r s
sudo rm -rf r s
# Generate an initrd fo u-boot to load.
gzip -9 -c part_3 > ext2_rootfs.gz
echo "Generating netboot rootfs initrd.uimg"
# U-boot's uimg wrapper specifies where we will load the blob into memory.
# tftp boot's default root address is set to 0x12008000 in legacy_image.bin,
# so we want to unpack it there.
mkimage -A "${MKIMAGE_ARCH}" -O linux -T ramdisk -a 0x12008000 \
-n "Factory Install RootFS" -C gzip -d ext2_rootfs.gz \
# Cleanup
rm -rf ext2_rootfs.gz part_*