blob: 021b2c7b428af2cce8d35e20077a6a2f802863ba [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import copy
import json
import os
import sys
# First sector we can use.
class ConfigNotFound(Exception):
class PartitionNotFound(Exception):
class InvalidLayout(Exception):
def LoadPartitionConfig(filename):
"""Loads a partition tables configuration file into a Python object.
filename: Filename to load into object
Object containing disk layout configuration
if not os.path.exists(filename):
raise ConfigNotFound("Partition config %s was not found!" % filename)
with open(filename) as f:
config = json.load(f)
metadata = config["metadata"]
metadata["block_size"] = int(metadata["block_size"])
for layout_name, layout in config["layouts"].items():
for part in layout:
part["blocks"] = int(part["blocks"])
part["bytes"] = part["blocks"] * metadata["block_size"]
if "fs_blocks" in part:
part["fs_blocks"] = int(part["fs_blocks"])
part["fs_bytes"] = part["fs_blocks"] * metadata["fs_block_size"]
if part["fs_bytes"] > part["bytes"]:
raise InvalidLayout("Filesystem may not be larger than partition")
return config
def GetTableTotals(config, partitions):
"""Calculates total sizes/counts for a partition table.
config: Partition configuration file object
partitions: List of partitions to process
Dict containing totals data
ret = {
"expand_count": 0,
"expand_min": 0,
"block_count": START_SECTOR * config["metadata"]["block_size"]
# Total up the size of all non-expanding partitions to get the minimum
# required disk size.
for partition in partitions:
if "features" in partition and "expand" in partition["features"]:
ret["expand_count"] += 1
ret["expand_min"] += partition["blocks"]
ret["block_count"] += partition["blocks"]
# At present, only one expanding partition is permitted.
# Whilst it'd be possible to have two, we don't need this yet
# and it complicates things, so it's been left out for now.
if ret["expand_count"] > 1:
raise InvalidLayout("1 expand partition allowed, %d requested"
% ret["expand_count"])
ret["min_disk_size"] = ret["block_count"] + ret["expand_min"]
return ret
def GetPartitionTable(config, image_type):
"""Generates requested image_type layout from a layout configuration.
This loads the base table and then overlays the requested layout over
the base layout.
config: Partition configuration file object
image_type: Type of image eg base/test/dev/factory_install
Object representing a selected partition table
partitions = config["layouts"]["base"]
if image_type != "base":
for partition_t in config["layouts"][image_type]:
for partition in partitions:
if partition["type"] == "blank" or partition_t["type"] == "blank":
if partition_t["num"] == partition["num"]:
for k, v in partition_t.items():
partition[k] = v
return partitions
def GetScriptShell():
"""Loads and returns the skeleton script for our output script.
A string containg the skeleton script
script_shell_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "")
with open(script_shell_path, "r") as f:
script_shell = "".join(f.readlines())
# Before we return, insert the path to this tool so somebody reading the
# script later can tell where it was generated.
script_shell = script_shell.replace("@SCRIPT_GENERATOR@", script_shell_path)
return script_shell
def WriteLayoutFunction(sfile, func_name, image_type, config):
"""Writes a shell script function to write out a given partition table.
sfile: File handle we're writing to
func_name: Function name to write out for specified layout
image_type: Type of image eg base/test/dev/factory_install
config: Partition configuration file object
partitions = GetPartitionTable(config, image_type)
partition_totals = GetTableTotals(config, partitions)
sfile.write("%s() {\ncreate_image $1 %d %s\n" % (
func_name, partition_totals["min_disk_size"],
sfile.write("CURR=%d\n" % START_SECTOR)
sfile.write("$GPT create $1\n")
# Pass 1: Set up the expanding partition size.
for partition in partitions:
partition["var"] = partition["blocks"]
if partition["type"] != "blank":
if partition["num"] == 1:
if "features" in partition and "expand" in partition["features"]:
sfile.write("if [ -b $1 ]; then\n")
sfile.write("STATEFUL_SIZE=$(( $(numsectors $1) - %d))\n" %
sfile.write("STATEFUL_SIZE=%s\n" % partition["blocks"])
partition["var"] = "$STATEFUL_SIZE"
# Pass 2: Write out all the cgpt add commands.
for partition in partitions:
if partition["type"] != "blank":
sfile.write("$GPT add -i %d -b $CURR -s %s -t %s -l %s $1 && " % (
partition["num"], str(partition["var"]), partition["type"],
# Increment the CURR counter ready for the next partition.
sfile.write("CURR=$(( $CURR + %s ))\n" % partition["var"])
# Set default priorities on kernel partitions
sfile.write("$GPT add -i 2 -S 0 -T 15 -P 15 $1\n")
sfile.write("$GPT add -i 4 -S 0 -T 15 -P 0 $1\n")
sfile.write("$GPT add -i 6 -S 0 -T 15 -P 0 $1\n")
sfile.write("$GPT boot -p -b $2 -i 12 $1\n")
sfile.write("$GPT show $1\n")
def GetPartitionByNumber(partitions, num):
"""Given a partition table and number returns the partition object.
partitions: List of partitions to search in
num: Number of partition to find
An object for the selected partition
for partition in partitions:
if partition["type"] == "blank":
if partition["num"] == int(num):
return partition
raise PartitionNotFound("Partition not found")
def WritePartitionScript(image_type, layout_filename, sfilename):
"""Writes a shell script with functions for the base and requested layouts.
image_type: Type of image eg base/test/dev/factory_install
layout_filename: Path to partition configuration file
sfilename: Filename to write the finished script to
config = LoadPartitionConfig(layout_filename)
sfile = open(sfilename, "w")
script_shell = GetScriptShell()
WriteLayoutFunction(sfile, "write_base_table", "base", config)
WriteLayoutFunction(sfile, "write_partition_table", image_type, config)
def GetBlockSize(layout_filename):
"""Returns the partition table block size.
layout_filename: Path to partition configuration file
Block size of all partitions in the layout
config = LoadPartitionConfig(layout_filename)
return config["metadata"]["block_size"]
def GetFilesystemBlockSize(layout_filename):
"""Returns the filesystem block size.
This is used for all partitions in the table that have filesystems.
layout_filename: Path to partition configuration file
Block size of all filesystems in the layout
config = LoadPartitionConfig(layout_filename)
return config["metadata"]["fs_block_size"]
def GetPartitionSize(image_type, layout_filename, num):
"""Returns the partition size of a given partition for a given layout type.
image_type: Type of image eg base/test/dev/factory_install
layout_filename: Path to partition configuration file
num: Number of the partition you want to read from
Size of selected partition in bytes
config = LoadPartitionConfig(layout_filename)
partitions = GetPartitionTable(config, image_type)
partition = GetPartitionByNumber(partitions, num)
return partition["bytes"]
def GetFilesystemSize(image_type, layout_filename, num):
"""Returns the filesystem size of a given partition for a given layout type.
If no filesystem size is specified, returns the partition size.
image_type: Type of image eg base/test/dev/factory_install
layout_filename: Path to partition configuration file
num: Number of the partition you want to read from
Size of selected partition filesystem in bytes
config = LoadPartitionConfig(layout_filename)
partitions = GetPartitionTable(config, image_type)
partition = GetPartitionByNumber(partitions, num)
if "fs_bytes" in partition:
return partition["fs_bytes"]
return partition["bytes"]
def GetLabel(image_type, layout_filename, num):
"""Returns the label for a given partition.
image_type: Type of image eg base/test/dev/factory_install
layout_filename: Path to partition configuration file
num: Number of the partition you want to read from
Label of selected partition, or "UNTITLED" if none specified
config = LoadPartitionConfig(layout_filename)
partitions = GetPartitionTable(config, image_type)
partition = GetPartitionByNumber(partitions, num)
if "label" in partition:
return partition["label"]
return "UNTITLED"
def DoDebugOutput(image_type, layout_filename):
"""Prints out a human readable disk layout in on-disk order.
This will round values larger than 1MB, it's exists to quickly
visually verify a layout looks correct.
image_type: Type of image eg base/test/dev/factory_install
layout_filename: Path to partition configuration file
config = LoadPartitionConfig(layout_filename)
partitions = GetPartitionTable(config, image_type)
for partition in partitions:
if partition["bytes"] < 1024 * 1024:
size = "%d bytes" % partition["bytes"]
size = "%d MB" % (partition["bytes"] / 1024 / 1024)
if "label" in partition:
if "fs_bytes" in partition:
if partition["fs_bytes"] < 1024 * 1024:
fs_size = "%d bytes" % partition["fs_bytes"]
fs_size = "%d MB" % (partition["fs_bytes"] / 1024 / 1024)
print "%s - %s/%s" % (partition["label"], fs_size, size)
print "%s - %s" % (partition["label"], size)
print "blank - %s" % size
def main(argv):
action_map = {
"write": {
"argc": 4,
"usage": "<image_type> <partition_config_file> <script_file>",
"func": WritePartitionScript
"readblocksize": {
"argc": 2,
"usage": "<partition_config_file>",
"func": GetBlockSize
"readfsblocksize": {
"argc": 2,
"usage": "<partition_config_file>",
"func": GetFilesystemBlockSize
"readpartsize": {
"argc": 4,
"usage": "<image_type> <partition_config_file> <partition_num>",
"func": GetPartitionSize
"readfssize": {
"argc": 4,
"usage": "<image_type> <partition_config_file> <partition_num>",
"func": GetFilesystemSize
"readlabel": {
"argc": 4,
"usage": "<image_type> <partition_config_file> <partition_num>",
"func": GetLabel
"debug": {
"argc": 3,
"usage": "<image_type> <partition_config_file>",
"func": DoDebugOutput
if len(sys.argv) < 2 or sys.argv[1] not in action_map:
print "Usage: %s <action>\n" % sys.argv[0]
print "Valid actions are:"
for action in action_map:
print " %s %s" % (action, action_map[action]["usage"])
action_name = sys.argv[1]
action = action_map[action_name]
if action["argc"] == len(sys.argv) - 1:
print action["func"](*sys.argv[2:])
sys.exit("Usage: %s %s %s" % (sys.argv[0], sys.argv[1], action["usage"]))
if __name__ == "__main__":