blob: 67e7d60d87de0bbdf1b5618f0915bbbe1b72a15e [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
check_full_disk() {
local prev_ret=$?
# Disable die on error.
set +e
# See if we ran out of space. Only show if we errored out via a trap.
if [[ ${prev_ret} -ne 0 ]]; then
local df=$(df -B 1M "${root_fs_dir}")
if [[ ${df} == *100%* ]]; then
error "Here are the biggest [partially-]extracted files (by disk usage):"
# Send final output to stderr to match `error` behavior.
sudo find "${root_fs_dir}" -xdev -type f -printf '%b %P\n' | \
awk '$1 > 16 { $1 = $1 * 512; print }' | sort -n | tail -100 1>&2
error "Target image has run out of space:"
error "${df}"
# Turn die on error back on.
set -e
zero_free_space() {
local fs_mount_point=$1
if ! mountpoint -q "${fs_mount_point}"; then
info "Not zeroing freespace in ${fs_mount_point} since it isn't a mounted" \
"filesystem. This is normal for squashfs and ubifs partitions."
return 0
info "Zeroing freespace in ${fs_mount_point}"
sudo fstrim -v "${fs_mount_point}"
# create_dev_install_lists updates package lists used by
# chromeos-base/dev-install
create_dev_install_lists() {
local root_fs_dir=$1
info "Building dev-install package lists"
local pkgs=(
local pkgs_out=$(mktemp -d)
for pkg in "${pkgs[@]}" ; do
emerge-${BOARD} --color n --pretend --quiet --emptytree \
--root-deps=rdeps ${pkg} | \
egrep -o ' [[:alnum:]-]+/[^[:space:]/]+\b' | \
tr -d ' ' | \
sort > "${pkgs_out}/${pkg##*/}.packages"
[[ ${pipestatus// } -eq 0 ]] || touch "${pkgs_out}/FAILED"
) &
if [[ -e "${pkgs_out}/FAILED" ]]; then
die_notrace "Generating lists failed"
# bootstrap = portage - target-os
comm -13 "${pkgs_out}/target-os.packages" \
"${pkgs_out}/portage.packages" > "${pkgs_out}/bootstrap.packages"
# chromeos-base = target-os + portage - virtuals
sort -u "${pkgs_out}/target-os.packages" "${pkgs_out}/portage.packages" \
| grep -v "virtual/" \
> "${pkgs_out}/chromeos-base.packages"
# package.installable = target-os-dev + target-os-test - target-os + virtuals
comm -23 <(sort -u "${pkgs_out}/target-os-dev.packages" \
"${pkgs_out}/target-os-test.packages") \
"${pkgs_out}/target-os.packages" \
> "${pkgs_out}/package.installable"
grep "virtual/" "${pkgs_out}/target-os.packages" | sort \
>> "${pkgs_out}/package.installable"
# Copy the file over for chromite to process.
sudo mkdir -p "${BOARD_ROOT}/build/dev-install"
sudo mv "${pkgs_out}/package.installable" "${BOARD_ROOT}/build/dev-install/"
sudo mkdir -p \
"${root_fs_dir}/usr/share/dev-install/portage/make.profile/package.provided" \
sudo cp "${pkgs_out}/bootstrap.packages" \
sudo cp "${pkgs_out}/chromeos-base.packages" \
# Copy the toolchain settings which are fixed at build_image time.
sudo cp "${BOARD_ROOT}/etc/portage/profile/package.provided" \
# Copy the profile stubbed packages which are always disabled for the board.
# TODO(vapier): This doesn't currently respect the profile or its parents.
sudo cp \
"/usr/local/portage/chromiumos/profiles/targets/chromeos/package.provided" \
rm -r "${pkgs_out}"
install_libc() {
# We need to install libc manually from the cross toolchain.
# TODO: Improve this? It would be ideal to use emerge to do this.
libc_version="$(get_variable "${BOARD_ROOT}/${SYSROOT_SETTINGS_FILE}" \
local libc_atom="cross-${CHOST}/glibc-${libc_version}"
if [[ ! -e ${LIBC_PATH} ]]; then
sudo emerge --nodeps -gf "=${libc_atom}"
# Strip out files we don't need in the final image at runtime.
local libc_excludes=(
# Compile-time headers.
'usr/include' 'sys-include'
# Link-time objects.
# Debug commands not used by normal runtime code.
# LD_PRELOAD objects for debugging.
'lib*/lib'{memusage,pcprofile,SegFault}.so 'usr/lib*/audit'
# We only use files & dns with nsswitch, so throw away the others.
# This is only for very old packages which we don't have.
pbzip2 -dc --ignore-trailing-garbage=1 "${LIBC_PATH}" | \
sudo tar xpf - -C "${root_fs_dir}" ./usr/${CHOST} \
--strip-components=3 "${libc_excludes[@]/#/--exclude=}"
# Generates imageloader images containing demo mode resources.
# Generates two imageloader images under BUILD_DIR:
# * standalone demo resources - archive containing demo resources to be added
# to demo mode enabled release images. The demo mode resources will be added
# to target image stateful partition during factory flow.
# * test demo resources - demo resources that will be moved to the test images
# stateful partition during mod_image_for_test.
generate_demo_mode_resources_images() {
local demo_resources_src="$1"
# Used to enable demo mode on test images, but with reduced set of demo apps.
if [[ -d "${demo_resources_src}/test" ]]; then
mkdir -p "${BUILD_DIR}/test_demo_resources"
generate_imageloader_image "0.0.1" \
"${demo_resources_src}/test/image" \
if [[ -d "${demo_resources_src}/standalone" ]]; then
# Used to generate the demo resources archive to be bundled with release
# images in factory - these are intended to contain the full set of demo
# mode apps.
generate_and_tar_imageloader_image "0.0.1" \
"${demo_resources_src}/standalone/image" \
create_base_image() {
local image_name=$1
local rootfs_verification_enabled=$2
local bootcache_enabled=$3
local image_type="usb"
if [[ "${FLAGS_disk_layout}" != "default" ]]; then
if should_build_image ${CHROMEOS_FACTORY_INSTALL_SHIM_NAME}; then
check_valid_layout "base"
check_valid_layout "${image_type}"
info "Using image type ${image_type}"
info "Using disk layout ${DISK_LAYOUT_PATH}"
trap "delete_prompt" EXIT
mkdir "${root_fs_dir}" "${stateful_fs_dir}" "${esp_fs_dir}"
build_gpt_image "${BUILD_DIR}/${image_name}" "${image_type}"
trap "check_full_disk ; unmount_image ; delete_prompt" EXIT
mount_image "${BUILD_DIR}/${image_name}" "${root_fs_dir}" \
"${stateful_fs_dir}" "${esp_fs_dir}"
df -h "${root_fs_dir}"
# Create symlinks so that /usr/local/usr based directories are symlinked to
# /usr/local/ directories e.g. /usr/local/usr/bin -> /usr/local/bin, etc.
setup_symlinks_on_root "." \
"${stateful_fs_dir}/var_overlay" "${stateful_fs_dir}"
# install libc
install_libc "${root_fs_dir}"
if should_build_image ${CHROMEOS_FACTORY_INSTALL_SHIM_NAME}; then
# Install our custom factory install kernel with the appropriate use flags
# to the image.
emerge_custom_kernel "${root_fs_dir}"
# We "emerge --root=${root_fs_dir} --root-deps=rdeps --usepkgonly" all of the
# runtime packages for chrome os. This builds up a chrome os image from
# binary packages with runtime dependencies only. We use INSTALL_MASK to
# trim the image size as much as possible.
emerge_to_image --root="${root_fs_dir}" ${BASE_PACKAGE}
# Take a somewhat arbitrary number of post-emerge tasks and run them
# in parallel to speed things up.
# Run depmod to recalculate the kernel module dependencies.
run_depmod "${BOARD_ROOT}" "${root_fs_dir}"
# Generate the license credits page for the packages installed on this
# image in a location that will be used by Chrome.
info "Generating license credits page. Time:"
sudo mkdir -p "${root_fs_dir}/opt/google/chrome/resources"
local license_path="${root_fs_dir}/opt/google/chrome/resources/about_os_credits.html"
time sudo "${GCLIENT_ROOT}/chromite/licensing/licenses" \
--board="${BOARD}" \
--log-level error \
--generate-licenses \
--output "${license_path}"
# Copy the license credits file to ${BUILD_DIR} so that is will be uploaded
# as artifact later in ArchiveStage.
if [[ -r "${license_path}" ]]; then
cp "${license_path}" "${BUILD_DIR}/license_credits.html"
# Remove unreferenced gconv charsets.
# gconv charsets are .so modules loaded dynamically by iconv_open(3),
# installed by glibc. Applications using them don't explicitly depend on them
# and we don't known which ones will be used until all the applications are
# installed. This script looks for the charset names on all the binaries
# installed on the the ${root_fs_dir} and removes the unreferenced ones.
sudo "${CHROMITE_BIN}/gconv_strip" "${root_fs_dir}"
# Run ldconfig to create /etc/
run_ldconfig "${root_fs_dir}"
# Run udevadm to generate /etc/udev/hwdb.bin
run_udevadm_hwdb "${root_fs_dir}"
# File searches /usr/share even if it's installed in /usr/local. Add a
# symlink so it works in dev images & when using dev_install. Unless it's
# already installed.
if [[ ! -x "${root_fs_dir}/usr/bin/file" ]]; then
sudo mkdir -p "${root_fs_dir}/usr/share/misc"
sudo ln -s /usr/local/share/misc/magic.mgc \
# Portage hardcodes /usr/share/portage internally even when it's installed
# in /usr/local, so add a symlink as needed so it works in dev images & when
# using dev_install.
if [[ ! -d "${root_fs_dir}/usr/share/portage" ]]; then
sudo ln -s /usr/local/share/portage "${root_fs_dir}/usr/share/portage"
# If python isn't installed into the rootfs, we'll assume it'll be installed
# into /usr/local later on. Create symlinks in the rootfs so python still
# works even when not in the rootfs. This is needed because Gentoo creates
# wrappers with hardcoded paths to the rootfs (e.g. python-exec).
local path python_paths=(
# Querying versions is a bit fun. We don't know precisely what will be
# installed in /usr/local, so just query what is available in the sysroot.
# The qlist output is: dev-lang/python:2.7
$("qlist-${BOARD}" -ICSe dev-lang/python | \
tr -d ':' | sed 's:dev-lang:/usr/bin:')
for path in "${python_paths[@]}"; do
if [[ ! -e "${root_fs_dir}${path}" && ! -L "${root_fs_dir}${path}" ]]; then
sudo ln -sf "/usr/local${path}" "${root_fs_dir}${path}"
# If Python 2 is installed in the rootfs, make sure it's the default. If we
# have multiple versions, there's no guarantee as to which was selected.
# TODO(vapier): Make Python 3 the default!
if [[ -e "${root_fs_dir}/usr/bin/python2.7" ]]; then
sudo env ROOT="${root_fs_dir}" eselect python set python2.7
# Set /etc/lsb-release on the image.
local official_flag=
if [[ "${CHROMEOS_OFFICIAL:-0}" == "1" ]]; then
# Get the build info of ARC if available.
if type get_arc_build_info &>/dev/null; then
# This will set CHROMEOS_ARC_*.
get_arc_build_info "${root_fs_dir}"
local arc_flags=()
if [[ -n "${CHROMEOS_ARC_VERSION}" ]]; then
local builder_path=
if [[ -n "${FLAGS_builder_path}" ]]; then
# For unified builds, include a list of models, e.g. with --models "reef pyro"
local model_flags=()
models=$(grep '"name":' "${CHROMEOS_MASTER_JSON_CONFIG_FILE}" \
| uniq | sed -e 's/.*"name": "\(.*\)".*/\1/' | tr '\n' ' ')
[[ -n "${models}" ]] && model_flags+=( --models "${models%% }" )
"${CHROMITE_BIN}/cros_set_lsb_release" \
--sysroot="${root_fs_dir}" \
--board="${BOARD}" \
"${model_flags[@]}" \
${builder_path} \
--keyset="devkeys" \
--version_string="${CHROMEOS_VERSION_STRING}" \
${official_flag} \
--buildbot_build="${BUILDBOT_BUILD:-"N/A"}" \
--track="${CHROMEOS_VERSION_TRACK:-"developer-build"}" \
--branch_number="${CHROMEOS_BRANCH}" \
--build_number="${CHROMEOS_BUILD}" \
--chrome_milestone="${CHROME_BRANCH}" \
--patch_number="${CHROMEOS_PATCH}" \
# Set /etc/os-release on the image.
# Note: fields in /etc/os-release can come from different places:
# * /etc/os-release itself with docrashid
# * /etc/os-release.d for fields created with do_osrelease_field
sudo "${CHROMITE_BIN}/cros_generate_os_release" \
--root="${root_fs_dir}" \
--version="${CHROME_BRANCH}" \
# Create the boot.desc file which stores the build-time configuration
# information needed for making the image bootable after creation with
# cros_make_image_bootable.
create_boot_desc "${image_type}"
# Write out the GPT creation script.
# This MUST be done before writing bootloader templates else we'll break
# the hash on the root FS.
write_partition_script "${image_type}" \
sudo chown root:root "${root_fs_dir}/${PARTITION_SCRIPT_PATH}"
# Populates the root filesystem with legacy bootloader templates
# appropriate for the platform. The autoupdater and installer will
# use those templates to update the legacy boot partition (12/ESP)
# on update.
# (This script does not populate vmlinuz.A and .B needed by syslinux.)
# Factory install shims may be booted from USB by legacy EFI BIOS, which does
# not support verified boot yet (see
# so rootfs verification is disabled if we are building with --factory_install
local enable_rootfs_verification=
if [[ ${rootfs_verification_enabled} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]]; then
local enable_bootcache=
if [[ ${bootcache_enabled} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]]; then
--arch=${ARCH} \
--board=${BOARD} \
--image_type="${image_type}" \
--to="${root_fs_dir}"/boot \
--boot_args="${FLAGS_boot_args}" \
--enable_serial="${FLAGS_enable_serial}" \
--loglevel="${FLAGS_loglevel}" \
${enable_rootfs_verification} \
# Run board-specific build image function, if available.
if type board_finalize_base_image &>/dev/null; then
generate_demo_mode_resources_images \
# Clean up symlinks so they work on a running target rooted at "/".
# Here development packages are rooted at /usr/local. However, do not
# create /usr/local or /var on host (already exist on target).
setup_symlinks_on_root . "/var" "${stateful_fs_dir}"
# Our masking of files will implicitly leave behind a bunch of empty
# dirs. We can't differentiate between empty dirs we want and empty
# dirs we don't care about, so just prune ones we know are OK.
sudo find "${root_fs_dir}/usr/include" -depth -type d -exec rmdir {} + \
2>/dev/null || :
setup_etc_shadow "${root_fs_dir}"
# Release images do not include these, so install it for dev images.
sudo mkdir -p "${root_fs_dir}/usr/local/bin/"
sudo cp -a "${BOARD_ROOT}"/usr/bin/{getent,ldd} \
if [[ -d "${root_fs_dir}/usr/share/dev-install" ]]; then
# Create a package for the dev-only files installed in /usr/local
# of a base image. This package can later be downloaded with
# dev_install running from a base image.
# Files installed in /usr/local/var were already installed in
# stateful since we created a symlink for those. We ignore the
# symlink in this package since the directory /usr/local/var
# exists in the target image when dev_install runs.
# TODO(deymo): Move dev-only-extras.tbz2 outside packages. See
# for details.
sudo tar -cf "${BOARD_ROOT}/packages/dev-only-extras.tbz2" -I pbzip2 \
--exclude=var -C "${root_fs_dir}/usr/local" .
create_dev_install_lists "${root_fs_dir}"
restore_fs_contexts "${BOARD_ROOT}" "${root_fs_dir}" "${stateful_fs_dir}"
# Move the bootable kernel images out of the /boot directory to save
# space. We put them in the $BUILD_DIR so they can be used to write
# the bootable partitions later.
mkdir "${BUILD_DIR}/boot_images"
# We either copy or move vmlinuz depending on whether it should be included
# in the final built image. Boards that boot with legacy bioses
# need the kernel on the boot image, boards with coreboot/depthcharge
# boot from a boot partition.
if has "include_vmlinuz" "$(portageq-${FLAGS_board} envvar USE)"; then
[ -e "${root_fs_dir}"/boot/Image-* ] && \
sudo "${cpmv}" "${root_fs_dir}"/boot/Image-* "${BUILD_DIR}/boot_images"
[ -L "${root_fs_dir}"/boot/zImage-* ] && \
sudo "${cpmv}" "${root_fs_dir}"/boot/zImage-* "${BUILD_DIR}/boot_images"
[ -e "${root_fs_dir}"/boot/vmlinuz-* ] && \
sudo "${cpmv}" "${root_fs_dir}"/boot/vmlinuz-* "${BUILD_DIR}/boot_images"
[ -L "${root_fs_dir}"/boot/vmlinuz ] && \
sudo "${cpmv}" "${root_fs_dir}"/boot/vmlinuz "${BUILD_DIR}/boot_images"
[ -L "${root_fs_dir}"/boot/vmlinux.uimg ] && \
sudo "${cpmv}" "${root_fs_dir}"/boot/vmlinux.uimg \
# Zero rootfs free space to make it more compressible so auto-update
# payloads become smaller.
zero_free_space "${root_fs_dir}"
trap - EXIT
if should_build_image ${CHROMEOS_FACTORY_INSTALL_SHIM_NAME}; then
if [[ ${skip_kernelblock_install} -ne 1 ]]; then
# Place flags before positional args.
${SCRIPTS_DIR}/bin/cros_make_image_bootable "${BUILD_DIR}" \
${image_name} ${USE_DEV_KEYS} --adjust_part="${FLAGS_adjust_part}"