| #!/bin/bash |
| |
| # Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. |
| # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| # found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| # This script builds and runs Chromium OS unit tests. Note that this script |
| # utilizes the src_test stanza in chromeos-base packages. These stanzas |
| # should both build and run the unit tests. |
| |
| # This script requires that you run build_packages first. |
| |
| # Special because this can only run inside the chroot. |
| . "/usr/lib/crosutils/common.sh" 2> /dev/null || |
| (echo "Must run within chroot" && false) || |
| exit 1 |
| |
| # Flags |
| DEFINE_string board "${DEFAULT_BOARD}" \ |
| "Target board of which tests were built" |
| DEFINE_string build_root "${DEFAULT_BUILD_ROOT}" \ |
| "Root of build output" |
| DEFINE_boolean fast "${DEFAULT_FAST}" \ |
| "Call many emerges in parallel." |
| DEFINE_string package_file "" \ |
| "File with space-separated list of packages to run unit tests" f |
| DEFINE_string packages "" \ |
| "Optional space-separated list of packages to run unit tests" p |
| DEFINE_string blacklist_packages "" \ |
| "List of packages to blacklist from unit tests" |
| DEFINE_boolean withdebug "${FLAGS_TRUE}" \ |
| "Build debug versions of Chromium-OS-specific packages." |
| DEFINE_boolean pretend "${FLAGS_FALSE}" \ |
| "Only show the packages we would test; don't actually test" |
| DEFINE_boolean installed "${FLAGS_TRUE}" \ |
| "Only test packages that are already installed" |
| |
| # List of packages with no unit tests. |
| |
| check_src_test() { |
| egrep '^(src_test|platform_pkg_test)()' "${1}" > /dev/null |
| } |
| |
| # Parse command line and die if unexpected parameters given. |
| FLAGS_HELP="usage: ${0} [flags]" |
| FLAGS "${@}" || exit 1 |
| eval set -- "${FLAGS_ARGV}" |
| check_flags_only_and_allow_null_arg "${@}" && set -- |
| |
| set -e |
| |
| [ -z "${FLAGS_board}" ] && die "--board required" |
| |
| EMERGE_CMD="emerge" |
| EMERGE_BOARD_CMD="emerge-${FLAGS_board}" |
| if [[ "${FLAGS_fast}" -eq "${FLAGS_TRUE}" ]]; then |
| EMERGE_CMD="${GCLIENT_ROOT}/chromite/bin/parallel_emerge" |
| EMERGE_BOARD_CMD="${EMERGE_CMD} --board=${FLAGS_board}" |
| fi |
| |
| # Create package list from package file and list of packages. |
| if [ -n "${FLAGS_package_file}" ]; then |
| if [ -f "${FLAGS_package_file}" ]; then |
| PACKAGE_LIST="$(cat ${FLAGS_package_file})" |
| else |
| warn "Missing package file." |
| fi |
| fi |
| |
| [ -n "${FLAGS_packages}" ] && PACKAGE_LIST="${PACKAGE_LIST} ${FLAGS_packages}" |
| |
| # If we didn't specify packages, find all packages. |
| if [ -z "${FLAGS_package_file}" -a -z "${FLAGS_packages}" ]; then |
| PACKAGE_LIST=$(cros_workon --board "${FLAGS_board}" list --all) |
| |
| if [[ ${FLAGS_installed} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]]; then |
| PACKAGE_LIST=$(qlist-${FLAGS_board} -ICe ${PACKAGE_LIST}) |
| fi |
| fi |
| |
| BLACK_LIST_FILE="/usr/share/crostestutils/unit_test_black_list.txt" |
| BLACK_LIST_PACKAGES="${FLAGS_blacklist_packages}" |
| |
| if [ "${FLAGS_withdebug}" -eq "${FLAGS_FALSE}" ]; then |
| export USE="${USE} -cros-debug" |
| fi |
| |
| jobs=0 |
| for package in ${PACKAGE_LIST}; do |
| ( |
| if grep -xq "${package}" "${BLACK_LIST_FILE}" || \ |
| [[ " ${BLACK_LIST_PACKAGES} " =~ " ${package} " ]]; then |
| warn "Skipping package ${package} since it is blacklisted." |
| continue |
| fi |
| EBUILD_PATH=$(equery-${FLAGS_board} which ${package} 2>/dev/null) || \ |
| warn "${package} not found" |
| if [[ -n ${EBUILD_PATH} ]]; then |
| if check_src_test "${EBUILD_PATH}"; then |
| echo "y:${package}" |
| else |
| echo "n:${package}" |
| fi |
| fi |
| ) & |
| if [[ ${jobs} -ge ${NUM_JOBS} ]]; then |
| jobs=0 |
| wait |
| else |
| : $(( jobs += 1 )) |
| fi |
| done | sort |
| wait |
| ) |
| TEST_PACKAGE_LIST=$(echo "${ALL_PACKAGE_LIST}" | sed -n '/^y:/s:^..::p') |
| NO_UNITTESTS=$(echo "${ALL_PACKAGE_LIST}" | sed -n '/^n:/s:^..::p') |
| |
| if [ -n "${NO_UNITTESTS}" ]; then |
| warn "The following packages have no unit tests:" |
| warn "${NO_UNITTESTS}" |
| fi |
| |
| if [ -n "${TEST_PACKAGE_LIST}" ]; then |
| if [[ ${FLAGS_pretend} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]]; then |
| printf '%s\n' ${TEST_PACKAGE_LIST} | sort |
| exit 0 |
| else |
| cmd=( sudo -E PKGDIR="/build/${FLAGS_board}/test-packages" |
| FEATURES="test" ${EMERGE_BOARD_CMD} --nodeps --buildpkgonly ) |
| info "Running unit tests with command ${cmd[*]}" |
| info "Unit tests will run for the following packages:" |
| "${cmd[@]}" ${TEST_PACKAGE_LIST} |
| fi |
| fi |
| |
| info "All unit tests passed." |