proving_grounds: Remove code for obselete dashboard

This dashboard has been superseded by better dashboards. The swarming
API used in this script is not supported anymore. Deleting the code
to avoid confusion.


Change-Id: I9373f1ef54c01620d623dd921ab5595151945515
Auto-Submit: Shijin Abraham <>
Commit-Queue: Harpreet Grewal <>
Tested-by: Shijin Abraham <>
Reviewed-by: Harpreet Grewal <>
Commit-Queue: Shijin Abraham <>
diff --git a/provingground/connectivity/wifidown_dashboard/README b/provingground/connectivity/wifidown_dashboard/README
deleted file mode 100644
index a520fe7..0000000
--- a/provingground/connectivity/wifidown_dashboard/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-# How to run
-#   Run python3 to and go to go/wifi-down the
-    see devices that needs repair
-# Troubleshooting
-#   Check paths in
-#   Make sure dhcp file is latest. (Do repo sync in the folder)
-#   If a new tab is added in go/cros_conn_device_lifecycle, it has to be added
-    to
-#   If number of wificell devices exceeded 1000, update swarming query in
-#   change logging level to DEBUG for more logs
-#   debug_main can be used to write intermediate stages to file
-#  Install luci client using instruction given below
-# Instaling LUCI client
-# 1) Install depot_tools
-# 2) Got to deport_tools folder and execute the following commands
-# 3) fetch infra
-# 4) cd infra/go
-# eval `./`
\ No newline at end of file
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index 44e7f7f..0000000
--- a/provingground/connectivity/wifidown_dashboard/
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-# Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import os
-import sys
-USERNAME = os.environ['USER']
-SWARMING_PATH = '/usr/local/google/home/%s/depot_tools/infra/luci/client/' % USERNAME
-DHCP_PATH = '/usr/local/google/home/%s/chromiumos/chromeos-admin/puppet/modules/lab/files/dhcp-server/dhcpd.conf' % USERNAME
-def main():
-    if int(sys.version.split(' ')[0].split('.')[0]) != 3:
-        print("Please invoke with python3")
-        sys.exit()
-    print('SWARMING PATH is %s' % SWARMING_PATH)
-    print('DHCP_PATH is %s' % DHCP_PATH)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    main()
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index afdfbff..0000000
--- a/provingground/connectivity/wifidown_dashboard/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-json_keyfile = 'wifi-sheets-api-989c7d546825.json'
diff --git a/provingground/connectivity/wifidown_dashboard/ b/provingground/connectivity/wifidown_dashboard/
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index 1f45932..0000000
--- a/provingground/connectivity/wifidown_dashboard/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import logging
-import sys
-import re
-from constants import DHCP_PATH
-logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, stream=sys.stdout)
-def get_data():
-    """
-    Read the DHCP file and get devices in chromeos15
-    @returns (hosts, other_devices) where hosts are anything that matches
-             chromeos15-row*-rack*-host* and other_devices are anything that
-             are not hosts but starts with chromeos15-
-    """
-    data = [i.strip() for i in open(DHCP_PATH).read().split('\n')]
-    data = [
-        i.split(' ')[1] for i in data
-        if i != '' and i[0] != '#' and 'chromeos15' in i and i[:5] == 'host '
-    ]
-    pattern = 'chromeos15-row.*-rack.*-host.*'
-    peer_pattern = 'chromeos15-row.*-rack.*-host.*-.*'
-    metro_pattern = 'chromeos15-row.*-metro.*-host.*'
-    metro_peer_pattern = 'chromeos15-row.*-metro.*-host.*-.*'
-    hosts = []
-    peer_devices = []
-    other_devices = []
-    for i in data:
-        if re.match(pattern, i) is not None:
-            if re.match(peer_pattern, i) is not None:
-                peer_devices.append(i)
-            else:
-                hosts.append(i)
-        elif re.match(metro_pattern, i) is not None:
-            if re.match(metro_peer_pattern, i) is not None:
-                peer_devices.append(i)
-            else:
-                hosts.append(i)
-        else:
-            other_devices.append(i)
-    return (hosts, peer_devices, other_devices)
-def main():
-    if int(sys.version.split(' ')[0].split('.')[0]) != 3:
-        print("Please invoke with python3")
-        sys.exit()
-    (hosts, peer_devices, other_devices) = get_data()
-    print('hosts')
-    for i in hosts:
-        print(i)
-    print('peer_devices')
-    for i in peer_devices:
-        print(i)
-    print('other devices')
-    for i in other_devices:
-        print(i)
-    print("%s hosts found" % len(hosts))
-    print("%s peer_devices found" % len(peer_devices))
-    print("%s other_devices found" % len(other_devices))
-    #h = 'chromeos15-row8-rack1-host4'
-    #if h not in hosts and h not in other_devices and h not in peer_devices:
-    #    print("%s not found" % h)
-    #else:
-    #    print("%s found" % h)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    main()
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index 0ef6d55..0000000
--- a/provingground/connectivity/wifidown_dashboard/
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-# Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import subprocess
-import json
-import sys
-import logging
-from constants import SWARMING_PATH
-# Execute this script to download swarming info
-logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.DEBUG)
-def _get_wificell_data():
-    cmd = "python3  {} query --swarming 'bots/list?dimensions=pool%3AChromeOSSkylab&dimensions=label-wificell%3ATrue&quarantined=FALSE&limit=1000'".format(
-    print("executing %s" % cmd)
-    output = json.loads(subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True))
-    # keys (['death_timeout', 'items', 'now']
-    return output['items']
-def parse_swarming_entry(i):
-    try:
-        is_bt = False
-        is_bt_new = []
-        b = None
-        m = None
-        name = None
-        p = None
-        deleted = i['deleted']
-        is_dead = i['is_dead']
-        bluetooth_label = None
-        wifichip = None
-        conductive = False
-        hw_phase = None
-        servo_v3 = False
-        wificell = False
-        for j in i['dimensions']:
-            if j['key'] == 'label-wificell':
-                wificell = j['value'][0] == 'True'
-            if j['key'] == 'label-pool':
-                p = j['value'][0]
-            if j['key'] == 'label-board':
-                b = j['value'][0]
-            if j['key'] == 'label-bluetooth':
-                bluetooth_label = True
-            if j['key'] == 'label-model':
-                m = j['value'][0]
-            if j['key'] == 'dut_name':
-                name = j['value'][0]
-            if j['key'] == 'label-chameleon_type':
-                is_bt = 'CHAMELEON_TYPE_BT_PEER' in j['value']
-            if j['key'] == 'label-working_bluetooth_btpeer':
-                is_bt_new.extend(j['value'])
-            if j['key'] == 'label-wifi_chip':
-                wifichip = j['value'][0]
-            if j['key'] == 'dut_state':
-                dut_state = j['value'][0]
-            if j['key'] == 'label-conductive':
-                conductive = True
-            if j['key'] == 'label-phase':
-                hw_phase = j['value'][0]
-            if j['key'] == 'servo_type':
-                servo_v3 = j['value'][0] == 'servo_v3'
-        res = {
-            'host': name,
-            'board': b,
-            'model': m.lower(),
-            'bt_label': is_bt,
-            'bt_peers': is_bt_new[:],
-            'pool': p,
-            'is_dead': is_dead,
-            'deleted': deleted,
-            'bluetooth_label': bluetooth_label,
-            'wifichip': wifichip,
-            'conductive': conductive,
-            'hw_phase': hw_phase,
-            'missing': False,
-            'wificell': wificell,
-            'servo': servo_v3
-        }
-        if name is None:
-            logging.debug(i)
-            logging.debug(res)
-            return None
-        return res
-    except Exception as e:
-        logging.error("exception in parse_swarming entry '%s'", str(e))
-        return None
-def parse_raw_data(raw_data):
-    d = {}
-    for k, v in raw_data.items():
-        if k != 'dimensions':
-            d[k] = v
-    for l in raw_data['dimensions']:
-        k = l['key']
-        v = l['value']
-        if k in d:
-            logging.debug("key %s already present" % k)
-        d[k] = v
-    logging.debug(d)
-    return d
-def get_data():
-    raw_data = _get_wificell_data()
-    data = {}
-    for rd in raw_data:
-        d = parse_swarming_entry(rd)
-        if d is None:
-            continue
-        if d['is_dead']:
-            logging.debug('igoring dead dut %s' % d)
-            continue
-        host = d['host']
-        data[host] = d
-    return data
-def main():
-    if int(sys.version.split(' ')[0].split('.')[0]) != 3:
-        print("Please invoke with python3")
-        sys.exit()
-    data = get_data()
-    for i in data.items():
-        print(i)
-    # Save host info to a file for debugging purpose
-    with open('/tmp/skylab_hosts.json', 'w') as fp:
-        json.dump(data, fp)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    main()
diff --git a/provingground/connectivity/wifidown_dashboard/ b/provingground/connectivity/wifidown_dashboard/
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index 3f15176..0000000
--- a/provingground/connectivity/wifidown_dashboard/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import logging
-import gspread
-import sys
-from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials
-from credentials import json_keyfile
-logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, stream=sys.stdout)
-# Read data from go/conn-device-life-cycle
-    'Row1 & 2 (Conductive/PerBuild)',
-    'Row4 (OTA)',
-    'Row5 (BT perbuild)',
-    'Row7',
-    'Row8',
-    'Row8-metro',
-    'Row9',
-    'Row3 (Grover)',
-    'Row3 (Pre-Cq)',
-    'Row4 (Pre-Cq)',
-    'Row6(Pre-Cq)',
-def read_wifi_device_sheet():
-    """ Read data from go/conn-device-lifecycle sheet"""
-    scope = [
-        '',
-        ''
-    ]
-    credentials = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name(
-        json_keyfile, scope)
-    gc = gspread.authorize(credentials)
-    # go/conn-device-life-cycle
-    spreadsheet = gc.open_by_key(
-        '1DhwNaPSbdXudWIrjBJpiLViOPOjrmBGy7BpIYZr9TqQ')
-    data = []
-    for sheet in spreadsheet.worksheets():
-        if sheet.title not in SHEETS_LIST:
-  "ignoring sheet |%s|", sheet.title)
-            continue
-        logging.debug("Reading sheet %s !!!!", sheet.title)
-        values = sheet.get_all_records()
-        for i in values:
-            logging.debug(i)
-            if 'Hostname' not in i or i['Hostname'] != '':
-                data.append(i)
-            else:
-                logging.debug("ignoring %s", i)
-    return data
-def process_data(raw_data):
-    """ Get required columns"""
-    def _get_pool(p):
-        try:
-            for i in p.split(','):
-                if 'pool' in i:
-                    return i.split(':')[1].strip(' ').lower()
-            return None
-        except:
-            logging.error("error parsing pool string %s", p)
-            return None
-    def _get_labels(p):
-        return [i.strip() for i in p.split(',')]
-    data = {}
-    for i in raw_data:
-        try:
-            logging.debug(i)
-            hostname = i['Hostname'].lower()
-            if hostname[:8] != 'chromeos':
-                logging.debug("Igorning %s", hostname)
-                continue
-            model = i['Model'].lower()
-            board = i['Board'].lower()
-            pool = _get_pool(i['Atest Labels'])
-            labels = _get_labels(i['Atest Labels'])
-            if 'Pi (btpeer hostname)' in i:
-                num_btpeers = i['Pi (btpeer hostname)']
-            else:
-                num_btpeers = 0
-            if hostname in data:
-                logging.error("Duplicate entry for %s", hostname)
-            data[hostname] = {}
-            if model == '' or model == 'empty cell':
-                data[hostname]['model'] = ''
-            else:
-                data[hostname]['model'] = model
-            if board == '' or board == 'empty cell':
-                data[hostname]['board'] = ''
-            else:
-                data[hostname]['board'] = board
-            data[hostname]['pool'] = pool
-            btpeers = []
-            if num_btpeers in ['', 'no']:
-                pass
-            else:
-                try:
-                    btpeers.extend([
-                        'btpeer' + str(i)
-                        for i in range(1,
-                                       int(num_btpeers) + 1)
-                    ])
-                except:
-                    logging.error("Exception while parsing num_btpeers %s",
-                                  num_btpeers)
-            data[hostname]['btpeers'] = btpeers
-            data[hostname]['labels'] = labels
-            logging.debug("Adding %s %s" % (hostname, data[hostname]))
-        except Exception as e:
-            logging.debug(sys.exc_info())
-            logging.debug("Exception %s while processing %s %s" %
-                          (e, i, sys.exc_info()))
-    return data
-def get_wifisheet_data():
-    raw_data = read_wifi_device_sheet()
-    #logging.debug(raw_data)
-    data = process_data(raw_data)
-    #logging.debug(data)
-    for i in data:
-        print(i)
-    return data
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    for i, v in get_wifisheet_data().items():
-        print(i)
-        print(v)
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index f06af18..0000000
--- a/provingground/connectivity/wifidown_dashboard/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1126 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-# This script checks WiFi/Bluetooth peer devices in the lab and creates
-# a google spreadsheet for the one which are down.
-# The google sheet is displayed at go/wifi-down
-# This is used by ACS lab to detect down devices
-# This script get data from 3 sources
-# 1) data from dhcp file /usr/local/google/home/<user>/chromiumos/
-#                \chromeos-admin/puppet/modules/lab/files/dhcp-server/dhcpd.conf
-# 2) Swarming data of all bots with label-wificell
-# 3) data from g/cros_conn_device_lifecycle
-# Once data from these three sources are combined, the script pings the devices
-# that we are interested in. Any unreachable devices is displayed in the dashboard
-# for the lab team to rectify.
-# Data from all sources is collected device data which of following format
-# At each stage 'ignore' flag in send to False if the device meet the criteria to be monitored
-# Any host/peer with ignore flag set is not displayed in dashboard
-# 'chromeos15-row8-rack2-host2': {'dhcp': True,
-#                                 'doc': True,
-#                                 'doc_data': {'board': 'gnawty',
-#                                              'btpeers': [],
-#                                              'model': 'gnawty',
-#                                              'pool': 'wificell_perbuild'},
-#                                 'ignore': False,
-#                                 'ignore_reason' : ''
-#                                 'peers': {'chromeos15-row8-rack2-host2-pcap': {'dhcp': True,
-#                                                                                'doc': False,
-#                                                                                'ignore': True,
-#                                                                                'ssh_status': False,
-#                                                                                'swarming': True},
-#                                           'chromeos15-row8-rack2-host2-router': {'dhcp': True,
-#                                                                                  'doc': False,
-#                                                                                  'ignore': True,
-#                                                                                  'ssh_status': False,
-#                                                                                  'swarming': True}},
-#                                 'ssh_status': False,
-#                                 'swarming': True,
-#                                 'swarming_data': {'bluetooth_label': True,
-#                                                   'board': 'gnawty',
-#                                                   'bt_label': False,
-#                                                   'bt_peers': [],
-#                                                   'conductive': True,
-#                                                   'deleted': False,
-#                                                   'host': 'chromeos15-row8-rack2-host2',
-#                                                   'hw_phase': 'PHASE_PVT',
-#                                                   'is_dead': False,
-#                                                   'missing': False,
-#                                                   'model': 'gnawty',
-#                                                   'pool': 'wificell_perbuild',
-#                                                   'servo': False,
-#                                                   'wifichip': 'wireless_intel'}},
-#  Note 1: Only devices is chromeos15- is checked
-#  Note 2 : Currently the following peer devices are considered PCAP,ROUTER,BTPEER1-4, SERVO, ATTENUATOR
-#  Note 3 : Standalone RPMS in chromeos3 are added as special cases
-#  Note 4: For debugging this script, use debug_main and store intermediate results in files.
-# debug the hang
-# servo already there
-# rpm already there?
-# attentuator already there
-# separate doc issues to different sheet
-# send mail
-import csv
-import datetime
-import gspread
-import json
-import logging
-import os
-import pprint
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import time
-import queue
-from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials
-from credentials import json_keyfile
-from multiprocessing import Process
-from multiprocessing import Queue
-import get_wificell_data
-import get_wifisheet_data
-import get_dhcp_data
-import rpm_list
-# Change logging level to DEBUG for more logs
-#logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.DEBUG)
-logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.INFO)
-DASHBOARD_REFRESH_INTERVAL = 1000  # Time to wait between dashboard refreshes in seconds
-CONNECTIVITY_RETEST_INTERVAL = 180  # Time to wait before rechecking connectivity to down devices in seconds
-HOST_NO_SSH = 'Online w/o SSH Con'
-WORKSHEET2 = 'Documentation'
-# Mapping integers to host status strings.
-# Ignore devices in these pools
-POOLS_TO_IGNORE = ['cross_device_multi_cb']
-# Names of bluetooth peers
-BT_PEERS = ['btpeer1', 'btpeer2', 'btpeer3', 'btpeer4']
-# Name of wifi peer devices
-WIFI_PEERS = ['router', 'pcap']
-#Pools with attentuator
-ATTENUATOR_POOLS = ['groamer', 'groamer_two', 'bt_groamer']
-def _pretty_print(d, msg=''):
-    print('------------------------------------------------------------')
-    if msg != '':
-        print('======   %s =========' % msg)
-    if type(d) == dict:
-        pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=1)
-        pp.pprint(d)
-        print('length is %s' % len(d))
-    elif type(d) == list:
-        for i in d:
-            print(i)
-        print('length is %s' % len(d))
-    else:
-        print(d)
-    print('------------------------------------------------------------')
-def _parse_doc_model_name(m):
-    """ parse Model name in the go/cros-conn-lifecycle sheet so it can be compared with swarming model name
-        It can be 'Mordin (Barla)' which be be parsed as [mordin, barla]
-        veyron_/auron_ prefixes should be removed
-        There can be WIP in the name which means that is should be ignored
-    """
-    result = []
-    m = m.lower()
-    if '[wip]' in m:
-        result.append('[wip]')
-        m = m.strip('[wip]')
-        logging.debug('WIP device found')
-    if '(' in m:
-        for i in m.split('('):
-            i = i.strip().replace(')', '').lower()
-            result.append(i)
-    else:
-        result.append(m.strip().lower())
-    logging.debug('Returning %s for %s', result, m)
-    return result
-def _make_peers(h, l):
-    if type(l) == list:
-        res = []
-        for p in l:
-            res.append(h + '-' + p)
-        return res
-    else:
-        return h + '-' + p
-def getHostStatus(q, host):
-    """ Ping the host and check if it is ssh-able"""
-    try:
-        logging.debug('Checking status of %s', host)
-        # Grab the ping exit code.
-        host_status_code =['ping', '-c2', host])
-        # if the device is pingable, we check if port 22 is open to accept ssh connection.
-        if host_status_code == 0:
-            try:
-                nc_output_code =
-                    ['nc', '-zv', '-w3', host, '22'])
-            except:
-                logging.debug('netcat failed: %s', host)
-            if nc_output_code != 0:
-                host_status_code = 3
-        ret_status = HOST_STATUS[host_status_code]
-    except Exception as e:
-        logging.error('!!!!!!!! Exception %s while checking %s', str(e), host)
-        ret_status = HOST_DOWN
-    finally:
-        logging.debug('Host %s returning status %s', host, ret_status)
-        q.put((host, ret_status))
-def get_rpm_list():
-    """ Read the list of rpms """
-    return rpm_list.rpm_list
-def update_rpm_data(device_data, rpm_list):
-    """ Update list of rpm into device data """
-    for h in rpm_list:
-        device_data[h] = {
-            'ignore': False,
-            'ignore_reason': 'RPM not ignored',
-            'dhcp': True,  # Found in dhcp file
-            'ssh_status': False,
-            'swarming': True,  # RPM wont be in swarming
-            'doc': True,  # RPM wont be in doc
-            'pool': 'RPM',  # Add a false pool
-            'peers': {},
-            'chromeos': False
-        }
-        logging.debug('dhcp other device added %s %s', h, device_data[h])
-def update_dhcp_data(device_data, hosts, peer_devices, other_devices):
-    """
-    Update dhcp data into device_data
-    """
-    for h in other_devices:
-        device_data[h] = {
-            'ignore': True,  # Ignore by default
-            'ignore_reason': 'Other devices ignored in update_dhcp',
-            'dhcp': True,  # Found in dhcp file
-            'ssh_status': False,
-            'swarming': False,
-            'doc': False,
-            'pool': None,
-            'peers': {},
-            'chromeos': False
-        }
-        logging.debug('dhcp other device added %s %s', h, device_data[h])
-    for h in hosts:
-        device_data[h] = {
-            'ignore': True,  # ignore hosts unless it is a wificell
-            'ignore_reason': 'host ignored in update_dhcp',
-            'dhcp': True,  # Found in dhcp file
-            'ssh_status': False,
-            'swarming': False,
-            'doc': False,
-            'pool': None,
-            'peers': {},
-            'chromeos': True
-        }
-        logging.debug('dhcp host added  %s %s', h, device_data[h])
-    for peer in peer_devices:
-        # Do not ignore rpm or servo since these can't be detected from swarming or doc
-        if 'rpm' in peer:
-            peer_dict = {
-                'ignore': False,  # ignore it is a peer of wificell host
-                'ignore_reason': 'peer rpm not ignored in update_dhcp',
-                'dhcp': True,  # Found in dhcp file
-                'ssh_status': False,
-                'swarming': True,  # RPM cannot be found in swarming
-                'doc': True,  # RPM not recorded in doc
-                'chromeos': False
-            }
-        elif 'servo' in peer:
-            peer_dict = {
-                'ignore': False,  # ignore it is a peer of wificell host
-                'ignore_reason': 'peer servo not ignored in update_dhcp',
-                'dhcp': True,  # Found in dhcp file
-                'ssh_status': False,
-                'swarming':
-                True,  # servo is not currently detected from swarming
-                'doc':
-                True,  # servo is not currentyl detected from the document
-                'chromeos': False
-            }
-        else:
-            # Ignore other peer unless they can be found in swarming or doc
-            peer_dict = {
-                'ignore': True,  # ignore it is a peer of wificell host
-                'ignore_reason': 'peer ignored in update_dhcp',
-                'dhcp': True,  # Found in dhcp file
-                'ssh_status': False,
-                'swarming': False,
-                'doc': False,
-                'chromeos': False
-            }
-        hostname = '-'.join(peer.split('-')[:4])
-        logging.debug('derived host %s from peername %s', hostname, peer)
-        # host is not in dhcp but peer is
-        if hostname not in device_data:
-            logging.debug('peer %s present in dhcp but host %s is not', peer,
-                          hostname)
-            device_data[hostname] = {
-                'ignore': True,  # ignore hosts unless it is a wificell
-                'ignore_reason':
-                'host derived from peer ignored in update_dhcp',
-                'dhcp': False,  # Not found in dhcp file
-                'ssh_status': False,
-                'swarming': False,
-                'doc': False,
-                'pool': None,
-                'peers': {},
-                'chromeos': True
-            }
-        device_data[hostname]['peers'][peer] = peer_dict
-def update_swarming_data(device_data, swarming_data):
-    """ update device data with swarming data """
-    for h, v in swarming_data.items():
-        if 'chromeos3' in h:
-            logging.debug('Igonring chaos device %s in chromeos3', h)
-            continue
-        if v['pool'] in POOLS_TO_IGNORE:
-            logging.debug(' %s is in ignored pool %s', h, v['pool'])
-            continue
-        if h not in device_data:
-            logging.error(
-                'host %s in swarming but not in dhcp. This should never happen',
-                h)
-            device_data[h] = {
-                'ignore': False,  # ignore hosts unless it is a wificell
-                'ignore_reason':
-                'wificell host not ignored in update_swarming',
-                'dhcp': False,  # Not Found in dhcp file
-                'ssh_status': False,
-                'swarming': True,
-                'doc': False,
-                'pool': None,
-                'peers': {},
-                'chromeos': True
-            }
-        else:
-            device_data[h]['ignore'] = False
-            device_data[h][
-                'ignore_reason'] = 'wificell host not ignored in update_swarming',
-            device_data[h]['swarming'] = True
-        device_data[h]['pool'] = v['pool']
-        device_data[h]['swarming_data'] = v
-        # update status of peer devices
-        # wificell devices always have these peers
-        # except bt_grover pool
-        if v['pool'] != 'bt_groamer':
-            expected_peers = _make_peers(h, WIFI_PEERS)
-        # some pools have attenuator
-        if v['pool'] in ATTENUATOR_POOLS:
-            for peer in _make_peers(h, ['attenuator']):
-                expected_peers.append(peer)
-        # number of btpeers vary. Get the number from swarming
-        expected_peers.extend(_make_peers(h, BT_PEERS[:len(v['bt_peers'])]))
-        # check only servo v3
-        if v['servo']:
-            expected_peers.append(servo)
-        logging.debug('Expected peers for host %s is %s', h, expected_peers)
-        for peer in expected_peers:
-            if peer not in device_data[h]['peers']:
-                # Peer indicated in swarming data but not in dhcp
-                logging.debug('Peer %s not in dhcp but in swarming', peer)
-                device_data[h]['peers'][peer] = {
-                    'ignore': False,  # ignore hosts unless it is a wificell
-                    'ignore_reason':
-                    'peer of wificell host not ignored in update_swarming',
-                    'dhcp': False,  # Not found in dhcp file
-                    'ssh_status': False,
-                    'swarming': True,
-                    'doc': False
-                }
-            else:
-                device_data[h]['peers'][peer]['swarming'] = True
-                device_data[h]['peers'][peer]['ignore'] = False
-                device_data[h]['peers'][peer][
-                    'ignore_reason'] = 'peer of wificell host not ignored in update_swarming'
-def update_conn_doc_data(device_data, conn_doc_data):
-    """ update device data using go/cros_conn_device_lifecyle data"""
-    for h, v in conn_doc_data.items():
-        if h not in device_data:
-            logging.debug(
-                'host %s not in swarming or dhcp but in go/cros_conn_device_lifecycle',
-                h)
-            device_data[h] = {
-                'ignore': False,  # All DUT in doc is important
-                'ignore_reason': 'device found in conn_doc',
-                'dhcp': False,  # not found in dhcp file
-                'ssh_status': False,
-                'swarming': False,  # not found in swarming
-                'pool': None,
-                'doc': True,
-                'peers': {},
-                'chromeos': True
-            }
-        else:
-            device_data[h]['doc'] = True
-            device_data[h]['ignore'] = False
-        device_data[h]['doc_data'] = v
-        # Ignore this host and peers
-        # Used for test bed until construction
-        ignore_test_bed = False
-        if device_data[h]['pool'] is None:
-            if v['pool'] in POOLS_TO_IGNORE:
-                logging.debug(
-                    'device %s doc data has pool %s which is to be ignored', h,
-                    v['pool'])
-                device_data[h]['ignore'] = True
-                device_data[h]['ignore_reason'] = 'pool ignored'
-                ignore_test_bed = True
-        if v['model'] == '':
-            logging.debug('Empty model. Ignoring %s', h)
-            device_data[h]['ignore'] = True
-            device_data[h]['ignore_reason'] = 'empty model ignored'
-            ignore_test_bed = True
-        if '[wip]' in _parse_doc_model_name(v['model']):
-            logging.debug('WIP  Ignoring %s', h)
-            device_data[h]['ignore'] = True
-            device_data[h]['ignore_reason'] = 'WIP device ignored'
-            ignore_test_bed = True
-        # update status of peers
-        documented_peers = []
-        for i in v['btpeers']:
-            documented_peers.append(h + '-' + i)
-        # bt_groamer doesn't have wifi peersx
-        if 'wificell' in v['labels'] and v['pool'] != 'bt_groamer':
-            for i in WIFI_PEERS:
-                documented_peers.append(h + '-' + i)
-        logging.debug('documented peers for %s is %s', h, documented_peers)
-        if v['pool'] in ATTENUATOR_POOLS:
-            documented_peers.extend(_make_peers(h, ['attenuator']))
-        for peer in documented_peers:
-            if peer not in device_data[h]['peers']:
-                logging.debug('%s in doc data but not swarming', peer)
-                device_data[h]['peers'][peer] = {
-                    'ignore':
-                    ignore_test_bed,  # ignore hosts unless it is a wificell
-                    'ignore_reason':
-                    'peer if dut with ignore_test_bed %s ' % ignore_test_bed,
-                    'dhcp': False,  # Not found in dhcp file
-                    'ssh_status': False,
-                    'swarming': False,  # Found in swarming
-                    'doc': True,
-                    'chromeos': False
-                }
-            else:
-                device_data[h]['peers'][peer]['doc'] = True
-                device_data[h]['peers'][peer]['ignore'] = ignore_test_bed
-def check_connectivity(device_data, recheck=False):
-    """ check if device is pingable and sshable"""
-    def _add_to_result(result_dict, rhost, result):
-        logging.debug('Adding to result %s %s', rhost, result)
-        if rhost in result_dict:
-            logging.error('rhost %s already present in result', rhost)
-            logging.error('This should not happen###')
-            raise ValueError
-        result_dict[rhost] = result
-    devices_to_check = {
-        'hosts': [],
-        'peers': {},
-    }
-    # Only check devices which are present in DHCP data
-    for host, host_value in device_data.items():
-        if not host_value['ignore'] and host_value['dhcp']:
-            # On  recheck, check devices which is not up
-            if not recheck or host_value['ssh_status'] != HOST_UP:
-                devices_to_check['hosts'].append(host)
-            for peer, peer_value in host_value['peers'].items():
-                if not peer_value['ignore'] and peer_value['dhcp']:
-                    if not recheck or peer_value['ssh_status'] != HOST_UP:
-                        devices_to_check['peers'][peer] = host
-    device_list = devices_to_check['hosts'][:]
-    device_list.extend(list(devices_to_check['peers'].keys()))
-    #
-    # GetHostStatus function is called in separate process for each dut
-    # Each of these process put the result in a queue
-    # THe main process get results from queue and joins the processes
-    # The processes was getting hung probably since the queue was growing large
-    # Adding code to remove items from the queue resolved the issue
-    #
-    q = Queue(32000)
-    result_dict = {}
-    process_list = []
-    count = 0
-    for host in device_list:
-        p = Process(target=getHostStatus, args=(q, host))
-        p.start()
-        process_list.append((p, host))
-        logging.debug('starting check %s %s', host, count)
-        count += 1
-        try:
-            (rhost, result) = q.get(block=False)
-            _add_to_result(result_dict, rhost, result)
-        except queue.Empty:
-            pass
-    while process_list != []:
-'{} processes remaining '.format(len(process_list)))
-        logging.debug(' process list %s result %s queue size %s ',
-                      len(process_list), len(result_dict), q.qsize())
-        for (p, host) in process_list:
-            # empty queue to prevent the proceess from hanging
-            try:
-                (rhost, result) = q.get(block=False)
-                _add_to_result(result_dict, rhost, result)
-            except queue.Empty:
-                pass
-            if not p.is_alive():
-      '{} process has ended'.format(host))
-                p.join()
-                process_list.remove((p, host))
-            else:
-      '{} process pending'.format(host))
-        logging.debug('sleeping for 3 seconds')
-        time.sleep(3)
-    while not q.empty():
-        (rhost, result) = q.get(timeout=2)
-        _add_to_result(result_dict, rhost, result)
-    if len(result_dict) != len(device_list):
-        logging.error(
-            'Length of result %s is not equal to length'
-            'of device list %s', len(result_dict), len(device_list))
-        for h in result_dict:
-            if h not in device_list:
-                logging.error('%s not in device_list', h)
-        for h in device_list:
-            if h not in result_dict:
-                logging.error('%s not in result', h)
-        raise ValueError
-    _pretty_print(result_dict, 'result_dict')
-    for h in devices_to_check['hosts']:
-        device_data[h]['ssh_status'] = result_dict[h]
-    for p, h in devices_to_check['peers'].items():
-        device_data[h]['peers'][p]['ssh_status'] = result_dict[p]
-# error conditions
-IMPOSSIBLE = 'ERROR'  # Impossible combination like device not in DHCP but ssh-able
-ALL_OK = 'UP'
-#              ignore, dhcp,  ssh   swarming, doc : result
-error_dict = {
-    (False, False, False, False, False): IMPOSSIBLE,
-    (False, False, False, False, True): NOT_IN_DHCP,
-    (False, False, False, True, False): IN_SWARMING_NOT_IN_DHCP,
-    (False, False, False, True, True): IN_SWARMING_NOT_IN_DHCP,
-    (False, False, True, False, False): ONLINE_BUT_NOT_IN_DHCP,
-    (False, False, True, False, True): ONLINE_BUT_NOT_IN_DHCP,
-    (False, False, True, True, False): IN_SWARMING_NOT_IN_DHCP,
-    (False, False, True, True, True): IN_SWARMING_NOT_IN_DHCP,
-    (False, True, False, False, False): NOT_REACHABLE,
-    (False, True, False, False, True): NOT_REACHABLE,
-    (False, True, False, True, False): NOT_REACHABLE,
-    (False, True, False, True, True): NOT_REACHABLE,
-    (False, True, True, False, False): NOT_IN_SWARMING,
-    (False, True, True, False, True): NOT_IN_SWARMING,
-    (False, True, True, True, False): NOT_DOCUMENTED,
-    (False, True, True, True, True): ALL_OK,
-    (True, False, False, False, False): IGNORED,
-    (True, False, False, False, True): IGNORED,
-    (True, False, False, True, False): IGNORED,
-    (True, False, False, True, True): IGNORED,
-    (True, False, True, False, False): IGNORED,
-    (True, False, True, False, True): IGNORED,
-    (True, False, True, True, False): IGNORED,
-    (True, False, True, True, True): IGNORED,
-    (True, True, False, False, False): IGNORED,
-    (True, True, False, False, True): IGNORED,
-    (True, True, False, True, False): IGNORED,
-    (True, True, False, True, True): IGNORED,
-    (True, True, True, False, False): IGNORED,
-    (True, True, True, False, True): IGNORED,
-    (True, True, True, True, False): IGNORED,
-    (True, True, True, True, True): IGNORED,
-def generate_dashboard(device_data):
-    """ Analyses device_data and prepare result to be populated in dashboard"""
-    for host, hv in device_data.items():
-        logging.debug(host)
-        _pretty_print(hv)
-        peer_error_found = False  # Unreachable peer which should be flagged in main dashboard
-        issue_found = False  # Any other issue which is displayed in secondary dashboard
-        hv['device_status'] = error_dict[(hv['ignore'], hv['dhcp'],
-                                          not (hv['ssh_status'] == HOST_DOWN),
-                                          hv['swarming'], hv['doc'])]
-        logging.debug(
-            'ignore %s dhcp %s swarming %s ssh_status %s not ssh_status == HOST_DOWN %s doc %s status %s',
-            hv['ignore'], hv['dhcp'], hv['swarming'], hv['ssh_status'],
-            not (hv['ssh_status'] == HOST_DOWN), hv['doc'],
-            hv['device_status'])
-        logging.debug(error_dict[(False, True, True, False, True)])
-        # main dashboard need not show status of DUT since there is a separate dashboard for that.
-        if hv['device_status'] != IGNORED and hv['device_status'] in BAD_STATES:
-            issue_found = True
-        logging.debug('device status is %s', hv['device_status'])
-        if 'peers' in hv.keys():
-            for peer, pv in hv['peers'].items():
-                logging.debug(peer)
-                logging.debug(pv)
-                pv['device_status'] = error_dict[(
-                    pv['ignore'], pv['dhcp'],
-                    not (pv['ssh_status'] == HOST_DOWN), pv['swarming'],
-                    pv['doc'])]
-                logging.debug(
-                    'ignore %s dhcp %s swarming %s ssh_status %s not(ssh_status == HOST_DOWN) %s doc %s',
-                    pv['ignore'], pv['dhcp'], pv['swarming'], pv['ssh_status'],
-                    not (pv['ssh_status'] == HOST_DOWN), pv['doc'])
-                # If the host is ignored then do not show it in the dashboard
-                if hv['device_status'] == IGNORED:
-                    logging.debug('device status is %s ignoring %s',
-                                  hv['device_status'], host)
-                    issue_found = issue_found or pv[
-                        'device_status'] in BAD_STATES
-                else:
-                    peer_error_found = peer_error_found or pv[
-                        'device_status'] == NOT_REACHABLE
-                logging.debug('device status is %s', pv['device_status'])
-        # Documentation errors
-        hv['documentation_errors'] = []
-        # check only chromeos devices and avoid ignored devices
-        if hv['device_status'] != IGNORED and hv['chromeos']:
-            # model/boards of host in go/conn-device-lifecycle is different from swarming
-            if hv['swarming'] and hv['doc']:
-                if hv['swarming_data']['model'] not in _parse_doc_model_name(
-                        hv['doc_data']['model']):
-                    hv['documentation_errors'].append(
-                        'model in swarming "%s" differs from model in doc "%s"'
-                        % (hv['swarming_data']['model'],
-                           hv['doc_data']['model']))
-                if hv['swarming_data']['board'] != hv['doc_data'][
-                        'board'].strip():
-                    hv['documentation_errors'].append(
-                        'board in swarming "%s" differs from board in doc "%s"'
-                        % (hv['swarming_data']['board'],
-                           hv['doc_data']['board']))
-            # Pool differs
-            if hv['swarming'] and hv['doc']:
-                if hv['swarming_data']['pool'] != hv['doc_data']['pool']:
-                    hv['documentation_errors'].append(
-                        'pool in swarming "%s" differs from pool in doc "%s"' %
-                        (hv['swarming_data']['pool'], hv['doc_data']['pool']))
-            # wificell / conductive label differ
-            if hv['swarming'] and hv['doc']:
-                if hv['swarming_data']['wificell'] != (
-                        'wificell' in hv['doc_data']['labels']):
-                    hv['documentation_errors'].append(
-                        'label:wificell differs between doc and swarming')
-                    _pretty_print(hv)
-                    logging.debug('label wificell discrepencise %s %s',
-                                  hv['swarming_data']['wificell'],
-                                  'wificell' in hv['doc_data']['labels'])
-            # bluetooth label not found
-            if hv['swarming'] and not hv['swarming_data']['bluetooth_label']:
-                hv['documentation_errors'].append('Bluetooth label not found')
-        if hv['documentation_errors'] != []:
-            logging.debug(hv['documentation_errors'])
-        hv['peer_error_found'] = peer_error_found
-        hv['issue_found'] = issue_found
-    _pretty_print(device_data)
-    logging.debug('## IGNORED devices')
-    for host, hv in device_data.items():
-        if hv['device_status'] == IGNORED:
-            logging.debug('IGNORED DEVICE %s', (host))
-            _pretty_print(hv)
-    logging.debug('## IGNORED devices END')
-    logging.debug('## IMPOSSIBLE devices')
-    for host, hv in device_data.items():
-        if hv['device_status'] == IMPOSSIBLE:
-            logging.debug('IMPOSSIBLE DEVICE %s', (host))
-            _pretty_print(hv)
-    logging.debug('## IMPOSSIBLE devices END')
-def populate_dashboard(spreadsheet_name, device_data):
-    def _find_header(d):
-        """ given list of dicts,find all keys"""
-        header = [
-            'pool',
-            'host',
-            'model',
-            'host_status',
-        ]
-        peer_header = []
-        for _, v in d.items():
-            if 'peers' in v:
-                for p, pv in v['peers'].items():
-                    if pv['ignore']:
-                        continue
-                    logging.debug(p)
-                    peer_suffix = p.split('-')[4]
-                    if peer_suffix not in peer_header:
-                        peer_header.append(peer_suffix)
-        peer_header.sort()
-        header.extend(peer_header)
-        logging.debug('header is %s', header)
-        return header
-    def _populate_document_sheet(wsheet, msgs, header, data):
-        row_count = 1
-        for i, m in enumerate(msgs):
-            wsheet.insert_row(m.split(' '), i + row_count)
-            logging.debug('Writing %s at %s', m, i + row_count)
-        row_count += len(msgs)
-        wsheet.insert_row([h.upper() for h in header], row_count)
-        logging.debug('writing header at %s', row_count)
-        wsheet.format(
-            'A%s:S%s' % (row_count, row_count),
-            {'backgroundColor': {
-                'red': 0.0,
-                'green': 0.5,
-                'blue': 0.5
-            }})
-        row_count += 1
-        row_length = 12
-        cell_start_index = row_count
-        cell_end_index = cell_start_index + len(data)
-        range_label = 'A%s:%s%s' % (cell_start_index,
-                                    '-ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQR' [row_length],
-                                    cell_end_index)
-        logging.debug('range_label %s', range_label)
-        cell_list = wsheet.range(range_label)
-        logging.debug('cell_list Info: %s', (cell_list))
-        cell_list_index = 0
-        host_list = list(data.keys())
-        host_list.sort()
-        for host in host_list:
-            hv = data[host]
-            if hv['documentation_errors'] == []:
-                continue
-            logging.debug('%s %s', host, hv['documentation_errors'])
-            _pretty_print(hv)
-            cell_list[cell_list_index].value = hv['pool']
-            cell_list_index += 1
-            cell_list[cell_list_index].value = host
-            cell_list_index += 1
-            cell_list[cell_list_index].value = hv['swarming_data'][
-                'model'] if hv['swarming'] else '--'
-            cell_list_index += 1
-            logging.debug(
-                '%s %s %s %s', hv['pool'], host,
-                hv['swarming_data']['model'] if hv['swarming'] else '--',
-                hv['documentation_errors'])
-            for e in hv['documentation_errors']:
-                cell_list[cell_list_index].value = e
-                cell_list_index += 1
-            for i in range(3 + len(hv['documentation_errors']), row_length):
-                cell_list[cell_list_index].value = ''
-                cell_list_index += 1
-        wsheet.update_cells(cell_list)
-    def _populate_lab_sheet(wsheet,
-                            msgs,
-                            header,
-                            data,
-                            error_field='peer_error_found'):
-        row_count = 1
-        for i, m in enumerate(msgs):
-            wsheet.insert_row(m.split(' '), i + row_count)
-            logging.debug('Writing %s at %s', m, i + row_count)
-        row_count += len(msgs)
-        wsheet.insert_row([h.upper() for h in header], row_count)
-        logging.debug('writing header at %s', row_count)
-        wsheet.format(
-            'A%s:S%s' % (row_count, row_count),
-            {'backgroundColor': {
-                'red': 0.0,
-                'green': 0.5,
-                'blue': 0.5
-            }})
-        row_count += 1
-        cell_start_index = row_count
-        cell_end_index = cell_start_index + len(data)
-        range_label = 'A%s:%s%s' % (cell_start_index,
-                                    '-ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQR' [len(header)],
-                                    cell_end_index)
-        logging.debug('range_label %s', range_label)
-        cell_list = wsheet.range(range_label)
-        logging.debug('cell_list Info: %s', (cell_list))
-        cell_list_index = 0
-        host_list = list(data.keys())
-        host_list.sort()
-        for host in host_list:
-            hv = data[host]
-            if not hv[error_field]:
-                continue
-            if 'rpm' in host:
-                print('error found')
-                logging.debug('%s %s', host, hv['device_status'])
-            logging.debug('%s %s', host, hv['device_status'])
-            _pretty_print(hv)
-            cell_list[cell_list_index].value = hv['pool']
-            cell_list_index += 1
-            cell_list[cell_list_index].value = host
-            cell_list_index += 1
-            cell_list[cell_list_index].value = hv['swarming_data'][
-                'model'] if hv['swarming'] and 'swarming_data' in hv else '--'
-            cell_list_index += 1
-            cell_list[cell_list_index].value = hv['ssh_status'] if hv[
-                'device_status'] == NOT_REACHABLE else hv['device_status']
-            cell_list_index += 1
-            logging.debug('%s %s %s', hv['pool'], host, hv['device_status'])
-            for suffix in header[4:]:
-                peername = host + '-' + suffix
-                if 'peers' in hv and peername in hv['peers']:
-                    cell_list[cell_list_index].value = hv['peers'][peername][
-                        'ssh_status'] if hv['peers'][peername][
-                            'device_status'] == NOT_REACHABLE else hv['peers'][
-                                peername]['device_status']
-                    logging.debug('%s %s', peername,
-                                  hv['peers'][peername]['device_status'])
-                else:
-                    cell_list[cell_list_index].value = '--'
-                    logging.debug('peername not found %s', peername)
-                cell_list_index += 1
-        wsheet.update_cells(cell_list)
-    """ Display the data in the dashboard"""
-    scope = [
-        '',
-        ''
-    ]
-    credentials = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name(
-        json_keyfile, scope)
-    gc = gspread.authorize(credentials)
-    spreadsheet =
-    worksheet = 'DOWN PEERS'
-    wsheet1 = spreadsheet.worksheet(worksheet)
-    wsheet1.clear()
-    wsheet1.format(
-        'A1:S1000',
-        {'backgroundColor': {
-            'red': 1.0,
-            'green': 1.0,
-            'blue': 1.0
-        }})
-    worksheet = 'DOCUMENTATION ERRORS'
-    wsheet2 = spreadsheet.worksheet(worksheet)
-    wsheet2.clear()
-    wsheet2.format(
-        'A1:S1000',
-        {'backgroundColor': {
-            'red': 1.0,
-            'green': 1.0,
-            'blue': 1.0
-        }})
-    worksheet = 'OTHER ERRORS'
-    wsheet3 = spreadsheet.worksheet(worksheet)
-    wsheet3.clear()
-    wsheet3.format(
-        'A1:S1000',
-        {'backgroundColor': {
-            'red': 1.0,
-            'green': 1.0,
-            'blue': 1.0
-        }})
-    lab_issues, documentation_issues, other_issues = False, False, False
-    lab_messages = []
-    doc_messages = []
-    other_messages = []
-    for k, v in device_data.items():
-        if v['peer_error_found']:
-            lab_issues = True
-        if v['documentation_errors'] != []:
-            documentation_issues = True
-        if v['issue_found']:
-            other_issues = True
-        if lab_issues and documentation_issues and other_issues:
-            break
-    if not lab_issues:
-        lab_messages = ['No Issues Found. Check other tabs']
-    if not documentation_issues:
-        doc_messages = ['No Issues Found. Check other tabs']
-    if not other_issues:
-        other_messages = ['No Issues Found. Check other tabs']
-    messages = [
-        'LAST_UPDATED_AT %s' % str(,
-        'NEXT_UPDATE_WILL_BE_AT %s' %
-        (str( +
-             datetime.timedelta(seconds=DASHBOARD_REFRESH_INTERVAL)))
-    ]
-    lab_messages.extend(messages)
-    _pretty_print(lab_messages)
-    doc_messages.extend(messages)
-    _pretty_print(doc_messages)
-    other_messages.extend(messages)
-    _pretty_print(other_messages)
-    logging.debug('writing the lab sheet')
-    header = _find_header(device_data)
-    _populate_lab_sheet(wsheet1, lab_messages, header, device_data)
-    logging.debug('writing the other sheet')
-    header = _find_header(device_data)
-    _populate_lab_sheet(wsheet3,
-                        lab_messages,
-                        header,
-                        device_data,
-                        error_field='issue_found')
-    logging.debug('writing the document sheet')
-    header = ['pool', 'host', 'model', 'Documentation errors']
-    _populate_document_sheet(wsheet2, doc_messages, header, device_data)
-    logging.debug('populate_dashboard_complete')
-def dict_diff(s1, s2):
-    if type(s1) == dict and type(s2) == dict:
-        for k in s1:
-            if k not in s2:
-                print('key %s missing in second' % k)
-        for k in s2:
-            if k not in s1:
-                print('key %s missing in first' % k)
-        for k, v1 in s1.items():
-            if k in s2:
-                if type(v1) == dict:
-                    dict_diff(v1, s2[k])
-                elif v1 != s2[k]:
-                    logging.debug('value %s %s differs', v1, s2[k])
-def debug_main():
-    """ Debug version of Main function  """
-    device_data = {}
-    #Read the list of rpms to check
-    rpm_list = get_rpm_list()
-    update_rpm_data(device_data, rpm_list)
-    # Get dhcp data and update device data
-    (hosts, peer_devices, other_devices) = get_dhcp_data.get_data()
-    update_dhcp_data(device_data, hosts, peer_devices, other_devices)
-    logging.debug("After update_dhcp_data")
-    _pretty_print(device_data)
-    input()
-    # use this to debug the script without getting swarming data everytime
-    with open('/tmp/skylab_hosts.json') as json_file:
-        swarming_data = json.load(json_file)
-    _pretty_print(swarming_data)
-    # Get swarming data and update device_data
-    #swarming_data = get_wificell_data.get_data()
-    #_pretty_print(swarming_data)
-    update_swarming_data(device_data, swarming_data)
-    _pretty_print(device_data)
-    logging.debug("After update_swarming_data")
-    input()
-    # Get data from g/cros_conn_device_lifecycle and updat device data
-    conn_doc_data = get_wifisheet_data.get_wifisheet_data()
-    update_conn_doc_data(device_data, conn_doc_data)
-    _pretty_print(device_data)
-    logging.debug("After update_conn_data")
-    input()
-    with open('data.txt', 'w') as outfile:
-        json.dump(device_data, outfile)
-    with open('data.txt') as json_file:
-        device_data = json.load(json_file)
-    check_connectivity(device_data)
-    logging.debug("After check_connectivity")
-    input()
-'Waiting for 2 seconds before checking connectivity again')
-    time.sleep(2)
-    check_connectivity(device_data, recheck=True)
-    logging.debug("After check_connectivity recheck")
-    input()
-    with open('data2.txt', 'w') as outfile:
-        json.dump(device_data, outfile)
-    with open('data2.txt') as json_file:
-        device_data = json.load(json_file)
-    _pretty_print(device_data)
-    generate_dashboard(device_data)
-    logging.debug("After generate_dashboard")
-    input()
-    populate_dashboard(SPREADSHEET_ALL, device_data)
-    logging.debug("After populate_dashboard")
-    input()
-def main():
-    """ Main function  """
-    device_data = {}
-    #Read the list of rpms to check
-    rpm_list = get_rpm_list()
-    update_rpm_data(device_data, rpm_list)
-    # Get dhcp data and update device data
-    (hosts, peer_devices, other_devices) = get_dhcp_data.get_data()
-    update_dhcp_data(device_data, hosts, peer_devices, other_devices)
-    # Get swarming data and update device_data
-    swarming_data = get_wificell_data.get_data()
-    update_swarming_data(device_data, swarming_data)
-    # Get data from g/cros_conn_device_lifecycle and updat device data
-    conn_doc_data = get_wifisheet_data.get_wifisheet_data()
-    update_conn_doc_data(device_data, conn_doc_data)
-    # Check connectivity of devices
-    check_connectivity(device_data)
-'Waiting for %s seconds before checking connectivity again',
-    check_connectivity(device_data, recheck=True)
-    generate_dashboard(device_data)
-    populate_dashboard(SPREADSHEET_ALL, device_data)
-    _pretty_print(device_data)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    if int(sys.version.split(' ')[0].split('.')[0]) != 3:
-        print('Please invoke with python3')
-        sys.exit()
-    while True:
-        try:
-            logging.debug('Ctrl-C to stop')
-            main()
-            #debug_main()
-            logging.debug('Sleeping for %s seconds',
-                          DASHBOARD_REFRESH_INTERVAL)
-            time.sleep(DASHBOARD_REFRESH_INTERVAL)
-        except KeyboardInterrupt:
-            sys.exit()
-        except Exception as e:
-            logging.error(
-                'Exception %s while running script. Press any key to continue',
-                str(e))
-            input()
-            logging.debug('Sleeping for %s seconds',
-                          DASHBOARD_REFRESH_INTERVAL)
-            time.sleep(DASHBOARD_REFRESH_INTERVAL)
diff --git a/provingground/connectivity/wifidown_dashboard/ b/provingground/connectivity/wifidown_dashboard/
deleted file mode 100644
index 88041f5..0000000
--- a/provingground/connectivity/wifidown_dashboard/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-# List of rpms used in chaos lab
-# This list is hardcoded since these are the only
-# rpms that we care about
-rpm_list = [
-    'chromeos3-row2-rack1-rpm1', 'chromeos3-row2-rack2-rpm1',
-    'chromeos3-row2-rack3-rpm1', 'chromeos3-row2-rack4-rpm1',
-    'chromeos3-row3-rack1-rpm1', 'chromeos3-row3-rack2-rpm1',
-    'chromeos3-row3-rack3-rpm1', 'chromeos3-row3-rack4-rpm1'