blob: cf41594acc58a38fa1597e71fd55df64312fd4a0 [file] [log] [blame]
Usage: labtunnel [options] <tunnel_operation> <dut_host>
Supported tunnel_operation values:
wificell Opens an ssh tunnel for port 22 to the dut, pcap, and router
of a wificell.
- The dut hostname is resolved from <dut_host> by removing
the prefix "crossk-" if it is present. This can be
overridden with the --dut option.
- The pcap hostname is dut hostname plus the "-pcap"
suffix. This can be overridden with the --pcap option.
If the dut hostname ends with ".cros", the pcap hostname
will end with "-pcap.cros". To skip the creation of
the pcap tunnel, use the --no-pcap option.
- The router hostname is dut hostname plus the "-router"
suffix. This can be overridden with the --router option.
If the dut hostname ends with ".cros", the router
hostname will end with "-router.cros".
- All tunnels are destroyed upon stopping this script.
callbox Opens ssh tunnels for dut ssh, the callbox manager on a
proxy server, and the specified callbox through the proxy
- The dut tunnel is created in the same manner as with the
wificell tunnel_operation.
- The callbox manager tunnel is made to port 5000 on the
proxy server.
- The proxy server location defaults to
"access@chromeos1-proxy" and can be overridden with the
--proxy option.
- The callbox tunnel is made to <callbox>:5025 on the
proxy server, as the callboxes do not support SSH. Use
the --callbox option to specify the callbox host.
- All tunnels are destroyed upon stopping this script.
dut Opens an ssh tunnel for port 22 to the dut.
- The dut tunnel is created in the same manner as with the
wificell tunnel_operation.
- All tunnels are destroyed upon stopping this script.
dutvnc Starts kmsvnc on the dut via ssh, opens a tunnel to it on
port 5900, and connects to it using TigerVNC.
- The kmsvnc process on the dut and TigerVNC client on
this machine are stopped and all tunnels are destroyed
upon stopping this script.
- To use a different VNC client other than TigerVNC, use
the --do-not-open-vnc option to skip connecting to the
VNC server with TigerVNC and then connect to
localhost:5900 with your preferred VNC client.
Supported options:
--help|help|-h Prints this help text and exists.
--port|-p <port> Sets the start port number to <port> for ssh
tunnels to remote port 22. Defaults to 2200.
--dut <host> Sets the DUT hostname to <host> and does not
resolve it any further like how <dut_host> is
--pcap <host> Sets the PCAP hostname to <host>. If unset, it is
resolved from the dut hostname.
--router <host> Sets the router hostname to <host>. If unset, it
is resolved from the dut hostname.
--no-pcap Skips pcap tunnel creation during the wificell
--callbox <host> Sets the callbox hostname to <host>. This host
must be resolvable by the proxy server. Required
for callbox tunnel_operation.
--do-not-open-vnc Skips opening the TigerVNC client for
tunnel_operation dutvnc.
--lease The <dut_host> will be leased with crosfleet prior
to preforming any other operation. The lease is
abandoned upon stopping this script.
--lease-retain Prevents the script from abandoning the lease
created with --lease upon closing.
--lease-option <option> Adds the CLI option <option> to the crosfleet dut
lease call with --lease. Can be repeated.
--lease-options <options> Sets all the CLI options to <options> to the
crosfleet dut lease call with --lease.
--ssh-option <option> Adds the CLI option <option> to the options used
in all ssh commands. Can be repeated.
--ssh-options <options> Sets all the CLI options to <options> used for all
ssh commands.