proving_grounds: Checkin code for go/wifi-down dashboard


Change-Id: Ifa8a80b09e89b8556ad5f80f69dfcc86e21b850e
Tested-by: Shijin Abraham <>
Reviewed-by: Harpreet Grewal <>
Commit-Queue: Shijin Abraham <>
diff --git a/provingground/connectivity/wifidown_dashboard/README b/provingground/connectivity/wifidown_dashboard/README
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+# Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+# How to run
+#   Run python3 to and go to go/wifi-down the
+    see devices that needs repair
+# Troubleshooting
+#   Check paths in
+#   Make sure dhcp file is latest. (Do repo sync in the folder)
+#   If a new tab is added in go/cros_conn_device_lifecycle, it has to be added
+    to
+#   If number of wificell devices exceeded 1000, update swarming query in
+#   change logging level to DEBUG for more logs
+#   debug_main can be used to write intermediate stages to file
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+# Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+import os
+import sys
+USERNAME = os.environ['USER']
+SWARMING_PATH = '/usr/local/google/home/%s/chromiumos/chromite/third_party/swarming.client/' % USERNAME
+DHCP_PATH = '/usr/local/google/home/%s/chromiumos/chromeos-admin/puppet/modules/lab/files/dhcp-server/dhcpd.conf' % USERNAME
+def main():
+    if int(sys.version.split(' ')[0].split('.')[0]) != 3:
+        print("Please invoke with python3")
+        sys.exit()
+    print('SWARMING PATH is %s' % SWARMING_PATH)
+    print('DHCP_PATH is %s' % DHCP_PATH)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()
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index 0000000..afdfbff
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+# Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+json_keyfile = 'wifi-sheets-api-989c7d546825.json'
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index 0000000..1f45932
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+# Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+import logging
+import sys
+import re
+from constants import DHCP_PATH
+logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, stream=sys.stdout)
+def get_data():
+    """
+    Read the DHCP file and get devices in chromeos15
+    @returns (hosts, other_devices) where hosts are anything that matches
+             chromeos15-row*-rack*-host* and other_devices are anything that
+             are not hosts but starts with chromeos15-
+    """
+    data = [i.strip() for i in open(DHCP_PATH).read().split('\n')]
+    data = [
+        i.split(' ')[1] for i in data
+        if i != '' and i[0] != '#' and 'chromeos15' in i and i[:5] == 'host '
+    ]
+    pattern = 'chromeos15-row.*-rack.*-host.*'
+    peer_pattern = 'chromeos15-row.*-rack.*-host.*-.*'
+    metro_pattern = 'chromeos15-row.*-metro.*-host.*'
+    metro_peer_pattern = 'chromeos15-row.*-metro.*-host.*-.*'
+    hosts = []
+    peer_devices = []
+    other_devices = []
+    for i in data:
+        if re.match(pattern, i) is not None:
+            if re.match(peer_pattern, i) is not None:
+                peer_devices.append(i)
+            else:
+                hosts.append(i)
+        elif re.match(metro_pattern, i) is not None:
+            if re.match(metro_peer_pattern, i) is not None:
+                peer_devices.append(i)
+            else:
+                hosts.append(i)
+        else:
+            other_devices.append(i)
+    return (hosts, peer_devices, other_devices)
+def main():
+    if int(sys.version.split(' ')[0].split('.')[0]) != 3:
+        print("Please invoke with python3")
+        sys.exit()
+    (hosts, peer_devices, other_devices) = get_data()
+    print('hosts')
+    for i in hosts:
+        print(i)
+    print('peer_devices')
+    for i in peer_devices:
+        print(i)
+    print('other devices')
+    for i in other_devices:
+        print(i)
+    print("%s hosts found" % len(hosts))
+    print("%s peer_devices found" % len(peer_devices))
+    print("%s other_devices found" % len(other_devices))
+    #h = 'chromeos15-row8-rack1-host4'
+    #if h not in hosts and h not in other_devices and h not in peer_devices:
+    #    print("%s not found" % h)
+    #else:
+    #    print("%s found" % h)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()
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+# Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+import subprocess
+import json
+import sys
+import logging
+from constants import SWARMING_PATH
+# Execute this script to download swarming info
+logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.DEBUG)
+def _get_wificell_data():
+    cmd = "python2  {} query --swarming 'bots/list?dimensions=pool%3AChromeOSSkylab&dimensions=label-wificell%3ATrue&quarantined=FALSE&limit=1000'".format(
+    print("executing %s" % cmd)
+    output = json.loads(subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True))
+    # keys (['death_timeout', 'items', 'now']
+    return output['items']
+def parse_swarming_entry(i):
+    try:
+        is_bt = False
+        is_bt_new = []
+        b = None
+        m = None
+        name = None
+        p = None
+        deleted = i['deleted']
+        is_dead = i['is_dead']
+        bluetooth_label = None
+        wifichip = None
+        conductive = False
+        hw_phase = None
+        servo_v3 = False
+        wificell = False
+        for j in i['dimensions']:
+            if j['key'] == 'label-wificell':
+                wificell = j['value'][0] == 'True'
+            if j['key'] == 'label-pool':
+                p = j['value'][0]
+            if j['key'] == 'label-board':
+                b = j['value'][0]
+            if j['key'] == 'label-bluetooth':
+                bluetooth_label = True
+            if j['key'] == 'label-model':
+                m = j['value'][0]
+            if j['key'] == 'dut_name':
+                name = j['value'][0]
+            if j['key'] == 'label-chameleon_type':
+                is_bt = 'CHAMELEON_TYPE_BT_PEER' in j['value']
+            if j['key'] == 'label-working_bluetooth_btpeer':
+                is_bt_new.extend(j['value'])
+            if j['key'] == 'label-wifi_chip':
+                wifichip = j['value'][0]
+            if j['key'] == 'dut_state':
+                dut_state = j['value'][0]
+            if j['key'] == 'label-conductive':
+                conductive = True
+            if j['key'] == 'label-phase':
+                hw_phase = j['value'][0]
+            if j['key'] == 'servo_type':
+                servo_v3 = j['value'][0] == 'servo_v3'
+        res = {
+            'host': name,
+            'board': b,
+            'model': m.lower(),
+            'bt_label': is_bt,
+            'bt_peers': is_bt_new[:],
+            'pool': p,
+            'is_dead': is_dead,
+            'deleted': deleted,
+            'bluetooth_label': bluetooth_label,
+            'wifichip': wifichip,
+            'conductive': conductive,
+            'hw_phase': hw_phase,
+            'missing': False,
+            'wificell': wificell,
+            'servo': servo_v3
+        }
+        if name is None:
+            logging.debug(i)
+            logging.debug(res)
+            return None
+        return res
+    except Exception as e:
+        logging.error("exception in parse_swarming entry '%s'", str(e))
+        return None
+def parse_raw_data(raw_data):
+    d = {}
+    for k, v in raw_data.items():
+        if k != 'dimensions':
+            d[k] = v
+    for l in raw_data['dimensions']:
+        k = l['key']
+        v = l['value']
+        if k in d:
+            logging.debug("key %s already present" % k)
+        d[k] = v
+    logging.debug(d)
+    return d
+def get_data():
+    raw_data = _get_wificell_data()
+    data = {}
+    for rd in raw_data:
+        d = parse_swarming_entry(rd)
+        if d is None:
+            continue
+        if d['is_dead']:
+            logging.debug('igoring dead dut %s' % d)
+            continue
+        host = d['host']
+        data[host] = d
+    return data
+def main():
+    if int(sys.version.split(' ')[0].split('.')[0]) != 3:
+        print("Please invoke with python3")
+        sys.exit()
+    data = get_data()
+    for i in data.items():
+        print(i)
+    # Save host info to a file for debugging purpose
+    with open('/tmp/skylab_hosts.json', 'w') as fp:
+        json.dump(data, fp)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()
diff --git a/provingground/connectivity/wifidown_dashboard/ b/provingground/connectivity/wifidown_dashboard/
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index 0000000..bcad63a
--- /dev/null
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+# Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+import logging
+import gspread
+import sys
+from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials
+from credentials import json_keyfile
+logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, stream=sys.stdout)
+# Read data from go/conn-device-life-cycle
+    'Row1 & 2 (Conductive/PerBuild)',
+    'Row4 (OTA)',
+    'Row5 (BT perbuild)',
+    'Row7',
+    'Row8',
+    'Row8-metro',
+    'Row3 (Grover)',
+    'Row3 (Pre-Cq)',
+    'Row4 (Pre-Cq)',
+    'Row6(Pre-Cq)',
+def read_wifi_device_sheet():
+    """ Read data from go/conn-device-lifecycle sheet"""
+    scope = [
+        '',
+        ''
+    ]
+    credentials = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name(
+        json_keyfile, scope)
+    gc = gspread.authorize(credentials)
+    # go/conn-device-life-cycle
+    spreadsheet = gc.open_by_key(
+        '1DhwNaPSbdXudWIrjBJpiLViOPOjrmBGy7BpIYZr9TqQ')
+    data = []
+    for sheet in spreadsheet.worksheets():
+        if sheet.title not in SHEETS_LIST:
+  "ignoring sheet |%s|", sheet.title)
+            continue
+        logging.debug("Reading sheet %s !!!!", sheet.title)
+        values = sheet.get_all_records()
+        for i in values:
+            logging.debug(i)
+            if 'Hostname' not in i or i['Hostname'] != '':
+                data.append(i)
+            else:
+                logging.debug("ignoring %s", i)
+    return data
+def process_data(raw_data):
+    """ Get required columns"""
+    def _get_pool(p):
+        try:
+            for i in p.split(','):
+                if 'pool' in i:
+                    return i.split(':')[1].strip(' ').lower()
+            return None
+        except:
+            logging.error("error parsing pool string %s", p)
+            return None
+    def _get_labels(p):
+        return [i.strip() for i in p.split(',')]
+    data = {}
+    for i in raw_data:
+        try:
+            logging.debug(i)
+            hostname = i['Hostname'].lower()
+            if hostname[:8] != 'chromeos':
+                logging.debug("Igorning %s", hostname)
+                continue
+            model = i['Model'].lower()
+            board = i['Board'].lower()
+            pool = _get_pool(i['Atest Labels'])
+            labels = _get_labels(i['Atest Labels'])
+            if 'Pi (btpeer hostname)' in i:
+                num_btpeers = i['Pi (btpeer hostname)']
+            else:
+                num_btpeers = 0
+            if hostname in data:
+                logging.error("Duplicate entry for %s", hostname)
+            data[hostname] = {}
+            if model == '' or model == 'empty cell':
+                data[hostname]['model'] = ''
+            else:
+                data[hostname]['model'] = model
+            if board == '' or board == 'empty cell':
+                data[hostname]['board'] = ''
+            else:
+                data[hostname]['board'] = board
+            data[hostname]['pool'] = pool
+            btpeers = []
+            if num_btpeers in ['', 'no']:
+                pass
+            else:
+                try:
+                    btpeers.extend([
+                        'btpeer' + str(i)
+                        for i in range(1,
+                                       int(num_btpeers) + 1)
+                    ])
+                except:
+                    logging.error("Exception while parsing num_btpeers %s",
+                                  num_btpeers)
+            data[hostname]['btpeers'] = btpeers
+            data[hostname]['labels'] = labels
+            logging.debug("Adding %s %s" % (hostname, data[hostname]))
+        except Exception as e:
+            logging.debug(sys.exc_info())
+            logging.debug("Exception %s while processing %s %s" %
+                          (e, i, sys.exc_info()))
+    return data
+def get_wifisheet_data():
+    raw_data = read_wifi_device_sheet()
+    #logging.debug(raw_data)
+    data = process_data(raw_data)
+    #logging.debug(data)
+    for i in data:
+        print(i)
+    return data
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    for i, v in get_wifisheet_data().items():
+        print(i)
+        print(v)
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index 0000000..86aeb0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/provingground/connectivity/wifidown_dashboard/
@@ -0,0 +1,1126 @@
+# Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+# This script checks WiFi/Bluetooth peer devices in the lab and creates
+# a google spreadsheet for the one which are down.
+# The google sheet is displayed at go/wifi-down
+# This is used by ACS lab to detect down devices
+# This script get data from 3 sources
+# 1) data from dhcp file /usr/local/google/home/<user>/chromiumos/
+#                \chromeos-admin/puppet/modules/lab/files/dhcp-server/dhcpd.conf
+# 2) Swarming data of all bots with label-wificell
+# 3) data from g/cros_conn_device_lifecycle
+# Once data from these three sources are combined, the script pings the devices
+# that we are interested in. Any unreachable devices is displayed in the dashboard
+# for the lab team to rectify.
+# Data from all sources is collected device data which of following format
+# At each stage 'ignore' flag in send to False if the device meet the criteria to be monitored
+# Any host/peer with ignore flag set is not displayed in dashboard
+# 'chromeos15-row8-rack2-host2': {'dhcp': True,
+#                                 'doc': True,
+#                                 'doc_data': {'board': 'gnawty',
+#                                              'btpeers': [],
+#                                              'model': 'gnawty',
+#                                              'pool': 'wificell_perbuild'},
+#                                 'ignore': False,
+#                                 'ignore_reason' : ''
+#                                 'peers': {'chromeos15-row8-rack2-host2-pcap': {'dhcp': True,
+#                                                                                'doc': False,
+#                                                                                'ignore': True,
+#                                                                                'ssh_status': False,
+#                                                                                'swarming': True},
+#                                           'chromeos15-row8-rack2-host2-router': {'dhcp': True,
+#                                                                                  'doc': False,
+#                                                                                  'ignore': True,
+#                                                                                  'ssh_status': False,
+#                                                                                  'swarming': True}},
+#                                 'ssh_status': False,
+#                                 'swarming': True,
+#                                 'swarming_data': {'bluetooth_label': True,
+#                                                   'board': 'gnawty',
+#                                                   'bt_label': False,
+#                                                   'bt_peers': [],
+#                                                   'conductive': True,
+#                                                   'deleted': False,
+#                                                   'host': 'chromeos15-row8-rack2-host2',
+#                                                   'hw_phase': 'PHASE_PVT',
+#                                                   'is_dead': False,
+#                                                   'missing': False,
+#                                                   'model': 'gnawty',
+#                                                   'pool': 'wificell_perbuild',
+#                                                   'servo': False,
+#                                                   'wifichip': 'wireless_intel'}},
+#  Note 1: Only devices is chromeos15- is checked
+#  Note 2 : Currently the following peer devices are considered PCAP,ROUTER,BTPEER1-4, SERVO, ATTENUATOR
+#  Note 3 : Standalone RPMS in chromeos3 are added as special cases
+#  Note 4: For debugging this script, use debug_main and store intermediate results in files.
+# debug the hang
+# servo already there
+# rpm already there?
+# attentuator already there
+# separate doc issues to different sheet
+# send mail
+import csv
+import datetime
+import gspread
+import json
+import logging
+import os
+import pprint
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import time
+import queue
+from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials
+from credentials import json_keyfile
+from multiprocessing import Process
+from multiprocessing import Queue
+import get_wificell_data
+import get_wifisheet_data
+import get_dhcp_data
+import rpm_list
+# Change logging level to DEBUG for more logs
+#logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.DEBUG)
+logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.INFO)
+DASHBOARD_REFRESH_INTERVAL = 1000  # Time to wait between dashboard refreshes in seconds
+CONNECTIVITY_RETEST_INTERVAL = 180  # Time to wait before rechecking connectivity to down devices in seconds
+HOST_NO_SSH = 'Online w/o SSH Con'
+WORKSHEET2 = 'Documentation'
+# Mapping integers to host status strings.
+# Ignore devices in these pools
+POOLS_TO_IGNORE = ['cross_device_multi_cb']
+# Names of bluetooth peers
+BT_PEERS = ['btpeer1', 'btpeer2', 'btpeer3', 'btpeer4']
+# Name of wifi peer devices
+WIFI_PEERS = ['router', 'pcap']
+#Pools with attentuator
+ATTENUATOR_POOLS = ['groamer', 'groamer_two', 'bt_groamer']
+def _pretty_print(d, msg=''):
+    print('------------------------------------------------------------')
+    if msg != '':
+        print('======   %s =========' % msg)
+    if type(d) == dict:
+        pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=1)
+        pp.pprint(d)
+        print('length is %s' % len(d))
+    elif type(d) == list:
+        for i in d:
+            print(i)
+        print('length is %s' % len(d))
+    else:
+        print(d)
+    print('------------------------------------------------------------')
+def _parse_doc_model_name(m):
+    """ parse Model name in the go/cros-conn-lifecycle sheet so it can be compared with swarming model name
+        It can be 'Mordin (Barla)' which be be parsed as [mordin, barla]
+        veyron_/auron_ prefixes should be removed
+        There can be WIP in the name which means that is should be ignored
+    """
+    result = []
+    m = m.lower()
+    if '[wip]' in m:
+        result.append('[wip]')
+        m = m.strip('[wip]')
+        logging.debug('WIP device found')
+    if '(' in m:
+        for i in m.split('('):
+            i = i.strip().replace(')', '').lower()
+            result.append(i)
+    else:
+        result.append(m.strip().lower())
+    logging.debug('Returning %s for %s', result, m)
+    return result
+def _make_peers(h, l):
+    if type(l) == list:
+        res = []
+        for p in l:
+            res.append(h + '-' + p)
+        return res
+    else:
+        return h + '-' + p
+def getHostStatus(q, host):
+    """ Ping the host and check if it is ssh-able"""
+    try:
+        logging.debug('Checking status of %s', host)
+        # Grab the ping exit code.
+        host_status_code =['ping', '-c2', host])
+        # if the device is pingable, we check if port 22 is open to accept ssh connection.
+        if host_status_code == 0:
+            try:
+                nc_output_code =
+                    ['nc', '-zv', '-w3', host, '22'])
+            except:
+                logging.debug('netcat failed: %s', host)
+            if nc_output_code != 0:
+                host_status_code = 3
+        ret_status = HOST_STATUS[host_status_code]
+    except Exception as e:
+        logging.error('!!!!!!!! Exception %s while checking %s', str(e), host)
+        ret_status = HOST_DOWN
+    finally:
+        logging.debug('Host %s returning status %s', host, ret_status)
+        q.put((host, ret_status))
+def get_rpm_list():
+    """ Read the list of rpms """
+    return rpm_list.rpm_list
+def update_rpm_data(device_data, rpm_list):
+    """ Update list of rpm into device data """
+    for h in rpm_list:
+        device_data[h] = {
+            'ignore': False,
+            'ignore_reason': 'RPM not ignored',
+            'dhcp': True,  # Found in dhcp file
+            'ssh_status': False,
+            'swarming': True,  # RPM wont be in swarming
+            'doc': True,  # RPM wont be in doc
+            'pool': 'RPM',  # Add a false pool
+            'peers': {},
+            'chromeos': False
+        }
+        logging.debug('dhcp other device added %s %s', h, device_data[h])
+def update_dhcp_data(device_data, hosts, peer_devices, other_devices):
+    """
+    Update dhcp data into device_data
+    """
+    for h in other_devices:
+        device_data[h] = {
+            'ignore': True,  # Ignore by default
+            'ignore_reason': 'Other devices ignored in update_dhcp',
+            'dhcp': True,  # Found in dhcp file
+            'ssh_status': False,
+            'swarming': False,
+            'doc': False,
+            'pool': None,
+            'peers': {},
+            'chromeos': False
+        }
+        logging.debug('dhcp other device added %s %s', h, device_data[h])
+    for h in hosts:
+        device_data[h] = {
+            'ignore': True,  # ignore hosts unless it is a wificell
+            'ignore_reason': 'host ignored in update_dhcp',
+            'dhcp': True,  # Found in dhcp file
+            'ssh_status': False,
+            'swarming': False,
+            'doc': False,
+            'pool': None,
+            'peers': {},
+            'chromeos': True
+        }
+        logging.debug('dhcp host added  %s %s', h, device_data[h])
+    for peer in peer_devices:
+        # Do not ignore rpm or servo since these can't be detected from swarming or doc
+        if 'rpm' in peer:
+            peer_dict = {
+                'ignore': False,  # ignore it is a peer of wificell host
+                'ignore_reason': 'peer rpm not ignored in update_dhcp',
+                'dhcp': True,  # Found in dhcp file
+                'ssh_status': False,
+                'swarming': True,  # RPM cannot be found in swarming
+                'doc': True,  # RPM not recorded in doc
+                'chromeos': False
+            }
+        elif 'servo' in peer:
+            peer_dict = {
+                'ignore': False,  # ignore it is a peer of wificell host
+                'ignore_reason': 'peer servo not ignored in update_dhcp',
+                'dhcp': True,  # Found in dhcp file
+                'ssh_status': False,
+                'swarming':
+                True,  # servo is not currently detected from swarming
+                'doc':
+                True,  # servo is not currentyl detected from the document
+                'chromeos': False
+            }
+        else:
+            # Ignore other peer unless they can be found in swarming or doc
+            peer_dict = {
+                'ignore': True,  # ignore it is a peer of wificell host
+                'ignore_reason': 'peer ignored in update_dhcp',
+                'dhcp': True,  # Found in dhcp file
+                'ssh_status': False,
+                'swarming': False,
+                'doc': False,
+                'chromeos': False
+            }
+        hostname = '-'.join(peer.split('-')[:4])
+        logging.debug('derived host %s from peername %s', hostname, peer)
+        # host is not in dhcp but peer is
+        if hostname not in device_data:
+            logging.debug('peer %s present in dhcp but host %s is not', peer,
+                          hostname)
+            device_data[hostname] = {
+                'ignore': True,  # ignore hosts unless it is a wificell
+                'ignore_reason':
+                'host derived from peer ignored in update_dhcp',
+                'dhcp': False,  # Not found in dhcp file
+                'ssh_status': False,
+                'swarming': False,
+                'doc': False,
+                'pool': None,
+                'peers': {},
+                'chromeos': True
+            }
+        device_data[hostname]['peers'][peer] = peer_dict
+def update_swarming_data(device_data, swarming_data):
+    """ update device data with swarming data """
+    for h, v in swarming_data.items():
+        if 'chromeos3' in h:
+            logging.debug('Igonring chaos device %s in chromeos3', h)
+            continue
+        if v['pool'] in POOLS_TO_IGNORE:
+            logging.debug(' %s is in ignored pool %s', h, v['pool'])
+            continue
+        if h not in device_data:
+            logging.error(
+                'host %s in swarming but not in dhcp. This should never happen',
+                h)
+            device_data[h] = {
+                'ignore': False,  # ignore hosts unless it is a wificell
+                'ignore_reason':
+                'wificell host not ignored in update_swarming',
+                'dhcp': False,  # Not Found in dhcp file
+                'ssh_status': False,
+                'swarming': True,
+                'doc': False,
+                'pool': None,
+                'peers': {},
+                'chromeos': True
+            }
+        else:
+            device_data[h]['ignore'] = False
+            device_data[h][
+                'ignore_reason'] = 'wificell host not ignored in update_swarming',
+            device_data[h]['swarming'] = True
+        device_data[h]['pool'] = v['pool']
+        device_data[h]['swarming_data'] = v
+        # update status of peer devices
+        # wificell devices always have these peers
+        # except bt_grover pool
+        if v['pool'] != 'bt_groamer':
+            expected_peers = _make_peers(h, WIFI_PEERS)
+        # some pools have attenuator
+        if v['pool'] in ATTENUATOR_POOLS:
+            for peer in _make_peers(h, ['attenuator']):
+                expected_peers.append(peer)
+        # number of btpeers vary. Get the number from swarming
+        expected_peers.extend(_make_peers(h, BT_PEERS[:len(v['bt_peers'])]))
+        # check only servo v3
+        if v['servo']:
+            expected_peers.append(servo)
+        logging.debug('Expected peers for host %s is %s', h, expected_peers)
+        for peer in expected_peers:
+            if peer not in device_data[h]['peers']:
+                # Peer indicated in swarming data but not in dhcp
+                logging.debug('Peer %s not in dhcp but in swarming', peer)
+                device_data[h]['peers'][peer] = {
+                    'ignore': False,  # ignore hosts unless it is a wificell
+                    'ignore_reason':
+                    'peer of wificell host not ignored in update_swarming',
+                    'dhcp': False,  # Not found in dhcp file
+                    'ssh_status': False,
+                    'swarming': True,
+                    'doc': False
+                }
+            else:
+                device_data[h]['peers'][peer]['swarming'] = True
+                device_data[h]['peers'][peer]['ignore'] = False
+                device_data[h]['peers'][peer][
+                    'ignore_reason'] = 'peer of wificell host not ignored in update_swarming'
+def update_conn_doc_data(device_data, conn_doc_data):
+    """ update device data using go/cros_conn_device_lifecyle data"""
+    for h, v in conn_doc_data.items():
+        if h not in device_data:
+            logging.debug(
+                'host %s not in swarming or dhcp but in go/cros_conn_device_lifecycle',
+                h)
+            device_data[h] = {
+                'ignore': False,  # All DUT in doc is important
+                'ignore_reason': 'device found in conn_doc',
+                'dhcp': False,  # not found in dhcp file
+                'ssh_status': False,
+                'swarming': False,  # not found in swarming
+                'pool': None,
+                'doc': True,
+                'peers': {},
+                'chromeos': True
+            }
+        else:
+            device_data[h]['doc'] = True
+            device_data[h]['ignore'] = False
+        device_data[h]['doc_data'] = v
+        # Ignore this host and peers
+        # Used for test bed until construction
+        ignore_test_bed = False
+        if device_data[h]['pool'] is None:
+            if v['pool'] in POOLS_TO_IGNORE:
+                logging.debug(
+                    'device %s doc data has pool %s which is to be ignored', h,
+                    v['pool'])
+                device_data[h]['ignore'] = True
+                device_data[h]['ignore_reason'] = 'pool ignored'
+                ignore_test_bed = True
+        if v['model'] == '':
+            logging.debug('Empty model. Ignoring %s', h)
+            device_data[h]['ignore'] = True
+            device_data[h]['ignore_reason'] = 'empty model ignored'
+            ignore_test_bed = True
+        if '[wip]' in _parse_doc_model_name(v['model']):
+            logging.debug('WIP  Ignoring %s', h)
+            device_data[h]['ignore'] = True
+            device_data[h]['ignore_reason'] = 'WIP device ignored'
+            ignore_test_bed = True
+        # update status of peers
+        documented_peers = []
+        for i in v['btpeers']:
+            documented_peers.append(h + '-' + i)
+        # bt_groamer doesn't have wifi peersx
+        if 'wificell' in v['labels'] and v['pool'] != 'bt_groamer':
+            for i in WIFI_PEERS:
+                documented_peers.append(h + '-' + i)
+        logging.debug('documented peers for %s is %s', h, documented_peers)
+        if v['pool'] in ATTENUATOR_POOLS:
+            documented_peers.extend(_make_peers(h, ['attenuator']))
+        for peer in documented_peers:
+            if peer not in device_data[h]['peers']:
+                logging.debug('%s in doc data but not swarming', peer)
+                device_data[h]['peers'][peer] = {
+                    'ignore':
+                    ignore_test_bed,  # ignore hosts unless it is a wificell
+                    'ignore_reason':
+                    'peer if dut with ignore_test_bed %s ' % ignore_test_bed,
+                    'dhcp': False,  # Not found in dhcp file
+                    'ssh_status': False,
+                    'swarming': False,  # Found in swarming
+                    'doc': True,
+                    'chromeos': False
+                }
+            else:
+                device_data[h]['peers'][peer]['doc'] = True
+                device_data[h]['peers'][peer]['ignore'] = ignore_test_bed
+def check_connectivity(device_data, recheck=False):
+    """ check if device is pingable and sshable"""
+    def _add_to_result(result_dict, rhost, result):
+        logging.debug('Adding to result %s %s', rhost, result)
+        if rhost in result_dict:
+            logging.error('rhost %s already present in result', rhost)
+            logging.error('This should not happen###')
+            raise ValueError
+        result_dict[rhost] = result
+    devices_to_check = {
+        'hosts': [],
+        'peers': {},
+    }
+    # Only check devices which are present in DHCP data
+    for host, host_value in device_data.items():
+        if not host_value['ignore'] and host_value['dhcp']:
+            # On  recheck, check devices which is not up
+            if not recheck or host_value['ssh_status'] != HOST_UP:
+                devices_to_check['hosts'].append(host)
+            for peer, peer_value in host_value['peers'].items():
+                if not peer_value['ignore'] and peer_value['dhcp']:
+                    if not recheck or peer_value['ssh_status'] != HOST_UP:
+                        devices_to_check['peers'][peer] = host
+    device_list = devices_to_check['hosts'][:]
+    device_list.extend(list(devices_to_check['peers'].keys()))
+    #
+    # GetHostStatus function is called in separate process for each dut
+    # Each of these process put the result in a queue
+    # THe main process get results from queue and joins the processes
+    # The processes was getting hung probably since the queue was growing large
+    # Adding code to remove items from the queue resolved the issue
+    #
+    q = Queue(32000)
+    result_dict = {}
+    process_list = []
+    count = 0
+    for host in device_list:
+        p = Process(target=getHostStatus, args=(q, host))
+        p.start()
+        process_list.append((p, host))
+        logging.debug('starting check %s %s', host, count)
+        count += 1
+        try:
+            (rhost, result) = q.get(block=False)
+            _add_to_result(result_dict, rhost, result)
+        except queue.Empty:
+            pass
+    while process_list != []:
+'{} processes remaining '.format(len(process_list)))
+        logging.debug(' process list %s result %s queue size %s ',
+                      len(process_list), len(result_dict), q.qsize())
+        for (p, host) in process_list:
+            # empty queue to prevent the proceess from hanging
+            try:
+                (rhost, result) = q.get(block=False)
+                _add_to_result(result_dict, rhost, result)
+            except queue.Empty:
+                pass
+            if not p.is_alive():
+      '{} process has ended'.format(host))
+                p.join()
+                process_list.remove((p, host))
+            else:
+      '{} process pending'.format(host))
+        logging.debug('sleeping for 3 seconds')
+        time.sleep(3)
+    while not q.empty():
+        (rhost, result) = q.get(timeout=2)
+        _add_to_result(result_dict, rhost, result)
+    if len(result_dict) != len(device_list):
+        logging.error(
+            'Length of result %s is not equal to length'
+            'of device list %s', len(result_dict), len(device_list))
+        for h in result_dict:
+            if h not in device_list:
+                logging.error('%s not in device_list', h)
+        for h in device_list:
+            if h not in result_dict:
+                logging.error('%s not in result', h)
+        raise ValueError
+    _pretty_print(result_dict, 'result_dict')
+    for h in devices_to_check['hosts']:
+        device_data[h]['ssh_status'] = result_dict[h]
+    for p, h in devices_to_check['peers'].items():
+        device_data[h]['peers'][p]['ssh_status'] = result_dict[p]
+# error conditions
+IMPOSSIBLE = 'ERROR'  # Impossible combination like device not in DHCP but ssh-able
+ALL_OK = 'UP'
+#              ignore, dhcp,  ssh   swarming, doc : result
+error_dict = {
+    (False, False, False, False, False): IMPOSSIBLE,
+    (False, False, False, False, True): NOT_IN_DHCP,
+    (False, False, False, True, False): IN_SWARMING_NOT_IN_DHCP,
+    (False, False, False, True, True): IN_SWARMING_NOT_IN_DHCP,
+    (False, False, True, False, False): ONLINE_BUT_NOT_IN_DHCP,
+    (False, False, True, False, True): ONLINE_BUT_NOT_IN_DHCP,
+    (False, False, True, True, False): IN_SWARMING_NOT_IN_DHCP,
+    (False, False, True, True, True): IN_SWARMING_NOT_IN_DHCP,
+    (False, True, False, False, False): NOT_REACHABLE,
+    (False, True, False, False, True): NOT_REACHABLE,
+    (False, True, False, True, False): NOT_REACHABLE,
+    (False, True, False, True, True): NOT_REACHABLE,
+    (False, True, True, False, False): NOT_IN_SWARMING,
+    (False, True, True, False, True): NOT_IN_SWARMING,
+    (False, True, True, True, False): NOT_DOCUMENTED,
+    (False, True, True, True, True): ALL_OK,
+    (True, False, False, False, False): IGNORED,
+    (True, False, False, False, True): IGNORED,
+    (True, False, False, True, False): IGNORED,
+    (True, False, False, True, True): IGNORED,
+    (True, False, True, False, False): IGNORED,
+    (True, False, True, False, True): IGNORED,
+    (True, False, True, True, False): IGNORED,
+    (True, False, True, True, True): IGNORED,
+    (True, True, False, False, False): IGNORED,
+    (True, True, False, False, True): IGNORED,
+    (True, True, False, True, False): IGNORED,
+    (True, True, False, True, True): IGNORED,
+    (True, True, True, False, False): IGNORED,
+    (True, True, True, False, True): IGNORED,
+    (True, True, True, True, False): IGNORED,
+    (True, True, True, True, True): IGNORED,
+def generate_dashboard(device_data):
+    """ Analyses device_data and prepare result to be populated in dashboard"""
+    for host, hv in device_data.items():
+        logging.debug(host)
+        _pretty_print(hv)
+        peer_error_found = False  # Unreachable peer which should be flagged in main dashboard
+        issue_found = False  # Any other issue which is displayed in secondary dashboard
+        hv['device_status'] = error_dict[(hv['ignore'], hv['dhcp'],
+                                          not (hv['ssh_status'] == HOST_DOWN),
+                                          hv['swarming'], hv['doc'])]
+        logging.debug(
+            'ignore %s dhcp %s swarming %s ssh_status %s not ssh_status == HOST_DOWN %s doc %s status %s',
+            hv['ignore'], hv['dhcp'], hv['swarming'], hv['ssh_status'],
+            not (hv['ssh_status'] == HOST_DOWN), hv['doc'],
+            hv['device_status'])
+        logging.debug(error_dict[(False, True, True, False, True)])
+        # main dashboard need not show status of DUT since there is a separate dashboard for that.
+        if hv['device_status'] != IGNORED and hv['device_status'] in BAD_STATES:
+            issue_found = True
+        logging.debug('device status is %s', hv['device_status'])
+        if 'peers' in hv.keys():
+            for peer, pv in hv['peers'].items():
+                logging.debug(peer)
+                logging.debug(pv)
+                pv['device_status'] = error_dict[(
+                    pv['ignore'], pv['dhcp'],
+                    not (pv['ssh_status'] == HOST_DOWN), pv['swarming'],
+                    pv['doc'])]
+                logging.debug(
+                    'ignore %s dhcp %s swarming %s ssh_status %s not(ssh_status == HOST_DOWN) %s doc %s',
+                    pv['ignore'], pv['dhcp'], pv['swarming'], pv['ssh_status'],
+                    not (pv['ssh_status'] == HOST_DOWN), pv['doc'])
+                # If the host is ignored then do not show it in the dashboard
+                if hv['device_status'] == IGNORED:
+                    logging.debug('device status is %s ignoring %s',
+                                  hv['device_status'], host)
+                    issue_found = issue_found or pv[
+                        'device_status'] in BAD_STATES
+                else:
+                    peer_error_found = peer_error_found or pv[
+                        'device_status'] == NOT_REACHABLE
+                logging.debug('device status is %s', pv['device_status'])
+        # Documentation errors
+        hv['documentation_errors'] = []
+        # check only chromeos devices and avoid ignored devices
+        if hv['device_status'] != IGNORED and hv['chromeos']:
+            # model/boards of host in go/conn-device-lifecycle is different from swarming
+            if hv['swarming'] and hv['doc']:
+                if hv['swarming_data']['model'] not in _parse_doc_model_name(
+                        hv['doc_data']['model']):
+                    hv['documentation_errors'].append(
+                        'model in swarming "%s" differs from model in doc "%s"'
+                        % (hv['swarming_data']['model'],
+                           hv['doc_data']['model']))
+                if hv['swarming_data']['board'] != hv['doc_data'][
+                        'board'].strip():
+                    hv['documentation_errors'].append(
+                        'board in swarming "%s" differs from board in doc "%s"'
+                        % (hv['swarming_data']['board'],
+                           hv['doc_data']['board']))
+            # Pool differs
+            if hv['swarming'] and hv['doc']:
+                if hv['swarming_data']['pool'] != hv['doc_data']['pool']:
+                    hv['documentation_errors'].append(
+                        'pool in swarming "%s" differs from pool in doc "%s"' %
+                        (hv['swarming_data']['pool'], hv['doc_data']['pool']))
+            # wificell / conductive label differ
+            if hv['swarming'] and hv['doc']:
+                if hv['swarming_data']['wificell'] != (
+                        'wificell' in hv['doc_data']['labels']):
+                    hv['documentation_errors'].append(
+                        'label:wificell differs between doc and swarming')
+                    _pretty_print(hv)
+                    logging.debug('label wificell discrepencise %s %s',
+                                  hv['swarming_data']['wificell'],
+                                  'wificell' in hv['doc_data']['labels'])
+            # bluetooth label not found
+            if hv['swarming'] and not hv['swarming_data']['bluetooth_label']:
+                hv['documentation_errors'].append('Bluetooth label not found')
+        if hv['documentation_errors'] != []:
+            logging.debug(hv['documentation_errors'])
+        hv['peer_error_found'] = peer_error_found
+        hv['issue_found'] = issue_found
+    _pretty_print(device_data)
+    logging.debug('## IGNORED devices')
+    for host, hv in device_data.items():
+        if hv['device_status'] == IGNORED:
+            logging.debug('IGNORED DEVICE %s', (host))
+            _pretty_print(hv)
+    logging.debug('## IGNORED devices END')
+    logging.debug('## IMPOSSIBLE devices')
+    for host, hv in device_data.items():
+        if hv['device_status'] == IMPOSSIBLE:
+            logging.debug('IMPOSSIBLE DEVICE %s', (host))
+            _pretty_print(hv)
+    logging.debug('## IMPOSSIBLE devices END')
+def populate_dashboard(spreadsheet_name, device_data):
+    def _find_header(d):
+        """ given list of dicts,find all keys"""
+        header = [
+            'pool',
+            'host',
+            'model',
+            'host_status',
+        ]
+        peer_header = []
+        for _, v in d.items():
+            if 'peers' in v:
+                for p, pv in v['peers'].items():
+                    if pv['ignore']:
+                        continue
+                    logging.debug(p)
+                    peer_suffix = p.split('-')[4]
+                    if peer_suffix not in peer_header:
+                        peer_header.append(peer_suffix)
+        peer_header.sort()
+        header.extend(peer_header)
+        logging.debug('header is %s', header)
+        return header
+    def _populate_document_sheet(wsheet, msgs, header, data):
+        row_count = 1
+        for i, m in enumerate(msgs):
+            wsheet.insert_row(m.split(' '), i + row_count)
+            logging.debug('Writing %s at %s', m, i + row_count)
+        row_count += len(msgs)
+        wsheet.insert_row([h.upper() for h in header], row_count)
+        logging.debug('writing header at %s', row_count)
+        wsheet.format(
+            'A%s:S%s' % (row_count, row_count),
+            {'backgroundColor': {
+                'red': 0.0,
+                'green': 0.5,
+                'blue': 0.5
+            }})
+        row_count += 1
+        row_length = 12
+        cell_start_index = row_count
+        cell_end_index = cell_start_index + len(data)
+        range_label = 'A%s:%s%s' % (cell_start_index,
+                                    '-ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQR' [row_length],
+                                    cell_end_index)
+        logging.debug('range_label %s', range_label)
+        cell_list = wsheet.range(range_label)
+        logging.debug('cell_list Info: %s', (cell_list))
+        cell_list_index = 0
+        host_list = list(data.keys())
+        host_list.sort()
+        for host in host_list:
+            hv = data[host]
+            if hv['documentation_errors'] == []:
+                continue
+            logging.debug('%s %s', host, hv['documentation_errors'])
+            _pretty_print(hv)
+            cell_list[cell_list_index].value = hv['pool']
+            cell_list_index += 1
+            cell_list[cell_list_index].value = host
+            cell_list_index += 1
+            cell_list[cell_list_index].value = hv['swarming_data'][
+                'model'] if hv['swarming'] else '--'
+            cell_list_index += 1
+            logging.debug(
+                '%s %s %s %s', hv['pool'], host,
+                hv['swarming_data']['model'] if hv['swarming'] else '--',
+                hv['documentation_errors'])
+            for e in hv['documentation_errors']:
+                cell_list[cell_list_index].value = e
+                cell_list_index += 1
+            for i in range(3 + len(hv['documentation_errors']), row_length):
+                cell_list[cell_list_index].value = ''
+                cell_list_index += 1
+        wsheet.update_cells(cell_list)
+    def _populate_lab_sheet(wsheet,
+                            msgs,
+                            header,
+                            data,
+                            error_field='peer_error_found'):
+        row_count = 1
+        for i, m in enumerate(msgs):
+            wsheet.insert_row(m.split(' '), i + row_count)
+            logging.debug('Writing %s at %s', m, i + row_count)
+        row_count += len(msgs)
+        wsheet.insert_row([h.upper() for h in header], row_count)
+        logging.debug('writing header at %s', row_count)
+        wsheet.format(
+            'A%s:S%s' % (row_count, row_count),
+            {'backgroundColor': {
+                'red': 0.0,
+                'green': 0.5,
+                'blue': 0.5
+            }})
+        row_count += 1
+        cell_start_index = row_count
+        cell_end_index = cell_start_index + len(data)
+        range_label = 'A%s:%s%s' % (cell_start_index,
+                                    '-ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQR' [len(header)],
+                                    cell_end_index)
+        logging.debug('range_label %s', range_label)
+        cell_list = wsheet.range(range_label)
+        logging.debug('cell_list Info: %s', (cell_list))
+        cell_list_index = 0
+        host_list = list(data.keys())
+        host_list.sort()
+        for host in host_list:
+            hv = data[host]
+            if not hv[error_field]:
+                continue
+            if 'rpm' in host:
+                print('error found')
+                logging.debug('%s %s', host, hv['device_status'])
+            logging.debug('%s %s', host, hv['device_status'])
+            _pretty_print(hv)
+            cell_list[cell_list_index].value = hv['pool']
+            cell_list_index += 1
+            cell_list[cell_list_index].value = host
+            cell_list_index += 1
+            cell_list[cell_list_index].value = hv['swarming_data'][
+                'model'] if hv['swarming'] else '--'
+            cell_list_index += 1
+            cell_list[cell_list_index].value = hv['ssh_status'] if hv[
+                'device_status'] == NOT_REACHABLE else hv['device_status']
+            cell_list_index += 1
+            logging.debug('%s %s %s', hv['pool'], host, hv['device_status'])
+            for suffix in header[4:]:
+                peername = host + '-' + suffix
+                if 'peers' in hv and peername in hv['peers']:
+                    cell_list[cell_list_index].value = hv['peers'][peername][
+                        'ssh_status'] if hv['peers'][peername][
+                            'device_status'] == NOT_REACHABLE else hv['peers'][
+                                peername]['device_status']
+                    logging.debug('%s %s', peername,
+                                  hv['peers'][peername]['device_status'])
+                else:
+                    cell_list[cell_list_index].value = '--'
+                    logging.debug('peername not found %s', peername)
+                cell_list_index += 1
+        wsheet.update_cells(cell_list)
+    """ Display the data in the dashboard"""
+    scope = [
+        '',
+        ''
+    ]
+    credentials = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name(
+        json_keyfile, scope)
+    gc = gspread.authorize(credentials)
+    spreadsheet =
+    worksheet = 'DOWN PEERS'
+    wsheet1 = spreadsheet.worksheet(worksheet)
+    wsheet1.clear()
+    wsheet1.format(
+        'A1:S1000',
+        {'backgroundColor': {
+            'red': 1.0,
+            'green': 1.0,
+            'blue': 1.0
+        }})
+    worksheet = 'DOCUMENTATION ERRORS'
+    wsheet2 = spreadsheet.worksheet(worksheet)
+    wsheet2.clear()
+    wsheet2.format(
+        'A1:S1000',
+        {'backgroundColor': {
+            'red': 1.0,
+            'green': 1.0,
+            'blue': 1.0
+        }})
+    worksheet = 'OTHER ERRORS'
+    wsheet3 = spreadsheet.worksheet(worksheet)
+    wsheet3.clear()
+    wsheet3.format(
+        'A1:S1000',
+        {'backgroundColor': {
+            'red': 1.0,
+            'green': 1.0,
+            'blue': 1.0
+        }})
+    lab_issues, documentation_issues, other_issues = False, False, False
+    lab_messages = []
+    doc_messages = []
+    other_messages = []
+    for k, v in device_data.items():
+        if v['peer_error_found']:
+            lab_issues = True
+        if v['documentation_errors'] != []:
+            documentation_issues = True
+        if v['issue_found']:
+            other_issues = True
+        if lab_issues and documentation_issues and other_issues:
+            break
+    if not lab_issues:
+        lab_messages = ['No Issues Found. Check other tabs']
+    if not documentation_issues:
+        doc_messages = ['No Issues Found. Check other tabs']
+    if not other_issues:
+        other_messages = ['No Issues Found. Check other tabs']
+    messages = [
+        'LAST_UPDATED_AT %s' % str(,
+        'NEXT_UPDATE_WILL_BE_AT %s' %
+        (str( +
+             datetime.timedelta(seconds=DASHBOARD_REFRESH_INTERVAL)))
+    ]
+    lab_messages.extend(messages)
+    _pretty_print(lab_messages)
+    doc_messages.extend(messages)
+    _pretty_print(doc_messages)
+    other_messages.extend(messages)
+    _pretty_print(other_messages)
+    logging.debug('writing the lab sheet')
+    header = _find_header(device_data)
+    _populate_lab_sheet(wsheet1, lab_messages, header, device_data)
+    logging.debug('writing the other sheet')
+    header = _find_header(device_data)
+    _populate_lab_sheet(wsheet3,
+                        lab_messages,
+                        header,
+                        device_data,
+                        error_field='issue_found')
+    logging.debug('writing the document sheet')
+    header = ['pool', 'host', 'model', 'Documentation errors']
+    _populate_document_sheet(wsheet2, doc_messages, header, device_data)
+    logging.debug('populate_dashboard_complete')
+def dict_diff(s1, s2):
+    if type(s1) == dict and type(s2) == dict:
+        for k in s1:
+            if k not in s2:
+                print('key %s missing in second' % k)
+        for k in s2:
+            if k not in s1:
+                print('key %s missing in first' % k)
+        for k, v1 in s1.items():
+            if k in s2:
+                if type(v1) == dict:
+                    dict_diff(v1, s2[k])
+                elif v1 != s2[k]:
+                    logging.debug('value %s %s differs', v1, s2[k])
+def debug_main():
+    """ Debug version of Main function  """
+    device_data = {}
+    #Read the list of rpms to check
+    rpm_list = get_rpm_list()
+    update_rpm_data(device_data, rpm_list)
+    # Get dhcp data and update device data
+    (hosts, peer_devices, other_devices) = get_dhcp_data.get_data()
+    update_dhcp_data(device_data, hosts, peer_devices, other_devices)
+    logging.debug("After update_dhcp_data")
+    _pretty_print(device_data)
+    input()
+    # use this to debug the script without getting swarming data everytime
+    with open('/tmp/skylab_hosts.json') as json_file:
+        swarming_data = json.load(json_file)
+    _pretty_print(swarming_data)
+    # Get swarming data and update device_data
+    #swarming_data = get_wificell_data.get_data()
+    #_pretty_print(swarming_data)
+    update_swarming_data(device_data, swarming_data)
+    _pretty_print(device_data)
+    logging.debug("After update_swarming_data")
+    input()
+    # Get data from g/cros_conn_device_lifecycle and updat device data
+    conn_doc_data = get_wifisheet_data.get_wifisheet_data()
+    update_conn_doc_data(device_data, conn_doc_data)
+    _pretty_print(device_data)
+    logging.debug("After update_conn_data")
+    input()
+    with open('data.txt', 'w') as outfile:
+        json.dump(device_data, outfile)
+    with open('data.txt') as json_file:
+        device_data = json.load(json_file)
+    check_connectivity(device_data)
+    logging.debug("After check_connectivity")
+    input()
+'Waiting for 2 seconds before checking connectivity again')
+    time.sleep(2)
+    check_connectivity(device_data, recheck=True)
+    logging.debug("After check_connectivity recheck")
+    input()
+    with open('data2.txt', 'w') as outfile:
+        json.dump(device_data, outfile)
+    with open('data2.txt') as json_file:
+        device_data = json.load(json_file)
+    _pretty_print(device_data)
+    generate_dashboard(device_data)
+    logging.debug("After generate_dashboard")
+    input()
+    populate_dashboard(SPREADSHEET_ALL, device_data)
+    logging.debug("After populate_dashboard")
+    input()
+def main():
+    """ Main function  """
+    device_data = {}
+    #Read the list of rpms to check
+    rpm_list = get_rpm_list()
+    update_rpm_data(device_data, rpm_list)
+    # Get dhcp data and update device data
+    (hosts, peer_devices, other_devices) = get_dhcp_data.get_data()
+    update_dhcp_data(device_data, hosts, peer_devices, other_devices)
+    # Get swarming data and update device_data
+    swarming_data = get_wificell_data.get_data()
+    update_swarming_data(device_data, swarming_data)
+    # Get data from g/cros_conn_device_lifecycle and updat device data
+    conn_doc_data = get_wifisheet_data.get_wifisheet_data()
+    update_conn_doc_data(device_data, conn_doc_data)
+    # Check connectivity of devices
+    check_connectivity(device_data)
+'Waiting for %s seconds before checking connectivity again',
+    check_connectivity(device_data, recheck=True)
+    generate_dashboard(device_data)
+    populate_dashboard(SPREADSHEET_ALL, device_data)
+    _pretty_print(device_data)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    if int(sys.version.split(' ')[0].split('.')[0]) != 3:
+        print('Please invoke with python3')
+        sys.exit()
+    while True:
+        try:
+            logging.debug('Ctrl-C to stop')
+            main()
+            #debug_main()
+            logging.debug('Sleeping for %s seconds',
+                          DASHBOARD_REFRESH_INTERVAL)
+            time.sleep(DASHBOARD_REFRESH_INTERVAL)
+        except KeyboardInterrupt:
+            sys.exit()
+        except Exception as e:
+            logging.error(
+                'Exception %s while running script. Press any key to continue',
+                str(e))
+            input()
+            logging.debug('Sleeping for %s seconds',
+                          DASHBOARD_REFRESH_INTERVAL)
+            time.sleep(DASHBOARD_REFRESH_INTERVAL)
diff --git a/provingground/connectivity/wifidown_dashboard/ b/provingground/connectivity/wifidown_dashboard/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..88041f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/provingground/connectivity/wifidown_dashboard/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+# List of rpms used in chaos lab
+# This list is hardcoded since these are the only
+# rpms that we care about
+rpm_list = [
+    'chromeos3-row2-rack1-rpm1', 'chromeos3-row2-rack2-rpm1',
+    'chromeos3-row2-rack3-rpm1', 'chromeos3-row2-rack4-rpm1',
+    'chromeos3-row3-rack1-rpm1', 'chromeos3-row3-rack2-rpm1',
+    'chromeos3-row3-rack3-rpm1', 'chromeos3-row3-rack4-rpm1'