blob: 677faecb4bf811a8c0b86e3b1b081323f2189de3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
const labstationTelemetryCmds = "grep guado_labstation-release /etc/lsb-release; " +
"printf \"\n\"; " +
"uptime; " +
"printf \"\n\"; " +
"mosys eventlog list | tail -n 10; " +
"printf \"\n\"; " +
"pgrep --list-full update_engine; " +
"printf \"\n\";"
const warningMessage = "This utility asssumes many things, like that you have " +
"atest in the environment in which it is run, that you have cros in " +
"your DNS search path, and that you have configured your environment to " +
"use the testing_rsa key on lab DUTs. This is just a convenience " +
"utility for firmware qual test environment health triage. Feel free " +
"and encouraged to extend and enhance it, but in the long term, it " +
"should be mostly obviated by monitoring and alerting."
type dut struct {
Hostname, Port, Labstation, Board, Model, Status, LockStatus, LockReason string
func newDut(hostname string) dut {
d := dut{Hostname: hostname}
regexMap := map[string]string{
"Port": `servo_port : (?P<Port>.*)`,
"Labstation": `servo_host : (?P<Labstation>.*)`,
"Board": `board:(?P<Board>.*)`,
"Model": `model:(?P<Model>.*)`,
"Status": `Status: (?P<Status>.*)`,
"LockStatus": `Locked: (?P<LockStatus>.*)`,
"LockReason": `Lock Reason: (?P<LockReason>.*)`,
cmd := exec.Command("atest", "host", "stat", hostname)
out, _ := cmd.Output()
for field, re := range regexMap {
match := regexp.MustCompile(re).FindStringSubmatch(string(out))
// The LockReason field can be empty if the DUT is not locked.
if len(match) != 2 && field != "LockReason" {
log.Printf("Skipping %s on %s. This could be ok if a DUT is only partially through the deployment checklist.", field, hostname)
} else {
return d
func sendSSHCommand(host, remoteCmd string) (outs string, err error) {
cmd := exec.Command("ssh", "-o", "StrictHostKeyChecking=no", "root@"+host, remoteCmd)
out, err := cmd.Output()
outs = string(out)
func main() {
duts := []dut{}
log.Print("Gathering DUT info via atest...")
// TODO(kmshelton): Support arbitrary pools. Remember to sanitize for chromeos1 (high
// touch lab) when adding arbitrary pool support, as we would not want to do operations
// like ssh'ing to labstations in the low touch lab. The current hardcoded pool, it is
// safe to assume no low touch lab devices are operated upon.
cmd := exec.Command("atest", "host", "list", "--hostnames-only", "--label=pool:faft-cr50")
out, err := cmd.Output()
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("<atest host list> encountered: %s", err)
hostnames := strings.Fields(string(out))
for _, hostname := range hostnames {
duts = append(duts, newDut(hostname))
log.Print("Summarizing DUT info...")
// TODO(kmshelton): Use text/tabwriter to make this digestable.
for _, dut := range duts {
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", dut)
log.Print("Gathering and displaying key telemetry for labstations.")
// TODO(kmshelton): Do this without keeping two approximately-identical memos.
labstations := []string{}
labstationsSeen := make(map[string]bool)
for _, dut := range duts {
if _, ok := labstationsSeen[dut.Labstation]; !ok && dut.Labstation != "" {
labstations = append(labstations, dut.Labstation)
labstationsSeen[dut.Labstation] = true
// TODO(kmshelton): Migrate to using x/crypto/ssh (here and eleswehere) and handle network errors.
for _, labstation := range labstations {
fmt.Println("Operating on ", labstation)
out, err := sendSSHCommand(labstation, labstationTelemetryCmds)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Gathering labstation telemetry encountered: %s when interfacing with %s. Is the labstation pingable? Do you have lab ssh credentials setup?", err, labstation)
fmt.Println("\n", out)
log.Print("Querying servos for their versions (note this depends on the servo consoles being in a functional state): ")
for _, dut := range duts {
if dut.Labstation == "" || dut.Port == "" {
out, err := sendSSHCommand(dut.Labstation, "dut-control -p "+dut.Port+" servo_micro_version; dut-control -p "+dut.Port+" servo_v4_version;")
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Querying servos encountered: %s when interfacing with %s. Is the labstation pingable? Do you have lab ssh credentials setup?", err, dut.Labstation)
fmt.Println(dut.Hostname, ": ", out)