Utility script for test team to download test/recovery images from
chromeos-releases. Makes it easier to make usb sticks.  Added changes
suggested by chiraggupta@.

TEST=ran it

Change-Id: Ib202c5ea5d0ac28d8324b9b2ffa080391d59092d
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/177777
Reviewed-by: Kris Rambish <krisr@chromium.org>
Reviewed-by: Katherine Threlkeld <kathrelkeld@chromium.org>
Commit-Queue: Katherine Threlkeld <kathrelkeld@chromium.org>
Tested-by: Katherine Threlkeld <kathrelkeld@chromium.org>
diff --git a/provingground/crosdl.py b/provingground/crosdl.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..09c52dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/provingground/crosdl.py
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+# Script to download ChromeOS images from google storage and output
+# command to put said image on a USB stick or directly copy to a given stick.
+# File needs to live in a place such that ./SRC_DIR reaches chromiumos/src
+# Downloads image via gsutil to chromiumos/src/REL_DL_DIR.
+"""Download and output or run image_to_usb command."""
+import argparse
+from multiprocessing import Manager
+from multiprocessing import Process
+import os
+import shutil
+import subprocess
+# Relative path from this file to the chromiumos/src folder
+SRC_DIR = '../../../'
+# Path to default download directory relative to chromiumos/src folder,
+# i.e. SRC_DIR+REL_DIR_DIR is a direct path from here to the directory
+REL_DL_DIR = 'build/crosdl/'
+# Conversions from common simplified/misspelled names of boards
+PLATFORM_CONVERT = {'spring': 'daisy-spring', 'alex': 'x86-alex',
+                    'alex-he': 'x86-alex-he', 'mario': 'x86-mario',
+                    'zgb': 'x86-zgb', 'zgb-he': 'x86-zgb-he',
+                    'pit': 'peach-pit', 'pheonix': 'phoenix'}
+def _GstorageLinkGenerator(c, p, b):
+  """Generate Google storage link given channel, platform, and build."""
+  return 'gs://chromeos-releases/%s-channel/%s/%s/' % (c, p, b)
+def _FolderNameGenerator(is_test, b, p, c, mp):
+  """Generate a folder name unique to the downloaded build."""
+  return '%s_%s_%s_%s%s' % ('Test' if is_test else 'Recovery', p, c, b, mp)
+def main():
+  """Download and output or run image_to_usb command."""
+  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+      description=('Download a recovery or test image of ChromeOS.\n\n'
+                   'e.g. ./crosdl.py -c dev -b 4996.0.0 -p '
+                   'link daisy --tostick /dev/sdc /dev/sda.\n\nDefault '
+                   'download location is src/%s.' % REL_DL_DIR),
+      formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter)
+  parser.add_argument('-r', '--recovery', dest='recovery',
+                      action='store_true', help='Recovery image (default).')
+  parser.add_argument('-t', '--test', dest='test', action='store_true',
+                      help='Test image.')
+  parser.add_argument('-c', '--channel', dest='channel', default='dev',
+                      choices=['canary', 'dev', 'beta', 'stable'],
+                      help='Channel (dev default).')
+  parser.add_argument('-b', '--build', dest='build',
+                      help='Build number, e.g. 4996.0.0.')
+  parser.add_argument('-p', '--platform', dest='board', nargs='+',
+                      help='Platform(s) to download, e.g. link daisy.')
+  parser.add_argument('--premp', action='store_true',
+                      help='PreMP image instead of MP.')
+  parser.add_argument('--force', dest='force', action='store_true',
+                      help=('Force new download of builds, even if files '
+                            'already\nexist.'))
+  parser.add_argument('--tostick', dest='to_stick', nargs='*',
+                      help=('Copy to usb stick after download.  '
+                            'Can either specify\ndrive(s) (e.g. /dev/sdc) '
+                            'at which to install or leave\nblank for '
+                            'interactive dialog later.  For multiple\n'
+                            'boards, list out all drives (e.g. /dev/sdc '
+                            '/dev/sda\n/dev/sdd).  Script will match this '
+                            'list to the list of\ninput boards (in -p).'))
+  parser.add_argument('--folder', dest='folder',
+                      help=('Specify a new download folder (default is\nsrc/'
+                            '%s).' % REL_DL_DIR))
+  parser.add_argument('--deletefiles', dest='delete', action='store_true',
+                      help=('Delete any files downloaded from this command'
+                            'when\nfinished with copying to usb stick.  '
+                            'Applicable only\nwhen using --tostick argument.'))
+  parser.add_argument('--clearfolder', dest='clear', action='store_true',
+                      help=('Delete all the sub-folders in the download '
+                            'location\n(useful if you have filled up your '
+                            'harddrive).'))
+  arguments = parser.parse_args()
+  # Set download folder as user defined or default.
+  user_folder = arguments.folder
+  if user_folder:
+    download_folder = user_folder
+  else:
+    download_folder = os.path.join(SRC_DIR, REL_DL_DIR)
+  # Delete download folder contents if clearfolder flag present.
+  if arguments.clear:
+    if os.path.exists(download_folder):
+      print 'Deleting sub-folder contents of %s.' % download_folder
+      for item in os.listdir(download_folder):
+        item_path = os.path.join(download_folder, item)
+        if os.path.isdir(item_path):
+          shutil.rmtree(item_path)
+    else:
+      print 'Download folder %s did not exist.  Exiting.' % download_folder
+    return
+  # Require board and platform arguments if not clearing downloads.
+  if not (arguments.board and arguments.build):
+    print ('Must provide build number and platform(s).  See crosdl.py -h for '
+           'usage description.')
+    return
+  # Require --deletefiles flag to be used only with --tostick flag.
+  if arguments.delete and arguments.to_stick:
+    print 'Will delete all newly downloaded files once finished.'
+  elif arguments.delete:
+    print ('This command will download and immediately delete all files.  '
+           'You probably meant to use the --tostick flag as well.')
+    return
+  # Deal with board name(s).
+  dupe_boards = []
+  boards = arguments.board
+  for i in xrange(len(boards)):
+    boards[i] = boards[i].lower()
+    if boards[i] in PLATFORM_CONVERT:
+      boards[i] = PLATFORM_CONVERT[boards[i]]
+    # Disallow duplicates.
+    if boards[i] in dupe_boards:
+      print '%s is listed twice in the boards list!' % boards[i]
+      return 1
+    dupe_boards.append(boards[i])
+  # Set is_test based on input flags.
+  is_test = arguments.test
+  if is_test and arguments.recovery:
+    print 'Please use only one of -r and -t.'
+    return 1
+  elif is_test:
+    print 'Downloading test image(s).'
+  else:
+    print 'Downloading recovery image(s).'
+  # String to identify premp/mp images.
+  mp_str = '_premp' if arguments.premp else '_mp'
+  # If installing multiple boards, must provide drive names.
+  installing = type(arguments.to_stick) == list
+  if len(boards) > 1 and installing:
+    if not arguments.to_stick:
+      print ('To install on multiple boards, please provide drive '
+             'names (e.g. /dev/sdc /dev/sdd).  See -h for help.')
+      return 1
+    if len(arguments.to_stick) != len(boards):
+      print ('Was given %d boards but %d usb drive locations.'
+             % (len(boards), len(arguments.to_stick)))
+      return 1
+    for drive in arguments.to_stick:
+      if not os.path.exists(drive):
+        print '%s does not exist!' % drive
+  # Subroutine to download an image for a single board.
+  channel = arguments.channel
+  build = arguments.build
+  def _DownloadBoard(board, output_str, dl_error, dl_folder):
+    """Download the file for a single board."""
+    # Assume error happened unless changed below.
+    dl_error[board] = True
+    # See if file already exists locally.
+    folder_name = _FolderNameGenerator(is_test=is_test, p=board, b=build,
+                                       c=channel, mp=mp_str)
+    folder_path = os.path.join(download_folder, folder_name)
+    dl_folder[board] = folder_path
+    if is_test:
+      image_name = 'chromiumos_test_image.bin'
+    else:
+      image_name = 'recovery_image.bin'
+    image_path = os.path.join(folder_path, image_name)
+    # Skip for already present files, else download new file.
+    if os.path.exists(image_path) and not arguments.force:
+      print '%s: Found file locally.  Skipping download.' % board
+    else:
+      # Make folder if needed.
+      if not os.path.exists(folder_path):
+        subprocess.call(['mkdir', '-p', folder_path])
+      # Generate search terms.
+      folder = _GstorageLinkGenerator(c=channel, p=board, b=build)
+      if is_test:
+        file_search = '%s*test*.tar.xz' % folder
+      else:
+        file_search = '%s*recovery*%s*%s*.bin' % (folder, channel, mp_str)
+      # Look for folder while file belongs.
+      try:
+        possible_files = subprocess.check_output(['gsutil', 'ls', folder])
+      except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
+        print ('%s: Could not find folder %s where this file is '
+               'supposed to be.  Please check input values.' % (board, folder))
+        output_str[board] = '%s: Could not find file.' % board
+        return 1
+      # Look for file in folder.
+      try:
+        possible_files = subprocess.check_output(['gsutil', 'ls', file_search])
+      except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
+        print ('%s: Could not find correct file (but found the '
+               'correct folder).' % board)
+        output_str[board] = '%s: Could not find file.' % board
+        return 1
+      # Locate exact filename.
+      possible_files = possible_files.splitlines()
+      if len(possible_files) != 1:
+        print ('%s: Found %d possible files, not 1'
+               % (board, len(possible_files)))
+        output_str[board] = '%s: Could not find file.' % board
+        return 1
+      gsfile_path = possible_files[0]
+      filename = os.path.basename(gsfile_path)
+      # Download file to local machine.
+      try:
+        subprocess.call(['gsutil', 'cp', gsfile_path, folder_path])
+      except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
+        print ('gsutil error.  Try running this command outside of '
+               'chroot?')
+        output_str[board] = '%s: Could not run gsutil command.' % board
+        return 1
+      # Untar/rename files as needed.
+      file_path = os.path.join(folder_path, filename)
+      if is_test:
+        subprocess.call(['tar', '-xf', file_path, '-C', folder_path])
+        os.remove(file_path)
+      else:
+        os.rename(file_path, os.path.join(folder_path, image_name))
+    # Return image_to_usb command and report successful download.
+    path_to_script = os.path.join(SRC_DIR, 'scripts', 'image_to_usb.sh')
+    output_str[board] = ('/usr/bin/sudo /bin/sh %s '
+                         '--from=%s' % (path_to_script, image_path))
+    dl_error[board] = False
+    print '%s: DONE' % board
+  # For each board, download file.
+  manager = Manager()
+  output_str = manager.dict()
+  dl_error = manager.dict()
+  dl_folder = manager.dict()
+  jobs = []
+  for board in boards:
+    # Run download in separate process.
+    proc = Process(target=_DownloadBoard, args=(board, output_str, dl_error,
+                                                dl_folder,))
+    jobs.append(proc)
+    proc.start()
+  # Wait for all downloads to finish.
+  for job in jobs:
+    job.join()
+  # Print or run image_to_usb command.
+  errors = ''
+  if installing:
+    jobs = []
+    for i in xrange(len(boards)):
+      board = boards[i]
+      # If board downloaded without errors, install.  Else, skip.
+      if not dl_error[board]:
+        # If drive argument was provided, use it.  Else, leave it out.
+        if arguments.to_stick:
+          usb_drive = arguments.to_stick[i]
+          cmd = '%s --to=%s -y' % (output_str[board], usb_drive)
+          print 'Copying %s to %s.' % (board, usb_drive)
+        else:
+          cmd = output_str[board]
+        proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd.split(' '))
+        jobs.append(proc)
+      else:
+        errors += '%s\n' % output_str[board]
+    # Wait for all copies to finish.
+    for job in jobs:
+      job.wait()
+    if arguments.delete:
+      print 'Deleting all files created for %s.' % board
+      shutil.rmtree(dl_folder[board])
+  else:
+    for board in boards:
+      if not dl_error[board]:
+        print output_str[board]
+      else:
+        errors += '%s\n' % output_str[board]
+  # Summarize errors, if any.
+  print '\nScript complete.'
+  print errors
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  main()