Remove functionality of

This was deprecated a year ago.


Change-Id: I130b2785cb034568c621806afde3fecadc28d016
Tested-by: Christopher Wiley <>
Reviewed-by: Chris Sosa <>
Commit-Queue: Christopher Wiley <>
diff --git a/ b/
index 08757cc..e014e77 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -4,746 +4,7 @@
 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
 # found in the LICENSE file.
-# This can only run inside the chroot.
-. "${CROSUTILS}/" || exit 1
-. "${CROSUTILS}/" || die "Unable to load"
-DEFINE_string args "" \
-    "Command line arguments for test. Quoted and space separated if multiple." a
-DEFINE_string autotest_dir "" \
-    "Skip autodetection of autotest and use the specified location (must be in \
-DEFINE_boolean servo ${FLAGS_FALSE} \
-    "Run servod for a locally attached servo board while testing."
-DEFINE_string board "${DEFAULT_BOARD}" \
-    "The board for which you are building autotest"
-DEFINE_boolean build ${FLAGS_FALSE} "Build tests while running" b
-DEFINE_boolean cleanup ${FLAGS_FALSE} "Clean up temp directory"
-DEFINE_integer iterations 1 "Iterations to run every top level test" i
-DEFINE_string label "" "The label to use for the test job."
-# These are passed directly so if strings are to be passed they need to be
-# quoted with \". Example --profiler_args="options=\"hello\"".
-DEFINE_string profiler_args "" \
-    "Arguments to pass to the profiler."
-DEFINE_string profiler "" \
-    "The name of the profiler to use. Ex: cros_perf, pgo, etc."
-DEFINE_string results_dir_root "" "alternate root results directory"
-DEFINE_string update_url "" "Full url of an update image."
-DEFINE_boolean use_emerged ${FLAGS_FALSE} \
-    "Force use of emerged autotest packages"
-DEFINE_integer verbose 1 "{0,1,2} Max verbosity shows autoserv debug output." v
-DEFINE_boolean whitelist_chrome_crashes ${FLAGS_FALSE} \
-    "Treat Chrome crashes as non-fatal."
-DEFINE_boolean allow_offline_remote ${FLAGS_FALSE} \
-    "Proceed with testing even if remote is offline; useful when using servo"
-DEFINE_boolean fast ${FLAGS_FALSE} \
-    "Drop expensive autoserv features not needed for desk use"
-DEFINE_string ssh_verbosity "0" \
-    "ssh_verbosity level passed through to autserv, between 0 and 3 inclusive"
-# The prefix to look for in an argument that determines we're talking about a
-# new-style suite.
-Usage: $0 --remote=[hostname] [[test...] ..]:
-Each 'test' argument either has a '${SUITES_PREFIX}' prefix to specify a suite
-or a regexp pattern that must uniquely match a control file.
-For example:
-  $0 --remote=MyMachine BootPerfServer suite:bvt"
-stop_ssh_agent() {
-  # Call this function from the exit trap of the main script.
-  # Iff we started ssh-agent, be nice and clean it up.
-  # Note, only works if called from the main script - no subshells.
-  if [[ 1 -eq ${OWN_SSH_AGENT} ]]; then
-    kill ${SSH_AGENT_PID} 2>/dev/null
-  fi
-start_ssh_agent() {
-  local tmp_private_key=$TMP/autotest_key
-  if [ -z "$SSH_AGENT_PID" ]; then
-    eval $(ssh-agent)
-  else
-  fi
-  cp $FLAGS_private_key $tmp_private_key
-  chmod 0400 $tmp_private_key
-  ssh-add $tmp_private_key
-cleanup() {
-  # Always remove the build path in case it was used.
-  [[ -n "${BUILD_DIR}" ]] && sudo rm -rf "${BUILD_DIR}"
-  if [[ $FLAGS_cleanup -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]] || \
-     [[ ${RAN_ANY_TESTS} -eq ${FLAGS_FALSE} ]]; then
-    # Remove the directory and the "latest" softlink, if present.
-    if [ -h "${TMP_LATEST}" ]; then
-      rm -f "${TMP_LATEST}"
-    fi
-    rm -rf "${TMP}"
-  else
-    echo ">>> Details stored under ${TMP}"
-  fi
-  stop_ssh_agent
-  cleanup_remote_access
-  stop_servod
-# Determine if a control is for a client or server test.  Echos
-# either "server" or "client".
-# Arguments:
-#   $1 - control file path
-read_test_type() {
-  local control_file=$1
-  # Assume a line starts with TEST_TYPE =
-  local test_type=$(egrep -m1 \
-                    '^[[:space:]]*TEST_TYPE[[:space:]]*=' "${control_file}")
-  if [[ -z "${test_type}" ]]; then
-    die "Unable to find TEST_TYPE line in ${control_file}"
-  fi
-  test_type=$(python -c "${test_type}; print TEST_TYPE.lower()")
-  if [[ "${test_type}" != "client" ]] && [[ "${test_type}" != "server" ]]; then
-    die "Unknown type of test (${test_type}) in ${control_file}"
-  fi
-  echo ${test_type}
-# Determines the RETRIES value specified in a control file. Echos
-# 0 if no RETRIES value is specified, otherwise echos retires value.
-# Arguments:
-#   $1 - control file path
-read_retry_value() {
-  local control_file=$1
-  # Search for a line of the form
-  # [whitespace]RETRIES[whitepspace]=[whitespace][number]
-  # and pull out just the numeric part
-  local test_retry=$(egrep -m1 \
-     '^[[:space:]]*RETRIES[[:space:]]*=.*$' "$1" |
-     grep -o "[0-9]*")
-  if [[ -z "${test_retry}" ]]; then
-    echo "0"
-    return
-  fi
-  echo ${test_retry}
-create_tmp() {
-  # Set global TMP for's sake
-  # and if --results_dir_root is specified,
-  # set TMP and create dir appropriately
-  if [[ -n "${FLAGS_results_dir_root}" ]]; then
-    TMP=${FLAGS_results_dir_root}
-    mkdir -p -m 777 ${TMP}
-  else
-    TMP=$(mktemp -d "${TMP_BASE}.XXXX")
-    # Create a "latest" symlink upfront, but only if there isn't a non-symlink
-    # file of the same name.
-    if [ -h "${TMP_LATEST}" -o ! -e "${TMP_LATEST}" ]; then
-      ln -nsf "${TMP}" "${TMP_LATEST}" ||
-        warn "Could not link latest test directory."
-    fi
-  fi
-prepare_build_env() {
-  info "Pilfering toolchain shell environment from Portage."
-  local ebuild_dir="${TMP}/chromeos-base/autotest-build"
-  mkdir -p "${ebuild_dir}"
-  local E_only="autotest-build-9999.ebuild"
-  cat > "${ebuild_dir}/${E_only}" <<EOF
-inherit toolchain-funcs
-  local E="chromeos-base/autotest-build/${E_only}"
-  "ebuild-${FLAGS_board}" --skip-manifest "${ebuild_dir}/${E_only}" \
-      clean unpack 2>&1 > /dev/null
-  local P_tmp="/build/${FLAGS_board}/tmp/portage/"
-  local E_dir="${E%%/*}/${E_only%.*}"
-  export BUILD_ENV="${P_tmp}/${E_dir}/temp/environment"
-autodetect_build() {
-  if [ ${FLAGS_use_emerged} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]; then
-    if [ -d "/build/${FLAGS_board}/usr/local/autotest/site_utils" ]; then
-      AUTOTEST_DIR="/build/${FLAGS_board}/usr/local/autotest"
-    else
-      AUTOTEST_DIR="/build/${FLAGS_board}/usr/local/build/autotest"
-    fi
-    FLAGS_build=${FLAGS_FALSE}
-    if [ ! -d "${AUTOTEST_DIR}" ]; then
-      die \
-"Could not find pre-installed autotest, you need to emerge-${FLAGS_board} \
-autotest autotest-tests (or use --build)."
-    fi
-    info \
-"As requested, using emerged autotests already installed at ${AUTOTEST_DIR}."
-    return
-  fi
-  if [ ${FLAGS_build} -eq ${FLAGS_FALSE} ] &&
-      cros_workon --board=${FLAGS_board} list |
-      grep -q autotest; then
-    AUTOTEST_DIR="${SRC_ROOT}/third_party/autotest/files"
-    FLAGS_build=${FLAGS_TRUE}
-    if [ ! -d "${AUTOTEST_DIR}" ]; then
-      die \
-"Detected cros_workon autotest but ${AUTOTEST_DIR} does not exist. Run \
-repo sync autotest."
-    fi
-    info \
-"Detected cros_workon autotests. Building and running your autotests from \
-${AUTOTEST_DIR}. To use emerged autotest, pass --use_emerged."
-    return
-  fi
-  # flag use_emerged should be false once the code reaches here.
-  if [ ${FLAGS_build} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]; then
-    AUTOTEST_DIR="${SRC_ROOT}/third_party/autotest/files"
-    if [ ! -d "${AUTOTEST_DIR}" ]; then
-      die \
-"Build flag was turned on but ${AUTOTEST_DIR} is not found. Run cros_workon \
-start autotest and repo sync to continue."
-    fi
-    info "Build and run autotests from ${AUTOTEST_DIR}."
-  else
-    AUTOTEST_DIR="/build/${FLAGS_board}/usr/local/build/autotest"
-    if [ ! -d "${AUTOTEST_DIR}" ]; then
-      die \
-"Autotest was not emerged, ${AUTOTEST_DIR} does not exist. You should \
-initilize it by either running 'build_packages' at least once, or running \
-emerge-${FLAGS_board} autotest autotest-tests."
-    fi
-    info "Using emerged autotests already installed at ${AUTOTEST_DIR}."
-  fi
-# Convert potentially relative control file path to an absolute path.
-normalize_control_path() {
-    local control_file=$(remove_quotes "$1")
-    if [[ ${control_file:0:1} == "/" ]]; then
-      echo "${control_file}"
-    else
-      echo "${AUTOTEST_DIR}/${control_file}"
-    fi
-# Generate a control file which has a profiler enabled.
-generate_profiled_control_file() {
-  local control_file_path="$1"
-  local results_dir="$2"
-  mkdir -p "${results_dir}"
-  local tmp="${results_dir}/$(basename "${control_file_path}").with_profiling"
-  cat > "${tmp}" <<EOF
-job.default_profile_only = True
-$(cat ${control_file_path})
-  echo "${tmp}"
-_equals_zero () {
-  [ "$1" == "0" ]
-_notequals_zero () {
-  [ "$1" != "0" ]
-get_matching_retry_control_files() {
-  local predicate_function="$1"
-  shift 1
-  local control_files="$@"
-  local test_retries
-  for control_file in ${control_files}; do
-    local normalized_file=$(normalize_control_path "${control_file}")
-    test_retries=$(read_retry_value ${normalized_file})
-    if $predicate_function ${test_retries}; then
-      echo "${control_file}"
-    fi
-  done
-# Given a list of control files (with paths either relative or absolute),
-# returns the sublist of these control files (absolute paths)
-# for which the RETRIES field is either 0 or unspecified.
-get_zero_retry_control_files() {
-  get_matching_retry_control_files _equals_zero "$@"
-# Given a list of control files (with paths either relative or absolute),
-# returns the sublist of these control files (absolute paths)
-# for which the RETRIES field is not 0
-get_nonzero_retry_control_files() {
-  get_matching_retry_control_files _notequals_zero "$@"
-# Given a control_type (client or server) and a list of control files, assembles
-# them all into a single control file. Useful for reducing repeated packaging
-# between tests sharing the same resources.
-generate_combined_control_file() {
-  local control_type="$1"
-  shift
-  local control_files="$@"
-  local control_file_count="$(echo ${control_files} | wc -w)"
-  info "Combining the following tests in a single control file for efficiency:"
-  local new_control_file="$(mktemp --tmpdir combined-control.XXXXX)"
-  echo "TEST_TYPE=\"${control_type}\"" > ${new_control_file}
-  echo "def step_init():" >> ${new_control_file}
-  for i in $(seq 1 ${control_file_count}); do
-    if [[ "${control_type}" == "client" ]]; then
-      echo "    job.next_step('step${i}')" >> ${new_control_file}
-    else
-      echo "    step${i}()" >> ${new_control_file}
-    fi
-  done
-  local index=1
-  for control_file in ${control_files}; do
-    control_file=$(remove_quotes "${control_file}")
-    local control_file_path=$(normalize_control_path "${control_file}")
-    info " * ${control_file}"
-    echo "def step${index}():" >> ${new_control_file}
-    cat ${control_file_path} | sed "s/^/    /" >> ${new_control_file}
-    let index=index+1
-  done
-  if [[ "${control_type}" == "server" ]]; then
-    echo "step_init()" >> ${new_control_file}
-  fi
-  echo "${new_control_file}"
-# Given a list of control files, returns "client", "server", or "" respectively
-# if there are only client, only server, or both types of control files.
-check_control_file_types() {
-  # Check to make sure only client or only server control files have been
-  # requested, otherwise fall back to uncombined execution.
-  local client_controls=${FLAGS_FALSE}
-  local server_controls=${FLAGS_FALSE}
-  for control_file in $*; do
-    local control_file_path=$(normalize_control_path "${control_file}")
-    local test_type=$(read_test_type "${control_file_path}")
-    if [[ "${test_type}" == "client" ]]; then
-      client_controls=${FLAGS_TRUE}
-    else
-      server_controls=${FLAGS_TRUE}
-    fi
-  done
-  if [[ ${client_controls}^${server_controls} -eq ${FLAGS_FALSE} ]]; then
-    if [[ ${client_controls} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]]; then
-      echo "client"
-    else
-      echo "server"
-    fi
-  else
-    echo ""
-  fi
-# If the user requested it, start a 'servod' process in the
-# background in order to serve Servo-based tests.  Wait until
-# the process is up and serving, or die trying.
-start_servod() {
-  if [ ${FLAGS_servo} -eq ${FLAGS_FALSE} ]; then
-    return
-  fi
-  if  dut-control dev_mode  >/dev/null 2>&1; then
-    warn "--servo option ignored (servod already running!)"
-    return
-  fi
-  sudo servod --debug --board=${FLAGS_board} >${TMP}/servod.log 2>&1 &
-  SERVOD=$!
-  echo
-  info "Started servod; pid = ${SERVOD}."
-  info "For the log, see ${TMP}/servod.log"
-  local timeout=10
-  while [ ${timeout} -gt 0 ]; do
-    if dut-control dev_mode >/dev/null 2>&1; then
-      return
-    fi
-    timeout=$(( timeout - 1 ))
-    sleep 1
-  done
-  error "'servod' not working after 10 seconds of trying.  Log file:"
-  cat ${TMP}/servod.log
-  die_notrace "Giving up."
-# If there's a servod running in the background from `start_servod`,
-# terminate it.
-stop_servod() {
-  if [ -n "$SERVOD" ]; then
-    # The 'if kill -0 ...' allows us to ignore an already dead
-    # process, but still report other errors on stderr.
-    if kill -0 $SERVOD 2>/dev/null; then
-      kill $SERVOD || true
-    fi
-    SERVOD=
-  fi
-# Fail if the remote board does not match FLAGS_board.
-verify_remote_board() {
-  [ ${FLAGS_allow_offline_remote} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ] && return
-  remote_sh -n grep CHROMEOS_RELEASE_BOARD /etc/lsb-release
-  local remote_board=$(echo "${REMOTE_OUT}" | cut -d '=' -f 2)
-  if [ -z "${remote_board}" ]; then
-    error "Remote device does not properly report Board"
-    exit 1
-  fi
-  if [ -z "${FLAGS_board}" ]; then
-    error "--board not supplied and default board not found"
-    exit 1
-  fi
-  if [ "${FLAGS_board}" != "${remote_board}" ]; then
-    error "Can not run ${FLAGS_board} tests on ${remote_board}"
-    exit 1
-  fi
-main() {
-  cd "${SCRIPTS_DIR}"
-  FLAGS "$@" || exit 1
-  if [[ -z "${FLAGS_ARGV}" ]]; then
-    echo ${FLAGS_HELP}
-    exit 1
-  fi
-  # Allow use of commas for separating test names
-  if [ ${FLAGS_servo} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]; then
-    if [ -z "${FLAGS_board}" ]; then
-      die "Must specify board when using --servo"
-    fi
-  fi
-  # Check the validity of the user-specified result directory
-  # It must be within the /tmp directory
-  if [[ -n "${FLAGS_results_dir_root}" ]]; then
-    SUBSTRING=${FLAGS_results_dir_root:0:5}
-    if [[ ${SUBSTRING} != "/tmp/" ]]; then
-      echo "User-specified result directory must be within the /tmp directory"
-      echo "ex: --results_dir_root=/tmp/<result_directory>"
-      exit 1
-    fi
-  fi
-  set -e
-  create_tmp
-  trap cleanup EXIT
-  [ ${FLAGS_allow_offline_remote} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ] || remote_access_init
-  # autotest requires that an ssh-agent already be running
-  start_ssh_agent >/dev/null
-  learn_board
-  verify_remote_board
-  if [[ -n "${FLAGS_autotest_dir}" ]]; then
-    if [ ! -d "${FLAGS_autotest_dir}" ]; then
-      die \
-"Could not find the specified Autotest directory. Make sure the specified path \
-exists inside the chroot. ${FLAGS_autotest_dir} $PWD"
-    fi
-    AUTOTEST_DIR=$(readlink -f "${FLAGS_autotest_dir}")
-    FLAGS_build=${FLAGS_FALSE}
-    info \
-"As requested, using the specified Autotest directory at ${AUTOTEST_DIR}."
-  else
-    autodetect_build
-  fi
-  local control_files_to_run=""
-  local chrome_autotests="${CHROME_ROOT}/src/chrome/test/chromeos/autotest/files"
-  # Now search for tests which unambiguously include the given identifier
-  local search_path=$(echo {client,server}/{tests,site_tests})
-  # Include chrome autotest in the search path
-  if [ -n "${CHROME_ROOT}" ]; then
-    search_path="${search_path} ${chrome_autotests}/client/site_tests"
-  fi
-  is_suite() {
-    expr match "${1}" "^${SUITES_PREFIX}" &> /dev/null
-  }
-  pushd ${AUTOTEST_DIR} > /dev/null
-  for test_request in $FLAGS_ARGV; do
-    test_request=$(remove_quotes "${test_request}")
-    # Skip suites here.
-    is_suite "${test_request}" && continue
-    ! finds=$(find ${search_path} -maxdepth 4 -xtype f \( -name control.\* -or \
-      -name control \) | egrep -v "~$" | egrep "${test_request}")
-    if [[ -z "${finds}" ]]; then
-      die "Cannot find match for \"${test_request}\""
-    fi
-    local matches=$(echo "${finds}" | wc -l)
-    if [[ ${matches} -gt 1 ]]; then
-      echo ">>> \"${test_request}\" is an ambiguous pattern.  Disambiguate by" \
-           "passing one of these patterns instead:"
-      for FIND in ${finds}; do
-        echo "   ^${FIND}\$"
-      done
-      exit 1
-    fi
-    control_files_to_run="${control_files_to_run} '${finds}'"
-  done
-  # Do the suite enumeration upfront, rather than fail in the middle of the
-  # process.
-  suite_list=()
-  declare -A suite_map=()
-  local control_type new_control_file
-  for test_request in $FLAGS_ARGV; do
-    test_request=$(remove_quotes "${test_request}")
-    # Skip regular tests here.
-    is_suite "${test_request}" || continue
-    suite="${test_request/${SUITES_PREFIX}/}"
-    info "Enumerating suite ${suite}"
-    suite_list+=("${suite}")
-    suite_map[${suite}]="$(${ENUMERATOR_PATH}/ \
-                 --autotest_dir="${AUTOTEST_DIR}" ${suite})" ||
-        die "Cannot enumerate ${suite}"
-    info "Found $(echo ${suite_map[${suite}]} | wc -w) control files in suite."
-    # Combine into a single control file if possible.
-    control_type="$(check_control_file_types ${suite_map[${suite}]})"
-    local nonretry_files retry_files
-    nonretry_files="$(get_zero_retry_control_files \
-                      ${suite_map[${suite}]})"
-    retry_files="$(get_nonzero_retry_control_files \
-                      ${suite_map[${suite}]})"
-    if [[ -n "${control_type}" ]]; then
-      info "Control type: ${control_type}"
-      new_control_file="$(generate_combined_control_file ${control_type} \
-                          ${nonretry_files})"
-      suite_map[${suite}]="${new_control_file}"
-      if [[ -n "${retry_files}" ]]; then
-        info "Running the following control files that use RETRIES separately:"
-        for control_file in $retry_files; do
-          info "$control_file"
-        done
-        suite_map[${suite}]+=" ${retry_files}"
-      fi
-    else
-      info "Control type: mix of client and server"
-    fi
-  done
-  echo ""
-  if [[ -z "${control_files_to_run}" ]] && [[ -z "${suite_map[@]}" ]]; then
-    die "Found no control files"
-  fi
-  [ ${FLAGS_build} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ] && prepare_build_env
-  # If profiling is disabled and we're running more than one test, attempt to
-  # combine them for packaging efficiency.
-  local new_control_file
-  if [[ -z ${FLAGS_profiler} ]]; then
-    if [[ "$(echo ${control_files_to_run} | wc -w)" -gt 1 ]]; then
-      # Check to make sure only client or only server control files have been
-      # requested, and that none of the requested control files use retries.
-      # Otherwise fall back to uncombined execution.
-      local control_type retry_files
-      control_type=$(check_control_file_types ${control_files_to_run})
-      retry_files="$(get_nonzero_retry_control_files \
-                   ${control_files_to_run})"
-      if [[ -n ${control_type} ]]; then
-        if [[ -z ${retry_files} ]]; then
-          # Keep track of local control file for cleanup later.
-          new_control_file="$(generate_combined_control_file ${control_type} \
-              ${control_files_to_run})"
-          control_files_to_run="${new_control_file}"
-          echo ""
-        fi
-      fi
-    fi
-  fi
-  if [[ -n "${control_files_to_run}" ]]; then
-    info "Running the following control files ${FLAGS_iterations} times:"
-    for control_file in ${control_files_to_run}; do
-      info " * ${control_file}"
-    done
-  fi
-  test_control_file() {
-    control_file=$(remove_quotes "${control_file}")
-    local control_file_path=$(normalize_control_path "${control_file}")
-    local test_type=$(read_test_type "${control_file_path}")
-    local test_retry_value=$(read_retry_value "${control_file_path}")
-    local option
-    if [[ "${test_type}" == "client" ]]; then
-      option="-c"
-    else
-      option="-s"
-    fi
-    echo ""
-    info "Running ${test_type} test ${control_file}"
-    local control_file_name=$(basename "${control_file}")
-    local short_name=$(basename "$(dirname "${control_file}")")
-    # testName/control --> testName
-    # testName/control.bvt --> testName.bvt
-    # testName/control.regression --> testName.regression
-    # testName/some_control --> testName.some_control
-    if [[ "${control_file_name}" != control ]]; then
-      if [[ "${control_file_name}" == control.* ]]; then
-        short_name=${short_name}.${control_file_name/control./}
-      else
-        short_name=${short_name}.${control_file_name}
-      fi
-    fi
-    local results_dir_name="${short_name}"
-    if [ "${FLAGS_iterations}" -ne 1 ]; then
-      results_dir_name="${results_dir_name}.${i}"
-    fi
-    local results_dir="${TMP}/${results_dir_name}"
-    rm -rf "${results_dir}"
-    local verbose=""
-    if [[ ${FLAGS_verbose} -eq 2 ]]; then
-      verbose="--verbose"
-    fi
-    local image=""
-    if [[ -n "${FLAGS_update_url}" ]]; then
-      image="--image ${FLAGS_update_url}"
-    fi
-    # Remove chrome autotest location prefix from control_file if needed
-    if [[ ${control_file:0:${#chrome_autotests}} == \
-          "${chrome_autotests}" ]]; then
-      control_file="${control_file:${#chrome_autotests}+1}"
-      info "Running chrome autotest ${control_file}"
-    fi
-    # If profiling is enabled, wrap up control file in profiling code.
-    if [[ -n ${FLAGS_profiler} ]]; then
-      if [[ "${test_type}" == "server" ]]; then
-        die "Profiling enabled, but a server test was specified. \
-Profiling only works with client tests."
-      fi
-      local profiled_control_file=$(generate_profiled_control_file \
-          "${control_file_path}" "${results_dir}")
-      info "Profiling enabled. Using generated control file at \
-      control_file="${profiled_control_file}"
-    fi
-    if [ "${FLAGS_fast}" -eq "${FLAGS_FALSE}" ]; then
-      fast_flags=""
-    else
-      fast_flags="--no_collect_crashinfo --disable_sysinfo"
-    fi
-    local autoserv_args="-m ${FLAGS_remote} --ssh-port ${FLAGS_ssh_port} \
-        ${image} ${option} ${control_file} -r ${results_dir} ${verbose} \
-        ${FLAGS_label:+ -l $FLAGS_label} \
-        --test-retry=${test_retry_value} ${fast_flags} \
-        --ssh_verbosity ${FLAGS_ssh_verbosity}"
-    sudo chmod a+w ./server/{tests,site_tests}
-    start_servod
-    # --args must be specified as a separate parameter outside of the local
-    # autoserv_args variable, otherwise ${FLAGS_args} values with embedded
-    # spaces won't pass correctly to autoserv.
-    echo ./server/autoserv ${autoserv_args} --args "${FLAGS_args}"
-    local target="${TMP}/autoserv-log.txt"
-    if [ ${FLAGS_verbose} -gt 0 ]; then
-      target=1
-    fi
-    if [ ${FLAGS_build} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]; then
-      # run autoserv in subshell
-      # NOTE: We're being scrutinized by set -e. We must prevail. The whole
-      # build depends on us. Failure is not an option.
-      # The real failure is generated below by generate_test_report that
-      # fails if complex conditions on test results are met, while printing
-      # a summary at the same time.
-      (. ${BUILD_ENV} && tc-export CC CXX PKG_CONFIG &&
-       ./server/autoserv ${autoserv_args} --args "${FLAGS_args}") 2>&1 \
-         >&${target} || true
-    else
-      ./server/autoserv ${autoserv_args} --args "${FLAGS_args}" 2>&1 \
-         >&${target} || true
-    fi
-  }
-  local control_file i suite
-  # Number of global test iterations as defined with CLI.
-  for i in $(seq 1 $FLAGS_iterations); do
-    # Run regular tests.
-    for control_file in ${control_files_to_run}; do
-      test_control_file
-    done
-    # Run suites, pre-enumerated above.
-    for suite in "${suite_list[@]}"; do
-      info "Running suite ${suite}:"
-      for control_file in ${suite_map[${suite}]}; do
-        test_control_file
-      done
-    done
-  done
-  # Cleanup temporary combined control file.
-  if [[ -n ${new_control_file} ]]; then
-    rm ${new_control_file}
-  fi
-  popd > /dev/null
-  echo ""
-  info "Test results:"
-  local report_args=("${TMP}" --strip="${TMP}/")
-  if [[ ${FLAGS_whitelist_chrome_crashes} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]]; then
-    report_args+=(--whitelist_chrome_crashes)
-  fi
-  generate_test_report "${report_args[@]}"
-  print_time_elapsed
-main "$@"
+echo 'This script has been removed!'
+echo 'Please use `test_that` to run autotests.'
+echo 'See'
+exit 1