cros_gestures: Delete

There doesn't seem to be any reference to it and the last real CL was in

TEST=CQ passes

Change-Id: I90865159d95593dba74b7a77bb141467cc4c84ad
Tested-by: Amin Hassani <>
Reviewed-by: Mike Frysinger <>
Reviewed-by: Achuith Bhandarkar <>
Reviewed-by: Katherine Threlkeld <>
Reviewed-by: Harry Cutts <>
Commit-Queue: Amin Hassani <>
diff --git a/cros_gestures/README b/cros_gestures/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 48f95e5..0000000
--- a/cros_gestures/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-This directory contains Python code that allows Chrome OS developers and testers
-to make files available for touchpad gesture testing.
-The command line tool is modeled very closely on (and depends) on the Google
-Storage command line client (gsutil).
- - cros_gestures is the command line tool
- - helps establish proper environment variables to find
-   both gsutil and the needed .boto file for authentication.
- - run_remote_tool builds a bundle to install on a test machine (and can
-   run it on a test machine).
- - remote/ can setup a test machine from the public,
-   untrusted bundle.
- - cd ~
- - wget
- - gzip -d gsutil.tar.gz
- - tar -xvf gsutil.tar
- - . ./ trusted
- - ./run_remote_tool
- - . ./ untrusted
- - ./run_remote_tool
- - gsutil cp /tmp/cros_gestures.tar.bz2  \
-       gs://chromeos-gestures-valid/downloads/untrusted/cros_gestures.tar.bz2
- - gsutil cp /tmp/  \
-       gs://chromeos-gestures-valid/downloads/untrusted/
- - gsutil setacl public-read \
-       gs://chromeos-gestures-valid/downloads/untrusted/cros_gestures.tar.bz2
- - gsutil setacl public-read \
-       gs://chromeos-gestures-valid/downloads/untrusted/
- - cd /tmp
- - wget
- - python ./
diff --git a/cros_gestures/ b/cros_gestures/
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index e69de29..0000000
--- a/cros_gestures/
+++ /dev/null
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deleted file mode 100755
index 7a2ffc3..0000000
--- a/cros_gestures/cros_gestures
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Simple command line interface for chromeos gesture developers.
-This is heavily dependent/copied on the gsutil cli interface to Google Storage.
-Think of it as a version of gsutil with assumptions for more guided use.
-Look here for documentation on Google Storage:
-import logging
-import pprint
-import signal
-import sys
-import cros_gestures_constants
-import cros_gestures_logging
-import cros_gestures_utils
-from exception import CrosGesturesException
-color = cros_gestures_utils.Color()
-LOG = logging.getLogger('cros_gestures')
-# Setup gslib and boto by identifying gsutil/boto dirs and .boto location.
-gsutil_bin_dir, boto_config = cros_gestures_utils.FindDependencies()
-import boto
-boto.UserAgent += '/cros_gestures'
-from boto.exception import GSResponseError
-from boto.exception import InvalidUriError
-# We don't use the oauth2 authentication plugin directly; importing it here
-# ensures that it's loaded and available by default.
-_HAVE_OAUTH2 = False
-  from oauth2_plugin import oauth2_plugin
-  _HAVE_OAUTH2 = True
-except ImportError:
-  pass
-import cros_gestures_commands
-import cros_gestures_options
-# Declare custom commands.
-commands = {'cat': None, 'download': None, 'ls': None,
-            'rm': None, 'upload': None, 'ver': None}
-COMMANDS_STRING = ', '.join(sorted(commands.keys()))
-    'cros_gestures [options] %(command)s\n%(command)s from: %(commands)s.\n\n'
-    'The default behavior is to group uploaded files under '
-    '%(gs_base)s/model/user/".\nCommon command examples include:\n\n'
-    '%(cat)s gesture_file  [emits contents of %(gs_base)s/user/gesture_file]\n'
-    '%(download)s gesture_file  [copies %(gs_base)s/user/gesture_file to '
-    'current dir]\n'
-    '%(ls)s  [show all files under %(gs_base)s/user]\n'
-    '%(ls)s -L [show all files with attributes under %(gs_base)s/user]\n'
-    '%(upload)s dir/gesture_file  [strip dir & copy gesture_file to '
-    '%(gs_base)s/user/gesture_file]\n'
-    '%(ver)s [show tool version numbers]' % {
-        'command': color.Color(cros_gestures_utils.Color.BLUE, 'command'),
-        'commands': color.Color(cros_gestures_utils.Color.BOLD,
-                                COMMANDS_STRING),
-        'cat': color.Color(cros_gestures_utils.Color.BOLD, 'cat'),
-        'download': color.Color(cros_gestures_utils.Color.BOLD, 'download'),
-        'ls': color.Color(cros_gestures_utils.Color.BOLD, 'ls'),
-        'upload': color.Color(cros_gestures_utils.Color.BOLD, 'upload'),
-        'ver': color.Color(cros_gestures_utils.Color.BOLD, 'ver'),
-        'gs_base': 'gs://chromeos-gestures-trusted-dev'}
-    )
-# If user enters no commands just print the usage info.
-if len(sys.argv) == 1:
-  cros_gestures_utils.OutputAndExit(USAGE_STRING)
-options, args, command_string = cros_gestures_options.ParseArgs(USAGE_STRING,
-                                                                commands)
-if cros_gestures_constants.debug > 1:
-  LOG.debug('Using\n\tGSUTIL_BIN_DIR=%s\n\tBOTO_CONFIG=%s.', gsutil_bin_dir,
-                                                             boto_config)
-  LOG.debug('Accepted funtionalities:\n%s.',
-            pprint.pformat(options.config_options))
-# Define custom commands.
-_command_inst = cros_gestures_commands.GestureCommand(gsutil_bin_dir)
-NO_MAX = sys.maxint
-# [command_function, min # args, max # args, file_uri_ok, gs_uri_ok]
-    'cat': [_command_inst.CatGestureCommand, 1, NO_MAX, True, True],
-    'download': [_command_inst.DownloadGestureCommand, 1, NO_MAX, True,
-                 False],
-    'ls': [_command_inst.ListGesturesCommand, 0, NO_MAX, True, True],
-    'rm': [_command_inst.RemoveGesturesCommand, 1, NO_MAX, True, True],
-    'upload': [_command_inst.UploadGestureCommand, 1, 1, True, False],
-    'ver': [_command_inst.VersionCommand, 0, 0, False, False]})
-# Main
-def main():
-  """Gesture File Command Line Interface main code."""
-  try:
-    signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, cros_gestures_utils.HandleControlC)
-    command, min_nargs, max_nargs, file_uri, gs_uri = commands[command_string]
-    # General command validation.
-    if len(args) < min_nargs or len(args) > max_nargs:
-      raise CrosGesturesException(
-          'Wrong number of arguments for "%s" command.' % command_string)
-    if not file_uri and cros_gestures_utils.HaveFileUris(args):
-      raise CrosGesturesException(
-          '"%s" command does not support "file://" URIs. '
-          'Did you mean to use a gs:// URI?' % command_string)
-    if not gs_uri and cros_gestures_commands.GestureUri.HasGSUris(args):
-      raise CrosGesturesException(
-          '"%s" command does not support gs:// URIs.' % command_string)
-    # Finally, run the command.
-    sys.exit(command(cros_gestures_utils.StripFileUris(args), options))
-  except CrosGesturesException, e:
-    cros_gestures_utils.HandleCrosGesturesException(e)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  main()
diff --git a/cros_gestures/cros_gestures_admin b/cros_gestures/cros_gestures_admin
deleted file mode 100755
index 9f09db6..0000000
--- a/cros_gestures/cros_gestures_admin
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Simple command line interface for chromeos gesture admins.
-This is heavily dependent/copied on the gsutil cli interface to Google Storage.
-Think of it as a version of gsutil with assumptions for more guided use.
-Look here for documentation on Google Storage:
-import logging
-import pprint
-import signal
-import sys
-import cros_gestures_constants
-import cros_gestures_logging
-import cros_gestures_utils
-from exception import CrosGesturesException
-color = cros_gestures_utils.Color()
-LOG = logging.getLogger('cros_gestures')
-# Setup gslib and boto by identifying gsutil/boto dirs and .boto location.
-gsutil_bin_dir, boto_config = cros_gestures_utils.FindDependencies(
-import boto
-boto.UserAgent += '/cros_gestures'
-from boto.exception import GSResponseError
-from boto.exception import InvalidUriError
-# We don't use the oauth2 authentication plugin directly; importing it here
-# ensures that it's loaded and available by default.
-_HAVE_OAUTH2 = False
-  from oauth2_plugin import oauth2_plugin
-  _HAVE_OAUTH2 = True
-except ImportError:
-  pass
-import cros_gestures_commands
-import cros_gestures_options
-# Declare custom commands.
-commands = {'cat': None, 'download': None, 'ls': None, 'invalidate': None,
-            'validate': None, 'ver': None}
-COMMANDS_STRING = ', '.join(sorted(commands.keys()))
-    'cros_gestures_admin [options] %(command)s\n%(command)s from: '
-    '%(commands)s.\n\nThis utility is used to validate and invalidate '
-    'files.  Validated files may be included in test passes.' % {
-        'command': color.Color(cros_gestures_utils.Color.BLUE, 'command'),
-        'commands': color.Color(cros_gestures_utils.Color.BOLD,
-                                COMMANDS_STRING)})
-# If user enters no commands just print the usage info.
-if len(sys.argv) == 1:
-  cros_gestures_utils.OutputAndExit(USAGE_STRING)
-options, args, command_string = cros_gestures_options.ParseArgs(USAGE_STRING,
-                                                                commands,
-                                                                admin=True)
-if cros_gestures_constants.debug > 1:
-  LOG.debug('Using\n\tGSUTIL_BIN_DIR=%s\n\tBOTO_CONFIG=%s.', gsutil_bin_dir,
-                                                             boto_config)
-  LOG.debug('Accepted funtionalities:\n%s.',
-            pprint.pformat(options.config_options))
-# Define custom commands.
-_command_inst = cros_gestures_commands.GestureCommand(gsutil_bin_dir)
-NO_MAX = sys.maxint
-# [command_function, min # args, max # args, file_uri_ok, gs_uri_ok]
-    'cat': [_command_inst.CatGestureCommand, 1, NO_MAX, True, True],
-    'download': [_command_inst.DownloadGestureCommand, 1, NO_MAX, True,
-                 False],
-    'ls': [_command_inst.ListGesturesCommand, 0, NO_MAX, True, True],
-    'invalidate': [_command_inst.InvalidateGestureCommand, 1, 1, True,
-                   True],
-    'validate': [_command_inst.ValidateGestureCommand, 1, 1, True, True],
-    'ver': [_command_inst.VersionCommand, 0, 0, False, False]})
-# Main
-def main():
-  """Gesture File Command Line Interface main code."""
-  try:
-    signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, cros_gestures_utils.HandleControlC)
-    command, min_nargs, max_nargs, file_uri, gs_uri = commands[command_string]
-    # General command validation.
-    if len(args) < min_nargs or len(args) > max_nargs:
-      raise CrosGesturesException(
-          'Wrong number of arguments for "%s" command.' % command_string)
-    if not file_uri and cros_gestures_utils.HaveFileUris(args):
-      raise CrosGesturesException(
-          '"%s" command does not support "file://" URIs. '
-          'Did you mean to use a gs:// URI?' % command_string)
-    if not gs_uri and cros_gestures_commands.GestureUri.HasGSUris(args):
-      raise CrosGesturesException(
-          '"%s" command does not support gs:// URIs.' % command_string)
-    # Finally, run the command.
-    sys.exit(command(cros_gestures_utils.StripFileUris(args), options))
-  except CrosGesturesException, e:
-    cros_gestures_utils.HandleCrosGesturesException(e)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  main()
diff --git a/cros_gestures/ b/cros_gestures/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6fc8819..0000000
--- a/cros_gestures/
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@@ -1,402 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Commands to support cros_gestures
-This code is modeled after and derived from the Command class in
-gsutil/gslib/ for maximum re-use.
-__version__ = '1.0.0'
-import datetime
-import hashlib
-import logging
-import optparse
-import os
-import re
-import sys
-import cros_gestures_constants
-import cros_gestures_utils
-from exception import CrosGesturesException
-color = cros_gestures_utils.Color()
-LOG = logging.getLogger('cros_gestures_commands')
-# Mon, 25 Jul 2011 08:20:08
-DISPLAY_TIME_FORMAT = '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S'
-# 20110725_082008
-def AddOptions(parser, config_options, admin=False):
-  """Add command line option group for cros_gestures_commands.
-  Add helpful command line options related to commands defined
-  in this file.
-  -F, --force-rm: [invalidate/rm] confirmation of irreversible file removal.
-  -L, --list-metadata: [ls] most verbose ls command.
-  -U, --user-override: [all] substitute an alternate user tag in file namespace.
-  --print-filenames: [cat] include filename (helps cat of multiple cat files).
-  --download-dir: [download] place downloaded files out of current dir.
-  --upload-functionality: [upload]: override filename functionality.
-  --upload-fwversion: [upload]: override filename fwversion.
-  --upload-tag: [upload] set a tag (to arbitrarily group files).
-  """
-  group = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, 'Command Options')
-  group.add_option('-F', '--force-rm',
-                    help='Force %s of file [default: %s]' % (
-                        color.Color(cros_gestures_utils.Color.BOLD, 'rm'),
-                        '%default'),
-                    dest='forcerm',
-                    action='store_true',
-                    default=False)
-  group.add_option('-L', '--list-metadata',
-                    help='Show file metadata with %s [default: %s]' % (
-                        color.Color(cros_gestures_utils.Color.BOLD, 'list'),
-                        '%default'),
-                    dest='listmetadata',
-                    action='store_true',
-                    default=False)
-  group.add_option('-U', '--user-override',
-                    help='Override filename user of file [default: %s]' %
-                        '%default',
-                    dest='useroverride',
-                    action='store_true',
-                    default=False)
-  group.add_option('', '--print-filenames',
-                    help='Show file names with %s output [default: %s]' % (
-                        color.Color(cros_gestures_utils.Color.BOLD, 'cat'),
-                        '%default'),
-                    dest='catfilenames',
-                    action='store_true',
-                    default=False)
-  # Admin commands use different options.
-  if not admin:
-    group.add_option('', '--download-dir',
-                      help='Set %s directory [default: %s]' % (
-                          color.Color(cros_gestures_utils.Color.BOLD,
-                                      'download'),
-                          '%default'),
-                      dest='downloaddir',
-                      default=None)
-    group.add_option('', '--upload-functionality',
-                      help='Set functionality during %s: %s [default: %s]' % (
-                          color.Color(cros_gestures_utils.Color.BOLD, 'upload'),
-                          ', '.join(sorted(config_options.keys())),
-                          '<from filename>'),
-                      dest='uploadfunctionality',
-                      default=None)
-    group.add_option('', '--upload-fwversion',
-                      help='Set fwversion during %s [default: %s]' % (
-                          color.Color(cros_gestures_utils.Color.BOLD, 'upload'),
-                          '%default'),
-                      dest='uploadfwversion',
-                      default=None)
-    group.add_option('', '--upload-tag',
-                      help='Supply %s tag for custom grouping [default: %s]' % (
-                          color.Color(cros_gestures_utils.Color.BOLD, 'upload'),
-                          '%default'),
-                      dest='uploadtag',
-                      default=None)
-  parser.add_option_group(group)
-def FixupOptionsFromFilename(source_file, options):
-  """Setup default options (metadata) from filename if possible.
-  template filename:
-   area-functionalitynamewithunderscores.subname-model-tester-timestamp.dat
-   0: area
-   1: functionality [optional subname(s) separated by period]
-   2: model
-   3: [fw version]
-   4: [optional attributes - each separated by hyphen]
-   5: tester
-   6: timestamp
-  """
-  options.uploadarea = None  # Create nonexistent attributes
-  options.uploadcreated = None
-  filename_parse = re.compile(
-      '([\w]+)-([\w]+)\.[\w.]+-([\w]+)-([\w]+)-([\w]+)')
-  m = re.match(filename_parse, source_file)
-  if not m or m.lastindex < 5:
-    raise CrosGesturesException(
-        'This filename is not formatted properly. Expecting: '
-        'area-functionality.subname-model-tester-timestamp.dat. '
-        'Skipping %s.' % source_file)
-  gs_area, gs_functionality, gs_model, gs_tester, gs_time = m.groups()
-  if gs_area:
-    options.uploadarea = gs_area
-  if gs_functionality:
-    options.uploadfunctionality = gs_functionality
-  if gs_model:
-    if not options.model:
-      options.model = gs_model
-    if gs_model != options.model:
-      raise CrosGesturesException(
-          '--model (%s) is different than file name model (%s).' %
-          (options.model, gs_model))
-  if gs_tester and gs_tester != options.userowner:
-    LOG.warning(
-        '--user (%s) is different than file name tester (%s).',
-        options.userowner, gs_tester)
-    if not options.useroverride:
-      options.userowner = gs_tester
-  if gs_time:
-    options.uploadcreated = datetime.datetime.strptime(
-        gs_time, FILE_TIME_FORMAT).strftime(DISPLAY_TIME_FORMAT)
-  # Extra validations.
-  if options.uploadfunctionality not in options.config_options:
-      raise CrosGesturesException('The config file does not expect this '
-                                  'functionality: %s' %
-                                  options.uploadfunctionality)
-  if (options.uploadarea not in
-      options.config_options[options.uploadfunctionality]):
-      raise CrosGesturesException('The area %s is not expected with %s.' %
-                                  (options.uploadarea,
-                                   options.uploadfunctionality))
-class GestureUri(object):
-  """Very thin wrapper around our gesture uri's."""
-  def __init__(self, options):
-    self.options = options
-  @staticmethod
-  def HasGSUri(uri_str):
-    """Check one uri for our provider."""
-    return uri_str.lower().startswith('gs://')
-  @staticmethod
-  def HasGSUris(args):
-    """Checks whether args contains any provider URIs (like 'gs://').
-    Args:
-      args: command-line arguments
-    Returns:
-      True if args contains any provider URIs.
-    """
-    for uri_str in args:
-      if GestureUri.HasGSUri(uri_str):
-        return True
-    return False
-  def MakeGestureUri(self, uri_str=None):
-    """Gesture files are prefaced by their ownername."""
-    assert uri_str
-    if uri_str == '*' and not self.options.model:
-      self.options.model = '*'
-    if not self.options.model:
-      raise CrosGesturesException('Please supply a model to MakeGestureUri.')
-    if not self.options.userowner:
-      raise CrosGesturesException('Please supply a user to MakeGestureUri.')
-    if not uri_str:
-      raise CrosGesturesException('Unexpected empty uri.')
-    if cros_gestures_constants.trusted:
-      user_type = 'trusted-dev'
-    else:
-      user_type = 'untrusted-dev'
-    return 'gs://chromeos-gestures-%s/%s/%s/%s' % (user_type,
-                                                   self.options.model,
-                                                   self.options.userowner,
-                                                   uri_str)
-  @staticmethod
-  def MakeValidUri(uri_str):
-    """Gesture files headed to the valid bucket."""
-    if not GestureUri.HasGSUri(uri_str):
-      raise CrosGesturesException('Validate requires a gs:// uri.')
-    return re.sub('gs://chromeos-gestures.*trusted-dev/',
-                  'gs://chromeos-gestures-valid/', uri_str)
-  def MakeGestureUris(self, args):
-    """Fixup args to be valid gs uri's if needed."""
-    new_args = []
-    for uri_str in args:
-      if GestureUri.HasGSUri(uri_str):
-        new_arg = uri_str
-      else:
-        uri_str = os.path.basename(uri_str)
-        FixupOptionsFromFilename(uri_str, self.options)
-        new_arg = self.MakeGestureUri(uri_str)
-      new_args.append(new_arg)
-    return new_args
-class GestureCommand(object):
-  """Class that contains all our Gesture command code."""
-  def __init__(self, gsutil_bin_dir):
-    """Instantiates GestureCommand class. Modeled after gslib/command/Command.
-    Args:
-      gsutil_bin_dir: bin dir from which gsutil is running.
-    """
-    self.gsutil_bin_dir = gsutil_bin_dir
-  def _FileExists(self, file_name):
-    """Helper to see if a fully path-included remote file exits."""
-    return 0 == cros_gestures_utils.RunGSUtil(self.gsutil_bin_dir, LOG, 'ls',
-                                              args=[file_name],
-                                              show_output=False)
-  def RunGSUtil(self, cmd, headers=None, sub_opts=None, args=None,
-                  show_output=True):
-    """Executes common gsutil run command utility."""
-    return cros_gestures_utils.RunGSUtil(self.gsutil_bin_dir, LOG, cmd,
-                                         headers, sub_opts, args, show_output)
-  def CatGestureCommand(self, args, options):
-    """Cat a single gesture file from Google Storage."""
-    guri = GestureUri(options)
-    args = guri.MakeGestureUris(args)
-    if options.catfilenames:
-      sub_opts = ['-h']
-    else:
-      sub_opts = None
-    return self.RunGSUtil(cmd='cat', sub_opts=sub_opts, args=args)
-  def DownloadGestureCommand(self, args, options):
-    """Download a single gesture file from Google Storage."""
-    # TODO(Truty): add md5/md5 header and verify.
-    local_files = args[:]
-    guri = GestureUri(options)
-    args = guri.MakeGestureUris(args)
-    rc = 0
-    for i in xrange(len(args)):
-      remote_file = args[i]
-      if not self._FileExists(remote_file):
-        LOG.warning(color.Color(
-            cros_gestures_utils.Color.RED, 'File %s not found.' % remote_file))
-        continue
-      local_file = local_files[i]
-      if options.downloaddir:
-        if not os.path.exists(options.downloaddir):
-          os.makedirs(options.downloaddir)
-        local_file = os.path.join(options.downloaddir, local_file)
-      if os.path.isfile(local_file):
-        raise CrosGesturesException('Local file %s already exists.' %
-                                    local_file)
-      rc += self.RunGSUtil(cmd='cp', args=[remote_file, local_file])
-    return rc
-  def InvalidateGestureCommand(self, args, options):
-    """Allows a gesture file to be blocked to tests.
-    See ValidateGestureCommand() for more detail.
-    """
-    if not options.forcerm:
-      raise CrosGesturesException(
-          'invalidate requires -F to force file removal.')
-    guri = GestureUri(options)
-    source_file = guri.MakeGestureUris(args)[0]
-    target_file = GestureUri.MakeValidUri(source_file)
-    if not self._FileExists(target_file):
-      raise CrosGesturesException('Validated file %s cannot be found.'
-                                  % target_file)
-    return self.RunGSUtil(cmd='rm', args=[target_file])
-  def ListGesturesCommand(self, args, options):
-    """List gestures (and metadata) in Google Storage."""
-    guri = GestureUri(options)
-    if not args:
-      args = [guri.MakeGestureUri('*')]
-    else:
-      args = guri.MakeGestureUris(args)
-    if options.listmetadata:
-      sub_opts = ['-L']
-'This can take a little longer to retrieve metadata.')
-    else:
-      sub_opts = None
-    return self.RunGSUtil(cmd='ls', sub_opts=sub_opts, args=args)
-  def RemoveGesturesCommand(self, args, options):
-    """Remove gestures in Google Storage."""
-    guri = GestureUri(options)
-    args = guri.MakeGestureUris(args)
-    if not options.forcerm:
-      raise CrosGesturesException('rm requires -F to force file removal.')
-    return self.RunGSUtil(cmd='rm', args=args)
-  def UploadGestureCommand(self, args, options):
-    """Upload a single gesture file to Google Storage."""
-    local_file = args[0]
-    guri = GestureUri(options)
-    remote_file = guri.MakeGestureUris(args)[0]
-    if self._FileExists(remote_file):
-      raise CrosGesturesException('File %s already exists.' % remote_file,
-                                  informational=True)
-    if not os.path.isfile(local_file):
-      raise CrosGesturesException('Cannot find source file: %s.' % local_file)
-    if not options.uploadfunctionality:
-      raise CrosGesturesException('upload requires '
-                                  '--upload-functionality=functionality. '
-                                  '\n\t\tfunctionality is one of:\n\t\t\t%s' %
-                                  ('\n\t\t\t'.join(options.config_options)))
-    if not options.uploadarea:
-      raise CrosGesturesException('upload requires an upload area.')
-    if not options.model:
-      raise CrosGesturesException('upload requires --model=model#.')
-    # uploadfwversion is NOT required.
-    # If this is not project-private, then only the owner can mark the
-    # file object public-read (we call that 'validation').
-    sub_opts = ['-a', 'project-private']
-    hprefix = 'x-goog-meta'
-    f = open(local_file, 'r')
-    file_contents =
-    f.close()
-    headers = ["'Content-MD5':%s" % hashlib.md5(file_contents).hexdigest(),
-               '"%s-area:%s"' % (hprefix, options.uploadarea),
-               '"%s-function:%s"' % (hprefix, options.uploadfunctionality),
-               '"%s-fw_version:%s"' % (hprefix, options.uploadfwversion),
-               '"%s-model:%s"' % (hprefix, options.model),
-               '"%s-created:%s"' % (hprefix, options.uploadcreated)]
-    if options.uploadtag:
-      headers.append('"%s-tag:%s"' % (hprefix, options.uploadtag))
-    return self.RunGSUtil(cmd='cp', headers=headers, sub_opts=sub_opts,
-                            args=[local_file, remote_file])
-  def ValidateGestureCommand(self, args, options):
-    """Allows a gesture file to be consumed by tests.
-    Validate makes files available for unauthenticated access.  Note that
-    in copying the file to the valid bucket, the object's metadata is lost.
-    It's metadata remains in the source folder, though, for filtering use.
-    1. 'Invalid' files are not accessible by unauthenticated-public.
-    2. It is desirable to know the date of the validation.  The logic of
-       interpreting 'date-validated is:
-         If the file is 'valid', then 'Last mod' is the 'date-validated'.
-    Public access of 'validated' files is through:
-    """
-    guri = GestureUri(options)
-    source_file = guri.MakeGestureUris(args)[0]
-    target_file = GestureUri.MakeValidUri(source_file)
-    if not self._FileExists(source_file):
-      raise CrosGesturesException('File %s cannot be found.' % source_file)
-    if self._FileExists(target_file):
-      raise CrosGesturesException('Validated file %s already exists.'
-                                  % target_file)
-    rc = self.RunGSUtil(cmd='cp', args=[source_file, target_file])
-    if not rc:
-      rc = self.RunGSUtil(cmd='setacl', args=['public-read', target_file])
-    return rc
-  def VersionCommand(self, args, options):
-    """Print version information for gsutil."""
-    msg = color.Color(cros_gestures_utils.Color.BOLD,
-                      'cros_gestures version %s\n' % __version__)
-    sys.stderr.write(msg)
-    return self.RunGSUtil(cmd='ver')
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-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-debug = 0
-trusted = True
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-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Logging optinos to support cros_gestures
-Setup logging options and global debug variable used by underlying
-gsutil and boto libraries.
-import logging
-import cros_gestures_constants
-class NoLoggingFilter(logging.Filter):
-  """Used to filter logging messages. This completely blocks messages."""
-  def filter(self, record):
-    return False
-def SetupLogging(options):
-  """Initialize logging options."""
-  if options.detaileddebugout or options.debugout:
-    logging_level = logging.DEBUG
-    if options.detaileddebugout:
-      cros_gestures_constants.debug = 3  # from gsutil show httplib headers
-    else:
-      cros_gestures_constants.debug = 2  # from gsutil
-  else:
-    logging_level = logging.INFO
-    # Mute verbose oauth logging.
-    oauth_log = logging.getLogger('oauth2_client')
-    oauth_log.addFilter(NoLoggingFilter())
-  logging.basicConfig(level=logging_level)
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-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Command line options to support
-This code assembles and parses options used by commands run
-by cros_gestures.
-import getpass
-import optparse
-import os
-import sys
-import cros_gestures_commands
-import cros_gestures_utils
-color = cros_gestures_utils.Color()
-# Find the hardware_Trackpad config file - we share it with the test.
-base_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))
-trackpad_test_dir = os.path.join('/usr/local/autotest/tests/hardware_Trackpad')
-if os.path.isdir(trackpad_test_dir):
-  os.environ['TRACKPAD_TEST_DIR'] = trackpad_test_dir
-  trackpad_test_dir = os.environ.get('TRACKPAD_TEST_DIR')
-  if not trackpad_test_dir or not os.path.isdir(trackpad_test_dir):
-    cros_gestures_utils.OutputAndExit(
-        'Unable to determine where the hardware_Trackpad test resides.'
-        '\nPlease check the TRACKPAD_TEST_DIR environment variable.')
-sys.path.insert(0, trackpad_test_dir)
-from trackpad_util import read_trackpad_test_conf
-from trackpad_util import trackpad_test_conf
-def GetConfigOptions(current_dir):
-  """Helper to retrieve config details like area and functionality."""
-  found = False
-  for path in [current_dir, os.environ.get('TRACKPAD_TEST_DIR')]:
-    trackpad_test_conf_path = os.path.join(path, trackpad_test_conf)
-    if os.path.isfile(trackpad_test_conf_path):
-      found = True
-      break
-  if not found:
-    msg = 'Unable to find config file: %s.' % trackpad_test_conf
-    cros_gestures_utils.OutputAndExit(msg, red=True)
-  # 'dir':['mix'] is a custom config entry for a handmade manifest file
-  # with an area of 'mix' and a functionality of 'dir'.
-  # examples: 'mix-dir.all-alex-mary_tut1-20111215_233052'
-  #           'mix-dir.all-alex-user_tut1-20111215_233052'
-  config_options = {'dir': ['mix']}
-  for f in read_trackpad_test_conf('functionality_list', path):
-    if in config_options.iteritems():
-      msg = ('Found a repeated functionality. Please check the conf file '
-             'in %s' % path)
-      cros_gestures_utils.OutputAndExit(msg, red=True)
-    config_options[] = f.area
-  return config_options
-def ParseArgs(usage, commands, admin=False):
-  """Common processing of command line options."""
-  base_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]))
-  parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage)
-  parser.add_option('-d', '--debug',
-                    help='Show more output [default: %default]',
-                    dest='debugout',
-                    action='store_true',
-                    default=False)
-  parser.add_option('-D', '--detailed-debug',
-                    help='Show even more output [default: %default]',
-                    dest='detaileddebugout',
-                    action='store_true',
-                    default=False)
-  parser.add_option('-m', '--model',
-                    help='Gesture file model [default: %default]',
-                    dest='model',
-                    default=None)
-  parser.add_option('-u', '--user',
-                    help='Gesture file owner [default: %default]',
-                    dest='userowner',
-                    default=getpass.getuser())
-  config_options = GetConfigOptions(base_dir)
-  cros_gestures_commands.AddOptions(parser, config_options, admin=admin)
-  options, args = parser.parse_args()
-  options.config_options = config_options
-  COMMANDS_STRING = ', '.join(sorted(commands.keys()))
-  if len(args) < 1 or args[0].lower() not in commands:
-    msg = 'Must supply 1 command from: %s.' % COMMANDS_STRING
-    cros_gestures_utils.OutputAndExit(msg, red=True)
-  command = args[0].lower()
-  return options, args[1:], command
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-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Utility functions for cros_gestures cli.
-Utility functions shared by cros_gestures, cros_gestures_options and
-import os
-import re
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import traceback
-import cros_gestures_constants
-FILE_PREFIX = 'file://'
-# Common utilities
-class Color(object):
-  """Conditionally wraps text in ANSI color escape sequences."""
-  BOLD = -1
-  COLOR_START = '\033[1;%dm'
-  BOLD_START = '\033[1m'
-  RESET = '\033[0m'
-  def __init__(self, enabled=True):
-    self._enabled = enabled
-  def Color(self, color, text):
-    """Returns text with conditionally added color escape sequences.
-    Keyword arguments:
-      color: Text color -- one of the color constants defined in this class.
-      text: The text to color.
-    Returns:
-      If self._enabled is False, returns the original text. If it's True,
-      returns text with color escape sequences based on the value of color.
-    """
-    if not self._enabled:
-      return text
-    if color == self.BOLD:
-      start = self.BOLD_START
-    else:
-      start = self.COLOR_START % (color + 30)
-    return start + text + self.RESET
-color = Color()
-def Output(message, red=False):
-  """Common error printing - used for error importing required modules."""
-  if red:
-    message = color.Color(Color.RED, message)
-  sys.stderr.write('%s\n' % message)
-def OutputAndExit(message, red=False):
-  """Common error printing - used for error importing required modules."""
-  Output(message, red)
-  sys.exit(1)
-# Very important but confusing import of boto library with proper .boto file
-def FindDependencies(boto_environ_var='BOTO_CONFIG'):
-  """Find boto and gslib."""
-  base_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
-  gsutil_bin_dir = os.environ.get('GSUTIL_BIN_DIR', os.path.join(base_dir,
-                                                                 'gsutil'))
-  if gsutil_bin_dir and os.path.isdir(gsutil_bin_dir):
-    os.environ['GSUTIL_BIN_DIR'] = os.path.realpath(gsutil_bin_dir)
-  else:
-    OutputAndExit('Unable to determine where gsutil is installed. '
-                  'Please ensure the GSUTIL_BIN_DIR environment variable is '
-                  'set to the gsutil directory.\nRetrieve gsutil from '
-                  ' '
-                  'if you do not have it.')
-  found = False
-  boto_list = (os.environ.get(boto_environ_var, None),
-               os.path.join(base_dir, '.boto'),
-               os.path.join(base_dir, 'untrusted',
-                            'chromeos.gestures.untrusted.write.boto'))
-  for boto_config in boto_list:
-    if boto_config and os.path.isfile(boto_config):
-      os.environ['BOTO_CONFIG'] = os.path.realpath(boto_config)
-      found = True
-      break
-  if not found:
-    OutputAndExit('Unable to determine where .boto is installed. Please ensure '
-                  'the %s environment variable is set to the '
-                  'full path of the .boto file.\n' % boto_environ_var)
-  # .boto enforces the trustworthiness - this is just a hint.
-  if boto_config.find('untrusted') > -1:
-    cros_gestures_constants.trusted = False
-  # Before importing boto, find where gsutil is installed and include its
-  # boto sub-directory at the start of the PYTHONPATH, to ensure the versions of
-  # gsutil and boto stay in sync after software updates. This also allows gsutil
-  # to be used without explicitly adding it to the PYTHONPATH.
-  boto_lib_dir = os.path.join(gsutil_bin_dir, 'boto')
-  if not os.path.isdir(boto_lib_dir):
-    OutputAndExit('There is no boto library under the gsutil install directory '
-                  '(%s).\nThe gsutil command cannot work properly when '
-                  'installed this way.\nPlease re-install gsutil per the '
-                  'installation instructions.' % gsutil_bin_dir)
-  sys.path.insert(0, os.path.realpath(boto_lib_dir))
-  # Needed so that cros_gestures_commands can import from gslib/commands and for
-  # oauth2 import.
-  sys.path.insert(0, os.path.realpath(gsutil_bin_dir))
-  return gsutil_bin_dir, boto_config
-# Exception handlers
-def HandleUnknownFailure(e):
-  """Called if we fall through all known/handled exceptions.
-  Allows us to # print a stacktrace if -D option used.
-  """
-  if cros_gestures_constants.debug > 2:
-    stack_trace = traceback.format_exc()
-    prefix = color.Color(Color.RED, 'DEBUG: Exception stack trace:')
-    OutputAndExit('%s\n    %s\n' % (prefix, re.sub('\\n', '\n    ',
-                                    stack_trace)))
-  else:
-    OutputAndExit('Failure: %s.' % e)
-def HandleCrosGesturesException(e):
-  """Commonly raised exception in command line processing."""
-  if e.informational:
-    Output(e.reason)
-  else:
-    prefix = color.Color(Color.RED, 'CrosGesturesException:')
-    OutputAndExit('%s %s' % (prefix, e.reason))
-def HandleControlC(signal_num, cur_stack_frame):
-  """Called when user hits ^C so we can print a brief message.
-  This is instead of the normal Python stack trace (unless -D option is used).
-  """
-  if cros_gestures_constants.debug > 2:
-    stack_trace = ''.join(traceback.format_list(traceback.extract_stack()))
-    prefix = color.Color(Color.RED, 'DEBUG: Caught signal %d - '
-                                    'Exception stack trace:' % signal_num)
-    OutputAndExit('%s\n    %s' % (prefix, re.sub('\\n', '\n    ', stack_trace)))
-  else:
-    OutputAndExit('Caught signal %d - exiting' % signal_num, red=True)
-# Command validation utility functions.
-def HaveFileUris(args):
-  """Checks whether args contains any file URIs."""
-  for uri_str in args:
-    if uri_str.lower().startswith(FILE_PREFIX) or uri_str.find(':') == -1:
-      return True
-  return False
-def StripFileUris(args):
-  """Removes file:// from any file URIs since we prefix our file URIs."""
-  new_args = []
-  file_prefix_len = len(FILE_PREFIX)
-  for uri_str in args:
-    if uri_str.lower().startswith(FILE_PREFIX):
-      new_args.append(uri_str[file_prefix_len:])
-    else:
-      new_args.append(uri_str)
-  return new_args
-# Wrap command-line gsutil.
-def RunGSUtil(bin_dir, logger, cmd, headers=None, sub_opts=None, args=None,
-              show_output=True):
-  """Executes gsutil with the provided command.
-  Args:
-    bin_dir: Location of gsutil
-    logger: active logger
-    cmd: Command to execute: ls, cat, rm, cp, setacl, getacl, ver
-    headers: send optional headers with the command
-    sub_options: optional command-specific flags
-    args: cmd specific args (e.g. filenames)
-  Returns:
-    Returns the returncode (0=success, nonzero=failed)
-  """
-  debug_options = ('', '', '-d', '-D', '-DD')
-  if not headers:
-    headers = ''
-  else:
-    headers = ' -h ' + ' -h '.join(headers)
-  if not sub_opts:
-    sub_opts = ''
-  else:
-    sub_opts = ' '.join(sub_opts)
-  if args:
-    args = '"' + '" "'.join(args) + '"'
-  else:
-    args = ''
-  cmd = ('%s %s %s %s %s %s' % (os.path.join(bin_dir, 'gsutil'),
-                                debug_options[cros_gestures_constants.debug],
-                                headers, cmd, sub_opts, args)).strip()
-  logger.debug('Running command "%s"', cmd)
-  try:
-    p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
-                         stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
-    stdout, _ = p.communicate()
-    if show_output:
-      print stdout.strip()
-    return p.returncode
-  except OSError, e:
-    if not show_output:
-      return e.errno
-    if e.errno == 2:
-      OutputAndExit('File not found: %s' % args)
-    OutputAndExit('OSError: (%s) %s.' % (e.errno, e.strerror))
-  except Exception, e:
-    HandleUnknownFailure(e)
-  return 1
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-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Custom exceeptions for ChromeOS Gestures command line interface.
-This code is modeled after and derived from the Command class in
-class CrosGesturesException(StandardError):
-  """Exception raised when a problem is encountered running a gsutil command.
-  This exception should be used to signal user errors or system failures
-  (like timeouts), not bugs (like an incorrect param value). For the
-  latter you should raise Exception so we can see where/how it happened
-  via gsutil -D (which will include a stack trace for raised Exceptions).
-  """
-  def __init__(self, reason, informational=False):
-    """Instantiate a CrosGesturesException.
-    Args:
-      reason: text describing the problem.
-      informational: indicates reason should be printed as FYI, not a failure.
-    """
-    StandardError.__init__(self)
-    self.reason = reason
-    self.informational = informational
-  def __repr__(self):
-    return 'CrosGesturesException: %s' % self.reason
-  def __str__(self):
-    return 'CrosGesturesException: %s' % self.reason
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-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Deploy cros_gestures command line interface to test machine for usage.
-Deploys the command line client and dependent libraries (gsutil and boto).
-Package download/extract code loosely based on Autotest packaging utils.
-__author__ = ' (Mike Truty)'
-__version__ = '1.0.0'
-import logging
-import optparse
-import os
-import shutil
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import tempfile
-import urlparse
-LOG = logging.getLogger('cros_gestures')
-GESTURES_INSTALL_DIR = '/usr/local/cros_gestures'
-    ''
-    'downloads/untrusted')
-GESTURE_ARCHIVE = 'cros_gestures.tar.bz2'
-class GestureInstallError(Exception):
-    """The parent of all errors."""
-    def __str__(self):
-        return Exception.__str__(self) + _context_message(self)
-class CmdError(GestureInstallError):
-    """Raised when there is an error running a command"""
-class PackageFetchError(GestureInstallError):
-    """Raised when there is an error fetching the package"""
-def RunCommand(cmd, dargs=None):
-  """General command execution - based on replacing os.system()."""
-  try:
-      cmd = [cmd]
-      if dargs:
-          cmd += ['--%s=%s' % (k, v) for k, v in dargs.items()]
-      logging.debug('Running command (%s)', cmd)
-      retcode =, shell=True)
-      if retcode < 0:
-          LOG.error('Child command (%s) was terminated by signal -%s',
-                    cmd, retcode)
-      elif retcode > 0:
-          LOG.error('Child command (%s) returned %s', cmd, retcode)
-  except OSError, e:
-      LOG.error('Execution failed:', str(e))
-  return retcode
-class HttpFetcher(object):
-    """Downloads packages from a repository."""
-    wget_cmd_pattern = 'wget --connect-timeout=15 -nv "%s" -O "%s"'
-    def __init__(self, repository_url):
-        """
-        @param repository_url: The base URL of the http repository
-        """
-        self.url = repository_url
-    def _QuickHttpTest(self):
-        """ Run a simple 30 second wget on the repository to see if it is
-        reachable. This avoids the need to wait for a full 10min timeout.
-        """
-        # just make a temp file to write a test fetch into
-        temp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
-        dest_file_path =
-        try:
-            # build up a wget command
-            if self.url == GESTURE_SERVER_URL:
-                parts = urlparse.urlparse(self.url)
-                try_url = urlparse.urlunparse([parts.scheme, parts.netloc, '',
-                                               None, None, None])
-            else:
-                try_url = self.url
-            http_cmd = self.wget_cmd_pattern % (try_url, dest_file_path)
-            try:
-                if RunCommand(http_cmd, dargs={'timeout': 30}):
-                    raise CmdError('Command failed')
-            except Exception, e:
-                msg = 'HTTP test failed, unable to contact %s: %s'
-                raise PackageFetchError(msg % (try_url, e))
-        finally:
-            temp_file.close()
-    def FetchPkgFile(self, filename, dest_path):
-'Fetching %s from %s to %s', filename, self.url,
-                     dest_path)
-        # do a quick test to verify the repo is reachable
-        self._QuickHttpTest()
-        # try to retrieve the package via http
-        package_url = os.path.join(self.url, filename)
-        try:
-            cmd = self.wget_cmd_pattern % (package_url, os.path.join(dest_path,
-                                                                     filename))
-            result = RunCommand(cmd)
-            if result or not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dest_path, filename)):
-                logging.error('wget failed: %s', result)
-                raise CmdError('%s: %s', cmd, result)
-            logging.debug('Successfully fetched %s from %s', filename,
-                          package_url)
-        except CmdError:
-            # remove whatever junk was retrieved when the get failed
-            RunCommand('rm -f %s/*' % dest_path)
-            raise PackageFetchError('%s not found in %s' % (filename,
-                                                            package_url))
-def OutputAndExit(message):
-    """Common error printing."""
-    sys.stderr.write('%s\n' % message)
-    sys.exit(1)
-def UntarPkg(tarball_path, dest_dir):
-    """Untar the downloaded package likely a .gz or .bz2."""
-    RunCommand('tar xjf "%s" -C "%s"' % (tarball_path, dest_dir))
-def VerifyInstallDirectory(force_option, path):
-    """Ensure the target install directory is properly available."""
-    if os.path.isdir(path):
-        if not force_option:
-            OutputAndExit('Directory (%s) for cros_gestures already exists. '
-                          'Please use -F to override.' % path)
-        LOG.debug('Removing existing cros_gestures now.')
-        shutil.rmtree(path)
-def CopyPackage(repo_url, package_name, install_dir):
-    """Easy copy of package if it is already present."""
-    source_file_name = os.path.join(repo_url, package_name)
-    target_file_name = os.path.join(install_dir, package_name)
-    if os.path.isfile(source_file_name):
-        shutil.copyfile(source_file_name, target_file_name)
-    return not os.path.isfile(target_file_name)
-def DownloadPackage(repo_url, package_name, install_dir):
-    """Download a package."""
-    fetcher = HttpFetcher(repo_url)
-    fetcher.FetchPkgFile(package_name, install_dir)
-def InstallPackage(source_dir, package_name, install_dir):
-    """Install our downloaded package."""
-    UntarPkg(os.path.join(source_dir, package_name), source_dir)
-    shutil.copytree(os.path.join(source_dir, 'cros_gestures'), install_dir)
-def DownloadAndInstall(repo_url, package_name, install_dir):
-    """Download and install a package."""
-    temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
-    try:
-        if CopyPackage(repo_url, package_name, temp_dir):
-            DownloadPackage(repo_url, package_name, temp_dir)
-        InstallPackage(temp_dir, package_name, install_dir)
-'Installed to %s', install_dir)
-        result = 0
-    except PackageFetchError:
-        logging.debug('%s could not be fetched from %s', package_name, repo_url)
-        result = -1
-    shutil.rmtree(temp_dir)
-    return result
-def parse_args(argv):
-    """Process command line options."""
-    usage_string = (
-        'install_cros_gestures [options]\n\n'
-        'Retrieves and installs all dependent packages for the cros_gestures '
-        'developer/tester command line client tool.\n'
-        'Run install_cros_gestures -h to see options.')
-    parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage_string)
-    parser.add_option('-F', '--force',
-                      help='Force install by replacing [default: %default]',
-                      dest='forceoverwrite',
-                      action='store_true',
-                      default=False)
-    parser.add_option('-D', '--detailed-debug',
-                      help='Show even more output [default: %default]',
-                      dest='detaileddebugout',
-                      action='store_true',
-                      default=False)
-    parser.add_option('-s', '--server-url',
-                      help='url for server downloads dir [default: %default]',
-                      dest='serverurl',
-                      default=GESTURE_SERVER_URL)
-    options, args = parser.parse_args()
-    if options.detaileddebugout:
-        logging_level = logging.DEBUG
-    else:
-        logging_level = logging.INFO
-    logging.basicConfig(level=logging_level)
-    if len(args) > 0:
-        OutputAndExit('No arguments are expected to be passed.\n\n%s' %
-                      usage_string)
-    return options
-def main():
-    """Logic of install."""
-    options = parse_args(sys.argv)
-    VerifyInstallDirectory(options.forceoverwrite, GESTURES_INSTALL_DIR)
-    if DownloadAndInstall(options.serverurl, GESTURE_ARCHIVE,
-                          GESTURES_INSTALL_DIR):
-'Unable to find and install %s.', GESTURE_ARCHIVE)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    main()
diff --git a/cros_gestures/run_remote_tool b/cros_gestures/run_remote_tool
deleted file mode 100755
index 717a0d8..0000000
--- a/cros_gestures/run_remote_tool
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Create cros_gestures command line interface package for test machines.
-Assemble the cros_gestures command line tool and gsutil into a package and/or
-deploy it to a remote test machine for use.
-__version__ = '0.9.1'
-import logging
-import optparse
-import os
-import shutil
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import tempfile
-import cros_gestures_utils
-color = cros_gestures_utils.Color()
-LOG = logging.getLogger('create_install_package')
-GESTURE_ARCHIVE = 'cros_gestures.tar.bz2'
-def RunCommand(cmd):
-  """Common command execution."""
-  LOG.debug('Running command (%s)', cmd)
-  rc =, shell=True)
-  if rc:
-    LOG.error('Command (%s) failed!', cmd)
-    sys.exit(1)
-  return rc
-def CopyFilesToTempDir(argv):
-  """Copy all the files in the package to a temp dir."""
-  gsutil_bin_dir, boto_config = cros_gestures_utils.FindDependencies()
-  LOG.debug('Using GSUTIL_BIN_DIR=%s and BOTO_CONFIG=%s.', gsutil_bin_dir,
-                                                           boto_config)
-  temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
-  # Copy cros_gestures
-  shutil.copytree(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(argv[0])),
-                  os.path.join(temp_dir, 'cros_gestures'))
-  # Copy gsutil
-  shutil.copytree(os.path.abspath(gsutil_bin_dir),
-                  os.path.join(temp_dir, 'cros_gestures', 'gsutil'))
-  # Copy .boto if trusted - otherwise untrusted one already present.
-  if os.environ['BOTO_CONFIG'].find('untrusted') == -1:
-    shutil.copyfile(os.path.abspath(boto_config),
-                    os.path.join(temp_dir, 'cros_gestures', '.boto'))
-  return temp_dir
-def TarPkg(temp_dir, pkg_path, relative_file_path):
-  """Create a .tar.bz2 package of the cros_gestures files."""
-  cmd = 'tar -j -C "%s" -cf "%s" "%s"' % (temp_dir, pkg_path,
-                                          relative_file_path)
-  rc = RunCommand(cmd)
-  shutil.rmtree(temp_dir)
-  return rc
-def RemoteCopyAndInstall(remote_machine, package_path):
-  """Copy package and install script then run install script."""
-  warning_msg = ('Accessing test machine (%s), you may be prompted for a '
-                 'test machine password.' % remote_machine)
-  print color.Color(cros_gestures_utils.Color.YELLOW, warning_msg)
-  RunCommand('scp -q "%s" root@%s:/tmp' % (package_path, remote_machine))
-  install_script = ''
-  print color.Color(cros_gestures_utils.Color.YELLOW, warning_msg)
-  RunCommand('scp -q "%s" root@%s:/tmp' % (os.path.join(
-      os.path.dirname(package_path), 'remote', install_script), remote_machine))
-  print color.Color(cros_gestures_utils.Color.YELLOW, warning_msg)
-  RunCommand('ssh root@%s "/tmp/%s -s /tmp"' % (remote_machine, install_script))
-def ParseArgs(argv):
-  """Process command line options."""
-  base_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(argv[0]))
-  usage_string = (
-      'run_remote_tool\n\n'
-      'Creates and/or deploys a package of cros_gestures suitable for '
-      'test machine usage.')
-  parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage_string)
-  parser.add_option('-d', '--debug',
-                    help='Show output [default: %default]',
-                    dest='debugout',
-                    action='store_true',
-                    default=False)
-  parser.add_option('-p', '--package-file',
-                    help='cros_gestures packagea file [default: %default]',
-                    dest='packagefile',
-                    default=os.path.join(base_dir, GESTURE_ARCHIVE))
-  parser.add_option('', '--remote',
-                    help='Deploy to remote machine [default: %default]',
-                    dest='remoteip',
-                    default=None)
-  options, args = parser.parse_args()
-  # Setup logging.
-  if options.debugout:
-    logging_level = logging.DEBUG
-  else:
-    logging_level = logging.INFO
-  logging.basicConfig(level=logging_level)
-  # Simple parameter checking.
-  if len(args) > 0:
-    output_and_exit('No arguments are expected to be passed.\n\n%s' %
-                    usage_string)
-  return options, base_dir
-def main(argv):
-  """Create dir and then package in it."""
-  options, base_dir = ParseArgs(argv)
-  if not os.path.isfile(options.packagefile):
-    output_dir = CopyFilesToTempDir(argv)
-    TarPkg(output_dir, options.packagefile, 'cros_gestures')
-    print '%s created.' % options.packagefile
-  if options.remoteip:
-    RemoteCopyAndInstall(options.remoteip, options.packagefile)
-    print 'Deployed to %s.' % options.remoteip
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  main(sys.argv)
diff --git a/cros_gestures/ b/cros_gestures/
deleted file mode 100755
index 6c4fd4f..0000000
--- a/cros_gestures/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-# Script to setup environment variables so that cros_gestures cli can
-# find .boto files for authentication and related gsutil files.
-declare SCRIPT_DIR="$(pwd)"
-declare GSUTIL_BASE="$HOME/gsutil"
-declare SRC_BASE="$HOME/cros"
-declare TESTBOTO=\
-declare AUTOTEST_SRC="${SRC_BASE}/src/third_party/autotest/files"
-check_and_set_var() {
-  local var_name=$1
-  local var_value=$2
-  local dir_or_file=$3
-  if [[ ${dir_or_file} == dir && -d "${var_value}" ]] || \
-     [[ ${dir_or_file} == file && -f "${var_value}" ]]; then
-    echo Setting ${var_name}
-    export ${var_name}="${var_value}"
-    echo -e "\tto ${var_value}."
-  fi
-clear_vars() {
-  do
-    unset $v
-  done
-echo ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-if [[ $1 == trusted ]]; then
-  echo "---Setting TRUSTED values"
-  check_and_set_var BOTO_CONFIG \
-      ${TESTBOTO}/trusted_dev/chromeos.gestures.trusted.write.boto file
-  check_and_set_var BOTO_VALIDATE_CONFIG \
-      ${TESTBOTO}/validator/chromeos.gestures.full.boto file
-  echo "---Setting UNTRUSTED values"
-  check_and_set_var BOTO_CONFIG \
-      ${SCRIPT_DIR}/untrusted/chromeos.gestures.untrusted.write.boto file
-check_and_set_var GSUTIL_BIN_DIR ${GSUTIL_BASE} dir
-check_and_set_var TRACKPAD_TEST_DIR \
-    ${AUTOTEST_SRC}/client/site_tests/hardware_Trackpad dir
-echo Done.
-echo ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-echo "Do not forget to run this as . ./"
-echo ---------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/cros_gestures/untrusted/chromeos.gestures.untrusted.write.boto b/cros_gestures/untrusted/chromeos.gestures.untrusted.write.boto
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ce3481..0000000
--- a/cros_gestures/untrusted/chromeos.gestures.untrusted.write.boto
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-# This file contains credentials and other configuration information needed
-# by the boto library, used by gsutil. You can edit this file (e.g., to add
-# credentials) but be careful not to mis-edit any of the variable names (like
-# "gs_access_key_id") or remove important markers (like the "[Credentials]" and
-# "[Boto]" section delimeters).
-# This file was created by gsutil version "2011-09-06 15:34:49-07:00"
-# at 2011-09-27 14:43:20.
-# You can create additional configuration files by running
-# gsutil config [options] [-o <config-file>]
-# Google OAuth2 credentials (for "gs://" URIs):
-# The following OAuth2 token is authorized for scope(s):
-gs_oauth2_refresh_token = 1/7hB6K3lhWIqB04Sqjp-xWJPNBNYq370V96pwEFjTx9g
-# Set 'https_validate_certificates' to False to disable server certificate
-# checking. This is useful if you want to capture/analyze traffic using an
-# intercepting proxy. This option should always be set to True in production
-# environments.
-# In gsutil, the default for this option is True. *However*, the default for
-# this option in the boto library itself is currently 'False'; it is therefore
-# recommended to always set this option explicitly to True in configuration
-# files.
-https_validate_certificates = True
-# 'default_api_version' specifies the default Google Storage API version to
-# use use. If not set below gsutil defaults to API version 1.
-default_api_version = 2
-# 'default_project_id' specifies the default Google Storage project ID to use
-# with the 'mb' and 'ls' commands. If defined it overrides the default value
-# you set in the API Console. Either of these defaults can be overridden
-# by specifying the -p option to the 'mb' and 'ls' commands.
-default_project_id = 449962335547
-# This section specifies options used with OAuth2 authentication.