[provingground] script to list out touch version numbers

For each touch ebuild file, extract the supported hardware
and firmware version numbers, taking into account the
variances in formatting.  Print out all boards found.

Provingground is a place for the testteam to put random scripts,
regardless of how pretty they are.  In other words, this
shouldn't only live on my machine, since I find it to be useful.

TEST=it got cleaned up a little, but this script has been in
     use on my machine for a while, to check the current ToT
     firmware version numbers, or see what hardware we have
     firmware for on a given platform, or get a direct path to
     an ebuild file.  It has worked so far.

Change-Id: I30964b065462fab16fd2c6bf519dfc0dea778ada
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/334393
Commit-Ready: Katherine Threlkeld <kathrelkeld@chromium.org>
Tested-by: Katherine Threlkeld <kathrelkeld@chromium.org>
Reviewed-by: Charlie Mooney <charliemooney@chromium.org>
diff --git a/provingground/touch_firmware_versions.py b/provingground/touch_firmware_versions.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..83abef3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/provingground/touch_firmware_versions.py
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""Lists out supported touch hardware and fw versions for all devices.
+1. Finds the touch firmware ebuilds in both private and public overlays.
+2. In those files, looks for "dosym" lines.
+3. In the dosym lines, follows all shell variables to their absolute values.
+4. As touch firmware names follow an expected format, figures out
+   hwid_fwversion and fwname from the absolute values.
+5. Handles a few formatting exceptions.
+6. Outputs device, hwid, fw version, fw file_name, ebuild filepath for each
+   unique hardware on each found device.
+Format assumptions:
+  - firmware names are of the form HWID_FWVERSION
+  - variable definitions are in the format VAR_NAME="DEF" or 'DEF'
+  - variable usage is ${VAR_NAME}
+from __future__ import print_function
+import os
+import re
+import subprocess
+SRC_DIR = '../../../' # Relative path from this file to source directory
+def output_values(device, hw_id, fw_version, fw_file, ebuild_file):
+  """Formats and prints results for a single type of hardware."""
+  print('%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s' % (
+      device, hw_id, fw_version, fw_file, ebuild_file))
+def find_value_of_variable(var, text):
+  """Returns the value as defined for the given variable in the given text.
+  Assumes variable definitions are in VAR="DEF" or VAR='DEF' format.
+  E.g., given 'FOO', find 'FOO="BAR"' in the text and return 'BAR'.
+  Args:
+    var: the name of the variable.
+    text: the text which has the variable definition.
+  Returns:
+    A string of the value or '' if not found.
+  """
+  result = re.findall(r'^%s=["\'](.*)["\']' % var, text, re.MULTILINE)
+  if not result:
+    return ''
+  return result[-1]
+def reduce_string(link, text):
+  """Finds the absolute value of the given string.
+  Assumes variables embedded in a string are in ${VAR} format.
+  E.g., given '"${PRODUCT_ID_TP}_${FIRMWARE_VERSION_TP}.bin"' return
+  '"85.0_7.0.bin"', after following all variables.
+  Assumes the entire string could be a varible of the form
+  $VAR (no { }).
+  Args:
+    link: the string which contains variables to reduce.
+    text: the text containing the variable definitions.
+  Returns:
+    The given string with all variables replaced, or '' if error.
+  """
+  search = re.search(r'\$\{(.*?)\}', link)
+  if not search:
+    search = re.search(r'\$([^\s]*)', link)
+    if not search:
+      return link
+  variable = search.group(1)
+  value = find_value_of_variable(variable, text)
+  if not value:
+    return ''
+  new_link = link.replace('${%s}' % variable, value)
+  return reduce_string(new_link, text)
+def find_values_from_line(device, line, text):
+  """Finds the values to be output for the given dosym line.
+  Makes exceptions for known formatting problems.
+  Args:
+    device: the name of the device, e.g., 'squawks'
+    line: the dosym line to evaluate.  Passed in the form of a list:
+        [linked from argument, NA, linked to argument].
+    text: the text of the ebuild file.
+  Returns:
+    The hardware version, firmware version, and firmware filename.
+    A value of None indicates that this entry should be skipped, and a value
+    of '' indicates an error.
+  """
+  link_from = reduce_string(line[0], text) # dosym FROM
+  link_to = reduce_string(line[2], text) # dosym TO
+  # Find needed value from the symlink filenames.
+  hw_id, fw_version, fw_file = '', '', ''
+  if link_from != '':
+    search = re.search(r'/([^/]*)_(.*)\.', link_from)
+    if search:
+      hw_id = search.group(1)
+      fw_version = search.group(2)
+  if link_to != '':
+    search = re.search(r'/([^/]*?)(\.bin|\.fw)?"', link_to)
+    if search:
+      fw_file = search.group(1)
+  # Exceptions for unfortunately formatted files.
+  if device == 'lulu' and fw_file == '':
+    bad_fmt = 'SYNA_TP_SYM_LINK_PATH=}'
+    good_fmt = bad_fmt.replace('=', '')
+    new_line = list(line)
+    if bad_fmt in line[2]:
+      new_line[2] = line[2].replace(bad_fmt, good_fmt)
+      hw_id, fw_version, fw_file = find_values_from_line(
+          device, new_line, text)
+  elif device == 'kip' and link_from.find('dummy') >= 0:
+    hw_id = None
+  elif (device == 'sumo' and
+        link_to and 'fw.bin' not in link_to):
+    hw_id = None
+  return hw_id, fw_version, fw_file
+def find_values_in_file(path):
+  """Finds all dosym lines in the file and outputs values as needed.
+  If anything went wrong, outputs the devicename for manual inspection.
+  Args:
+    path: the path to the ebuild file.
+  """
+  device = re.search('overlay-(variant-)?([^/]*?)(-private)?/', path).group(2)
+  with open(path) as fh:
+    text = fh.read()
+    # Find all symlinks for firmware and config files.  Some lines are
+    # actually multiline in the file, so use findall to get the entirety.
+    if not re.search('dosym', text):
+      return
+    search = re.findall(r'dosym\s([^\s]*)\s*(\\*\s*\n)?\s*([^\s]*)', text,
+                        re.MULTILINE)
+    if not search:
+      return device
+    # Each line has the format [from, N/A, to]
+    problems_found = False
+    for line in search:
+      hw_id, fw_version, fw_file = find_values_from_line(device, line, text)
+      # None = skip me.  '' = problem.
+      if hw_id != None:
+        if hw_id == '' or fw_version == '' or fw_file == '':
+          problems_found = True
+        else:
+          output_values(device, hw_id, fw_version, fw_file, path)
+    if problems_found:
+      return device
+def main():
+  """Finds all touch-firmware files and find their firmware values."""
+  file_dir = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
+  src_dir = os.path.join(file_dir, SRC_DIR)
+  os.chdir(src_dir)
+  find_output = ''
+  cmd = 'find %s -name *touch-firmware-*-0.0.[0-9].ebuild'
+  for d in ['private-overlays/', 'overlays/']:
+    find_output += subprocess.check_output((cmd % d).split(' '))
+  ebuilds = find_output.split()
+  ebuilds.sort()
+  # Find and output values.
+  problem_devices = []
+  for path in ebuilds:
+    err = find_values_in_file(path)
+    if err:
+      problem_devices.append(err)
+  # Output any problematic devices found, if any.
+  if len(problem_devices) > 0:
+    print('ERROR: please review %s' % problem_devices)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  main()