blob: fbdc26b692be3573cb426506df948225d1c10ad2 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# Dummy setting so we can use the same append form below.
USE="${USE} acpi bluetooth cairo cros_p2p -fbconsole opengl pam usb vlan -vtconsole X"
USE="${USE} zlib bindist cros-debug -introspection"
USE="${USE} -acl -cracklib -gpm ipv6 -openmp -python -sha512 xattr"
USE="${USE} -fortran -abiword -perl -poppler-data -nls -openrc"
USE="${USE} -mime -peerd scanner"
USE="${USE} -gtk2 -gtk3 -qt4"
USE="${USE} cups crosfonts -postscript"
USE="${USE} tpm"
USE="${USE} compupdates"
USE="${USE} containers"
USE="${USE} mist"
USE="${USE} cellular mbim"
USE="${USE} ime"
# Board overlays can unset this to disable the ACPI AC kernel driver.
USE="${USE} acpi_ac"
# Enable general security hardening by default.
USE="${USE} hardened"
# Most targets will override these.
INPUT_DEVICES="-* evdev cmt"
# USB firmware.
# Various runtime features that control emerge behavior.
# See "man 5 make.conf" for details.
FEATURES="allow-missing-manifests buildpkg clean-logs -collision-protect
-ebuild-locks force-mirror nodoc noinfo noman -merge-sync
parallel-install -preserve-libs sandbox splitdebug -strict userfetch
userpriv usersandbox -unknown-features-warn network-sandbox"
# Enable license processing during our emerge hook:
# src/scripts/hooks/install/
# C++ exception support disabled by default. This can be re-enabled by reseting
# the CXXEXCEPTIONS_FLAGS for a whole board or, package by package, by calling
# cros_enable_cxx_exceptions().
CXXEXCEPTIONS_FLAGS="-fno-exceptions -fno-unwind-tables
-fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables "
# Don't strip NaCl executables. These are not linux executables and the
# linux host's strip command doesn't know how to handle them correctly.
# Don't strip ELF files that land in the firmware directory. The symbols
# of firmware ELF files are needed, but the tools don't support splitdebug.
# Therefore, stripping should not be done. It's OK not to strip the ELF
# files because these files are not installed into the image.
STRIP_MASK="${STRIP_MASK} /firmware/*.elf"
# We don't want legacy symlink lib cruft anywhere.