blob: c3cc8c91e28d75871c401905e42cbc141ed46aab [file] [log] [blame]
This patch removes the directory mtime check for the font cache. This will
allow us to build the font cache on a separate machine and distribute the
cache files as a pre-built package, which will speed up developer build times
for ARM devices by up to 9 minutes. See for more details.
--- fontconfig-2.11.1.old/src/fccache.c 2017-01-13 13:13:23.814625771 -0800
+++ fontconfig-2.11.1/src/fccache.c 2017-01-13 13:17:13.974578009 -0800
@@ -542,7 +542,14 @@ FcCacheTimeValid (FcCache *cache, struct
if (FcDebug () & FC_DBG_CACHE)
printf ("FcCacheTimeValid dir \"%s\" cache checksum %d dir checksum %d\n",
FcCacheDir (cache), cache->checksum, (int) dir_stat->st_mtime);
- return cache->checksum == (int) dir_stat->st_mtime;
+ /*
+ * Always assume the directory mtime is valid. On Chrome OS, we build the
+ * font cache on the builders and distribute them as a pre-built package.
+ * This means that the mtimes on the target systems will not match the mtime
+ * stored in the cache. However, the contents of the cache should still be
+ * valid so just ignore this check.
+ */
+ return FcTrue;