blob: 110e4020cf4bbfe40709e3512779b64137c508b4 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This script is a meta-driver for the toolchain. It transforms the command
# line to allow the following:
# 1. This script ensures that '--sysroot' is passed to whatever it is wrapping.
# 2. It adds hardened flags to gcc invocation. The hardened flags are:
# -fstack-protector-strong
# -fPIE
# -pie
# It can disable -fPIE -pie by checking if -nopie is passed to gcc. In this
# case it removes -nopie as it is a non-standard flag.
# 3. Enable clang diagnostics with -clang-syntax option
# 4. Add new -print-cmdline option to print the command line before executon
# 5. Enable clang codegen.
# This is currently implemented as two loops on the list of arguments. The
# first loop # identifies hardening flags, as well as determining if clang
# invocation is specified. The second loop build command line for clang
# invocation as well adjusting gcc command line.
# This implementation ensure compile time of default path remains mostly
# the same.
# There is a similar hardening wrapper that wraps ld and adds -z now -z relro
# to the link command line (see ldwrapper).
# To use:
# mv <tool> <tool>.real
# ln -s <path_to_sysroot_wrapper> <tool>
from __future__ import print_function
import errno
import os
import re
import sys
# Get target architecture, 'armv7a-cros-linux-gnueabi' or
# 'x86_64-cros-linux-gnu', etc.
gcc_comp = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
arch = '-'.join(gcc_comp.split('-')[0:-1])
# Full hardening. Some/all of these may be discarded depending on
# other flags.
# Temporarily disable function splitting because of chromium:434751.
flags_to_add = set(['-fstack-protector-strong', '-fPIE', '-pie',
x86_disable_flags = set(['-mno-movbe'])
gcc_flags = ['-frecord-gcc-switches',
# Only FORTIFY_SOURCE hardening flag is applicable for clang.
clang_flags = ['-Qunused-arguments']
# If -clang-syntax is present or the command line uses clang instead of gcc.
invoke_clang = False
# If -print-cmdline is present.
print_cmdline = False
# If ccache should be used automatically.
use_ccache = True # @CCACHE_DEFAULT@ Keep this comment for code.
fstack = set(['-D__KERNEL__', '-fno-stack-protector', '-nodefaultlibs',
fPIE = set(['-D__KERNEL__', '-fPIC', '-fPIE', '-fno-PIC', '-fno-PIE',
'-fno-pic', '-fno-pie', '-fpic', '-fpie', '-nopie',
'-nostartfiles', '-nostdlib', '-pie', '-static'])
pie = set(['-D__KERNEL__', '-A', '-fno-PIC', '-fno-PIE', '-fno-pic', '-fno-pie',
'-nopie', '-nostartfiles', '-nostdlib', '-pie', '-r', '--shared',
'-shared', '-static'])
sse = set(['-msse3', '-mssse3', '-msse4.1', '-msse4.2', '-msse4', '-msse4a'])
wrapper_only_options = set(['-clang-syntax', '-print-cmdline',
'-nopie', '-noccache'])
myargs = sys.argv[1:]
if fstack.intersection(myargs):
if fPIE.intersection(myargs):
if pie.intersection(myargs):
print_cmdline = '-print-cmdline' in myargs
clang_cmdline = clang_flags + list(flags_to_add)
gcc_flags += list(flags_to_add)
clang_codegen = sys.argv[0].split('-')[-1] in ('clang', 'clang++')
if '-fstack-check' in myargs:
print('Option "-fstack-check" is not supported. See',
# We will start to enable ASAN for cros-workon packages.
# For ASAN, if a library is built with ASAN, then all the binaries that use
# this library should at lease link against ASAN.
# Our solution is to add '-fsanitize=address' to LDFLAGS for asan bot.
# This causes another problem. Packages that are built with gcc.real have the
# '-fsanitize=address' option in the link time. We use clang for all asan
# built. This is a conflict. Our solution is if we see a gcc command with
# '-fsanitize=address', we first try to run it without '-fsanitize=address'.
# If it is successful, then we are fine. otherwise, we check the output of the
# command, if it contains some thing like undefinited symbol "asan_init", we
# invoke clang and run again. If there is an error in the gcc command, that is
# not related to ASAN, we just exit.
ASAN_FLAG = '-fsanitize=address'
# some package will transfer '-fsanitize=address' to '-Wl,-fsanitize=address'.
myargs = [ASAN_FLAG if ASAN_FLAG in x else x for x in myargs]
link_with_asan = not clang_codegen and ASAN_FLAG in myargs
clang_codegen |= link_with_asan
invoke_clang = '-clang-syntax' in myargs or clang_codegen
if '-noccache' in myargs or clang_codegen and not link_with_asan:
# TODO make clang work with ccache.
# Clang does not work with ccache well. At lease it fails at
# package adhd.
# Only explicitly disable so we can set defaults up top.
use_ccache = False
cmdline = [x for x in myargs if x not in wrapper_only_options]
if re.match(r'i.86|x86_64', os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])):
if not invoke_clang:
gcc_cmdline = cmdline
import subprocess
# Gcc flags to remove from the clang command line.
# TODO: Once clang supports gcc compatibility mode, remove
# these checks.
# Use of -Qunused-arguments allows this set to be small, just those
# that clang still warns about.
clang_unsupported = set(['-pass-exit-codes', '-Ofast', '-Wclobbered',
'-Wunsafe-loop-optimizations', '-Wlogical-op',
'-Wmissing-parameter-type', '-Woverride-init',
'-Wold-style-declaration', '-Wno-psabi',
clang_unsupported_prefixes = ('-Wstrict-aliasing=', '-finline-limit=')
# clang with '-ftrapv' generates 'call __mulodi4', which is only implemented
# in compiler-rt library. However compiler-rt library only has i386/x86_64
# backends (see '/usr/lib/clang/3.7.0/lib/linux/libclang_rt.*'). Gcc, on the
# other hand, generate 'call __mulvdi3', which is implemented in libgcc. See
# bug chromium:503229.
clang_arm_options_to_be_discarded = set(['-ftrapv'])
# Clang may use different options for the same or similar functionality.
gcc_to_clang = {
'-Wno-error=unused-but-set-variable': '-Wno-error=unused-variable',
'-Wno-error=maybe-uninitialized': '-Wno-error=uninitialized',
'-Wno-unused-but-set-variable': '-Wno-unused-variable',
'-Wunused-but-set-variable': '-Wunused-variable',
'-fstack-protector-strong': '-fstack-protector-all',
'-fvisibility=internal': '-fvisibility=hidden',
'-Wno-error=cpp': '-Wno-#warnings',
# If these options are specified, do not run clang, even if -clang-syntax is
# specified.
# This is mainly for utilities that depend on compiler output.
skip_clang_prefixes = ('-print-', '-dump', '@')
skip_clang_set = set(['-', '-E', '-M'])
# Reset gcc cmdline too. Only change is to remove -Xclang-only
# options if specified.
gcc_cmdline = []
skip_clang = False
for flag in cmdline:
if (not clang_codegen and
(flag.startswith(skip_clang_prefixes) or
flag in skip_clang_set or
skip_clang = True
elif not (flag in clang_unsupported or
# Strip off -Xclang-only= if present.
if flag.startswith('-Xclang-only='):
opt = flag.partition('=')[2]
# No need to add to gcc_cmdline.
elif flag in gcc_to_clang.keys():
elif (not (arch == 'armv7a-cros-linux-gnueabi' and
flag in clang_arm_options_to_be_discarded)):
def get_proc_cmdline(pid):
with open('/proc/%i/cmdline' % pid) as fp:
return'\0', ' ')
return None
def get_proc_status(pid, item):
with open('/proc/%i/status' % pid) as fp:
for line in fp:
m = re.match(r'%s:\s*(.*)' % re.escape(item), line)
if m:
return None
def log_parent_process_tree(log, ppid):
depth = 0
while ppid > 1:
cmd = get_proc_cmdline(ppid)
log.warning(' %*s {%5i}: %s' % (depth, '', ppid, cmd))
ppid = get_proc_status(ppid, 'PPid')
if not ppid:
ppid = int(ppid)
depth += 2
def get_linker_path(cmd):
"""Return the a directory which contains an 'ld' that gcc is using.
We need to provide a directory that contains the right ld for clang.
If we use realpath for this function, it will return the dirctory that
the 'ld' inside it is a symbolic link to ld.bfd. By default, clang will
use the 'ld' inside the directory after '-B', So clang will use bfd
linker even gcc uses gold linker. To make clang use the same linker as gcc,
We use readlink so that we provide a directory that contains 'ld' which is
a symbolick link pointing to the real linker that gcc is using.
for path in os.environ['PATH'].split(':'):
cmd_path = os.path.join(path, cmd)
if os.path.exists(cmd_path):
cmd_full = os.readlink(cmd_path)
return os.path.dirname(cmd_full)
return None
def link_asan():
"""link process when '-fsanitize=address' appears in a gcc command."""
orig_gcc_cmdline = [x for x in gcc_cmdline if ASAN_FLAG not in x]
gcc_execargs = (execargs + [real_gcc] + gcc_flags + orig_gcc_cmdline)
p = subprocess.Popen(gcc_execargs,
out, err = p.communicate()
errorcode = p.returncode
found_clang_undef = False
if (out and '__asan_' in out or
err and '__asan_' in err):
found_clang_undef = True
if errorcode != 0 and found_clang_undef:
if print_cmdline:
print('%s %s\n' % (clang_comp, ' '.join(clang_cmdline)))
clang_execargs = [clang_comp] + clang_cmdline
os.execv(clang_comp, clang_execargs)
if print_cmdline:
print('[%s] %s' % (argv0, ' '.join(gcc_execargs)))
if out:
if err:
print(err, file=sys.stderr)
def get_gomacc_command():
"""Return the gomacc command if it is found in $GOMACC_PATH."""
gomacc = os.environ.get('GOMACC_PATH')
if gomacc and os.path.isfile(gomacc):
return gomacc
return None
def syntax_check_with_clang(clang_comp, clang_cmdline):
"""Execute clang for syntax checking."""
command = [clang_comp] + clang_cmdline
gomacc = get_gomacc_command()
if gomacc:
command.insert(0, gomacc)
if print_cmdline:
print('%s\n' % ' '.join(command))
p = subprocess.Popen(command)
if p.returncode != 0:
def handle_exec_exception(exc):
"""Analyze compiler execution errors."""
if use_ccache and exc.errno == errno.ENOENT:
print('error: make sure you install ccache\n', file=sys.stderr)
print('error: execution of (%s, %s) failed' % (argv0, execargs), file=sys.stderr)
def exec_and_bisect(execargs, bisect_stage):
"""Execute compiler, return and invoke bisection driver."""
import bisect
retval = bisect.exec_and_return(execargs)
except OSError as e:
if retval != 0:
bisect.bisect_driver(bisect_stage, execargs)
sysroot = os.environ.get('SYSROOT', '')
if sysroot:
clang_cmdline.insert(0, '--sysroot=%s' % sysroot)
gcc_cmdline.insert(0, '--sysroot=%s' % sysroot)
import logging
import logging.handlers
import traceback
log_file = '/tmp/sysroot_wrapper.error'
log = logging.getLogger('sysroot_wrapper')
handler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(log_file, maxBytes=0x20000000,
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(message)s')
log.warning('Invocation with missing SYSROOT: %s' % ' '.join(sys.argv))
log_parent_process_tree(log, os.getppid())
except IOError:
log.error('%s' % traceback.format_exc())
# The logging module does not support setting permissions.
os.chmod(log_file, 0666)
except OSError:
if invoke_clang and not skip_clang:
clang_comp = os.environ.get('CLANG', '/usr/bin/clang')
# Check for clang or clang++.
if sys.argv[0].endswith('++'):
clang_comp += '++'
# Specify the target for clang.
linker = arch + '-ld'
linker_path = get_linker_path(linker)
clang_cmdline += ['-B' + linker_path]
if re.match(r'i.86', arch):
# We can not set -target for x86 because our target is i686-pc-linux-gnu.
# If the target is set, it will search for libclang_rt.asan-i686.a
# when linking against ASAN. However, this file does not exist.
# The libclang_rt.asan-i386.a is there, but we can not set target to
# i386-pc-linux-gnu, because the i386-pc-linux-gnu-ld does not exist.
clang_cmdline += ['-m32']
clang_cmdline += ['-target', arch]
# All armv7a systems are built with hardfp, unlike gcc, which has
# "-mfloat-abi" baked in compiler binaries in configuration phase, for clang,
# we share the same binary for all backends, so here we enfore hardfp via
# command line.
if arch == "armv7a-cros-linux-gnueabi":
clang_cmdline += ['-mfloat-abi=hard']
if not clang_codegen:
if not clang_codegen:
syntax_check_with_clang(clang_comp, clang_cmdline)
execargs = []
real_gcc = '%s.real' % sys.argv[0]
gomacc = get_gomacc_command()
if gomacc:
argv0 = gomacc
execargs += [gomacc]
elif use_ccache:
# Portage likes to set this for us when it has FEATURES=-ccache.
# The other vars we need to setup manually because of tools like
# scons that scrubs the env before we get executed.
os.environ.pop('CCACHE_DISABLE', None)
# We should be able to share the objects across compilers as
# the pre-processed output will differ. This allows boards
# that share compiler flags (like x86 boards) to share caches.
ccache_dir = '/var/cache/distfiles/ccache'
os.environ['CCACHE_DIR'] = ccache_dir
# If RESTRICT=sandbox is enabled, then sandbox won't be setup,
# and the env vars won't be available for appending.
if 'SANDBOX_WRITE' in os.environ:
os.environ['SANDBOX_WRITE'] += ':%s' % ccache_dir
# We need to get ccache to make relative paths from within the
# sysroot. This lets us share cached files across boards (if
# all other things are equal of course like CFLAGS) as well as
# across versions. A quick test is something like:
# $ export CFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe' CXXFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe'
# $ BOARD=x86-alex
# $ cros_workon-$BOARD stop cros-disks
# $ emerge-$BOARD cros-disks
# $ cros_workon-$BOARD start cros-disks
# $ emerge-$BOARD cros-disks
# $ BOARD=amd64-generic
# $ cros_workon-$BOARD stop cros-disks
# $ emerge-$BOARD cros-disks
# $ cros_workon-$BOARD start cros-disks
# $ emerge-$BOARD cros-disks
# All of those will get cache hits (ignoring the first one
# which will seed the cache) due to this setting.
if sysroot:
os.environ['CCACHE_BASEDIR'] = sysroot
# Minor speed up as we don't care about this in general.
# os.environ['CCACHE_NOSTATS'] = 'no'
# Useful for debugging.
# os.environ['CCACHE_LOG'] = '/dev/stderr'
# The gcc ebuild takes care of nuking the cache in the whenever it revbumps
# in a way that matters, so we should be able to disable ccache's check.
# We've found in practice though that sometimes that doesn't happen. Since
# the default check is cheap (it's a stat() in mtime mode), keep it enabled.
# os.environ['CCACHE_COMPILERCHECK'] = 'none'
# Make sure we keep the cached files group writable.
os.environ['CCACHE_UMASK'] = '002'
argv0 = '/usr/bin/ccache'
execargs += ['ccache']
argv0 = real_gcc
if link_with_asan:
if clang_codegen:
execargs += [clang_comp] + clang_cmdline
argv0 = clang_comp
execargs += [real_gcc] + gcc_flags + gcc_cmdline
if print_cmdline:
print('[%s] %s' % (argv0, ' '.join(execargs)))
bisect_stage = os.environ.get('BISECT_STAGE')
if not bisect_stage:
os.execv(argv0, execargs)
except OSError as e:
# Only comes here if doing bisection.
exec_and_bisect(execargs, bisect_stage)