blob: cb870fbbd32a8855b406537b74346e73edcf3abb [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# TODO(hungte) Move this script to cros_bundle_firmware or somewhere.
die() {
echo "$*" 1>&2
exit 1
_cbfstool() {
set -- cbfstool "$@"; echo "$@"; "$@" || die "'$*' failed"
_objcopy() {
set -- "${OBJCOPY}" "$@"; echo "$@"; "$@" ||
die "'$*' failed"
create_legacy_boot_image() {
local cbfs_file="$1"
local elf_file="$2"
local temp_folder="$3"
local arch="$4"
local bootblock="${temp_folder}/bootblock"
# Look for RW_LEGACY in depthcharge/board/$board/fmap.dts for size.
if [ "${arch}" = "arm" ]; then
local cbfs_size=$((1 * 1024 * 1024))
local cbfs_size=$((2 * 1024 * 1024))
_cbfstool "${cbfs_file}" create -s ${cbfs_size} -m "${arch}"
_cbfstool "${cbfs_file}" add-payload -f "$elf_file" -n payload -c lzma
merge_uboot() {
local uboot="$1"
local dtb="$2"
local output="$3"
local arch="$4"
local uboot_info="$("${OBJDUMP}" -f "${uboot}")"
local section_info="$("${OBJDUMP}" -h "${uboot}")"
local format="$(echo "${uboot_info}" | grep "file format " |
sed 's/.*file format //')"
local entry="$(echo "${uboot_info}" | grep "^start address " |
sed 's/^start address //')"
# Assume base address is the VMA of first section.
local base="0x$(echo "${section_info}" | grep '^ 0 ' |
awk '{print $4}')"
# Convert into binary and concatenate DTB data.
_objcopy -O binary "${uboot}" "${output}"
cat "${dtb}" >>"${output}" || die "Failed to append ${dtb}"
# Build new ELF.
_objcopy -B "${arch}" -I binary -O "${format}" \
--change-section-address .data="${base}" \
--set-start "${entry}" "${output}"
"${ELFEDIT}" --output-type exec "${output}" ||
die "Failed to change ELF type"
# Set flags and construct program header (must done after elfedit)
_objcopy --set-section-flags .data=contents,alloc,load,code "${output}"
main() {
[ "$#" -eq 4 ] || die "Usage: $0 uboot dtb temp output"
local uboot="$1"
local dtb="$2"
local temp_dir="$3"
local output="$4"
local merged="${temp_dir}/u-boot-dtb"
# Determine U-Boot architecture.
# GCC/BFD names: arm, i386, i386:x86-64.
# CBFS names: arm, x86.
local uboot_arch="$("${OBJDUMP}" -f "${uboot}" | grep '^architecture: ')"
local bfd_arch="${uboot_arch#architecture: }"
local cbfs_arch=""
case "${bfd_arch}" in
"arm" )
"i386" )
* )
die "Unknown architecture '${uboot_arch}': ${uboot}"
merge_uboot "$1" "$2" "${merged}" "${bfd_arch}"
create_legacy_boot_image "${output}" "${merged}" "${temp_dir}" "${cbfs_arch}"
main "$@"