blob: 3d46ead56b9a858ea79de3ccce1978f87ed65b63 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# This controls the KEYWORDs for the cros_sdk chroot.
# Note: This file is largely deprecated. It is rare that you should use this.
# - If you want to update the KEYWORDS in an ebuild for all targets, then do it
# in the ebuild itself (even for portage-stable/).
# - If you want to use different versions in the cros_sdk chroot and the target
# boards, then use package.mask to control visibility.
=dev-cpp/gflags-1.2 amd64 x86
=dev-util/gdbus-codegen-2.30.2 amd64 x86
# Get a newer version of pylint
=dev-python/astng-0.21.1 amd64
=dev-python/logilab-common-0.53.0 amd64
=dev-python/pyusb-0.4.3 amd64
=app-admin/eselect-opengl-1.2.4 amd64 arm x86
=app-text/xmlto-0.0.24-r1 amd64 arm x86
=sys-apps/findutils-4.4.2-r1 amd64 arm x86
=sys-devel/gettext- amd64 arm x86
=x11-proto/glproto-1.4.14-r1 amd64 arm x86
# Needed for curl >=
=net-dns/c-ares-1.7.4 amd64 x86
# Once we update past these versions, we should move the
# keywords to the ebuild itself and drop these.
=cross-arm-none-eabi/newlib-1.18.0 arm
=sys-fs/squashfs-tools-4.2 amd64 x86
# Needed for factory autotest.
=dev-python/pyudev-0.12 amd64 x86
# Required by dev-util/cmake-2.8.4-r1
=app-arch/libarchive-2.8.1 amd64 x86