Automatic: peppy-release - Updating to a new version number from 5712.61.1

Change-Id: I48b8929b2d52d393588d80a244851a66bf76fdf6
diff --git a/chromeos/config/ b/chromeos/config/
index db96bf6..9f5776a 100755
--- a/chromeos/config/
+++ b/chromeos/config/
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
   # Patch number.
   # Increment by 1 in case a non-scheduled branch release build is necessary.
   # Reset to 0 when increasing branch number.
-  export CHROMEOS_PATCH=1
+  export CHROMEOS_PATCH=2
   # Official builds must set CHROMEOS_OFFICIAL=1.
   if [ ${CHROMEOS_OFFICIAL:-0} -ne 1 ]; then