blob: 3f6e0c638ad8d8d68865ffd05561c9469dc011ca [file] [log] [blame]
# The USE flags specified in this file are applied to packages
# for all linux targets. In ChromeOS, that means they are applied
# to the host packages in the chroot, as well as packages built for a
# target board.
app-arch/tar minimal
app-crypt/mit-krb5 -keyutils
dev-db/sqlite extensions
dev-embedded/libftdi -cxx tools
dev-lang/python sqlite
# We want to re-enable this, but we'll have to update hard-host-depends to
# stop pulling in app-crypt/nss and add an upgrade hook to uninstall that
# from the sdk.
#dev-libs/nss utils
dev-libs/dbus-glib tools
dev-perl/GD png
dev-python/pyudev pygobject
dev-util/perf audit tui unwind -doc
dev-vcs/git bash-completion curl cvs -gpg subversion webdav
dev-vcs/subversion -dso webdav-serf
games-emulation/zsnes ao -debug
media-libs/libao alsa
media-libs/freeimage -cxx
media-libs/gd png
media-libs/libmtp -crypt
# We don't want any driver/hw rendering on the host
media-libs/mesa -llvm -gallium -classic
media-sound/alsa-utils -libsamplerate minimal
net-misc/curl ares
net-wireless/bluez -consolekit
sci-geosciences/gpsd -cxx
# verity and other packages link statically with libuuid.
sys-apps/util-linux -perl static-libs
sys-boot/grub grub_platforms_pc grub_platforms_efi-64 grub_platforms_coreboot static
sys-devel/gettext -git
x11-libs/cairo X
net-dns/avahi dbus
# Build emulation statically so that we can execute it within a chroot and
# still find the shared libraries.
net-misc/dhcpcd -crash
# Build qemu's userland helpers statically so we can copy them into sysroots
# and run unittests standalone.
app-emulation/qemu-kvm static
dev-libs/libaio static-libs
cross-armv7a-cros-linux-gnueabi/gcc hardfp
cross-armv6j-cros-linux-gnueabi/gcc hardfp -thumb
sys-devel/gcc go
# pciutils is required by flashrom / mosys which is required to be statically
# compiled to reduce dependency during auto update.
sys-apps/pciutils static-libs
# xz-utils includes liblzma, which is picked by bmpblk_utility (vboot_reference)
# and may be executed outside chroot.
app-arch/xz-utils static-libs
sys-apps/util-linux -suid
# We don't have any font with graphite table. Drop graphite from harfbuzz.
media-libs/harfbuzz -graphite
dev-java/icedtea-bin -alsa -cups -X
# Need png for color font support. bzip2 is not used. It's only for X11 *pcf.bz2
# that we don't have.
media-libs/freetype png -bzip2