blob: 2d7cded28ea7c4cc788f3f2faf67aa8e71bf39a9 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
inherit useradd pam
DESCRIPTION="ChromeOS specific system setup"
KEYWORDS="amd64 arm x86"
IUSE="cros_embedded cros_host pam"
# We need to make sure timezone-data is merged before us.
# See pkg_setup below as well as
# and friends.
# Similarly, we have to make sure bash is merged before us.
# We don't need dash because only bash modifies ROOT duing
# pkg_* stages, and depending on dash would disable a little
# bit of possible parallelism.
# See for more details.
cros_embedded? ( !app-admin/sudo )
!cros_host? (
!cros_embedded? (
# Remove entry from /etc/group
# $1 - Group name
remove_group() {
[ -e "${ROOT}/etc/group" ] && sed -i -e /^${1}:.\*$/d "${ROOT}/etc/group"
# Adds a "daemon"-type user with no login or shell.
copy_or_add_daemon_user() {
local username="$1"
local uid="$2"
if user_exists "${username}"; then
elog "Removing existing user '$1' for copy_or_add_daemon_user"
remove_user "${username}"
copy_or_add_user "${username}" "*" $uid $uid "" /dev/null /bin/false
if group_exists "${username}"; then
elog "Removing existing group '$1' for copy_or_add_daemon_user"
elog "Any existing group memberships will be lost"
remove_group "${username}"
copy_or_add_group "${username}" $uid
# Removes all users from a group in /etc/group.
# No changes if the group does not exist.
remove_all_users_from_group() {
local group="$1"
sed -i "/^${group}:/s/:[^:]*$/:/" "${ROOT}/etc/group"
# Removes a list of users from a group in /etc/group.
# No changes if the group does not exist or the user is not in the group.
remove_users_from_group() {
local group="$1"; shift
local username
for username in "$@"; do
sed -i -r "/^${group}:/{s/([,:])${username}(,|$)/\1/; s/,$//}" \
# Adds a list of users to a group in /etc/group.
# No changes if the group does not exist.
add_users_to_group() {
local group="$1"; shift
local username
remove_users_from_group "${group}" "$@"
for username in "$@"; do
sed -i "/^${group}:/{ s/$/,${username}/ ; s/:,/:/ }" "${ROOT}/etc/group"
pkg_setup() {
if ! use cros_host ; then
# The sys-libs/timezone-data package installs a default /etc/localtime
# file automatically, so scrub that if it's a regular file.
local etc_tz="${ROOT}etc/localtime"
[[ -L ${etc_tz} ]] || rm -f "${etc_tz}"
src_install() {
insinto /etc
doins "${FILESDIR}"/sysctl.conf || die
insinto /etc/profile.d
doins "${FILESDIR}"/ || die
insinto /lib/udev/rules.d
doins "${FILESDIR}"/udev-rules/*.rules || die
insinto /etc/avahi
doins "${FILESDIR}"/avahi-daemon.conf || die
use cros_embedded && dobin "${FILESDIR}"/sudo
# target-specific fun
if ! use cros_host ; then
dodir /bin /usr/bin
# Symlink /etc/localtime to something on the stateful partition, which we
# can then change around at runtime.
dosym /var/lib/timezone/localtime /etc/localtime || die
# We use mawk in the target boards, not gawk.
dosym mawk /usr/bin/awk || die
# We want dash as our main shell.
dosym dash /bin/sh
# Avoid the wrapper and just link to the only editor we have.
dodir /usr/libexec
dosym /usr/bin/$(usex cros_embedded vi vim) /usr/libexec/editor || die
dosym /bin/more /usr/libexec/pager || die
# Install our custom ssh config settings.
insinto /etc/ssh
doins "${FILESDIR}"/ssh{,d}_config
fperms 600 /etc/ssh/sshd_config
if ! use pam ; then
sed -i -e '/^UsePAM/d' "${D}"/etc/ssh/sshd_config || die
# Custom login shell snippets.
insinto /etc/profile.d
doins "${FILESDIR}"/
# Some daemons and utilities access the mounts through /etc/mtab.
dosym /proc/mounts /etc/mtab || die
# Add our little bit of sudo glue.
newpamd "${FILESDIR}"/include-chromeos-auth sudo
# This one line comes from the sudo ebuild.
pamd_mimic system-auth sudo auth account session
if [[ -n ${SHARED_USER_NAME} ]] ; then
insinto /etc/sudoers.d
echo "${SHARED_USER_NAME} ALL=(ALL) ALL" > 95_cros_base
insopts -m 440
doins 95_cros_base || die
pkg_postinst() {
local x
# We explicitly add all of the users needed in the system here. The
# build of Chromium OS uses a single build chroot environment to build
# for various targets with distinct ${ROOT}. This causes two problems:
# 1. The target rootfs needs to have the same UIDs as the build
# chroot so that chmod operations work.
# 2. The portage tools to add a new user in an ebuild don't work when
# $ROOT != /
# We solve this by having baselayout install in both the build and
# target and pre-create all needed users. In order to support existing
# build roots we copy over the user entries if they already exist.
local system_user="chronos"
local system_id="1000"
local system_home="/home/${system_user}/user"
# Add a chronos-access group to provide non-chronos users,
# mostly system daemons running as a non-chronos user, group permissions
# to access files/directories owned by chronos.
local system_access_user="chronos-access"
local system_access_id="1001"
local crypted_password='*'
crypted_password=$(cat "${SHARED_USER_PASSWD_FILE}")
remove_user "${system_user}"
add_user "${system_user}" "x" "${system_id}" \
"${system_id}" "system_user" "${system_home}" /bin/bash
remove_shadow "${system_user}"
add_shadow "${system_user}" "${crypted_password}"
copy_or_add_group "${system_user}" "${system_id}"
copy_or_add_daemon_user "${system_access_user}" "${system_access_id}"
copy_or_add_daemon_user "messagebus" 201 # For dbus
copy_or_add_daemon_user "syslog" 202 # For rsyslog
copy_or_add_daemon_user "ntp" 203
copy_or_add_daemon_user "sshd" 204
copy_or_add_daemon_user "polkituser" 206 # For policykit
copy_or_add_daemon_user "tss" 207 # For trousers (TSS/TPM)
copy_or_add_daemon_user "pkcs11" 208 # For pkcs11 clients
copy_or_add_daemon_user "qdlservice" 209 # for QDLService
copy_or_add_daemon_user "cromo" 210 # For cromo (modem manager)
# copy_or_add_daemon_user "cashew" 211 # Deprecated, do not reuse
copy_or_add_daemon_user "ipsec" 212 # For strongswan/ipsec VPN
copy_or_add_daemon_user "cros-disks" 213 # For cros-disks
copy_or_add_daemon_user "tor" 214 # For tor (anonymity service)
copy_or_add_daemon_user "tcpdump" 215 # For tcpdump --with-user
copy_or_add_daemon_user "debugd" 216 # For debugd
copy_or_add_daemon_user "openvpn" 217 # For openvpn
copy_or_add_daemon_user "bluetooth" 218 # For bluez
copy_or_add_daemon_user "wpa" 219 # For wpa_supplicant
copy_or_add_daemon_user "cras" 220 # For cras (audio)
# copy_or_add_daemon_user "gavd" 221 # For gavd (audio) (deprecated)
copy_or_add_daemon_user "input" 222 # For /dev/input/event access
copy_or_add_daemon_user "chaps" 223 # For chaps (pkcs11)
copy_or_add_daemon_user "dhcp" 224 # For dhcpcd (DHCP client)
copy_or_add_daemon_user "tpmd" 225 # For tpmd
copy_or_add_daemon_user "mtp" 226 # For libmtp
copy_or_add_daemon_user "proxystate" 227 # For proxy monitoring
copy_or_add_daemon_user "power" 228 # For powerd
copy_or_add_daemon_user "watchdog" 229 # For daisydog
copy_or_add_daemon_user "devbroker" 230 # For permission_broker
copy_or_add_daemon_user "xorg" 231 # For Xorg
copy_or_add_daemon_user "nfqueue" 232 # For netfilter-queue
copy_or_add_daemon_user "tlsdate-dbus" 233 # For tlsdate-dbus-announce
copy_or_add_daemon_user "tlsdate" 234
copy_or_add_daemon_user "debugd-logs" 235 # For debugd's unprivileged logs
copy_or_add_daemon_user "debugfs-access" 236 # Access to debugfs
copy_or_add_daemon_user "shill-crypto" 237 # For shill's crypto-util
copy_or_add_daemon_user "avahi" 238 # For avahi-daemon
# Reserve some UIDs/GIDs between 300 and 349 for sandboxing FUSE-based
# filesystem daemons.
copy_or_add_daemon_user "ntfs-3g" 300 # For ntfs-3g prcoess
copy_or_add_daemon_user "avfs" 301 # For avfs process
copy_or_add_daemon_user "fuse-exfat" 302 # For exfat-fuse prcoess
# Group that are allowed to create directories under /home/<hash>/root
copy_or_add_group "daemon-store" 400
copy_or_add_group "logs-access" 401
# All audio interfacing will go through the audio server.
add_users_to_group audio "cras"
add_users_to_group input "cras" # For /dev/input/event* access
# The system user is part of the audio server group to play sounds. The
# power manager user needs to check whether audio is playing.
add_users_to_group cras "${system_user}" power
# The system_user needs to be part of the audio and video groups.
add_users_to_group audio "${system_user}"
add_users_to_group video "${system_user}"
# The Xorg user needs to be part of the input and video groups.
add_users_to_group input "xorg"
add_users_to_group video "xorg"
# Users which require access to PKCS #11 cryptographic services must be
# in the pkcs11 group.
remove_all_users_from_group pkcs11
add_users_to_group pkcs11 root ipsec "${system_user}" chaps wpa
# All users accessing opencryptoki database files and all users for
# sandboxing FUSE-based filesystem daemons need to be in the
# ${system_access_user} group.
remove_all_users_from_group "${system_access_user}"
add_users_to_group "${system_access_user}" root ipsec "${system_user}" \
ntfs-3g avfs fuse-exfat chaps
# Dedicated group for owning access to serial devices.
copy_or_add_group "serial" 402
add_users_to_group "serial" "${system_user}"
add_users_to_group "serial" "uucp"
# debugd-logs has logs access
add_users_to_group "logs-access" "debugd-logs"
# The root user must be in the wpa group for wpa_cli.
add_users_to_group wpa root
# Restrict tcsd access to root and chaps.
add_users_to_group tss root chaps
# Add mtp user to usb group for USB device access.
add_users_to_group usb mtp
# Create a group for device access via permission_broker
copy_or_add_group "devbroker-access" 403
add_users_to_group devbroker-access "${system_user}"
# Give the power manager access to I2C devices so it can adjust external
# displays' brightness via DDC.
copy_or_add_group i2c 404
add_users_to_group i2c power
# Give the power manager access to /dev/tty* so it can disable VT switching
# before suspending the system.
add_users_to_group tty power
# The power manager needs to read from /dev/input/event* to observe power
# button and lid events.
add_users_to_group input power
# Some default directories. These are created here rather than at
# install because some of them may already exist and have mounts.
for x in /dev /home /media \
/mnt/stateful_partition /proc /root /sys /var/lock; do
[ -d "${ROOT}/$x" ] && continue
install -d --mode=0755 --owner=root --group=root "${ROOT}/$x"
# On embedded systems, we don't have bash. So use /bin/sh.
if use cros_embedded; then
sed -i \
-e '/:\/bin\/bash$/s:bash$:sh:' \
"${ROOT}"/etc/passwd || die