blob: a0254fc8b223d0d6e254e92730fd345f67dc8904 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2.
# Original Author: The Chromium OS Authors <>
# Purpose: Library for supporting the Go programming language in Chromium OS.
# Path to the Go workspace, default is ${S}
# Go executable binaries to build and install
# Package paths are relative to ${CROS_GO_WORKSPACE}/src
# Each path must contain a package "main". The last component
# of the package path will become the name of the executable.
# The executable name can be overridden by appending a colon
# to the package path, followed by an alternate name.
# The install path for an executable can be overridden by
# appending a colon to the package path, followed by the
# desired install path/name for it.
# For example:
# ""
# ""
# ""
# )
# will build and install "godoc", "goguru", and "gostringer" binaries.
# Version string to embed in the executable binary.
# The variable main.Version is set to this value at build time.
# For example:
# will set main.Version string variable to package version and
# revision (if any) of the ebuild.
# Go packages to install in /usr/lib/gopath
# Package paths are relative to ${CROS_GO_WORKSPACE}/src
# Packages are installed in /usr/lib/gopath such that they
# can be imported later from Go code using the exact paths
# listed here. For example:
# ""
# )
# will install package files
# from "${CROS_GO_WORKSPACE}/src/"
# to "/usr/lib/gopath/src/"
# and other Go projects can use the package with
# import ""
# If the last component of a package path is "...", it is
# expanded to include all Go packages under the directory.
# Go packages to test
# Package paths are relative to ${CROS_GO_WORKSPACE}/src
# Package tests are always built and run locally on host.
# Default is to test all packages in ${CROS_GO_WORKSPACE}.
: ${CROS_GO_TEST:=./...}
inherit toolchain-funcs
cros_go() {
local workspace="${CROS_GO_WORKSPACE:-${S}}"
GOPATH="${workspace}:${SYSROOT}/usr/lib/gopath" \
$(tc-getGO) "$@" || die
go_list() {
local workspace="${CROS_GO_WORKSPACE:-${S}}"
GOPATH="${workspace}" \
$(tc-getGO) list "$@" || die
go_test() {
local workspace="${CROS_GO_WORKSPACE:-${S}}"
GOPATH="${workspace}:${SYSROOT}/usr/lib/gopath" \
$(tc-getBUILD_GO) test "$@" || die
cros-go_src_compile() {
local bin
for bin in "${CROS_GO_BINARIES[@]}" ; do
einfo "Building \"${bin}\""
local path="${bin#*:}"
local name="${path##*/}"
cros_go build -v \
${CROS_GO_VERSION:+"-ldflags=-X main.Version=${CROS_GO_VERSION}"} \
-o "${name}" \
cros-go_src_test() {
local pkglist=( $(go_list "${CROS_GO_TEST[@]}") )
go_test "${pkglist[@]}"
cros-go_src_install() {
local workspace="${CROS_GO_WORKSPACE:-${S}}"
# Install the compiled binaries.
local bin
for bin in "${CROS_GO_BINARIES[@]}" ; do
einfo "Installing \"${bin}\""
local path="${bin#*:}"
local name="${path##*/}"
if [[ "${bin}" == *:*/* ]] ; then
# Run in sub-shell so we do not modify env.
exeinto "${path}"
doexe "${name}"
# Install the importable packages in /usr/lib/gopath.
local pkglist=()
if [[ ${#CROS_GO_PACKAGES[@]} != 0 ]] ; then
pkglist=( $(go_list "${CROS_GO_PACKAGES[@]}") )
local pkg
for pkg in "${pkglist[@]}" ; do
einfo "Installing \"${pkg}\""
local pkgdir="${workspace}/src/${pkg}"
# Run in sub-shell so we do not modify env.
insinto "/usr/lib/gopath/src/${pkg}"
local file
while read -d $'\0' -r file ; do
doins "${file}"
done < <(find "${pkgdir}" -maxdepth 1 ! -type d -print0)
# TODO(, Disable as workaround for bug.
# # Check for missing dependencies of installed packages.
# local CROS_GO_WORKSPACE="${D}/usr/lib/gopath"
# for pkg in "${pkglist[@]}" ; do
# if [[ $(cros_go list -f "{{.Incomplete}}" "${pkg}") == "true" ]] ; then
# cros_go list -f "{{.DepsErrors}}" "${pkg}"
# die "Package has missing dependency: \"${pkg}\""
# fi
# done
EXPORT_FUNCTIONS src_compile src_test src_install