blob: cb54af0ce324ecd2de4068e215cf02566ad9cf2c [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This helper script is sourced by init and postinstall scripts.
# cr50_get_name
# Find out which if the two available Cr50 images should be used. The only
# required command line parameter is the string, a command used to communicate
# with Cr50 (different invocations are used in case of init and postinstall).
# The output is the file name of the Cr50 image to use printed to stdout.
cr50_get_name() {
local board_flags
local cr50_image_base_name="/opt/google/cr50/firmware/cr50.bin"
local ext="prod" # Prod is a safer default option.
local logger_tag="cr50_get_name"
local updater="$1"
logger -t "${logger_tag}" "updater is ${updater}"
# Determine the type of the Cr50 image to use based on the H1's board ID
# flags. The hexadecimal value of flags is reported by 'gsctool -i' in the
# last element of a colon separated string of values.
board_flags="0x$(${updater} -i | sed 's/.*://')"
if [ -z "${board_flags}" ]; then
# Any error in detecting board flags will force using the prod image,
# which the safe option.
logger -t "${logger_tag}" "error detecting board ID flags"
local pre_pvt
# Flag bit 0x10 is the indication that this is a pre-pvt device.
pre_pvt=$(( board_flags & 0x10 ))
if [ "${pre_pvt}" = "16" ]; then
logger -t "${logger_tag}" \
"board_flags: '${board_flags}', extension: '${ext}'"
printf "${cr50_image_base_name}.${ext}"