blob: 56087c647ed3df4bb7e25afbbff98eeaf97e91ab [file] [log] [blame]
# Fixes up login defs for PAM by commenting all non-PAM options and adding a
# comment that it is not supported with PAM.
# Call with lib/getdef.c and etc/login.defs as args in the root source directory
# of shadow, ie:
# gawk -f login_defs.awk lib/getdef.c etc/login.defs >
(FILENAME == "lib/getdef.c") {
if ($2 == "USE_PAM")
start_printing = 1
else if ($1 == "#endif")
else if (start_printing == 1)
VARS[count++] = substr($1, 3, length($1) - 4)
(FILENAME != "lib/getdef.c") {
print_line = 1
for (x in VARS) {
regex = "(^|#)" VARS[x]
if ($0 ~ regex) {
print_line = 0
printf("%s%s\t(NOT SUPPORTED WITH PAM)\n",
($0 ~ /^#/) ? "" : "#", $0)
if (print_line)
print $0