blob: 23a733fea1497d8403339f7bf5ed2bcd750f0f3a [file] [log] [blame]
# An element of this array (a "solution") describes a repository directory
# that will be checked out into your working copy. Each solution may
# optionally define additional dependencies (via its DEPS file) to be
# checked out alongside the solution's directory. A solution may also
# specify custom dependencies (via the "custom_deps" property) that
# override or augment the dependencies specified by the DEPS file.
# If a "safesync_url" is specified, it is assumed to reference the location of
# a text file which contains nothing but the last known good SCM revision to
# sync against. It is fetched if specified and used unless --head is passed
solutions = [
{ "name" : "o3d",
"url" : "",
"custom_deps" : {
# To use the trunk of a component instead of what's in DEPS:
#"component": "https://svnserver/component/trunk/",
# To exclude a component from your working copy:
#"data/really_large_component": None,
# Don't need the following for npo3dautoplugin
"chrome/third_party/wtl": None,
"ipc": None,
"third_party/jsdoctoolkit": None,
"third_party/pdiff": None,
"third_party/selenium_rc": None,
"third_party/sqlite": None,
"tools/data_pack": None,
"tools/grit": None,
"safesync_url": ""