blob: 1c155a4f1a9ae36280c04f9e4a7099836d2c5c33 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# Check for EAPI 4+
case "${EAPI:-0}" in
4|5|6) ;;
*) die "unsupported EAPI (${EAPI}) in eclass (${ECLASS})" ;;
# This is the filename of the master configuration for use with doins.
# This is the installation directory of the device-tree source files.
# We require that CROS_BOARD be defined to avoid using ALL_BOARDS here.
[[ "${#CROS_BOARDS[@]}" -eq 1 ]] || die "uniboard eclass requires CROS_BOARDS"
# We don't need need functions if there is no board.
if [[ "${CROS_BOARDS}" != "none" ]]; then
inherit cros-board
# @FUNCTION: install_model_file
# Installs the .dtsi file for the current board. This is called from the
# chromeos-config-<board> public ebuild. It is named "<board>-model.dtsi".
install_model_file() {
[[ $# -eq 0 ]] || die "${FUNCNAME}: takes no arguments"
local board="$(get_current_board_no_variant)"
local dest="${board}-model.dtsi"
einfo "Installing ${dest} to ${UNIBOARD_DTS_DIR}"
# Avoid polluting callers with our insinto.
insinto "${UNIBOARD_DTS_DIR}"
newins ${FILESDIR}/model.dtsi "${dest}"
# @FUNCTION: install_private_model_file
# Installs the .dtsi file for the current board. This is intended to be called
# from the chromeos-config-<board> private ebuild. The file is named
# "<board>-model.dtsi".
install_private_model_file() {
[[ $# -eq 0 ]] || die "${FUNCNAME}: takes no arguments"
local board="$(get_current_board_no_variant)"
local dest="${board}-private-model.dtsi"
einfo "Installing ${dest} to ${UNIBOARD_DTS_DIR}"
# Avoid polluting callers with our insinto.
insinto "${UNIBOARD_DTS_DIR}"
newins ${FILESDIR}/model.dtsi "${dest}"
# @FUNCTION: get_model_conf_value
# @USAGE: <model> <path> <prop>
# Obtain a configuration value for a given model.
# @RETURN: value of the property, or empty if not found, in which
# case the return code indicates failure.
# model name of model to lookup.
# path path to config string, e.g. "/".
# @prop name of property to read (e.g. "wallpaper").
get_model_conf_value() {
[[ $# -eq 3 ]] || die "${FUNCNAME}: takes 3 arguments"
local model="$1"
local path="$2"
local prop="$3"
"/chromeos/models/${model}${path}" "${prop}" 2>/dev/null
# @FUNCTION: get_model_conf_value_noroot
# @USAGE: <model> <path> <prop>
# Obtain a configuration value for a given model. This works without needing
# access to the root directory, so it is suitable for getting information for
# use # in SRC_URI, for example.
# It requires a symlink in the calling ebuild from ${FILESDIR}/model.dtsi to
# the board's configuration file. It also requires a subslot dependency.
# @RETURN: value of the property, or empty if not found, in which
# case the return code indicates failure.
# model name of model to lookup.
# path path to config string, e.g. "/".
# @prop name of property to read (e.g. "wallpaper").
get_model_conf_value_noroot() {
[[ $# -eq 3 ]] || die "${FUNCNAME}: takes 3 arguments"
# This function is called before FILESDIR is set so figure it out from
# the ebuild filename.
local filesdir="$(dirname "${EBUILD}")/files"
local model="$1"
local path="$2"
local prop="$3"
# We are not allowed to access the ROOT directory here, so compile the
# model fragment on the fly and pull out the value we want.
echo "/dts-v1/; / { chromeos { models: models { }; }; };" |
cat - "${filesdir}/model.dtsi" |
dtc -O dtb |
fdtget - "/chromeos/models/${model}${path}" "${prop}" \