blob: 3a37595ed8ce0f587b62b9356056f94e36665a07 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
USE="-alsa -bluetooth -cellular chromeless_tty cros_embedded -encrypted_stateful"
USE="${USE} -fonts -mist mtd -pam -profile -readahead -scanner -vaapi -vpn -X"
USE="${USE} -compupdates"
USE="${USE} -ime"
# Printing is not yet evaluated for embedded.
USE="${USE} -cups"
# Disable certain power management settings like device autosuspend or
# WiFi powersave mode.
USE="${USE} -powerknobs"
# Disable containers for embedded use cases.
USE="${USE} -containers"
# By default, don't run memd as it may have excessive impact on CPU usage.
USE="${USE} -memd"
# Enable the metrics uploader by default. Even if metrics aren't actually
# uploaded (e.g., consent required), this is critical for periodically clearing
# out any locally-collected metrics, in the absence of Chrome.
USE="${USE} metrics_uploader"
# Disable ML Service until/unless features on embedded devices need it.
USE="${USE} -ml_service"
# Disable usbguard and usb_bouncer on embedded CrOS because they currently only
# protect the lockscreen.
USE="${USE} -usb_bouncer -usbguard"
# Disable auth frameworks.
USE="${USE} -kerberos -kerberos_daemon -system_proxy"
# Disable filesystem extensions.
USE="${USE} -drivefs -samba -smbprovider"
# Disable the diagnostics and telemetry daemon. Features not evaluated on
# embedded devices.
USE="${USE} -diagnostics"
# Disable Perfetto daemons on embedded devices.
USE="${USE} -perfetto"
# No support for zero-copy camera stack in Chrome.
USE="${USE} -video_capture_use_gpu_memory_buffer"
# Don't run Camera v3 stack.
USE="${USE} -arc-camera3"
# Make each board select the firmware it needs.