blob: a5de50463581e27c85323b889693b33c219990ed [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package lab;
option go_package = "";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
import "google/protobuf/field_mask.proto";
import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
import "chromiumos/test/api/dut_attribute.proto";
import "chromiumos/storage_path.proto";
import "chromiumos/longrunning/operations.proto";
import "chromiumos/config/api/mfg_config_id.proto";
import "lab/managed_dut.proto";
// Dut manager is a service the controls access to Dut's that are
service DutManagerService {
// Give the DutManager control over a Dut.
rpc CreateManagedDut(CreateManagedDutRequest) returns (chromiumos.longrunning.Operation) {
option (chromiumos.longrunning.operation_info) = {
response_type: "CreateManagedDutResponse",
metadata_type: "CreateMManagedDutMetadata"
rpc DeleteManagedDut(DeleteManagedDutRequest) returns (DeleteManagedDutResponse);
// List all the Dut's and their current state.
// this is a MVP - future versions will allow filter params to be
// passed in so you can list all the failed Dut's etc/
// The state history will not be populated in List requests.
rpc ListManagedDuts(ListManagedDutsRequest) returns (ListManagedDutsResponse);
// Get details including state history for a given Dut.
rpc GetManagedDut(GetManagedDutRequest) returns (GetManagedDutResponse);
rpc UpdateManagedDut(UpdateManagedDutRequest) returns (UpdateManagedDutResponse);
// Tests request temporary ownership of a Dut to run test on.
// test metadata specifies what type of hardware/software is required.
// Leases should be given a timeout, ideally the request would indicate the
// length of lease required and that lease time would be used.
rpc LeaseManagedDut(LeaseManagedDutRequest) returns (chromiumos.longrunning.Operation) {
option (chromiumos.longrunning.operation_info) = {
response_type: "LeaseManagedDutResponse",
metadata_type: "LeaseManagedDutMetadata"
// When a test is done with a Dut it should return the lease.
rpc ReturnManagedDutLease(ReturnManagedDutLeaseRequest) returns (ReturnManagedDutLeaseResponse);
// If a test needs to extend the time it owns the Dut is should renew
// the lease.
rpc ExtendManagedDutLease(ExtendManagedDutLeaseRequest) returns (ExtendManagedDutLeaseResponse);
// Provision a Dut, used in the Moblab "flashstation" user journey.
rpc ProvisionManagedDut(ProvisionManagedDutRequest) returns (ProvisionManagedDutResponse);
// Request that a Dut be verified, if the verify fails it should be
// put into repairs. The call returns when the verification has started
// not when complete/repaired.
// Use case is when a Dut has been manually repaired this is how a user
// can request that the Dut be checked and returned to READY state.
rpc VerifyManagedDut(VerifyManagedDutRequest) returns (VerifyManagedDutResponse);
message CreateManagedDutRequest {
NetworkIdentifier name = 1 ;
string display_name = 2;
message CreateManagedDutResponse{
message CreateMManagedDutMetadata{
message CreateManagedDutMetadata{
message DeleteManagedDutRequest {
NetworkIdentifier name = 1 ;
message DeleteManagedDutResponse {
message ListManagedDutsRequest {
repeated ManagedDut duts = 1;
message ListManagedDutsResponse {
repeated ManagedDut duts = 1;
message GetManagedDutRequest {
NetworkIdentifier name = 1 ;
message GetManagedDutResponse {
ManagedDut dut = 1;
message UpdateManagedDutRequest {
ManagedDut dut = 1 ;
google.protobuf.FieldMask update_mask = 2;
message UpdateManagedDutResponse {
message LeaseManagedDutRequest {
chromiumos.test.api.DutAttribute model = 1;
string lease_owner = 2 ; // The task id / test id of the lease holder
chromiumos.StoragePath software_path = 3 ; // provision_service.proto
int32 lease_length_secs = 4 ; // requested time in second
chromiumos.test.api.DutAttributeList tag = 5;
chromiumos.test.api.DutAttributeList pool = 6;
chromiumos.test.api.DutAttributeList peripheral = 7;
chromiumos.config.api.MfgConfigId mfg_config_id = 8;
int32 min_duts = 9; // Minimum number of Duts requested, for multi dut
int32 max_duts = 10; // Maximum number of Duts requested, for multi dut
int32 number_associated_duts = 11; // Get a lease on a Dut that is associated with another DUT and not generally available for lease.
message LeaseManagedDutResponse {
repeated NetworkIdentifier name = 1;
google.protobuf.Timestamp expiry_time_secs = 2;
message ReturnManagedDutLeaseRequest {
NetworkIdentifier name = 1;
bool force = 2; // someone other than the leaseholder is expiring the lease.
string force_reason = 3; // why a forced lease return not by the owner was necessary.
message ReturnManagedDutLeaseResponse {
message ExtendManagedDutLeaseRequest {
NetworkIdentifier name = 1;
int32 lease_length_secs = 3;
message ExtendManagedDutLeaseResponse {
google.protobuf.Timestamp expiry_time_secs = 2;
message VerifyManagedDutRequest {
NetworkIdentifier name = 1;
message VerifyManagedDutResponse {
message ProvisionManagedDutRequest {
NetworkIdentifier name = 1;
chromiumos.StoragePath build_path = 2;
message ProvisionManagedDutResponse {