blob: 6582f03778f96909fc613a15c1513a9877d5269f [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto3";
package chromiumos;
option go_package = "";
option java_package = "";
// AggregateGreenness is the expression of greenness of source and infra
// at a given point in time.
message AggregateGreenness {
// Greenness specific to a target.
message Greenness {
// The name of the target.
string target = 1;
// Indication of greenness for the target in this run.
int64 metric = 2;
// Specifies context for greenness score if needed.
enum Context {
// The target was not relevant.
Context context = 3;
// Aggregate indication of greenness for all targets in this run.
int64 aggregate_metric = 1;
// List of greenness to target granularity.
repeated Greenness target_greenness = 2;