blob: 8c2d5ba1f4fe37d0c16367c4b7acf67625176280 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package chromiumos;
option go_package = "";
option java_package = "";
// Defines a type of bot associated with a bot group.
message BotType {
// The string bot "shirt size" to be requested for the group.
string bot_size = 1;
// The number of cores per bot. Will be used to limit quota usage.
float cores_per_bot = 2;
// Estimated hourly cost.
float hourly_cost = 3;
// Amount of memory in GB allocated to bot.
float memory_gb = 4;
// Defines Swarming dimensions associated with a bot group.
message SwarmingDimension {
// Dimesion name
string name = 1;
// Dimension value
string value = 2;
// Dimension multiple values
repeated string values = 3;
// Bot Policy to apply to a bot group.
message BotPolicy {
// Bot group controlled by this policy, like, 'cq', 'postsubmit',...
string bot_group = 1;
// The type of bot to be requested.
BotType bot_type = 2;
// Scaling restriction specifies the limits on how the group can be
// expanded or reduced.
message ScalingRestriction {
// Hard limit on the maximum number of bots to request.
int32 bot_ceiling = 1;
// Hard limit on the minimum number of bots to request.
int32 bot_floor = 2;
// Soft limit on the number of idle bots to maintain.
int32 min_idle = 3;
// Hard minimum limit on the absolute delta between request amount and
// existing bot count.
int32 step_size = 4;
// Static number to request when demand is not accessible.
int32 bot_fallback = 5;
ScalingRestriction scaling_restriction = 3;
// A set of restrictions on the regions and how to distribute bots
// between them.
message RegionRestriction {
// Region of the bot sub-group.
string region = 1;
// Specific prefix of the bot sub-group.
string prefix = 2;
// Weight to be applied to this sub-group. The number of bots requested
// from each region will be proportional to the weight unless a
// quota limit is violated.
float weight = 3;
repeated RegionRestriction region_restrictions = 4;
// A set of dimensions used to validate current Swarming allocations.
repeated SwarmingDimension swarming_dimensions = 5;
// Specifies mode for a bot policy
enum Mode {
// Collect stats only for a bot group.
// Generate configuration updates for bot group.
// Set whether a bot group should be configured or only monitored.
Mode policy_mode = 6;
// Number of hours to lookback for Swarming stats.
sint32 lookback_hours = 7;
// Specifies mode for a bot scaling
enum BotScalingMode {
// Scale up or down bots by the step size associated with bot group..
// Scale up or down bots by the demand on the bot group.
// For use on smaller bot groups that are susceptible to smaller increases.
// Scale down bots by the step size associated with bot group.
// Scale up bots by the demand on the bot group.
// Set the scaling approach for the bot group being monitored.
BotScalingMode scaling_mode = 8;
// Swarming instance name:
string swarming_instance = 9;
// Application namespace within Swarming instance.
string application = 10;
// Configures the root message.
message BotPolicyCfg {
// All bot policies.
repeated BotPolicy bot_policies = 1;
// Reduced version of BotPolicy meant for output properties
message ReducedBotPolicy {
// Bot group controlled by this policy, like, 'cq', 'postsubmit',...
string bot_group = 1;
// The type of bot to be requested.
BotType bot_type = 2;
// Set whether a bot group should be configured or only monitored.
BotPolicy.Mode policy_mode = 3;
// Configures the root message.
message ReducedBotPolicyCfg {
// All bot policies in reduced form.
repeated ReducedBotPolicy bot_policies = 1;
// Scaling Action that resulted because of bot demand.
message ScalingAction {
// Bot group modified by the action. Should be the same as BotPolicy.
string bot_group = 1;
// The type of bot requested. Should be the same as BotPolicy.
BotType bot_type = 2;
// Specifies if there has been a change since the last iteration.
enum Actionable {
// There is a change since last time.
YES = 1;
// There is no change since last time.
NO = 2;
// Whether there has been a change in the number of bots requested
// for this bot group. See step_size for more info.
Actionable actionable = 3;
// Total number of bots requested for the group.
int32 bots_requested = 4;
// How the bot requests are distributed between regions & prefixes.
message RegionalAction {
// Region of the bot sub-group.
string region = 1;
// Specific prefix of the bot sub-group.
string prefix = 2;
// Number of bots requested from the sub-group.
int32 bots_requested = 3;
repeated RegionalAction regional_actions = 5;
// Estimated savings based on current run.
// Based on current number of bots compared against the max.
float estimated_savings = 6;
// Minimum number of bots to keep alive for bot group.
// Repeated for display/reporting purposes
int32 bot_min = 7;
// Hard limit on the maximum number of bots that can be requested.
// Repeated for display/reporting purposes
int32 bot_max = 8;
// Application namespace within Swarming instance.
string application = 9;
// Resource utilization based on regional assignment.
message ResourceUtilization {
// Region of the bot sub-group.
string region = 1;
// Number of VMs allocated across all bot groups.
int32 vms = 2;
// Number of CPUs allocated across all bot groups.
float cpus = 3;
// Amount of memory in GB allocated across all bot groups.
float memory_gb = 4;
// Amount of disk in GB allocated across all bot groups.
float disk_gb = 5;
// NUmber of CPUs that could be allocated based on max values.
float max_cpus = 6;
// Application utilization, per application at a
// regional assignment.
message ApplicationUtilization {
// Application namespace to associate resources.
string application = 1;
repeated ResourceUtilization resource_utilization = 2;
// All the actions that will be executed by RoboCrop.
message RoboCropAction {
// List of an action per bot group scaled by RoboCrop.
repeated ScalingAction scaling_actions = 1;
repeated ResourceUtilization resource_utilization = 2;
repeated ApplicationUtilization appl_resource_utilization = 3;