blob: 47395a6e1f39a0912a7f7d6fc8c64ec87fd85c6b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package test_platform.steps;
import "test_platform/common/task.proto";
import "test_platform/config/config.proto";
import "test_platform/request.proto";
import "test_platform/steps/enumeration.proto";
import "test_platform/steps/execute/build.proto";
import "test_platform/taskstate.proto";
option go_package = "";
message ExecuteRequests {
// Each ExecuteRequest is handled independently.
repeated ExecuteRequest requests = 1;
map<string, ExecuteRequest> tagged_requests = 2;
// Build contains relevant information about the current test platform
// buildbucket build.
test_platform.steps.execute.Build build = 3;
message ExecuteResponses {
// Each ExecuteResponse corresponds to a single ExecuteRequest handled
// independently.
repeated ExecuteResponse responses = 1;
map<string, ExecuteResponse> tagged_responses = 2;
// ExecuteRequest defines the input of the Execute step.
message ExecuteRequest {
// RequestParams are the request-wide parameters for the
// cros_test_platform request. This includes all the request-wide information
// needed in order to execute tests (e.g. labels, retry parameters,
// scheduling parameters).
test_platform.Request.Params request_params = 1;
EnumerationResponse enumeration = 2;
test_platform.config.Config config = 3;
// ExecuteResponse defines the output of the Execute step.
message ExecuteResponse {
message TaskResult {
// URL at which a human can view the task's run state (e.g. link to
// swarming or cautotest job view).
string task_url = 2;
TaskState state = 3;
string name = 4;
// URL at which a human can view the task's logs (e.g. a link to
// stainless gs viewer for this task).
string log_url = 5;
// The attempt number, starting at 0.
// Within an execution, the tuple (name, attempt) will be unique.
int32 attempt = 6;
message TestCaseResult {
// Test case name which is generally independent from task name.
// E.g. a task named "tast.critical-system" may have a test case
// named "".
// For tasks with a single test case it will generally be the same
// as the task name, e.g. "logging_UserCrash".
string name = 1;
// Verdict describes whether the test case passed, failed, or had
// some other indefinite verdict.
TaskState.Verdict verdict = 2;
// A one line human readable description of what happened during
// test case execution (e.g. error/warning message). Not intended
// to be machine parseable. There's no guarantee that a given root
// cause will always resolve to the same summary.
string human_readable_summary = 3;
// The results of individual test cases that were executed as part of
// the task.
repeated TestCaseResult test_cases = 7;
// The results of steps run prior to running the actual tests
// (e.g. provision).
repeated TestCaseResult prejob_steps = 8;
// Logdata is the location at which the task's full output will
// eventually be available. Not intended for human's to view; use
// log_url instead.
test_platform.common.TaskLogData log_data = 9;
// Any rejected task dimensions from the task execution request,
// stored as key-value pairs. This field is only populated if the
// task was rejected by Swarming due to a lack of matching bot.
// DEPRECATED: use rejected_dimensions instead, as it allows multiple
// values for the same key. This will be deleted soon.
// TODO(
map<string, string> rejected_task_dimensions = 11 [ deprecated = true ];
message RejectedTaskDimension {
string key = 1;
string value = 2;
// Any rejected task dimensions from the task execution request,
// stored as key-value pairs. This field is only populated if the
// task was rejected by Swarming due to a lack of matching bot.
repeated RejectedTaskDimension rejected_dimensions = 12;
reserved 10;
reserved "synchronous_log_data_url";
// Use consolidated_results instead.
repeated TaskResult task_results = 1 [ deprecated = true ];
message ConsolidatedResult {
// result for each attempt of the corresponding enumeration.
repeated TaskResult attempts = 1;
repeated ConsolidatedResult consolidated_results = 3;
// State encodes the state of the overall execution, including the ultimate
// verdict (taking into account any sub-task verdicts).
TaskState state = 2;