blob: 3a467dbc7b841881cebf6971b739d811c209895e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package test_platform.steps;
import "chromite/api/test_metadata.proto";
import "test_platform/request.proto";
option go_package = "";
message EnumerationRequests {
// Each EnumerationRequest is handled independently.
repeated EnumerationRequest requests = 1;
map<string, EnumerationRequest> tagged_requests = 2;
message EnumerationResponses {
// Each EnumerationResponse corresponds to a single EnumerationRequest
// handled independently.
repeated EnumerationResponse responses = 1;
map<string, EnumerationResponse> tagged_responses = 2;
// EnumerationRequest defines the input of the test enumeration step.
message EnumerationRequest {
test_platform.Request.Params.Metadata metadata = 1;
test_platform.Request.TestPlan test_plan = 4;
// EnumerationResponse defines the output of the test enumeration step.
// This is copied in test_platform.Request.Enumeration
// Keep in sync.
message EnumerationResponse {
message AutotestInvocation {
chromite.api.AutotestTest test = 1;
// Passthrough arguments from test_platform.Request_Test
string test_args = 2;
string display_name = 3;
// result_keyvals are autotest keyvals that should be included in the
// results corresponding to this invocation.
// These keyvals are overridden by Request.Decorations.autotest_keyvals.
map<string, string> result_keyvals = 4;
repeated AutotestInvocation autotest_invocations = 2;
// If set, a summary of the errors encountered during enumeration.
// If set, the corresponding request's final verdict must reflect failure.
// autotest_invocations may be non-empty even when error_summary is set.
// In that case all included autotest_invocations must be executed, despite
// the error_summary.
string error_summary = 3;