blob: 50e4c10c32db128417b8d9243bf2252da3eaf05b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package test_platform.phosphorus;
option go_package = "";
// BotEnvironment defines bot-specific parameters used by phosphorus.
message BotEnvironment {
// Absolute path to the autotest directory for the bot, e.g.
// "/usr/local/autotest".
string autotest_dir = 1;
// TaskEnvironment defines task-specific parameters used by phosphorus.
message TaskEnvironment {
// Absolute path to the results directory for a given run. Include results of
// both tests and non-test tasks like provision
string results_dir = 2;
// Absolute path to the results directory for a given run's tests.
// MUST be equal to ${results_dir}/autoserv_test if present. This restriction
// may be lifted in the future.
string test_results_dir = 3;
// The name of the base lxc image used for Server Side Packaging (SSP).
// autoserv fetches the base image from a hard-coded path on Google
// Storage: gs://abci-ssp/autotest-containers/{name}.tar.xz
// See go/ctp-ssp for an overview of SSP.
string ssp_base_image_name = 4;
reserved 1;
reserved "synchronous_offload_dir";
// Knobs specific to the step that runs tasks to prepare the DUT for test.
message PrejobStep {
ProvisionDutExperiment provision_dut_experiment = 1;
DutTopologyExperiment dut_topology_experiment = 2;
message ProvisionDutExperiment {
// Global flag to control this experiment.
bool enabled = 1;
message CrosVersionSelector {
// Selects prejob requests by the cros-version of the OS image to install on
// the DUT.
// e.g., a value of "reef-release" would select "reef-release/R87.1282.0.0"
// etc.
repeated string prefixes = 1;
oneof cros_version_selector {
// Only use ProvisionDut TLS API for the selected requests.
CrosVersionSelector cros_version_allow_list = 2;
// Use ProvisionDut TLS API for all requests *except* the ones selected.
CrosVersionSelector cros_version_disallow_list = 3;
message DutTopologyExperiment {
// Global flag to control this experiment.
bool enabled = 1;
// Test name allowlist to turn on this experiment on a per-test basis.
repeated string test_allowlist = 2;
// Suite name allowlist to turn on this experiment on a per-suite basis.
repeated string suite_allowlist = 3;
// Knobs specific to the step that uploads log-data to Google Storage.
message LogDataUploadStep {
// Controls the maximum number of files that may be uploaded concurrently.
// If unset, a hard-coded constant is used to limit concurrency (i.e., there
// is no way to request unlimited concurrent uploads).
int32 max_concurrent_uploads = 1;
message FetchCrashesStep {
// URL of the crash server where crashes can be uploaded.
// e.g.:
string crash_server_report_url = 1;
// URL of the crash server where pre-uploaded crashes can be viewed.
// e.g.:
string crash_server_view_url = 2;
// Config defines configuration parameters common to phosphorus subcommands.
message Config {
BotEnvironment bot = 1;
TaskEnvironment task = 2;
LogDataUploadStep log_data_upload_step = 3;
FetchCrashesStep fetch_crashes_step = 4;
PrejobStep prejob_step = 5;