blob: b06b374c39f691f8a280e70b0ddd7f5dd09d2f5e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package config;
option go_package = "";
import "google/protobuf/field_mask.proto";
// Describes different file types that can be replicated.
enum FileType {
// A JSON file. For protos encoded as JSON, FILE_TYPE_JSONPB should be used.
// A proto encoded as a JSON file.
// A file not described by the other types.
enum ReplicationType {
// Copy the entire file.
// Copy part of the file. When this type is used, a filtering mechanism must
// be specified, e.g. a FieldMask. Not valid for some FileTypes, e.g.
// Describes how to replace a text with another text.
message StringReplacementRule {
// The text before the transformation.
string before = 1;
// The text after the transformation.
string after = 2;
// Describes how a single file should be replicated.
message FileReplicationRule {
// Path to the original file. Should be relative to the source root,
// e.g.
// "src/private-overlays/overlay-coral-private/chromeos-base/chromeos-config-bsp-coral-private/files/build_config.json"
string source_path = 1;
// Path to output the file. Should be relative to the source root,
// e.g.
// "src/overlays/overlay-coral/chromeos-base/chromeos-config-bsp-coral/files/build_config.json"
string destination_path = 2;
// The type of file being replicated.
FileType file_type = 3;
// The type of replication being done.
ReplicationType replication_type = 4;
// Fields to replicate to destination config payloads. Only relevant for
// REPLICATION_TYPE_FILTER. If set on other replication types a
// reader of this rule may choose to ignore this field or throw an error.
// # Behavior Specific to ChromeOS Config Payloads
// The mask applies to each device config in the config payload, NOT to the
// top-level payload; i.e. to copy the "audio" field to the destination,
// the mask should be "audio", not "". This is
// analogous to standard FieldMask behavior on a REST list operation, where
// the mask applies to each individual message. Sub-fields are still
// fully-qualified, as per standard FieldMasks, e.g.
// ""
google.protobuf.FieldMask destination_fields = 5;
// String replacements to be done on the destination file. Replacements are
// done in the order they appear in this list.
// Note that replacements are done after filtering. For example, say a
// replacement rule changes the name of a field, "field1" -> "field2"; if
// destination_fields specifies "field2", the renamed fields will not be
// copied.
repeated StringReplacementRule string_replacement_rules = 6;
// Describes how files should be replicated, e.g. from private to public.
message ReplicationConfig {
// Files to be replicated.
repeated FileReplicationRule file_replication_rules = 1;