blob: c4f120d39a6bcbfcb054597b3d2ad8b93cca2880 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package chromiumos;
option go_package = "";
option java_package = "";
// Defines a configuration for disabling a test or set of tests.
message TestDisablement {
// Optional human friendly name
string name = 1;
message FilterCriterion {
string key = 1;
repeated string values = 2;
bool negated = 3;
// Filter criteria related to the DUT on which the test will be run
// (e.g. model, wifi_chip).
repeated FilterCriterion dut_criteria = 2;
// Filter criteria related to the tests to run (e.g. test ID, suite).
repeated FilterCriterion test_criteria = 3;
// Filter criteria related to the context of this test execution
// (e.g. stage=CQ/postsubmit/release).
repeated FilterCriterion context_criteria = 4;
// This enum encapsulates both the question "should we run this test?"
// and the question "if this test fails, what should we do?" into a
// single enum value, along with potentially other information (e.g.
// WONT_FIX and SKIP_TEMPORARY both result in not executing the test,
// but communicate different future intent about whether we'll fix it
// eventually). FailureResponse encapsulates the concept of what to do
// in response to a failure, and whether to execute can be captured as
// a boolean.
enum TestBehavior {
// Used to inform exoneration system.
// Not used in test disablement (this is an intrinsic property of the
// test and will be configured in the source tree near the test, not a
// transient one covered by disablement), but it's included here
// because we expect to reuse the enumeration.
// The behavior the test runner should use for all tests matching
// test_criteria when executed on DUTs matching dut_criteria in a
// context matching context_criteria.
TestBehavior behavior = 5;
// The bug or bugs that need to be fixed before this disablement can be
// removed. e.g. "b/1234567"
repeated string bug_ids = 6;
// Defines a configuration proto that encapsulates the individual
// disablements.
message TestDisablementCfg { repeated TestDisablement disablements = 1; }
// Defines a config proto that captures the suites and tests to be
// excluded from exoneration/disablement.
message ExcludeCfg {
// Define exclude test config.
message ExcludeTest { string name = 1; }
// Define exclude suite config.
message ExcludeSuite { string name = 1; }
repeated ExcludeTest exclude_tests = 1;
repeated ExcludeSuite exclude_suites = 2;