blob: 37b1ce0af107009562cf601881f3bf05ec6533d7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package chromiumos;
option go_package = "";
option java_package = "";
import "chromiumos/build_report.proto";
import "chromiumos/common.proto";
message SigningConfig {
// Display / logical name of this signing config, if any.
string display_name = 1;
// Keyset to sign with. Corresponds to TODO in CloudKMS, see go/TODO for
// more information.
// If set, overrides the keyset set at the BuildTargetSigningConfig level.
string keyset = 2;
// The channel to sign for.
// Not intended for specification in config files -- this field is populated
// at run time.
chromiumos.Channel channel = 10;
reserved 11;
// Image type that this signing config applies to.
chromiumos.ImageType image_type = 3;
// Miscellaneous signing parameters.
// TODO(b/298026507): Figure out what these do and whether we need to keep
// them.
bool recovery_zip = 4;
bool ensure_no_password = 5;
bool firmware_update = 6;
// See go/cros-signer-docs for more information on `input_files` and
// `output_names` and the templating they must support.
// Specific files to sign within the given archive.
// If not set, defaults will be used.
// Legacy defaults:
repeated string input_files = 7;
// Templates for naming the output files for files specified in `input_files`.
// See go/cros-signer-docs for a description of templating.
// Must either be the same length as `input_files`, length 1 (assuming
// a templating directive like @BASENAME@ is used to properly disambiguate
// outputs), or length 0 (in which case a default template will be used,
// which has no guarantee wrt disambiguation/clobbering).
// Legacy behavior:
repeated string output_names = 8;
// Path of the archive to sign.
// Not intended for specification in config files -- this field is populated
// at run time.
string archive_path = 9;
message BuildTargetSigningConfig {
// Signing config(s) for a specific build target.
string build_target = 1;
// Keyset to sign with. Corresponds to TODO in CloudKMS, see go/TODO for
// more information.
// Can be overridden at the individual artifact config level.
string keyset = 3;
// The ChromeOS version for the artifact we're signing. Used in generating
// output names. Just the platform version, e.g. "15603.0.0".
// Not intended for specification in config files -- this
// field is populated at run time.
string version = 4;
repeated SigningConfig signing_configs = 2;
message BuildTargetSigningConfigs {
repeated BuildTargetSigningConfig build_target_signing_configs = 1;
enum SigningStatus {
message SignedArtifact {
// Status of the signing operation.
SigningStatus status = 1;
// The versioned name of the signed artifact.
string signed_artifact_name = 2;
// Hashes of the signed artifact for GoldenEye.
ArtifactHashes artifact_hashes = 3;
message ArchiveArtifacts {
// The name of the unsigned archive.
string input_archive_name = 1;
// Image type of the archive.
chromiumos.ImageType image_type = 7;
// Keyset used to sign the archive artifacts.
string keyset = 2;
// Whether the keyset used to sign the artifacts is an MP keyset.
bool keyset_is_mp = 10;
// The resulting signed artifacts.
repeated SignedArtifact signed_artifacts = 3;
// Signed artifacts for a specific build target.
string build_target = 4;
// Channel the artifact was signed for.
chromiumos.Channel channel = 5;
reserved 6;
// Keyset versions.
chromiumos.KeysetVersions keyset_versions = 8;
// Status of the signing operation.
BuildReport.SignedBuildMetadata.SigningStatus signing_status = 9;
message BuildTargetSignedArtifacts {
// Signed artifacts, grouped by input_archive.
repeated ArchiveArtifacts archive_artifacts = 1;
message KeysetVersions {
// Version numbers of keysets used by signing.
int32 firmware_key_version = 1;
int32 firmware_version = 2;
int32 kernel_key_version = 3;
int32 kernel_version = 4;
message ArtifactHashes {
// Hashes sent via pubsub to GoldenEye see b/310256594.
// The md5 hash of the signed artifact.
string signed_md5 = 1;
// The sha1 hash of the signed artifact.
string signed_sha1 = 2;
// The sha256 hash of the signed artifact.
string signed_sha256 = 3;