blob: 16a51c40dd82c0d37ddcae3cd5cf464b4ae654e2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Protocol buffer definitions for operations in the binhost lookup service.
syntax = "proto3";
package chromiumos;
option go_package = "";
option java_package = "";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
// This is used by the `update_service` to update the `lookup_service` database
// with metadata related to snapshots. The `update_snapshot_data` Pub/Sub topic
// is associated with this schema definition, so messages sent to update
// snapshot data must follow this format.
// All the fields must be sent in each message.
message UpdateSnapshotDataRequest {
// Unique sha of the snapshot.
string snapshot_sha = 1;
// Snapshot number.
uint32 snapshot_num = 2;
// Boolean to denote if the snapshot is external.
bool external = 3;
// Id of the annealing build that created the snapshot.
uint64 buildbucket_id = 4;
// This is used by the `update_service` to update the `lookup_service` database.
// While this is primarily used to update binhost metadata, the build target
// profiles table is also updated to keep a record of all build targets and
// their associated profiles. The `update_binhost_data` Pub/Sub topic is
// associated with this schema definition, so messages sent to update binhost
// data must follow this format.
// All the fields must be sent in each message.
message UpdateBinhostDataRequest {
// The system Chrome OS is being built for, also known as board.
string build_target = 1;
// Name of the profile to use with the build_target.
string profile = 2;
// Sha of the snapshot associated with the binhost.
string snapshot_sha = 3;
// Location of the binhost object in google storage.
string gs_uri = 4;
// Name of the google storage bucket which contains the binhost.
string gs_bucket_name = 5;
// Id of the postsubmit builder that created and uploaded the binhost.
uint64 buildbucket_id = 6;
// Bool to indicate if this binhost contains all the binpkgs specified in the
// packages metadata file.
bool complete = 7;
// Bool to indicate if the binhost is private.
bool private = 8;
// This is used to query binhosts from the binhost lookup service. The cloud
// function defined in the `chromeos-prebuilts` project accepts incoming HTTP
// GET requests and returns locations of the binhosts, which are filtered based
// on the given filter parameters. The data sent using this protobuf message
// must be a serialized, base64 encoded and sent as query parameter with the
// name `filter`.
message LookupBinhostsRequest {
// Name of the google storage bucket (without the "gs://" prefix) which
// contains the binhosts (e.g. "chromeos-prebuilt").
string gs_bucket_name = 1;
// List of snapshot SHAs to query for binhosts.
repeated string snapshot_shas = 2;
// The build target (also know as board) of the binhosts.
string build_target = 3;
// build_target profile of the binhosts.
string profile = 4;
// Bool to indicate if the snapshot SHAs are private (internal).
bool private = 5;
// Bool to indicate if the corresponding binhosts should also be returned.
// For example, if private=True (internal snapshot SHAs), also return the
// public binhosts (for the public, external snapshot SHAs).
bool get_corresponding_binhosts = 6;
// The base architecture board for the build target (e.g. amd64-generic).
string generic_build_target = 7;
// The profile of the base architecture board.
string generic_profile = 8;
// Response sent by the cloud function defined in the `chromeos-prebuilts`
// project to lookup binhosts. This contains locations of the binhosts, which
// are filtered based on the filter parameters.
message LookupBinhostsResponse {
// Metadata related to a binhost.
message Binhost {
// ID of the binhost record in the `lookup_service` DB.
uint64 binhost_id = 1;
// Full path to the google storage location of the binhost.
string gs_uri = 2;
// Time when the binhost record was inserted into the database.
google.protobuf.Timestamp created_at = 3;
// List of `Binhost` objects.
repeated Binhost binhosts = 1;
// Data required to fetch binhosts from the binhost lookup service.
message BinhostLookupServiceData {
// Snapshot SHAs of the target binhosts.
repeated string snapshot_shas = 1;
// Bool to indicate if the snapshot SHAs are private (internal).
bool private = 2;
// Denote whether it is the staging environment.
bool is_staging = 3;