blob: 1e1d577c586529a1726f42a9f345e351ff6cf085 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package chromiumos;
option go_package = "";
option java_package = "";
import "chromiumos/checkpoint.proto";
// Define protos for the Build Conductor. See go/cros-infra:build-conductor-dd
// for details.
message RetryRule {
// If `insufficient` is true, this rule alone is insufficient cause for retry.
// However, limits (such as cutoff_percent, max_retries, etc.) will still be
// enforced.
// A common use case for this field is a "catch-all" rule we want to impose
// a global max_retries (by matching all builds) but we don't want to just
// retry everything.
bool insufficient = 10;
// These fields will be used to match failures.
// If a value is not specified, any value is accepted for that field.
// Will be converted to the Status enum, but passed as an int here to
// prevent a dependency on the luci-go repo.
// See
repeated int32 status = 1;
repeated string builder_name_re = 2;
repeated string summary_markdown_re = 3;
chromiumos.RetryStep failed_checkpoint = 4;
chromiumos.RetryStep before_checkpoint = 11;
// If more than a certain percent of builds fail, we'll stop retrying.
float cutoff_percent = 5;
// If we're more than this many seconds into this build collection, don't
// retry.
int32 cutoff_seconds = 6;
// Don't retry builds that have been running for more than build_runtime
// seconds.
int32 build_runtime_cutoff = 9;
// Maximum number of retries to do.
int32 max_retries = 7;
// Maximum number of retries to do per build.
int32 max_retries_per_build = 8;
message CollectConfig { repeated RetryRule rules = 1; }